Beispiel #1
 protected function setupORM()
     if ($this->isOrmSettedUp) {
     // Extract port from host. See wpdb::db_connect
     $port = null;
     $host = $this->wp->getDbHost();
     if (preg_match('/^(.+):(\\d+)$/', trim($host), $m)) {
         $host = $m[1];
         $port = $m[2];
     $database = new fDatabase('mysql', $this->wp->getDbName(), $this->wp->getDbUser(), $this->wp->getDbPassword(), $host, $port);
     // $database->enableDebugging(true);
     fORM::mapClassToTable('WpTesting_Model_Test', WP_DB_PREFIX . 'posts');
     fORM::mapClassToTable('WpTesting_Model_Question', WPT_DB_PREFIX . 'questions');
     fORM::mapClassToTable('WpTesting_Model_Taxonomy', WP_DB_PREFIX . 'term_taxonomy');
     fORM::mapClassToTable('WpTesting_Model_GlobalAnswer', WP_DB_PREFIX . 'terms');
     fORM::mapClassToTable('WpTesting_Model_Answer', WPT_DB_PREFIX . 'answers');
     fORM::mapClassToTable('WpTesting_Model_Scale', WP_DB_PREFIX . 'terms');
     fORM::mapClassToTable('WpTesting_Model_Score', WPT_DB_PREFIX . 'scores');
     fORM::mapClassToTable('WpTesting_Model_Passing', WPT_DB_PREFIX . 'passings');
     fORM::mapClassToTable('WpTesting_Model_Result', WP_DB_PREFIX . 'terms');
     fORM::mapClassToTable('WpTesting_Model_Formula', WPT_DB_PREFIX . 'formulas');
     fORM::mapClassToTable('WpTesting_Model_Respondent', WP_DB_PREFIX . 'users');
     fGrammar::addSingularPluralRule('Taxonomy', 'Taxonomy');
     fGrammar::addSingularPluralRule('Score', 'Score');
     fGrammar::addSingularPluralRule('Answer', 'Answer');
     $schema = fORMSchema::retrieve('name:default');
     $fkOptions = array('on_delete' => 'cascade', 'on_update' => 'cascade');
     $schema->setKeysOverride(array(array('column' => 'test_id', 'foreign_table' => WP_DB_PREFIX . 'posts', 'foreign_column' => 'ID') + $fkOptions), WPT_DB_PREFIX . 'questions', 'foreign');
     $schema->setKeysOverride(array(array('column' => 'answer_id', 'foreign_table' => WPT_DB_PREFIX . 'answers', 'foreign_column' => 'answer_id') + $fkOptions, array('column' => 'scale_id', 'foreign_table' => WP_DB_PREFIX . 'terms', 'foreign_column' => 'term_id') + $fkOptions), WPT_DB_PREFIX . 'scores', 'foreign');
     $schema->setKeysOverride(array(array('column' => 'test_id', 'foreign_table' => WP_DB_PREFIX . 'posts', 'foreign_column' => 'ID') + $fkOptions, array('column' => 'respondent_id', 'foreign_table' => WP_DB_PREFIX . 'users', 'foreign_column' => 'ID') + $fkOptions), WPT_DB_PREFIX . 'passings', 'foreign');
     $schema->setKeysOverride(array(array('column' => 'answer_id', 'foreign_table' => WPT_DB_PREFIX . 'answers', 'foreign_column' => 'answer_id') + $fkOptions, array('column' => 'passing_id', 'foreign_table' => WPT_DB_PREFIX . 'passings', 'foreign_column' => 'passing_id') + $fkOptions), WPT_DB_PREFIX . 'passing_answers', 'foreign');
     $schema->setKeysOverride(array(array('column' => 'test_id', 'foreign_table' => WP_DB_PREFIX . 'posts', 'foreign_column' => 'ID') + $fkOptions, array('column' => 'result_id', 'foreign_table' => WP_DB_PREFIX . 'terms', 'foreign_column' => 'term_id') + $fkOptions), WPT_DB_PREFIX . 'formulas', 'foreign');
     $schema->setColumnInfoOverride(null, WP_DB_PREFIX . 'term_relationships', 'term_order');
     $schema->setKeysOverride(array(array('column' => 'object_id', 'foreign_table' => WP_DB_PREFIX . 'posts', 'foreign_column' => 'ID') + $fkOptions, array('column' => 'term_taxonomy_id', 'foreign_table' => WP_DB_PREFIX . 'term_taxonomy', 'foreign_column' => 'term_taxonomy_id') + $fkOptions), WP_DB_PREFIX . 'term_relationships', 'foreign');
     $schema->setKeysOverride(array(array('column' => 'term_id', 'foreign_table' => WP_DB_PREFIX . 'terms', 'foreign_column' => 'term_id') + $fkOptions), WP_DB_PREFIX . 'term_taxonomy', 'foreign');
     $schema->setKeysOverride(array(array('column' => 'question_id', 'foreign_table' => WPT_DB_PREFIX . 'questions', 'foreign_column' => 'question_id') + $fkOptions, array('column' => 'global_answer_id', 'foreign_table' => WP_DB_PREFIX . 'terms', 'foreign_column' => 'term_id') + $fkOptions), WPT_DB_PREFIX . 'answers', 'foreign');
     $schema->setKeysOverride(array(), WPT_DB_PREFIX . 'sections', 'foreign');
     $schema->setKeysOverride(array(), WPT_DB_PREFIX . 'fields', 'foreign');
     $schema->setKeysOverride(array(), WPT_DB_PREFIX . 'field_values', 'foreign');
     $this->wp->doAction('wp_testing_orm_setup', $schema, $database);
     $this->isOrmSettedUp = true;
Beispiel #2
  * Resets the configuration of the class
  * @internal
  * @return void
 public static function reset()
     self::$cache = array('camelize' => array(0 => array(), 1 => array()), 'humanize' => array(), 'pluralize' => array(), 'singularize' => array(), 'underscorize' => array());
     self::$camelize_rules = array();
     self::$humanize_rules = array();
     self::$join_array_callback = NULL;
     self::$plural_to_singular_rules = array('([ml])ice' => '\\1ouse', '(media|info(rmation)?|news)$' => '\\1', '(q)uizzes$' => '\\1uiz', '(c)hildren$' => '\\1hild', '(p)eople$' => '\\1erson', '(m)en$' => '\\1an', '((?!sh).)oes$' => '\\1o', '((?<!o)[ieu]s|[ieuo]x)es$' => '\\1', '([cs]h)es$' => '\\1', '(ss)es$' => '\\1', '([aeo]l)ves$' => '\\1f', '([^d]ea)ves$' => '\\1f', '(ar)ves$' => '\\1f', '([nlw]i)ves$' => '\\1fe', '([aeiou]y)s$' => '\\1', '([^aeiou])ies$' => '\\1y', '(la)ses$' => '\\1s', '(.)s$' => '\\1');
     self::$singular_to_plural_rules = array('([ml])ouse$' => '\\1ice', '(media|info(rmation)?|news)$' => '\\1', '(phot|log)o$' => '\\1os', '^(q)uiz$' => '\\1uizzes', '(c)hild$' => '\\1hildren', '(p)erson$' => '\\1eople', '(m)an$' => '\\1en', '([ieu]s|[ieuo]x)$' => '\\1es', '([cs]h)$' => '\\1es', '(ss)$' => '\\1es', '([aeo]l)f$' => '\\1ves', '([^d]ea)f$' => '\\1ves', '(ar)f$' => '\\1ves', '([nlw]i)fe$' => '\\1ves', '([aeiou]y)$' => '\\1s', '([^aeiou])y$' => '\\1ies', '([^o])o$' => '\\1oes', 's$' => 'ses', '(.)$' => '\\1s');
Beispiel #3
  * Validates the URL fields, requiring that any URL fields that have a value are valid URLs
  * @param  array &$messages  The messages to display to the user
  * @return void
 private function checkURLFields(&$messages)
     foreach ($this->url_fields as $url_field) {
         $value = trim(fRequest::get($url_field));
         if (self::stringlike($value) && !preg_match('#^https?://[^ ]+$#iD', $value)) {
             $messages[] = self::compose('%sPlease enter a URL in the form', fValidationException::formatField(fGrammar::humanize($url_field)));
Beispiel #4
  * Generates a clone of the current record, removing any auto incremented primary key value and allowing for replicating related records
  * This method will accept three different sets of parameters:
  *  - No parameters: this object will be cloned
  *  - A single `TRUE` value: this object plus all many-to-many associations and all child records (recursively) will be cloned
  *  - Any number of plural related record class names: the many-to-many associations or child records that correspond to the classes specified will be cloned
  * The class names specified can be a simple class name if there is only a
  * single route between the two corresponding database tables. If there is 
  * more than one route between the two tables, the class name should be
  * substituted with a string in the format `'RelatedClass{route}'`.
  * @param  string $related_class  The plural related class to replicate - see method description for details
  * @param  string ...
  * @return fActiveRecord  The cloned record
 public function replicate($related_class = NULL)
     fORM::callHookCallbacks($this, 'pre::replicate()', $this->values, $this->old_values, $this->related_records, $this->cache, fActiveRecord::$replicate_level);
     $class = get_class($this);
     $hash = self::hash($this->values, $class);
     $schema = fORMSchema::retrieve($class);
     $table = fORM::tablize($class);
     // If the object has not been replicated yet, do it now
     if (!isset(fActiveRecord::$replicate_map[$class])) {
         fActiveRecord::$replicate_map[$class] = array();
     if (!isset(fActiveRecord::$replicate_map[$class][$hash])) {
         fActiveRecord::$replicate_map[$class][$hash] = clone $this;
         // We need the primary key to get a hash, otherwise certain recursive relationships end up losing members
         $pk_columns = $schema->getKeys($table, 'primary');
         if (sizeof($pk_columns) == 1 && $schema->getColumnInfo($table, $pk_columns[0], 'auto_increment')) {
             fActiveRecord::$replicate_map[$class][$hash]->values[$pk_columns[0]] = $this->values[$pk_columns[0]];
     $clone = fActiveRecord::$replicate_map[$class][$hash];
     $parameters = func_get_args();
     $recursive = FALSE;
     $many_to_many_relationships = $schema->getRelationships($table, 'many-to-many');
     $one_to_many_relationships = $schema->getRelationships($table, 'one-to-many');
     // When just TRUE is passed we recursively replicate all related records
     if (sizeof($parameters) == 1 && $parameters[0] === TRUE) {
         $parameters = array();
         $recursive = TRUE;
         foreach ($many_to_many_relationships as $relationship) {
             $parameters[] = fGrammar::pluralize(fORM::classize($relationship['related_table'])) . '{' . $relationship['join_table'] . '}';
         foreach ($one_to_many_relationships as $relationship) {
             $parameters[] = fGrammar::pluralize(fORM::classize($relationship['related_table'])) . '{' . $relationship['related_column'] . '}';
     $record_sets = array();
     foreach ($parameters as $parameter) {
         // Parse the Class{route} strings
         if (strpos($parameter, '{') !== FALSE) {
             $brace = strpos($parameter, '{');
             $related_class = fGrammar::singularize(substr($parameter, 0, $brace));
             $related_class = fORM::getRelatedClass($class, $related_class);
             $related_table = fORM::tablize($related_class);
             $route = substr($parameter, $brace + 1, -1);
         } else {
             $related_class = fGrammar::singularize($parameter);
             $related_class = fORM::getRelatedClass($class, $related_class);
             $related_table = fORM::tablize($related_class);
             $route = fORMSchema::getRouteName($schema, $table, $related_table);
         // Determine the kind of relationship
         $many_to_many = FALSE;
         $one_to_many = FALSE;
         foreach ($many_to_many_relationships as $relationship) {
             if ($relationship['related_table'] == $related_table && $relationship['join_table'] == $route) {
                 $many_to_many = TRUE;
         foreach ($one_to_many_relationships as $relationship) {
             if ($relationship['related_table'] == $related_table && $relationship['related_column'] == $route) {
                 $one_to_many = TRUE;
         if (!$many_to_many && !$one_to_many) {
             throw new fProgrammerException('The related class specified, %1$s, does not appear to be in a many-to-many or one-to-many relationship with %$2s', $parameter, get_class($this));
         // Get the related records
         $record_set = fORMRelated::buildRecords($class, $this->values, $this->related_records, $related_class, $route);
         // One-to-many records need to be replicated, possibly recursively
         if ($one_to_many) {
             if ($recursive) {
                 $records = $record_set->call('replicate', TRUE);
             } else {
                 $records = $record_set->call('replicate');
             $record_set = fRecordSet::buildFromArray($related_class, $records);
             $record_set->call('set' . fGrammar::camelize($route, TRUE), NULL);
         // Cause the related records to be associated with the new clone
         fORMRelated::associateRecords($class, $clone->related_records, $related_class, $record_set, $route);
     if (!fActiveRecord::$replicate_level) {
         // This removes the primary keys we had added back in for proper duplicate detection
         foreach (fActiveRecord::$replicate_map as $class => $records) {
             $table = fORM::tablize($class);
             $pk_columns = $schema->getKeys($table, 'primary');
             if (sizeof($pk_columns) != 1 || !$schema->getColumnInfo($table, $pk_columns[0], 'auto_increment')) {
             foreach ($records as $hash => $record) {
                 $record->values[$pk_columns[0]] = NULL;
         fActiveRecord::$replicate_map = array();
     fORM::callHookCallbacks($this, 'post::replicate()', $this->values, $this->old_values, $this->related_records, $this->cache, fActiveRecord::$replicate_level);
     fORM::callHookCallbacks($clone, 'cloned::replicate()', $clone->values, $clone->old_values, $clone->related_records, $clone->cache, fActiveRecord::$replicate_level);
     return $clone;
Beispiel #5
  * Uploads a file
  * @internal
  * @param  fActiveRecord $object            The fActiveRecord instance
  * @param  array         &$values           The current values
  * @param  array         &$old_values       The old values
  * @param  array         &$related_records  Any records related to this record
  * @param  array         &$cache            The cache array for the record
  * @param  string        $method_name       The method that was called
  * @param  array         $parameters        The parameters passed to the method
  * @return fFile  The uploaded file
 public static function upload($object, &$values, &$old_values, &$related_records, &$cache, $method_name, $parameters)
     $class = get_class($object);
     list($action, $subject) = fORM::parseMethod($method_name);
     $column = fGrammar::underscorize($subject);
     $existing_temp_file = FALSE;
     // Try to upload the file putting it in the temp dir incase there is a validation problem with the record
     try {
         $upload_dir = self::$file_upload_columns[$class][$column];
         $temp_dir = self::prepareTempDir($upload_dir);
         if (!fUpload::check($column)) {
             throw new fExpectedException('Please upload a file');
         $uploader = self::setUpFUpload($class, $column);
         $file = $uploader->move($temp_dir, $column);
         // If there was an eror, check to see if we have an existing file
     } catch (fExpectedException $e) {
         // If there is an existing file and none was uploaded, substitute the existing file
         $existing_file = fRequest::get('existing-' . $column);
         $delete_file = fRequest::get('delete-' . $column, 'boolean');
         $no_upload = $e->getMessage() == self::compose('Please upload a file');
         if ($existing_file && $delete_file && $no_upload) {
             $file = NULL;
         } elseif ($existing_file) {
             $file_path = $upload_dir->getPath() . $existing_file;
             $file = fFilesystem::createObject($file_path);
             $current_file = $values[$column];
             // If the existing file is the same as the current file, we can just exit now
             if ($current_file && $current_file instanceof fFile && $file->getPath() == $current_file->getPath()) {
             $existing_temp_file = TRUE;
         } else {
             $file = NULL;
     // Assign the file
     fActiveRecord::assign($values, $old_values, $column, $file);
     // Perform the file upload inheritance
     if (!empty(self::$column_inheritence[$class][$column])) {
         foreach (self::$column_inheritence[$class][$column] as $other_column) {
             if ($file) {
                 // Image columns will only inherit if it is an fImage object
                 if (!$file instanceof fImage && isset(self::$image_upload_columns[$class]) && array_key_exists($other_column, self::$image_upload_columns[$class])) {
                 $other_upload_dir = self::$file_upload_columns[$class][$other_column];
                 $other_temp_dir = self::prepareTempDir($other_upload_dir);
                 if ($existing_temp_file) {
                     $other_file = fFilesystem::createObject($other_temp_dir->getPath() . $file->getName());
                 } else {
                     $other_file = $file->duplicate($other_temp_dir, FALSE);
             } else {
                 $other_file = $file;
             fActiveRecord::assign($values, $old_values, $other_column, $other_file);
             if (!$existing_temp_file && $other_file) {
                 self::processImage($class, $other_column, $other_file);
     // Process the file
     if (!$existing_temp_file && $file) {
         self::processImage($class, $column, $file);
     return $file;
  * Prints out a piece of a template
  * @param string $template  The name of the template to print
  * @param string $piece     The piece of the template to print
  * @param array  $data      The data to replace the variables with
  * @return void
 private static function printPiece($template, $name, $data)
     if (!isset(self::$templates[$template]['pieces'][$name])) {
         throw new fProgrammerException('The template piece, %s, was not specified when defining the %s template', $name, $template);
     $piece = self::$templates[$template]['pieces'][$name];
     preg_match_all('#\\{\\{ (\\w+)((?:\\|\\w+)+)? \\}\\}#', $piece, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
     foreach ($matches as $match) {
         $variable = $match[1];
         $value = !isset($data[$variable]) ? NULL : $data[$variable];
         if (isset($match[2])) {
             $filters = array_slice(explode('|', $match[2]), 1);
             foreach ($filters as $filter) {
                 if (!in_array($filter, self::$filters)) {
                     throw new fProgrammerException('The filter specified, %1$s, is invalid. Must be one of: %2$s.', $filter, join(', ', self::$filters));
                 if (!strlen($value)) {
                 if ($filter == 'inflect') {
                     $value = fGrammar::inflectOnQuantity($data['total_records'], $value);
                 } elseif ($filter == 'lower') {
                     $value = fUTF8::lower($value);
                 } elseif ($filter == 'url_encode') {
                     $value = urlencode($value);
                 } elseif ($filter == 'humanize') {
                     $value = fGrammar::humanize($value);
         $piece = preg_replace('#' . preg_quote($match[0], '#') . '#', fHTML::encode($value), $piece, 1);
     echo $piece;
  * Creates the name for a field taking into account custom field names
  * @param string $field  The field to get the name for
  * @return string  The field name
 private function makeFieldName($field)
     if (isset($this->field_names[$field])) {
         return $this->field_names[$field];
     $suffix = '';
     $bracket_pos = strpos($field, '[');
     if ($bracket_pos !== FALSE) {
         $array_dereference = substr($field, $bracket_pos);
         $field = substr($field, 0, $bracket_pos);
         preg_match_all('#(?<=\\[)[^\\[\\]]+(?=\\])#', $array_dereference, $array_keys, PREG_SET_ORDER);
         $array_keys = array_map('current', $array_keys);
         foreach ($array_keys as $array_key) {
             if (is_numeric($array_key)) {
                 $suffix .= ' #' . ($array_key + 1);
             } else {
                 $suffix .= ' ' . fGrammar::humanize($array_key);
     return fGrammar::humanize($field) . $suffix;
  * Sets the appropriate column values to a random string if the object is new
  * @internal
  * @param  fActiveRecord $object            The fActiveRecord instance
  * @param  array         &$values           The current values
  * @param  array         &$old_values       The old values
  * @param  array         &$related_records  Any records related to this record
  * @param  array         &$cache            The cache array for the record
  * @return string  The formatted link
 public static function setRandomStrings($object, &$values, &$old_values, &$related_records, &$cache)
     if ($object->exists()) {
     $class = get_class($object);
     $table = fORM::tablize($class);
     foreach (self::$random_columns[$class] as $column => $settings) {
         if (fActiveRecord::hasOld($old_values, $column) && $values[$column]) {
         self::generate($object, $values, $old_values, $related_records, $cache, 'generate' . fGrammar::camelize($column, TRUE), array());
  * Generates phpdoc for class
  * @return string
 public function reflectPhpDoc()
     $signatures = array();
     $class = get_class($this);
     $table = fORM::tablize($class);
     $schema = fORMSchema::retrieve($class);
     foreach ($schema->getColumnInfo($table) as $column => $columnInfo) {
         $camelizedColumn = fGrammar::camelize($column, TRUE);
         // Get and set methods
         $fixedType = $columnInfo['type'];
         if ($fixedType == 'blob') {
             $fixedType = 'string';
         if ($fixedType == 'varchar') {
             $fixedType = 'string';
         if ($fixedType == 'date') {
             $fixedType = 'fDate|string';
         if ($fixedType == 'timestamp') {
             $fixedType = 'fTimestamp|string';
         if ($fixedType == 'time') {
             $fixedType = 'fTime|string';
         $firstFixedType = reset(explode('|', $fixedType));
         $signatures[] = $this->generateMagicMethodPhpDoc('get' . $camelizedColumn, array(), $firstFixedType, "Gets the current value of {$column}");
         $signatures[] = $this->generateMagicMethodPhpDoc('set' . $camelizedColumn, array($fixedType => $column), $class, "Sets the value for {$column}");
     return $signatures;
Beispiel #10
  * Adjusts the fActiveRecord::reflect() signatures of columns that have been configured in this class
  * @internal
  * @param  string  $class                 The class to reflect
  * @param  array   &$signatures           The associative array of `{method name} => {signature}`
  * @param  boolean $include_doc_comments  If doc comments should be included with the signature
  * @return void
 public static function reflect($class, &$signatures, $include_doc_comments)
     $image_columns = isset(self::$image_upload_columns[$class]) ? array_keys(self::$image_upload_columns[$class]) : array();
     $file_columns = isset(self::$file_upload_columns[$class]) ? array_keys(self::$file_upload_columns[$class]) : array();
     foreach ($file_columns as $column) {
         $camelized_column = fGrammar::camelize($column, TRUE);
         $noun = 'file';
         if (in_array($column, $image_columns)) {
             $noun = 'image';
         $signature = '';
         if ($include_doc_comments) {
             $signature .= "/**\n";
             $signature .= " * Encodes the filename of " . $column . " for output into an HTML form\n";
             $signature .= " * \n";
             $signature .= " * Only the filename will be returned, any directory will be stripped.\n";
             $signature .= " * \n";
             $signature .= " * @return string  The HTML form-ready value\n";
             $signature .= " */\n";
         $encode_method = 'encode' . $camelized_column;
         $signature .= 'public function ' . $encode_method . '()';
         $signatures[$encode_method] = $signature;
         if (in_array($column, $image_columns)) {
             $signature = '';
             if ($include_doc_comments) {
                 $signature .= "/**\n";
                 $signature .= " * Takes the existing image and runs it through the prescribed fImage method calls\n";
                 $signature .= " * \n";
                 $signature .= " * @return void\n";
                 $signature .= " */\n";
             $process_method = 'process' . $camelized_column;
             $signature .= 'public function ' . $process_method . '()';
             $signatures[$process_method] = $signature;
         $signature = '';
         if ($include_doc_comments) {
             $signature .= "/**\n";
             $signature .= " * Prepares the filename of " . $column . " for output into HTML\n";
             $signature .= " * \n";
             $signature .= " * By default only the filename will be returned and any directory will be stripped.\n";
             $signature .= " * The \$include_web_path parameter changes this behaviour.\n";
             $signature .= " * \n";
             $signature .= " * @param  boolean \$include_web_path  If the full web path to the " . $noun . " should be included\n";
             $signature .= " * @return string  The HTML-ready value\n";
             $signature .= " */\n";
         $prepare_method = 'prepare' . $camelized_column;
         $signature .= 'public function ' . $prepare_method . '($include_web_path=FALSE)';
         $signatures[$prepare_method] = $signature;
         $signature = '';
         if ($include_doc_comments) {
             $signature .= "/**\n";
             $signature .= " * Takes a file uploaded through an HTML form for " . $column . " and moves it into the specified directory\n";
             $signature .= " * \n";
             $signature .= " * Any columns that were designated as inheriting from this column will get a copy\n";
             $signature .= " * of the uploaded file.\n";
             $signature .= " * \n";
             if ($noun == 'image') {
                 $signature .= " * Any fImage calls that were added to the column will be processed on the uploaded image.\n";
                 $signature .= " * \n";
             $signature .= " * @return void\n";
             $signature .= " */\n";
         $upload_method = 'upload' . $camelized_column;
         $signature .= 'public function ' . $upload_method . '()';
         $signatures[$upload_method] = $signature;
         $signature = '';
         if ($include_doc_comments) {
             $signature .= "/**\n";
             $signature .= " * Takes a file that exists on the filesystem and copies it into the specified directory for " . $column . "\n";
             $signature .= " * \n";
             if ($noun == 'image') {
                 $signature .= " * Any fImage calls that were added to the column will be processed on the copied image.\n";
                 $signature .= " * \n";
             $signature .= " * @return void\n";
             $signature .= " */\n";
         $set_method = 'set' . $camelized_column;
         $signature .= 'public function ' . $set_method . '()';
         $signatures[$set_method] = $signature;
         $signature = '';
         if ($include_doc_comments) {
             $signature .= "/**\n";
             $signature .= " * Returns metadata about " . $column . "\n";
             $signature .= " * \n";
             $signature .= " * @param  string \$element  The element to return. Must be one of: 'type', 'not_null', 'default', 'valid_values', 'max_length', 'feature', 'directory'.\n";
             $signature .= " * @return mixed  The metadata array or a single element\n";
             $signature .= " */\n";
         $inspect_method = 'inspect' . $camelized_column;
         $signature .= 'public function ' . $inspect_method . '($element=NULL)';
         $signatures[$inspect_method] = $signature;
Beispiel #11
  * Takes a class name (or class) and turns it into a table name - Uses custom mapping if set
  * @param  mixed $class  he class name or instance of the class
  * @return string  The table name
 public static function tablize($class)
     if (!isset(self::$class_table_map[$class])) {
         self::$class_table_map[$class] = fGrammar::underscorize(fGrammar::pluralize($class));
     return self::$class_table_map[$class];
Beispiel #12
  * Recursivly builds records.
  * @param array* $completed_fixtures
  *   Completed records is stored in this array
  * @param $fixture_data
  *   Build records of this fixture
 private function buildRecords(&$completed_fixtures, $fixture_name, $traverse = TRUE)
     if (array_key_exists($fixture_name, $completed_fixtures)) {
     // Load data
     if (isset($this->fixture_data[$fixture_name]) === FALSE) {
     $class_name = fORM::classize($fixture_name);
     // If the class does not exists created it
     if (class_exists($class_name) === FALSE) {
     // Create the records
     $method_name = NULL;
     $record = NULL;
     $records = array();
     foreach ($this->fixture_data[$fixture_name] as $record_data) {
         $record = new $class_name();
         foreach ($record_data as $key => $value) {
             $method_name = 'set' . fGrammar::camelize($key, $upper = TRUE);
             $value = $this->applyHookCallbacks(self::PreSetBuildHook, $fixture_name, $key, $value);
             if ($this->isRelationshipKey($fixture_name, $key)) {
                 $related_table = $this->getRelatedTable($fixture_name, $key);
                 $required = $this->isRequiredKey($fixture_name, $key);
                 if ($traverse && array_key_exists($related_table, $completed_fixtures) === FALSE && $fixture_name !== $related_table) {
                     if (isset($value) && array_key_exists($related_table, $this->fixture_sources)) {
                         $this->buildRecords($completed_fixtures, $related_table);
                         array_unshift($this->tables_to_tear_down, $related_table);
         $records[] = $record;
     $completed_fixtures[$fixture_name] = fRecordSet::buildFromArray($class_name, $records);
Beispiel #13
  * Sets a timestamp column to store the timezone in another column
  * Since not all databases support timezone information in timestamp 
  * columns, this method allows storing the timezone in another columns. 
  * When the timestamp and timezone are retrieved from the database, they
  * will be automatically combined together into an fTimestamp object.
  * @param  mixed  $class             The class name or instance of the class to set the column format
  * @param  string $timestamp_column  The timestamp column to store the timezone for
  * @param  string $timezone_column   The column to store the timezone in
  * @return void
 public static function configureTimezoneColumn($class, $timestamp_column, $timezone_column)
     $class = fORM::getClass($class);
     $table = fORM::tablize($class);
     $schema = fORMSchema::retrieve($class);
     $timestamp_data_type = $schema->getColumnInfo($table, $timestamp_column, 'type');
     if ($timestamp_data_type != 'timestamp') {
         throw new fProgrammerException('The timestamp column specified, %1$s, is a %2$s column. Must be a %3$s to have a related timezone column.', $timestamp_column, $data_type, 'timestamp');
     $timezone_column_data_type = $schema->getColumnInfo($table, $timezone_column, 'type');
     $valid_timezone_column_data_types = array('varchar', 'char', 'text');
     if (!in_array($timezone_column_data_type, $valid_timezone_column_data_types)) {
         throw new fProgrammerException('The timezone column specified, %1$s, is a %2$s column. Must be %3$s to be set as a timezone column.', $timezone_column, $timezone_column_data_type, join(', ', $valid_timezone_column_data_types));
     if (!fORM::checkHookCallback($class, 'post::validate()', self::validateTimezoneColumns)) {
         fORM::registerHookCallback($class, 'post::validate()', self::validateTimezoneColumns);
     if (!fORM::checkHookCallback($class, 'post::loadFromResult()', self::makeTimestampObjects)) {
         fORM::registerHookCallback($class, 'post::loadFromResult()', self::makeTimestampObjects);
     if (!fORM::checkHookCallback($class, 'pre::validate()', self::makeTimestampObjects)) {
         fORM::registerHookCallback($class, 'pre::validate()', self::makeTimestampObjects);
     fORM::registerInspectCallback($class, $timezone_column, self::inspect);
     fORM::registerActiveRecordMethod($class, 'set' . fGrammar::camelize($timestamp_column, TRUE), self::setTimestampColumn);
     fORM::registerActiveRecordMethod($class, 'set' . fGrammar::camelize($timezone_column, TRUE), self::setTimezoneColumn);
     if (empty(self::$timestamp_columns[$class])) {
         self::$timestamp_columns[$class] = array();
     self::$timestamp_columns[$class][$timestamp_column] = $timezone_column;
     if (empty(self::$timezone_columns[$class])) {
         self::$timezone_columns[$class] = array();
     self::$timezone_columns[$class][$timezone_column] = $timestamp_column;
Beispiel #14
  * Creates an object to represent an image on the filesystem
  * @throws fValidationException  When no image was specified, when the image does not exist or when the path specified is not an image
  * @param  string  $file_path    The path to the image
  * @param  boolean $skip_checks  If file checks should be skipped, which improves performance, but may cause undefined behavior - only skip these if they are duplicated elsewhere
  * @return fImage
 public function __construct($file_path, $skip_checks = FALSE)
     parent::__construct($file_path, $skip_checks);
     if (!self::isImageCompatible($file_path)) {
         $valid_image_types = array('GIF', 'JPG', 'PNG');
         if (self::$processor == 'imagemagick') {
             $valid_image_types[] = 'TIF';
         throw new fValidationException('The image specified, %1$s, is not a valid %2$s file', $file_path, fGrammar::joinArray($valid_image_types, 'or'));
Beispiel #15
  * Prints an RSS `link` HTML tag to the output
  * @param  mixed $info  The path or array containing the `'path'` to the RSS xml file. May also contain a `'title'` key for the title of the RSS feed.
  * @return void
 protected function placeRSS($info)
     if (!is_array($info)) {
         $info = array('path' => $info, 'title' => fGrammar::humanize(preg_replace('#.*?([^/]+).(rss|xml)$#iD', '\\1', $info)));
     if (!isset($info['title'])) {
         throw new fProgrammerException('The RSS value %s is missing the title key', $info);
     echo '<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="' . $info['path'] . '" title="' . $info['title'] . '" />' . "\n";
 public function tearDown()
Beispiel #17
  * Returns the approximate difference in time, discarding any unit of measure but the least specific.
  * The output will read like:
  *  - "This timestamp is `{return value}` the provided one" when a timestamp it passed
  *  - "This timestamp is `{return value}`" when no timestamp is passed and comparing with the current timestamp
  * Examples of output for a timestamp passed might be:
  *  - `'5 minutes after'`
  *  - `'2 hours before'`
  *  - `'2 days after'`
  *  - `'at the same time'`
  * Examples of output for no timestamp passed might be:
  *  - `'5 minutes ago'`
  *  - `'2 hours ago'`
  *  - `'2 days from now'`
  *  - `'1 year ago'`
  *  - `'right now'`
  * You would never get the following output since it includes more than one unit of time measurement:
  *  - `'5 minutes and 28 seconds'`
  *  - `'3 weeks, 1 day and 4 hours'`
  * Values that are close to the next largest unit of measure will be rounded up:
  *  - `'55 minutes'` would be represented as `'1 hour'`, however `'45 minutes'` would not
  *  - `'29 days'` would be represented as `'1 month'`, but `'21 days'` would be shown as `'3 weeks'`
  * @param  fTimestamp|object|string|integer $other_timestamp  The timestamp to create the difference with, `NULL` is interpreted as now
  * @return string  The fuzzy difference in time between the this timestamp and the one provided
 public function getFuzzyDifference($other_timestamp = NULL)
     $relative_to_now = FALSE;
     if ($other_timestamp === NULL) {
         $relative_to_now = TRUE;
     $other_timestamp = new fTimestamp($other_timestamp);
     $diff = $this->timestamp - $other_timestamp->timestamp;
     if (abs($diff) < 10) {
         if ($relative_to_now) {
             return self::compose('right now');
         return self::compose('at the same time');
     $break_points = array(45 => array(1, self::compose('second'), self::compose('seconds')), 2700 => array(60, self::compose('minute'), self::compose('minutes')), 64800 => array(3600, self::compose('hour'), self::compose('hours')), 432000 => array(86400, self::compose('day'), self::compose('days')), 1814400 => array(604800, self::compose('week'), self::compose('weeks')), 23328000 => array(2592000, self::compose('month'), self::compose('months')), 2147483647 => array(31536000, self::compose('year'), self::compose('years')));
     foreach ($break_points as $break_point => $unit_info) {
         if (abs($diff) > $break_point) {
         $unit_diff = round(abs($diff) / $unit_info[0]);
         $units = fGrammar::inflectOnQuantity($unit_diff, $unit_info[1], $unit_info[2]);
     if ($relative_to_now) {
         if ($diff > 0) {
             return self::compose('%1$s %2$s from now', $unit_diff, $units);
         return self::compose('%1$s %2$s ago', $unit_diff, $units);
     if ($diff > 0) {
         return self::compose('%1$s %2$s after', $unit_diff, $units);
     return self::compose('%1$s %2$s before', $unit_diff, $units);
  * Sets the money column and then tries to objectify it with an related currency column
  * @internal
  * @param  fActiveRecord $object            The fActiveRecord instance
  * @param  array         &$values           The current values
  * @param  array         &$old_values       The old values
  * @param  array         &$related_records  Any records related to this record
  * @param  array         &$cache            The cache array for the record
  * @param  string        $method_name       The method that was called
  * @param  array         $parameters        The parameters passed to the method
  * @return fActiveRecord  The record object, to allow for method chaining
 public static function setMoneyColumn($object, &$values, &$old_values, &$related_records, &$cache, $method_name, $parameters)
     list($action, $subject) = fORM::parseMethod($method_name);
     $column = fGrammar::underscorize($subject);
     $class = get_class($object);
     if (count($parameters) < 1) {
         throw new fProgrammerException('The method, %s(), requires at least one parameter', $method_name);
     $value = $parameters[0];
     fActiveRecord::assign($values, $old_values, $column, $value);
     $currency_column = self::$money_columns[$class][$column];
     // See if we can make an fMoney object out of the values
     self::objectifyMoneyWithCurrency($values, $old_values, $column, $currency_column);
     if ($currency_column) {
         if ($value instanceof fMoney) {
             fActiveRecord::assign($values, $old_values, $currency_column, $value->getCurrency());
     return $object;
  * Sets the timezone column and then tries to objectify the related timestamp column
  * @internal
  * @param  fActiveRecord $object            The fActiveRecord instance
  * @param  array         &$values           The current values
  * @param  array         &$old_values       The old values
  * @param  array         &$related_records  Any records related to this record
  * @param  array         &$cache            The cache array for the record
  * @param  string        $method_name       The method that was called
  * @param  array         $parameters        The parameters passed to the method
  * @return fActiveRecord  The record object, to allow for method chaining
 public static function setTimezoneColumn($object, &$values, &$old_values, &$related_records, &$cache, $method_name, $parameters)
     list($action, $subject) = fORM::parseMethod($method_name);
     $column = fGrammar::underscorize($subject);
     $class = get_class($object);
     if (!isset($parameters[0])) {
         throw new fProgrammerException('The method, %s(), requires at least one parameter', $method_name);
     fActiveRecord::assign($values, $old_values, $column, $parameters[0]);
     // See if we can make an fTimestamp object out of the values
     self::objectifyTimestampWithTimezone($values, $old_values, self::$timezone_columns[$class][$column], $column);
     return $object;
Beispiel #20
  * Takes a class name (or class) and turns it into a table name - Uses custom mapping if set
  * @param  string $class  The class name
  * @return string  The table name
 public static function tablize($class)
     if (!isset(self::$class_table_map[$class])) {
         self::$class_table_map[$class] = fGrammar::underscorize(fGrammar::pluralize(preg_replace('#^.*\\\\#', '', $class)));
     return self::$class_table_map[$class];
  * Stores a set of one-to-many related records in the database
  * @throws fValidationException  When one of the "many" records throws an exception from fActiveRecord::store()
  * @internal
  * @param  string  $class             The class to store the related records for
  * @param  array   &$values           The current values for the main record being stored
  * @param  array   &$related_records  The related records array
  * @param  string  $related_class     The related class being stored
  * @param  string  $route             The route to the related class
  * @param  boolean $force_cascade     This flag will be passed to the fActiveRecord::delete() method on related records that are being deleted
  * @return void
 public static function storeOneToStar($class, &$values, &$related_records, $related_class, $route, $force_cascade)
     $table = fORM::tablize($class);
     $related_table = fORM::tablize($related_class);
     $schema = fORMSchema::retrieve($class);
     $relationship = fORMSchema::getRoute($schema, $table, $related_table, $route);
     $column_value = $values[$relationship['column']];
     if (!empty($related_records[$related_table][$route]['record_set'])) {
         $record_set = $related_records[$related_table][$route]['record_set'];
     } else {
         $record_set = self::buildRecords($class, $values, $related_records, $related_class, $route);
     $where_conditions = array($relationship['related_column'] . '=' => $column_value);
     $existing_records = fRecordSet::build($related_class, $where_conditions);
     $existing_primary_keys = $existing_records->getPrimaryKeys();
     $new_primary_keys = $record_set->getPrimaryKeys();
     $primary_keys_to_delete = self::multidimensionArrayDiff($existing_primary_keys, $new_primary_keys);
     foreach ($primary_keys_to_delete as $primary_key_to_delete) {
         $object_to_delete = new $related_class($primary_key_to_delete);
         // don't delete record if the relationship does not call for it
         if ($relationship['on_delete'] == 'set_null') {
             $related_set_method = 'set' . fGrammar::camelize($relationship['related_column'], TRUE);
     $set_method_name = 'set' . fGrammar::camelize($relationship['related_column'], TRUE);
     $first_pk_column = self::determineFirstPKColumn($class, $related_class, $route);
     $filter = self::determineRequestFilter(fORM::classize($relationship['table']), $related_class, $route);
     $pk_field = $filter . $first_pk_column;
     $input_keys = array_keys(fRequest::get($pk_field, 'array', array()));
     // Set all of the values first to prevent issues with recursive relationships
     foreach ($record_set as $i => $record) {
     foreach ($record_set as $i => $record) {
         fRequest::filter($filter, isset($input_keys[$i]) ? $input_keys[$i] : $i);
Beispiel #22
  * Returns the approximate difference in time, discarding any unit of measure but the least specific.
  * The output will read like:
  *  - "This date is `{return value}` the provided one" when a date it passed
  *  - "This date is `{return value}`" when no date is passed and comparing with today
  * Examples of output for a date passed might be:
  *  - `'2 days after'`
  *  - `'1 year before'`
  *  - `'same day'`
  * Examples of output for no date passed might be:
  *  - `'2 days from now'`
  *  - `'1 year ago'`
  *  - `'today'`
  * You would never get the following output since it includes more than one unit of time measurement:
  *  - `'3 weeks and 1 day'`
  *  - `'1 year and 2 months'`
  * Values that are close to the next largest unit of measure will be rounded up:
  *  - `6 days` would be represented as `1 week`, however `5 days` would not
  *  - `29 days` would be represented as `1 month`, but `21 days` would be shown as `3 weeks`
  * @param  fDate|object|string|integer $other_date  The date to create the difference with, `NULL` is interpreted as today
  * @param  boolean                     $simple      When `TRUE`, the returned value will only include the difference in the two dates, but not `from now`, `ago`, `after` or `before`
  * @param  boolean                     :$simple
  * @return string  The fuzzy difference in time between the this date and the one provided
 public function getFuzzyDifference($other_date = NULL, $simple = FALSE)
     if (is_bool($other_date)) {
         $simple = $other_date;
         $other_date = NULL;
     $relative_to_now = FALSE;
     if ($other_date === NULL) {
         $relative_to_now = TRUE;
     $other_date = new fDate($other_date);
     $diff = $this->date - $other_date->date;
     if (abs($diff) < 86400) {
         if ($relative_to_now) {
             return self::compose('today');
         return self::compose('same day');
     static $break_points = array();
     if (!$break_points) {
         $break_points = array(432000 => array(86400, self::compose('day'), self::compose('days')), 1814400 => array(604800, self::compose('week'), self::compose('weeks')), 23328000 => array(2592000, self::compose('month'), self::compose('months')), 2147483647 => array(31536000, self::compose('year'), self::compose('years')));
     foreach ($break_points as $break_point => $unit_info) {
         if (abs($diff) > $break_point) {
         $unit_diff = round(abs($diff) / $unit_info[0]);
         $units = fGrammar::inflectOnQuantity($unit_diff, $unit_info[1], $unit_info[2]);
     if ($simple) {
         return self::compose('%1$s %2$s', $unit_diff, $units);
     if ($relative_to_now) {
         if ($diff > 0) {
             return self::compose('%1$s %2$s from now', $unit_diff, $units);
         return self::compose('%1$s %2$s ago', $unit_diff, $units);
     if ($diff > 0) {
         return self::compose('%1$s %2$s after', $unit_diff, $units);
     return self::compose('%1$s %2$s before', $unit_diff, $units);
  * Prints a sortable column header `a` tag
  * The a tag will include the CSS class `'sortable_column'` and the
  * direction being sorted, `'asc'` or `'desc'`.
  * {{{
  * #!php
  * fCRUD::printSortableColumn('name', 'Name');
  * }}}
  * would create the following HTML based on the page context
  * {{{
  * #!html
  * <!-- If name is the current sort column in the asc direction, the output would be -->
  * <a href="?sort=name&dir=desc" class="sorted_column asc">Name</a>
  * <!-- If name is not the current sort column, the output would be -->
  * <a href="?sort-name&dir=asc" class="sorted_column">Name</a>
  * }}}
  * @param  string $column       The column to create the sortable header for
  * @param  string $column_name  This will override the humanized version of the column
  * @return void
 public static function printSortableColumn($column, $column_name = NULL)
     if ($column_name === NULL) {
         $column_name = fGrammar::humanize($column);
     if (self::$sort_column == $column) {
         $sort = $column;
         $direction = self::$sort_direction == 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc';
     } else {
         $sort = $column;
         $direction = 'asc';
     $columns = array_merge(array('sort', 'dir'), array_keys(self::$search_values));
     $values = array_merge(array($sort, $direction), array_values(self::$search_values));
     $url = fHTML::encode(fURL::get() . fURL::replaceInQueryString($columns, $values));
     $css_class = self::$sort_column == $column ? ' ' . self::$sort_direction : '';
     $column_name = fHTML::prepare($column_name);
     echo '<a href="' . $url . '" class="sortable_column' . $css_class . '">' . $column_name . '</a>';
  * Adjusts the fActiveRecord::reflect() signatures of columns that have been configured in this class
  * @internal
  * @param  string  $class                 The class to reflect
  * @param  array   &$signatures           The associative array of `{method name} => {signature}`
  * @param  boolean $include_doc_comments  If doc comments should be included with the signature
  * @return void
 public static function reflect($class, &$signatures, $include_doc_comments)
     if (!isset(self::$ordering_columns[$class])) {
     foreach (self::$ordering_columns[$class] as $column => $enabled) {
         $camelized_column = fGrammar::camelize($column, TRUE);
         $signature = '';
         if ($include_doc_comments) {
             $signature .= "/**\n";
             $signature .= " * Returns metadata about " . $column . "\n";
             $signature .= " * \n";
             $signature .= " * @param  string \$element  The element to return. Must be one of: 'type', 'not_null', 'default', 'feature', 'max_ordering_value'.\n";
             $signature .= " * @return mixed  The metadata array or a single element\n";
             $signature .= " */\n";
         $inspect_method = 'inspect' . $camelized_column;
         $signature .= 'public function ' . $inspect_method . '($element=NULL)';
         $signatures[$inspect_method] = $signature;
Beispiel #25
  * Returns the approximate difference in time, discarding any unit of measure but the least specific.
  * The output will read like:
  *  - "This time is `{return value}` the provided one" when a time it passed
  *  - "This time is `{return value}`" when no time is passed and comparing with the current time
  * Examples of output for a time passed might be:
  *  - `'5 minutes after'`
  *  - `'2 hours before'`
  *  - `'at the same time'`
  * Examples of output for no time passed might be:
  *  - `'5 minutes ago'`
  *  - `'2 hours ago'`
  *  - `'right now'`
  * You would never get the following output since it includes more than one unit of time measurement:
  *  - `'5 minutes and 28 seconds'`
  *  - `'1 hour, 15 minutes'`
  * Values that are close to the next largest unit of measure will be rounded up:
  *  - `'55 minutes'` would be represented as `'1 hour'`, however `'45 minutes'` would not
  * @param  fTime|object|string|integer $other_time  The time to create the difference with, `NULL` is interpreted as now
  * @param  boolean                     $simple      When `TRUE`, the returned value will only include the difference in the two times, but not `from now`, `ago`, `after` or `before`
  * @param  boolean                     :$simple
  * @return string  The fuzzy difference in time between the this time and the one provided
 public function getFuzzyDifference($other_time = NULL, $simple = FALSE)
     if (is_bool($other_time)) {
         $simple = $other_time;
         $other_time = NULL;
     $relative_to_now = FALSE;
     if ($other_time === NULL) {
         $relative_to_now = TRUE;
     $other_time = new fTime($other_time);
     $diff = $this->time - $other_time->time;
     if (abs($diff) < 10) {
         if ($relative_to_now) {
             return self::compose('right now');
         return self::compose('at the same time');
     static $break_points = array();
     if (!$break_points) {
         $break_points = array(45 => array(1, self::compose('second'), self::compose('seconds')), 2700 => array(60, self::compose('minute'), self::compose('minutes')), 64800 => array(3600, self::compose('hour'), self::compose('hours')), 432000 => array(86400, self::compose('day'), self::compose('days')));
     foreach ($break_points as $break_point => $unit_info) {
         if (abs($diff) > $break_point) {
         $unit_diff = round(abs($diff) / $unit_info[0]);
         $units = fGrammar::inflectOnQuantity($unit_diff, $unit_info[1], $unit_info[2]);
     if ($simple) {
         return self::compose('%1$s %2$s', $unit_diff, $units);
     if ($relative_to_now) {
         if ($diff > 0) {
             return self::compose('%1$s %2$s from now', $unit_diff, $units);
         return self::compose('%1$s %2$s ago', $unit_diff, $units);
     if ($diff > 0) {
         return self::compose('%1$s %2$s after', $unit_diff, $units);
     return self::compose('%1$s %2$s before', $unit_diff, $units);
  * Validates against a *-to-many one or more rule
  * @param  fActiveRecord $object            The object being checked
  * @param  array         &$values           The values for the object
  * @param  array         &$related_records  The related records for the object
  * @param  string        $related_class     The name of the related class
  * @param  string        $route             The name of the route from the class to the related class
  * @return string  An error message for the rule
 private static function checkRelatedOneOrMoreRule($object, &$values, &$related_records, $related_class, $route)
     $related_table = fORM::tablize($related_class);
     $class = get_class($object);
     $exists = $object->exists();
     $records_are_set = isset($related_records[$related_table][$route]);
     $has_records = $records_are_set && $related_records[$related_table][$route]['count'];
     if ($exists && (!$records_are_set || $has_records)) {
     if (!$exists && $has_records) {
     return self::compose('%sPlease select at least one', fValidationException::formatField(fGrammar::pluralize(fORMRelated::getRelatedRecordName($class, $related_class, $route))));
Beispiel #27
  * Adjusts the fActiveRecord::reflect() signatures of columns that have been configured in this class
  * @internal
  * @param  string  $class                 The class to reflect
  * @param  array   &$signatures           The associative array of `{method name} => {signature}`
  * @param  boolean $include_doc_comments  If doc comments should be included with the signature
  * @return void
 public static function reflect($class, &$signatures, $include_doc_comments)
     if (!isset(self::$money_columns[$class])) {
     foreach (self::$money_columns[$class] as $column => $enabled) {
         $camelized_column = fGrammar::camelize($column, TRUE);
         // Get and set methods
         $signature = '';
         if ($include_doc_comments) {
             $signature .= "/**\n";
             $signature .= " * Gets the current value of " . $column . "\n";
             $signature .= " * \n";
             $signature .= " * @return fMoney  The current value\n";
             $signature .= " */\n";
         $get_method = 'get' . $camelized_column;
         $signature .= 'public function ' . $get_method . '()';
         $signatures[$get_method] = $signature;
         $signature = '';
         if ($include_doc_comments) {
             $signature .= "/**\n";
             $signature .= " * Sets the value for " . $column . "\n";
             $signature .= " * \n";
             $signature .= " * @param  fMoney|string|integer \$" . $column . "  The new value - a string or integer will be converted to the default currency (if defined)\n";
             $signature .= " * @return fActiveRecord  The record object, to allow for method chaining\n";
             $signature .= " */\n";
         $set_method = 'set' . $camelized_column;
         $signature .= 'public function ' . $set_method . '($' . $column . ')';
         $signatures[$set_method] = $signature;
         $signature = '';
         if ($include_doc_comments) {
             $signature .= "/**\n";
             $signature .= " * Encodes the value of " . $column . " for output into an HTML form\n";
             $signature .= " * \n";
             $signature .= " * If the value is an fMoney object, the ->__toString() method will be called\n";
             $signature .= " * resulting in the value minus the currency symbol and thousands separators\n";
             $signature .= " * \n";
             $signature .= " * @return string  The HTML form-ready value\n";
             $signature .= " */\n";
         $encode_method = 'encode' . $camelized_column;
         $signature .= 'public function ' . $encode_method . '()';
         $signatures[$encode_method] = $signature;
         $signature = '';
         if ($include_doc_comments) {
             $signature .= "/**\n";
             $signature .= " * Prepares the value of " . $column . " for output into HTML\n";
             $signature .= " * \n";
             $signature .= " * If the value is an fMoney object, the ->format() method will be called\n";
             $signature .= " * resulting in the value including the currency symbol and thousands separators\n";
             $signature .= " * \n";
             $signature .= " * @param  boolean \$remove_zero_fraction  If a fraction of all zeros should be removed\n";
             $signature .= " * @return string  The HTML-ready value\n";
             $signature .= " */\n";
         $prepare_method = 'prepare' . $camelized_column;
         $signature .= 'public function ' . $prepare_method . '($remove_zero_fraction=FALSE)';
         $signatures[$prepare_method] = $signature;
  * Throws an fEmptySetException if the record set is empty
  * @throws fEmptySetException  When there are no record in the set
  * @param  string $message  The message to use for the exception if there are no records in this set
  * @return fRecordSet  The record set object, to allow for method chaining
 public function tossIfEmpty($message = NULL)
     if ($this->records) {
         return $this;
     if ($message === NULL) {
         if (is_array($this->class)) {
             $names = array_map(array('fORM', 'getRecordName'), $this->class);
             $names = array_map(array('fGrammar', 'pluralize'), $names);
             $name = join(', ', $names);
         } else {
             $name = fGrammar::pluralize(fORM::getRecordName($this->class));
         $message = self::compose('No %s could be found', $name);
     throw new fEmptySetException($message);
Beispiel #29
  * Copies a file from the filesystem to the file upload directory and sets it as the file for the specified column
  * This method will perform the fImage calls defined for the column.
  * @internal
  * @param  fActiveRecord $object            The fActiveRecord instance
  * @param  array         &$values           The current values
  * @param  array         &$old_values       The old values
  * @param  array         &$related_records  Any records related to this record
  * @param  array         &$cache            The cache array for the record
  * @param  string        $method_name       The method that was called
  * @param  array         $parameters        The parameters passed to the method
  * @return fActiveRecord  The record object, to allow for method chaining
 public static function set($object, &$values, &$old_values, &$related_records, &$cache, $method_name, $parameters)
     $class = get_class($object);
     list($action, $column) = fORM::parseMethod($method_name);
     $doc_root = realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);
     if (!array_key_exists(0, $parameters)) {
         throw new fProgrammerException('The method %s requires exactly one parameter', $method_name . '()');
     $file_path = $parameters[0];
     // Handle objects being passed in
     if ($file_path instanceof fFile) {
         $file_path = $file_path->getPath();
     } elseif (is_object($file_path) && is_callable(array($file_path, '__toString'))) {
         $file_path = $file_path->__toString();
     } elseif (is_object($file_path)) {
         $file_path = (string) $file_path;
     if ($file_path !== NULL && $file_path !== '' && $file_path !== FALSE) {
         if (!$file_path || !file_exists($file_path) && !file_exists($doc_root . $file_path)) {
             throw new fEnvironmentException('The file specified, %s, does not exist. This may indicate a missing enctype="multipart/form-data" attribute in form tag.', $file_path);
         if (!file_exists($file_path) && file_exists($doc_root . $file_path)) {
             $file_path = $doc_root . $file_path;
         if (is_dir($file_path)) {
             throw new fProgrammerException('The file specified, %s, is not a file but a directory', $file_path);
         $upload_dir = self::$file_upload_columns[$class][$column];
         try {
             $temp_dir = new fDirectory($upload_dir->getPath() . self::TEMP_DIRECTORY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
         } catch (fValidationException $e) {
             $temp_dir = fDirectory::create($upload_dir->getPath() . self::TEMP_DIRECTORY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
         $file = fFilesystem::createObject($file_path);
         $new_file = $file->duplicate($temp_dir);
     } else {
         $new_file = NULL;
     fActiveRecord::assign($values, $old_values, $column, $new_file);
     // Perform column inheritance
     if (!empty(self::$column_inheritence[$class][$column])) {
         foreach (self::$column_inheritence[$class][$column] as $other_column) {
             self::set($object, $values, $old_values, $related_records, $cache, 'set' . fGrammar::camelize($other_column, TRUE), array($file));
     if ($new_file) {
         self::processImage($class, $column, $new_file);
     return $object;
Beispiel #30
 private function hasProperty($property_name)
     if (is_null($this->column_info)) {
         $this->column_info = $this->schema->getColumnInfo($this->table_name);
     return isset($this->column_info[fGrammar::underscorize($property_name)]);