Beispiel #1
  * Makes sure that the PRNG has been seeded with a fairly secure value
  * @return void
 private static function seedRandom()
     static $seeded = FALSE;
     if ($seeded) {
     $old_level = error_reporting(error_reporting() & ~E_WARNING);
     $bytes = NULL;
     // On linux/unix/solaris we should be able to use /dev/urandom
     if (!fCore::checkOS('windows') && ($handle = fopen('/dev/urandom', 'rb'))) {
         $bytes = fread($handle, 32);
         // On windows we should be able to use the Cryptographic Application Programming Interface COM object
     } elseif (fCore::checkOS('windows') && class_exists('COM', FALSE)) {
         try {
             // This COM object no longer seems to work on PHP 5.2.9+, no response on the bug report yet
             $capi = new COM('CAPICOM.Utilities.1');
             $bytes = base64_decode($capi->getrandom(32, 0));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     // If we could not use the OS random number generators we get some of the most unique info we can
     if (!$bytes) {
         $bytes = microtime(TRUE) . uniqid('', TRUE) . join('', stat(__FILE__)) . disk_free_space(__FILE__);
     $seed = md5($bytes);
     $seed = base_convert($seed, 16, 10);
     $seed = (double) substr($seed, 0, 13) + (double) substr($seed, 14, 13);
     $seeded = TRUE;
Beispiel #2
  * Connects to the database specified if no connection exists
  * @return void
 private function connectToDatabase()
     // Don't try to reconnect if we are already connected
     if ($this->connection) {
     // Establish a connection to the database
     if ($this->extension == 'pdo') {
         $odbc = strtolower(substr($this->database, 0, 4)) == 'dsn:';
         if ($this->type == 'mssql') {
             if ($odbc) {
                 $dsn = 'odbc:' . substr($this->database, 4);
             } else {
                 $separator = fCore::checkOS('windows') ? ',' : ':';
                 $port = $this->port ? $separator . $this->port : '';
                 $driver = fCore::checkOs('windows') ? 'mssql' : 'dblib';
                 $dsn = $driver . ':host=' . $this->host . $port . ';dbname=' . $this->database;
         } elseif ($this->type == 'mysql') {
             if (substr($this->host, 0, 5) == 'sock:') {
                 $dsn = 'mysql:unix_socket=' . substr($this->host, 5) . ';dbname=' . $this->database;
             } else {
                 $port = $this->port ? ';port=' . $this->port : '';
                 $dsn = 'mysql:host=' . $this->host . ';dbname=' . $this->database . $port;
         } elseif ($this->type == 'oracle') {
             if ($odbc) {
                 $dsn = 'odbc:' . substr($this->database, 4);
             } else {
                 $port = $this->port ? ':' . $this->port : '';
                 $dsn = 'oci:dbname=' . $this->host . $port . '/' . $this->database . ';charset=AL32UTF8';
         } elseif ($this->type == 'postgresql') {
             $dsn = 'pgsql:dbname=' . $this->database;
             if ($this->host && $this->host != 'sock:') {
                 $dsn .= ' host=' . $this->host;
             if ($this->port) {
                 $dsn .= ' port=' . $this->port;
         } elseif ($this->type == 'sqlite') {
             $dsn = 'sqlite:' . $this->database;
         try {
             $this->connection = new PDO($dsn, $this->username, $this->password);
             if ($this->type == 'mysql') {
                 $this->connection->setAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_DIRECT_QUERY, 1);
         } catch (PDOException $e) {
             $this->connection = FALSE;
     if ($this->extension == 'sqlite') {
         $this->connection = sqlite_open($this->database);
     if ($this->extension == 'mssql') {
         $separator = fCore::checkOS('windows') ? ',' : ':';
         $this->connection = mssql_connect($this->port ? $this->host . $separator . $this->port : $this->host, $this->username, $this->password);
         if ($this->connection !== FALSE && mssql_select_db($this->database, $this->connection) === FALSE) {
             $this->connection = FALSE;
     if ($this->extension == 'mysql') {
         if (substr($this->host, 0, 5) == 'sock:') {
             $host = substr($this->host, 4);
         } elseif ($this->port) {
             $host = $this->host . ':' . $this->port;
         } else {
             $host = $this->host;
         $this->connection = mysql_connect($host, $this->username, $this->password);
         if ($this->connection !== FALSE && mysql_select_db($this->database, $this->connection) === FALSE) {
             $this->connection = FALSE;
     if ($this->extension == 'mysqli') {
         if (substr($this->host, 0, 5) == 'sock:') {
             $this->connection = mysqli_connect('localhost', $this->username, $this->password, $this->database, $this->port, substr($this->host, 5));
         } elseif ($this->port) {
             $this->connection = mysqli_connect($this->host, $this->username, $this->password, $this->database, $this->port);
         } else {
             $this->connection = mysqli_connect($this->host, $this->username, $this->password, $this->database);
     if ($this->extension == 'oci8') {
         $this->connection = oci_connect($this->username, $this->password, $this->host . ($this->port ? ':' . $this->port : '') . '/' . $this->database, 'AL32UTF8');
     if ($this->extension == 'odbc') {
         $this->connection = odbc_connect(substr($this->database, 4), $this->username, $this->password);
     if ($this->extension == 'pgsql') {
         $connection_string = "dbname='" . addslashes($this->database) . "'";
         if ($this->host && $this->host != 'sock:') {
             $connection_string .= " host='" . addslashes($this->host) . "'";
         if ($this->username) {
             $connection_string .= " user='******'";
         if ($this->password) {
             $connection_string .= " password='******'";
         if ($this->port) {
             $connection_string .= " port='" . $this->port . "'";
         $this->connection = pg_connect($connection_string);
     if ($this->extension == 'sqlsrv') {
         $options = array('Database' => $this->database, 'UID' => $this->username, 'PWD' => $this->password);
         $this->connection = sqlsrv_connect($this->host, $options);
     // Ensure the connection was established
     if ($this->connection === FALSE) {
         throw new fConnectivityException('Unable to connect to database');
     // Make MySQL act more strict and use UTF-8
     if ($this->type == 'mysql') {
         $this->query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
         $this->query("SET CHARACTER SET utf8");
     // Make SQLite behave like other DBs for assoc arrays
     if ($this->type == 'sqlite') {
         $this->query('PRAGMA short_column_names = 1');
     // Fix some issues with mssql
     if ($this->type == 'mssql') {
         if (!isset($this->schema_info['character_set'])) {
         $this->query('SET TEXTSIZE 65536');
     // Make PostgreSQL use UTF-8
     if ($this->type == 'postgresql') {
         $this->query("SET NAMES 'UTF8'");
     // Oracle has different date and timestamp defaults
     if ($this->type == 'oracle') {
         $this->query("ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_FORMAT = 'YYYY-MM-DD'");
         $this->query("ALTER SESSION SET NLS_TIME_FORMAT = 'HH24:MI:SS'");
         $this->query("ALTER SESSION SET NLS_TIME_TZ_FORMAT = 'HH24:MI:SS TZR'");
Beispiel #3
  * Reads responses from the server
  * @param  integer|string $expect  The expected number of lines of response or a regex of the last line
  * @return array  The lines of response from the server
 private function read($expect = NULL)
     $read = array($this->connection);
     $write = NULL;
     $except = NULL;
     $response = array();
     // PHP 5.2.0 to 5.2.5 has a bug on amd64 linux where stream_select()
     // fails, so we have to fake it -
     static $broken_select = NULL;
     if ($broken_select === NULL) {
         $broken_select = strpos(php_uname('m'), '64') !== FALSE && fCore::checkVersion('5.2.0') && !fCore::checkVersion('5.2.6');
     // Fixes an issue with stream_select throwing a warning on PHP 5.3 on Windows
     if (fCore::checkOS('windows') && fCore::checkVersion('5.3.0')) {
         $select = @stream_select($read, $write, $except, $this->timeout);
     } elseif ($broken_select) {
         $broken_select_buffer = NULL;
         $start_time = microtime(TRUE);
         $i = 0;
         do {
             if ($i) {
             $char = fgetc($this->connection);
             if ($char != "" && $char !== FALSE) {
                 $broken_select_buffer = $char;
         } while ($broken_select_buffer === NULL && microtime(TRUE) - $start_time < $this->timeout);
         $select = $broken_select_buffer !== NULL;
     } else {
         $select = stream_select($read, $write, $except, $this->timeout);
     if ($select) {
         while (!feof($this->connection)) {
             $line = fgets($this->connection);
             if ($line === FALSE) {
             $line = substr($line, 0, -2);
             // When we fake select, we have to handle what we've retrieved
             if ($broken_select && $broken_select_buffer !== NULL) {
                 $line = $broken_select_buffer . $line;
                 $broken_select_buffer = NULL;
             $response[] = $line;
             // Automatically stop at the termination octet or a bad response
             if ($this->type == 'pop3' && ($line == '.' || count($response) == 1 && $response[0][0] == '-')) {
             if ($expect !== NULL) {
                 $matched_number = is_int($expect) && sizeof($response) == $expect;
                 $matched_regex = is_string($expect) && preg_match($expect, $line);
                 if ($matched_number || $matched_regex) {
     if (fCore::getDebug($this->debug)) {
         fCore::debug("Received:\n" . join("\r\n", $response), $this->debug);
     if ($this->type == 'pop3') {
         // Remove the termination octet
         if ($response && $response[sizeof($response) - 1] == '.') {
             $response = array_slice($response, 0, -1);
         // Remove byte-stuffing
         $lines = count($response);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $lines; $i++) {
             if (strlen($response[$i]) && $response[$i][0] == '.') {
                 $response[$i] = substr($response[$i], 1);
     return $response;
Beispiel #4
  * Executes an SQL query
  * @param  string|fStatement $statement  The statement to perform
  * @param  fResult           $result     The result object for the query
  * @param  array             $params     The parameters for prepared statements
  * @return void
 private function performQuery($statement, $result, $params)
     $extra = NULL;
     if (is_object($statement)) {
         $statement->executeQuery($result, $params, $extra, $statement != $this->statement);
     } elseif ($this->extension == 'ibm_db2') {
         $extra = db2_exec($this->connection, $statement, array('cursor' => DB2_FORWARD_ONLY));
         if (is_resource($extra)) {
             $rows = array();
             while ($row = db2_fetch_assoc($extra)) {
                 $rows[] = $row;
         } else {
     } elseif ($this->extension == 'mssql') {
         $result->setResult(mssql_query($result->getSQL(), $this->connection));
     } elseif ($this->extension == 'mysql') {
         $result->setResult(mysql_query($result->getSQL(), $this->connection));
     } elseif ($this->extension == 'mysqli') {
         $result->setResult(mysqli_query($this->connection, $result->getSQL()));
     } elseif ($this->extension == 'oci8') {
         $extra = oci_parse($this->connection, $result->getSQL());
         if ($extra && oci_execute($extra, $this->inside_transaction ? OCI_DEFAULT : OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS)) {
             oci_fetch_all($extra, $rows, 0, -1, OCI_FETCHSTATEMENT_BY_ROW + OCI_ASSOC);
         } else {
     } elseif ($this->extension == 'pgsql') {
         $result->setResult(pg_query($this->connection, $result->getSQL()));
     } elseif ($this->extension == 'sqlite') {
         $result->setResult(sqlite_query($this->connection, $result->getSQL(), SQLITE_ASSOC, $extra));
     } elseif ($this->extension == 'sqlsrv') {
         $extra = sqlsrv_query($this->connection, $result->getSQL());
         if (is_resource($extra)) {
             $rows = array();
             while ($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($extra, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC)) {
                 $rows[] = $row;
         } else {
     } elseif ($this->extension == 'pdo') {
         if (preg_match('#^\\s*CREATE(\\s+OR\\s+REPLACE)?\\s+TRIGGER#i', $result->getSQL())) {
             $extra = FALSE;
             $returned_rows = array();
         } else {
             $extra = $this->connection->query($result->getSQL());
             if (is_object($extra)) {
                 // This fixes a segfault issue with blobs and fetchAll() for pdo_ibm
                 if ($this->type == 'db2') {
                     $returned_rows = array();
                     while (($row = $extra->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) !== FALSE) {
                         foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
                             if (is_resource($value)) {
                                 $row[$key] = stream_get_contents($value);
                         $returned_rows[] = $row;
                     // pdo_dblib doesn't throw an exception on error when executing
                     // a prepared statement when compiled against FreeTDS, so we have
                     // to manually check the error info to see if something went wrong
                 } elseif ($this->type == 'mssql' && !fCore::checkOS('windows') && preg_match('#^\\s*EXEC(UTE)?\\s+#i', $result->getSQL())) {
                     $error_info = $extra->errorInfo();
                     if ($error_info && strpos($error_info[2], '(null) [0] (severity 0)') !== 0) {
                         $returned_rows = FALSE;
                 } else {
                     $returned_rows = $extra->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
             } else {
                 $returned_rows = $extra;
             // The pdo_pgsql driver likes to return empty rows equal to the number of affected rows for insert and deletes
             if ($this->type == 'postgresql' && $returned_rows && $returned_rows[0] == array()) {
                 $returned_rows = array();
     $this->statement = $statement;
     // The mssql extension will sometimes not return FALSE even if there are errors
     if (strlen($this->error) && strpos($this->error, 'WARNING!') !== 0) {
     $this->checkForError($result, $extra);
     if ($this->extension == 'mssql') {
         $this->error = '';
     if ($this->extension == 'ibm_db2') {
         $this->setAffectedRows($result, $extra);
         if ($extra && !is_object($statement)) {
     } elseif ($this->extension == 'pdo') {
         $this->setAffectedRows($result, $extra);
         if ($extra && !is_object($statement)) {
     } elseif ($this->extension == 'oci8') {
         $this->setAffectedRows($result, $extra);
         if ($extra && !is_object($statement)) {
     } elseif ($this->extension == 'sqlsrv') {
         $this->setAffectedRows($result, $extra);
         if ($extra && !is_object($statement)) {
     } else {
         $this->setAffectedRows($result, $extra);
     $this->handleAutoIncrementedValue($result, $extra);
  * Warns the user about bugs in the DBLib driver for MSSQL, fixes some bugs
  * @param  array $row  The row from the database
  * @return array  The fixed row
 private function fixDblibMSSQLDriver($row)
     static $using_dblib = array();
     if (!isset($using_dblib[$this->extension])) {
         // If it is not a windows box we are definitely not using dblib
         if (!fCore::checkOS('windows')) {
             $using_dblib[$this->extension] = FALSE;
             // Check this windows box for dblib
         } else {
             $module_info = ob_get_contents();
             if ($this->extension == 'pdo_mssql') {
                 $using_dblib[$this->extension] = preg_match('#MSSQL_70#i', $module_info, $match);
             } else {
                 $using_dblib[$this->extension] = !preg_match('#FreeTDS#i', $module_info, $match);
     if (!$using_dblib[$this->extension]) {
         return $row;
     foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
         if ($value === ' ') {
             $row[$key] = '';
             if (!self::$silence_notices) {
                 trigger_error(self::compose('A single space was detected coming out of the database and was converted into an empty string - see %s for more information', ''), E_USER_NOTICE);
         if (!self::$silence_notices && strlen($key) == 30) {
             trigger_error(self::compose('A column name exactly 30 characters in length was detected coming out of the database - this column name may be truncated, see %s for more information.', ''), E_USER_NOTICE);
         if (!self::$silence_notices && strlen($value) == 256) {
             trigger_error(self::compose('A value exactly 255 characters in length was detected coming out of the database - this value may be truncated, see %s for more information.', ''), E_USER_NOTICE);
     return $row;
Beispiel #6
  * Reads responses from the server
  * @param  integer|string $expect  The expected number of lines of response or a regex of the last line
  * @return array  The lines of response from the server
 private function read($expect = NULL)
     $read = array($this->connection);
     $write = NULL;
     $except = NULL;
     $response = array();
     // Fixes an issue with stream_select throwing a warning on PHP 5.3 on Windows
     if (fCore::checkOS('windows') && fCore::checkVersion('5.3.0')) {
         $select = @stream_select($read, $write, $except, $this->timeout);
     } else {
         $select = stream_select($read, $write, $except, $this->timeout);
     if ($select) {
         while (!feof($this->connection)) {
             $line = substr(fgets($this->connection), 0, -2);
             $response[] = $line;
             // Automatically stop at the termination octet or a bad response
             if ($this->type == 'pop3' && ($line == '.' || count($response) == 1 && $response[0][0] == '-')) {
             if ($expect !== NULL) {
                 $matched_number = is_int($expect) && sizeof($response) == $expect;
                 $matched_regex = is_string($expect) && preg_match($expect, $line);
                 if ($matched_number || $matched_regex) {
     if (fCore::getDebug($this->debug)) {
         fCore::debug("Recieved:\n" . join("\r\n", $response), $this->debug);
     if ($this->type == 'pop3') {
         // Remove the termination octet
         if ($response && $response[sizeof($response) - 1] == '.') {
             $response = array_slice($response, 0, -1);
         // Remove byte-stuffing
         $lines = count($response);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $lines; $i++) {
             if (strlen($response[$i]) && $response[$i][0] == '.') {
                 $response[$i] = substr($response[$i], 1);
     return $response;
Beispiel #7
  * Sends the email
  * @throws fValidationException  When ::validate() throws an exception
  * @return void
 public function send()
     $to = trim($this->buildMultiAddressHeader("", $this->to_emails));
     $top_level_boundary = $this->createBoundary();
     $headers = $this->createHeaders($top_level_boundary);
     $subject = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), '', $this->subject);
     $subject = $this->makeEncodedWord($subject);
     $body = $this->createBody($top_level_boundary);
     if ($this->smime_encrypt || $this->smime_sign) {
         list($headers, $body) = $this->createSMIMEBody($to, $subject, $headers, $body);
     // Sendmail when not in safe mode will allow you to set the envelope from address via the -f parameter
     $parameters = NULL;
     if (!fCore::checkOS('windows') && $this->bounce_to_email && !ini_get('safe_mode')) {
         preg_match(self::EMAIL_REGEX, $this->bounce_to_email, $matches);
         $parameters = '-f ' . $matches[0];
     // Windows takes the Return-Path email from the sendmail_from ini setting
     if (fCore::checkOS('windows') && $this->bounce_to_email) {
         $old_sendmail_from = ini_get('sendmail_from');
         preg_match(self::EMAIL_REGEX, $this->bounce_to_email, $matches);
         ini_set('sendmail_from', $matches[0]);
     // Apparently SMTP server strip a leading . from lines
     if (fCore::checkOS('windows')) {
         $body = str_replace("\r\n.", "\r\n..", $body);
     // Remove extra line breaks
     $headers = trim($headers);
     $body = trim($body);
     // This is a gross qmail fix that is a last resort
     if (self::$popen_sendmail || self::$convert_crlf) {
         $to = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $to);
         $subject = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $subject);
         $body = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $body);
         $headers = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $headers);
     // If the user is using qmail and wants to try to fix the \r\r\n line break issue
     if (self::$popen_sendmail) {
         $sendmail_command = ini_get('sendmail_path');
         if ($parameters) {
             $sendmail_command .= ' ' . $parameters;
         $sendmail_process = popen($sendmail_command, 'w');
         fprintf($sendmail_process, "To: %s\n", $to);
         fprintf($sendmail_process, "Subject: %s\n", $subject);
         if ($headers) {
             fprintf($sendmail_process, "%s\n", $headers);
         fprintf($sendmail_process, "\n%s\n", $body);
         $error = pclose($sendmail_process);
         // This is the normal way to send mail
     } else {
         $error = !mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers, $parameters);
     if (fCore::checkOS('windows') && $this->bounce_to_email) {
         ini_set('sendmail_from', $old_sendmail_from);
     if ($error) {
         throw new fConnectivityException('An error occured while trying to send the email entitled %s', $this->subject);
Beispiel #8
  * Executes the statement without returning a result
  * @internal
  * @param  array   $params     The parameters for the statement
  * @param  mixed   &$extra     A variable to place extra information needed by some database extensions
  * @param  boolean $different  If this statement is different than the last statement run on the fDatabase instance
  * @return mixed  The (usually boolean) result of the extension function/method call
 public function execute($params, &$extra, $different)
     if (is_array($params) && count($params) == 1 && is_array($params[0]) && count($this->placeholders) > 1) {
         $params = $params[0];
     if ($different && $this->used) {
     $this->used = TRUE;
     $extension = $this->database->getExtension();
     if ($extension == 'pdo' && $this->database->getType() == 'mssql') {
         $extension = 'pdo_dblib';
     $connection = $this->database->getConnection();
     $statement = $this->statement;
     $params = $this->prepareParams($params);
     switch ($extension) {
         case 'ibm_db2':
             $extra = $statement;
             $result = db2_execute($statement, $params);
         case 'mssql':
             $result = mssql_query($this->database->escape($statement, $params), $connection);
         case 'mysql':
             $result = mysql_unbuffered_query($this->database->escape($statement, $params), $connection);
         case 'mysqli':
             $result = mysqli_stmt_execute($statement);
         case 'oci8':
             $result = oci_execute($statement, $this->database->isInsideTransaction() ? OCI_DEFAULT : OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS);
             $extra = $this->statement;
         case 'pgsql':
             $result = pg_execute($connection, $this->identifier, $params);
         case 'sqlite':
             $result = sqlite_exec($connection, $this->database->escape($statement, $params), $extra);
         case 'sqlsrv':
             $result = sqlsrv_execute($this->statement);
         case 'pdo':
             $extra = $statement;
             $result = $statement->execute();
         case 'pdo_dblib':
             $sql = $this->database->escape($statement, $params);
             if (!fCore::checkOS('windows')) {
                 $result = $connection->query($sql);
                 if ($result instanceof PDOStatement) {
                     $extra = $result;
                     $result = TRUE;
                 } else {
                     $result = FALSE;
             } else {
                 $result = $connection->exec($sql);
     return $result;
Beispiel #9
  * Performs a "fixed" stream_select() for the connection
  * @param integer $timeout   The number of seconds in the timeout
  * @param integer $utimeout  The number of microseconds in the timeout
  * @return boolean|string  TRUE (or a character) is the connection is ready to be read from, FALSE if not
 private function select($timeout, $utimeout)
     $read = array($this->connection);
     $write = NULL;
     $except = NULL;
     // PHP 5.2.0 to 5.2.5 had a bug on amd64 linux where stream_select()
     // fails, so we have to fake it -
     static $broken_select = NULL;
     if ($broken_select === NULL) {
         $broken_select = strpos(php_uname('m'), '64') !== FALSE && fCore::checkVersion('5.2.0') && !fCore::checkVersion('5.2.6');
     // Fixes an issue with stream_select throwing a warning on PHP 5.3 on Windows
     if (fCore::checkOS('windows') && fCore::checkVersion('5.3.0')) {
         $select = @stream_select($read, $write, $except, $timeout, $utimeout);
     } elseif ($broken_select) {
         $broken_select_buffer = NULL;
         $start_time = microtime(TRUE);
         $i = 0;
         do {
             if ($i) {
             $char = fgetc($this->connection);
             if ($char != "" && $char !== FALSE) {
                 $broken_select_buffer = $char;
             if ($i > 2) {
         } while ($broken_select_buffer === NULL && microtime(TRUE) - $start_time < $timeout + $utimeout / 1000000);
         $select = $broken_select_buffer === NULL ? FALSE : $broken_select_buffer;
     } else {
         $select = stream_select($read, $write, $except, $timeout, $utimeout);
     return $select;
Beispiel #10
  * Makes sure that the PRNG has been seeded with a fairly secure value
  * @return void
 private static function seedRandom()
     static $seeded = FALSE;
     if ($seeded) {
     $bytes = NULL;
     // On linux/unix/solaris we should be able to use /dev/urandom
     if (!fCore::checkOS('windows') && ($handle = fopen('/dev/urandom', 'rb'))) {
         $bytes = fread($handle, 4);
         // On windows we should be able to use the Cryptographic Application Programming Interface COM object
     } elseif (fCore::checkOS('windows') && class_exists('COM', FALSE)) {
         try {
             // This COM object no longer seems to work on PHP 5.2.9+, no response on the bug report yet
             $capi = new COM('CAPICOM.Utilities.1');
             $bytes = base64_decode($capi->getrandom(4, 0));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     // If we could not use the OS random number generators we get some of the most unique info we can
     if (!$bytes) {
         $string = microtime(TRUE) . uniqid('', TRUE) . join('', stat(__FILE__)) . disk_free_space(dirname(__FILE__));
         $bytes = substr(pack('H*', md5($string)), 0, 4);
     $seed = (int) (base_convert(bin2hex($bytes), 16, 10) - 2147483647);
     $seeded = TRUE;
Beispiel #11
  * Reads lines from the SMTP server
  * @param  integer|string $expect  The expected number of lines of response or a regex of the last line
  * @return array  The lines of response from the server
 private function read($expect)
     $read = array($this->connection);
     $write = NULL;
     $except = NULL;
     $response = array();
     // Fixes an issue with stream_select throwing a warning on PHP 5.3 on Windows
     if (fCore::checkOS('windows') && fCore::checkVersion('5.3.0')) {
         $select = @stream_select($read, $write, $except, $this->timeout);
     } else {
         $select = stream_select($read, $write, $except, $this->timeout);
     if ($select) {
         while (!feof($this->connection)) {
             $read = array($this->connection);
             $write = $except = NULL;
             $response[] = substr(fgets($this->connection), 0, -2);
             if ($expect !== NULL) {
                 $matched_number = is_int($expect) && sizeof($response) == $expect;
                 $matched_regex = is_string($expect) && preg_match($expect, $response[sizeof($response) - 1]);
                 if ($matched_number || $matched_regex) {
             } elseif (!stream_select($read, $write, $except, 0, 200000)) {
     if (fCore::getDebug($this->debug)) {
         fCore::debug("Received:\n" . join("\r\n", $response), $this->debug);
     return $response;
Beispiel #12
  * Processes the current image using ImageMagick
  * @param  string  $output_file   The file to save the image to
  * @param  integer $jpeg_quality  The JPEG quality to use
  * @return void
 private function processWithImageMagick($output_file, $jpeg_quality)
     $type = self::getImageType($this->file);
     if (fCore::checkOS('windows')) {
         $command_line = str_replace(' ', '" "', self::$imagemagick_dir . 'convert.exe');
     } else {
         $command_line = escapeshellarg(self::$imagemagick_dir . 'convert');
     if (self::$imagemagick_temp_dir) {
         $command_line .= ' -set registry:temporary-path ' . escapeshellarg(self::$imagemagick_temp_dir) . ' ';
     $command_line .= ' ' . escapeshellarg($this->file) . ' ';
     // Animated gifs need to be coalesced
     if ($this->isAnimatedGif()) {
         $command_line .= ' -coalesce ';
     // TIFF files should be set to a depth of 8
     if ($type == 'tif') {
         $command_line .= ' -depth 8 ';
     foreach ($this->pending_modifications as $mod) {
         // Perform the resize operation
         if ($mod['operation'] == 'resize') {
             $command_line .= ' -resize "' . $mod['width'] . 'x' . $mod['height'];
             if ($mod['old_width'] < $mod['width'] || $mod['old_height'] < $mod['height']) {
                 $command_line .= '<';
             $command_line .= '" ';
             // Perform the crop operation
         } elseif ($mod['operation'] == 'crop') {
             $command_line .= ' -crop ' . $mod['width'] . 'x' . $mod['height'];
             $command_line .= '+' . $mod['start_x'] . '+' . $mod['start_y'];
             $command_line .= ' -repage ' . $mod['width'] . 'x' . $mod['height'] . '+0+0 ';
             // Perform the desaturate operation
         } elseif ($mod['operation'] == 'desaturate') {
             $command_line .= ' -colorspace GRAY ';
     // Default to the RGB colorspace
     if (strpos($command_line, ' -colorspace ')) {
         $command_line .= ' -colorspace RGB ';
     // Set up jpeg compression
     $path_info = fFilesystem::getPathInfo($output_file);
     $new_type = $path_info['extension'];
     $new_type = $new_type == 'jpeg' ? 'jpg' : $new_type;
     if (!in_array($new_type, array('gif', 'jpg', 'png'))) {
         $new_type = $type;
     if ($new_type == 'jpg') {
         $command_line .= ' -compress JPEG -quality ' . $jpeg_quality . ' ';
     $command_line .= ' ' . escapeshellarg($new_type . ':' . $output_file);
Beispiel #13
  * Checks if the path specified is restricted by open basedir
  * @param  string $path  The path to check
  * @return boolean  If the path is restricted by the `open_basedir` ini setting
 private static function isOpenBaseDirRestricted($path)
     if (ini_get('open_basedir')) {
         $open_basedirs = explode(fCore::checkOS('windows') ? ';' : ':', ini_get('open_basedir'));
         $found = FALSE;
         foreach ($open_basedirs as $open_basedir) {
             if (strpos($path, $open_basedir) === 0) {
                 $found = TRUE;
         if (!$found) {
             return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
  * Adds the email address the email will be bounced to
  * This email address will be set to the `Return-Path` header.
  * @param  string $email  The email address to bounce to
  * @return void
 public function setBounceToEmail($email)
     if (ini_get('safe_mode') && !fCore::checkOS('windows')) {
         throw new fProgrammerException('It is not possible to set a Bounce-To Email address when safe mode is enabled on a non-Windows server');
     if (!$email) {
     $this->bounce_to_email = $this->combineNameEmail('', $email);
 public function tearDown()
     // There seems to be an issue with the sybase driver on netbsd which this
     // test triggers, causing a segfault
     if (DB_TYPE == 'mssql' && fCore::checkOS('netbsd')) {
     if (defined('SKIPPING')) {
  * Executes a SQL statement
  * @param  string|fStatement $statement  The statement to perform
  * @param  array             $params     The parameters for prepared statements
  * @return void
 private function perform($statement, $params)
     $extra = NULL;
     if (is_object($statement)) {
         $result = $statement->execute($params, $extra, $statement != $this->statement);
     } elseif ($this->extension == 'ibm_db2') {
         $result = db2_exec($this->connection, $statement, array('cursor' => DB2_FORWARD_ONLY));
     } elseif ($this->extension == 'mssql') {
         $result = mssql_query($statement, $this->connection);
     } elseif ($this->extension == 'mysql') {
         $result = mysql_unbuffered_query($statement, $this->connection);
     } elseif ($this->extension == 'mysqli') {
         $result = mysqli_query($this->connection, $statement, MYSQLI_USE_RESULT);
     } elseif ($this->extension == 'oci8') {
         $extra = oci_parse($this->connection, $statement);
         $result = oci_execute($extra, $this->inside_transaction ? OCI_DEFAULT : OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS);
     } elseif ($this->extension == 'pgsql') {
         $result = pg_query($this->connection, $statement);
     } elseif ($this->extension == 'sqlite') {
         $result = sqlite_exec($this->connection, $statement, $extra);
     } elseif ($this->extension == 'sqlsrv') {
         $result = sqlsrv_query($this->connection, $statement);
     } elseif ($this->extension == 'pdo') {
         if ($this->type == 'mssql' && !fCore::checkOS('windows')) {
             $result = $this->connection->query($statement);
             if ($result instanceof PDOStatement) {
         } else {
             $result = $this->connection->exec($statement);
     $this->statement = $statement;
     if ($result === FALSE) {
         $this->checkForError($result, $extra, is_object($statement) ? $statement->getSQL() : $statement);
     } elseif (!is_bool($result) && $result !== NULL) {
         if ($this->extension == 'ibm_db2') {
         } elseif ($this->extension == 'mssql') {
         } elseif ($this->extension == 'mysql') {
         } elseif ($this->extension == 'mysqli') {
         } elseif ($this->extension == 'oci8') {
         } elseif ($this->extension == 'pgsql') {
         } elseif ($this->extension == 'sqlsrv') {
Beispiel #17
  * Processes the current image using ImageMagick
  * @param  string  $output_file   The file to save the image to
  * @param  integer $jpeg_quality  The JPEG quality to use
  * @return void
 private function processWithImageMagick($output_file, $jpeg_quality)
     $type = self::getImageType($this->file);
     if (fCore::checkOS('windows')) {
         $command_line = str_replace(' ', '" "', self::$imagemagick_dir . 'convert.exe');
     } else {
         $command_line = escapeshellarg(self::$imagemagick_dir . 'convert');
     if (self::$imagemagick_temp_dir) {
         $command_line .= ' -set registry:temporary-path ' . escapeshellarg(self::$imagemagick_temp_dir) . ' ';
     // Determining in what format the file is going to be saved
     $path_info = fFilesystem::getPathInfo($output_file);
     $new_type = $path_info['extension'];
     $new_type = $new_type == 'jpeg' ? 'jpg' : $new_type;
     if (!in_array($new_type, array('gif', 'jpg', 'png'))) {
         $new_type = $type;
     $file = $this->file;
     if ($type != 'gif' || $new_type != 'gif') {
         $file .= '[0]';
     $command_line .= ' ' . escapeshellarg(str_replace('tif', 'tiff', $type) . ':' . $file) . ' ';
     // Animated gifs need to be coalesced
     if ($this->isAnimatedGif()) {
         $command_line .= ' -coalesce ';
     // TIFF files should be set to a depth of 8
     if ($type == 'tif') {
         $command_line .= ' -depth 8 ';
     foreach ($this->pending_modifications as $mod) {
         // Perform the resize operation
         if ($mod['operation'] == 'resize') {
             $command_line .= ' -resize "' . $mod['width'] . 'x' . $mod['height'];
             if ($mod['old_width'] < $mod['width'] || $mod['old_height'] < $mod['height']) {
                 $command_line .= '<';
             $command_line .= '" ';
             // Perform the crop operation
         } elseif ($mod['operation'] == 'crop') {
             $command_line .= ' -crop ' . $mod['width'] . 'x' . $mod['height'];
             $command_line .= '+' . $mod['start_x'] . '+' . $mod['start_y'];
             $command_line .= ' -repage ' . $mod['width'] . 'x' . $mod['height'] . '+0+0 ';
             // Perform the desaturate operation
         } elseif ($mod['operation'] == 'desaturate') {
             $command_line .= ' -colorspace GRAY ';
             // Perform the rotate operation
         } elseif ($mod['operation'] == 'rotate') {
             $command_line .= ' -rotate ' . $mod['degrees'] . ' ';
     // Default to the RGB colorspace
     if (strpos($command_line, ' -colorspace ') === FALSE) {
         $command_line .= ' -colorspace RGB ';
     if ($new_type == 'jpg') {
         $command_line .= ' -compress JPEG -quality ' . $jpeg_quality . ' ';
     $command_line .= ' ' . escapeshellarg($new_type . ':' . $output_file) . ' 2>&1';
     exec($command_line, $output, $return_value);
     if ($return_value !== 0) {
         throw new fEnvironmentException("An error occurred running the command, %1\$s, to modify the image. The error output was:\n%2\$s", $command_line, join("\n", $output));