Beispiel #1
  * Parses the PROPFIND request and returns a request object.
  * This method is responsible for parsing the PROPFIND request. It
  * retrieves the current request URI in $path and the request body as
  * $body.  The return value, if no exception is thrown, is a valid {@link
  * ezcWebdavPropFindRequest} object.
  * This method may be overwritten to adjust it to special client behaviour.
  * @param string $path 
  * @param string $body 
  * @return ezcWebdavPropFindRequest
 protected function parsePropFindRequest($path, $body)
     $request = new ezcWebdavPropFindRequest($path);
     if (empty($body)) {
         throw new ezcWebdavInvalidRequestBodyException('PROPFIND', "Could not open XML as DOMDocument: '{$body}'.");
     try {
         $dom = ezcWebdavServer::getInstance()->xmlTool->createDom($body);
     } catch (ezcWebdavInvalidXmlException $e) {
         throw new ezcWebdavInvalidRequestBodyException('PROPFIND', $e->getMessage());
     if ($dom->documentElement->localName !== 'propfind') {
         throw new ezcWebdavInvalidRequestBodyException('PROPFIND', "Expected XML element <propfind />, received <{$dom->documentElement->localName} />.");
     if ($dom->documentElement->firstChild === null) {
         throw new ezcWebdavInvalidRequestBodyException('PROPFIND', "Element <propfind /> does not have a child element.");
     switch ($dom->documentElement->firstChild->localName) {
         case 'allprop':
             $request->allProp = true;
         case 'propname':
             $request->propName = true;
         case 'prop':
             $request->prop = new ezcWebdavBasicPropertyStorage();
             try {
                 ezcWebdavServer::getInstance()->propertyHandler->extractProperties($dom->documentElement->firstChild->childNodes, $request->prop);
             } catch (ezcBaseValueException $e) {
                 throw new ezcWebdavInvalidRequestBodyException('PROPFIND', "Property extraction produced value exception: '{$e->getMessage()}'.");
             throw new ezcWebdavInvalidRequestBodyException('PROPFIND', "XML element <{$dom->documentElement->firstChild->nodeName} /> is not a valid child element for <propfind />.");
     return $request;