  * Construct converter
  * Construct converter from XSLT file, which is used for the actual
  * @param ezcDocumentDocbookToOdtConverterOptions $options
  * @return void
 public function __construct(ezcDocumentDocbookToOdtConverterOptions $options = null)
     parent::__construct($options === null ? new ezcDocumentDocbookToOdtConverterOptions() : $options);
     $this->textProcessor = new ezcDocumentOdtTextProcessor();
     $this->metaGenerator = new ezcDocumentOdtMetaGenerator();
     $styler = $this->options->styler;
     // Initlize common element handlers
     $this->visitorElementHandler = array('docbook' => array('article' => $ignore = new ezcDocumentDocbookToOdtIgnoreHandler($styler), 'book' => $ignore, 'section' => $section = new ezcDocumentDocbookToOdtSectionHandler($styler), 'sectioninfo' => $section, 'title' => $section, 'para' => $paragraph = new ezcDocumentDocbookToOdtParagraphHandler($styler), 'emphasis' => $inline = new ezcDocumentDocbookToOdtInlineHandler($styler), 'literal' => $inline, 'ulink' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToOdtUlinkHandler($styler), 'link' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToOdtLinkHandler($styler), 'anchor' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToOdtAnchorHandler($styler), 'inlinemediaobject' => $media = new ezcDocumentDocbookToOdtMediaObjectHandler($styler), 'mediaobject' => $media, 'itemizedlist' => $list = new ezcDocumentDocbookToOdtListHandler($styler), 'orderedlist' => $list, 'listitem' => $mapper = new ezcDocumentDocbookToOdtMappingHandler($styler), 'note' => $paragraph, 'tip' => $paragraph, 'warning' => $paragraph, 'important' => $paragraph, 'caution' => $paragraph, 'literallayout' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToOdtLiteralLayoutHandler($styler), 'footnote' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToOdtFootnoteHandler($styler), 'comment' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToOdtCommentHandler($styler), 'beginpage' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToOdtPageBreakHandler($styler), 'entry' => $table = new ezcDocumentDocbookToOdtTableHandler($styler), 'table' => $table, 'tbody' => $table, 'thead' => $table, 'caption' => $table, 'tr' => $table, 'td' => $table, 'row' => $table, 'tgroup' => $ignore, 'blockquote' => $ignore, 'attribution' => $ignore, 'variablelist' => $deepIgnore = new ezcDocumentDocbookToOdtIgnoreHandler($styler, true), 'varlistentry' => $deepIgnore));
Beispiel #2
  * Construct converter
  * Construct converter from XSLT file, which is used for the actual
  * @param ezcDocumentDocbookToEzXmlConverterOptions $options
  * @return void
 public function __construct(ezcDocumentDocbookToEzXmlConverterOptions $options = null)
     parent::__construct($options === null ? new ezcDocumentDocbookToEzXmlConverterOptions() : $options);
     // Initlize common element handlers
     $this->visitorElementHandler = array('docbook' => array('article' => $recurse = new ezcDocumentDocbookToEzXmlRecurseHandler(), 'book' => $recurse, 'sect1info' => $ignore = new ezcDocumentDocbookToEzXmlIgnoreHandler(), 'sect2info' => $ignore, 'sect3info' => $ignore, 'sect4info' => $ignore, 'sect5info' => $ignore, 'sectioninfo' => $ignore, 'sect1' => $section = new ezcDocumentDocbookToEzXmlSectionHandler(), 'sect2' => $section, 'sect3' => $section, 'sect4' => $section, 'sect5' => $section, 'section' => $section, 'title' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToEzXmlTitleHandler(), 'para' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToEzXmlParagraphHandler(), 'emphasis' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToEzXmlEmphasisHandler(), 'literal' => $mapper = new ezcDocumentDocbookToEzXmlMappingHandler(), 'ulink' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToEzXmlExternalLinkHandler(), 'link' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToEzXmlInternalLinkHandler(), 'anchor' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToEzXmlAnchorHandler(), 'itemizedlist' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToEzXmlItemizedListHandler(), 'orderedlist' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToEzXmlOrderedListHandler(), 'listitem' => $mapper, 'literallayout' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToEzXmlLiteralLayoutHandler(), 'footnote' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToEzXmlFootnoteHandler(), 'comment' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToEzXmlCommentHandler(), 'beginpage' => $ignore, 'entry' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToEzXmlTableCellHandler(), 'table' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToEzXmlTableHandler(), 'tbody' => $recurse, 'thead' => $recurse, 'row' => $mapper, 'tgroup' => $recurse));
Beispiel #3
  * Construct converter
  * Construct converter from XSLT file, which is used for the actual
  * @param ezcDocumentDocbookToHtmlConverterOptions $options
  * @return void
 public function __construct(ezcDocumentDocbookToHtmlConverterOptions $options = null)
     parent::__construct($options === null ? new ezcDocumentDocbookToHtmlConverterOptions() : $options);
     // Initlize common element handlers
     $this->visitorElementHandler = array('docbook' => array('article' => $mapper = new ezcDocumentDocbookToHtmlMappingHandler(), 'book' => $mapper, 'sect1info' => $header = new ezcDocumentDocbookToHtmlHeadHandler(), 'sect2info' => $header, 'sect3info' => $header, 'sect4info' => $header, 'sect5info' => $header, 'sectioninfo' => $header, 'sect1' => $section = new ezcDocumentDocbookToHtmlSectionHandler(), 'sect2' => $section, 'sect3' => $section, 'sect4' => $section, 'sect5' => $section, 'section' => $section, 'title' => $section, 'para' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToHtmlParagraphHandler(), 'emphasis' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToHtmlEmphasisHandler(), 'literal' => $mapper, 'ulink' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToHtmlExternalLinkHandler(), 'link' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToHtmlInternalLinkHandler(), 'anchor' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToHtmlAnchorHandler(), 'inlinemediaobject' => $media = new ezcDocumentDocbookToHtmlMediaObjectHandler(), 'mediaobject' => $media, 'blockquote' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToHtmlBlockquoteHandler(), 'itemizedlist' => $mapper, 'orderedlist' => $mapper, 'listitem' => $mapper, 'note' => $special = new ezcDocumentDocbookToHtmlSpecialParagraphHandler(), 'tip' => $special, 'warning' => $special, 'important' => $special, 'caution' => $special, 'literallayout' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToHtmlLiteralLayoutHandler(), 'footnote' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToHtmlFootnoteHandler(), 'comment' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToHtmlCommentHandler(), 'beginpage' => $mapper, 'variablelist' => $mapper, 'varlistentry' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToHtmlDefinitionListEntryHandler(), 'entry' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToHtmlTableCellHandler(), 'table' => $mapper, 'tbody' => $mapper, 'thead' => $mapper, 'row' => $mapper, 'tgroup' => $ignore = new ezcDocumentDocbookToHtmlIgnoreHandler()));
Beispiel #4
  * Construct converter
  * Construct converter from XSLT file, which is used for the actual
  * @param ezcDocumentEzXmlToDocbookConverterOptions $options
  * @return void
 public function __construct(ezcDocumentEzXmlToDocbookConverterOptions $options = null)
     parent::__construct($options === null ? new ezcDocumentEzXmlToDocbookConverterOptions() : $options);
     // Initlize common element handlers
     $this->visitorElementHandler = array('ezxml' => array('section' => $mapper = new ezcDocumentEzXmlToDocbookMappingHandler(), 'header' => new ezcDocumentEzXmlToDocbookHeaderHandler(), 'paragraph' => $mapper, 'strong' => $emphasis = new ezcDocumentEzXmlToDocbookEmphasisHandler(), 'emphasize' => $emphasis, 'link' => new ezcDocumentEzXmlToDocbookLinkHandler(), 'anchor' => new ezcDocumentEzXmlToDocbookAnchorHandler(), 'ol' => $list = new ezcDocumentEzXmlToDocbookListHandler(), 'ul' => $list, 'li' => $mapper, 'literal' => new ezcDocumentEzXmlToDocbookLiteralHandler(), 'line' => new ezcDocumentEzXmlToDocbookLineHandler(), 'table' => new ezcDocumentEzXmlToDocbookTableHandler(), 'tr' => new ezcDocumentEzXmlToDocbookTableRowHandler(), 'td' => new ezcDocumentEzXmlToDocbookTableCellHandler(), 'th' => new ezcDocumentEzXmlToDocbookTableCellHandler()));
Beispiel #5
  * Construct converter.
  * Construct converter from XSLT file, which is used for the actual.
  * @param ezcDocumentDocbookToWikiConverterOptions $options
  * @return void
 public function __construct(ezcDocumentDocbookToWikiConverterOptions $options = null)
     parent::__construct($options === null ? new ezcDocumentDocbookToWikiConverterOptions() : $options);
     // Initlize common element handlers
     $this->visitorElementHandler = array('docbook' => array('article' => $recurse = new ezcDocumentDocbookToWikiRecurseHandler(), 'book' => $recurse, 'anchor' => $recurse, 'sect1info' => $header = new ezcDocumentDocbookToWikiIgnoreHandler(), 'sect2info' => $header, 'sect3info' => $header, 'sect4info' => $header, 'sect5info' => $header, 'sectioninfo' => $header, 'sect1' => $section = new ezcDocumentDocbookToWikiSectionHandler(), 'sect2' => $section, 'sect3' => $section, 'sect4' => $section, 'sect5' => $section, 'section' => $section, 'title' => $section, 'para' => $para = new ezcDocumentDocbookToWikiParagraphHandler(), 'emphasis' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToWikiEmphasisHandler(), 'ulink' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToWikiExternalLinkHandler(), 'link' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToWikiInternalLinkHandler(), 'literal' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToWikiLiteralHandler(), 'inlinemediaobject' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToWikiInlineMediaObjectHandler(), 'mediaobject' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToWikiMediaObjectHandler(), 'itemizedlist' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToWikiItemizedListHandler(), 'orderedlist' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToWikiOrderedListHandler(), 'note' => $para, 'tip' => $para, 'warning' => $para, 'important' => $para, 'caution' => $para, 'literallayout' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToWikiLiteralLayoutHandler(), 'beginpage' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToWikiBeginPageHandler(), 'comment' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToWikiIgnoreHandler(), 'table' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToWikiTableHandler()));
Beispiel #6
  * Construct converter
  * Construct converter from XSLT file, which is used for the actual
  * @param ezcDocumentDocbookToRstConverterOptions $options
  * @return void
 public function __construct(ezcDocumentDocbookToRstConverterOptions $options = null)
     parent::__construct($options === null ? new ezcDocumentDocbookToRstConverterOptions() : $options);
     // Initlize common element handlers
     $this->visitorElementHandler = array('docbook' => array('article' => $recurse = new ezcDocumentDocbookToRstRecurseHandler(), 'book' => $recurse, 'sect1info' => $header = new ezcDocumentDocbookToRstHeadHandler(), 'sect2info' => $header, 'sect3info' => $header, 'sect4info' => $header, 'sect5info' => $header, 'sectioninfo' => $header, 'sect1' => $section = new ezcDocumentDocbookToRstSectionHandler(), 'sect2' => $section, 'sect3' => $section, 'sect4' => $section, 'sect5' => $section, 'section' => $section, 'title' => $section, 'para' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToRstParagraphHandler(), 'emphasis' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToRstEmphasisHandler(), 'ulink' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToRstExternalLinkHandler(), 'link' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToRstInternalLinkHandler(), 'literal' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToRstLiteralHandler(), 'inlinemediaobject' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToRstInlineMediaObjectHandler(), 'mediaobject' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToRstMediaObjectHandler(), 'blockquote' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToRstBlockquoteHandler(), 'itemizedlist' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToRstItemizedListHandler(), 'orderedlist' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToRstOrderedListHandler(), 'note' => $special = new ezcDocumentDocbookToRstSpecialParagraphHandler(), 'tip' => $special, 'warning' => $special, 'important' => $special, 'caution' => $special, 'literallayout' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToRstLiteralLayoutHandler(), 'beginpage' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToRstBeginPageHandler(), 'footnote' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToRstFootnoteHandler(), 'citation' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToRstCitationHandler(), 'comment' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToRstCommentHandler(), 'variablelist' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToRstVariableListHandler(), 'table' => new ezcDocumentDocbookToRstTableHandler()));