Beispiel #1
     * Builds and returns the headers of the table
     * @return string HTML
    public function get_headers()
        global $USER, $DB;
        if (!($course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $this->courseid)))) {
        $total = '';
        //To print  Lastname / Firstname
        $arrows = $this->get_sort_arrows();
        $header = '<tr style="border:1px solid #146C84;">					
						<th colspan="2">' . $arrows['studentname'] . '</th>';
        $levels = $this->gtree->get_levels();
        foreach ($levels as $row) {
            foreach ($row as $element) {
                if ($element['object']->hidden == 1 && !$this->canviewhidden) {
                if (isset($element['object']->itemnumber) && $element['object']->itemnumber == 0 && $element['object']->itemtype != 'manual') {
                    // Checks if it is an activity
                    if ($element['type'] == 'item') {
                        if ($cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance($element['object']->itemmodule, $element['object']->iteminstance, $this->courseid)) {
                            $cmid = $cm->id;
                            if (!($task = evalcomix_tasks::fetch(array('instanceid' => $cmid)))) {
                                $task = new evalcomix_tasks('', $cmid, 100, 50, time(), '1');
                            } elseif ($task->visible == 0) {
                            $this->activities_configured[$cmid] = $this->configured_activity($cmid);
                            if (!$this->canviewhidden && !$this->activities_configured[$cmid]) {
                            if (property_exists($cm, 'availability')) {
                                $grey = false;
                                $hide = false;
                                global $USER;
                                $this->modinfo = new course_modinfo($course, $USER->id);
                                $instances = $this->modinfo->get_instances_of($element['object']->itemmodule);
                                if (!empty($instances[$element['object']->iteminstance])) {
                                    $cm_info = $instances[$element['object']->iteminstance];
                                    if (!$cm_info->uservisible) {
                                        // If there is 'availableinfo' text then it is only greyed
                                        // out and not entirely hidden.
                                        if (!$cm_info->availableinfo) {
                                            $hide = true;
                                        $grey = true;
                            if (!$this->canviewhidden) {
                                if (!empty($hide) || !empty($grey)) {
                                $gm = true;
                                if (property_exists($cm, 'groupmembersonly') && !$cm->groupmembersonly) {
                                    $gm = false;
                                if ($gm) {
                                    $groupingid = $cm->groupingid;
                                    $intersect1 = array();
                                    $groups = $this->get_groupids($USER->id);
                                    if (isset($this->coursegroupings[$groupingid]) && is_array($groups)) {
                                        $grouping_groups = $this->coursegroupings[$groupingid];
                                        $intersect1 = array_intersect($groups, $grouping_groups);
                                    if ($cm->groupingid && empty($intersect1)) {
                                    /*elseif(!$cm->groupingid && $groups == -1){
                            if ($cm->visible == 0 && !$this->canviewhidden) {
                                //if($cm->visible == 0){
                        $header .= '<th style="width:10em;border:1px solid #146C84;">' . $this->print_header_element($element, true);
                        $header .= '</th>';
                    // Checks if it is the total grade of the course
                    if ($element['type'] == 'courseitem') {
                        $total = '<th style="border:1px solid #146C84;">
								' . $this->print_header_element($element, true) . '</th>';
        $header .= $total . '</tr>';
        return $header;
  * Update more than one param
 public function test_more_than_one_param_update_ok()
     $objectnew = new evalcomix_tasks('', '20', '100', 'AAA');
     $params = array('maxgrade' => '80', 'weighing' => '70');
     evalcomix_tasks::set_properties($objectnew, $params);
     $id = $objectnew->update();
     unset($objectnew, $id);
		<div>' . get_string('settings_description', 'block_evalcomix') . '</div><br>
		<table class="gradestable flexible boxaligncenter generaltable">
			<tr><th>' . get_string('activities', 'block_evalcomix') . '</th><th>' . get_string('edition', 'block_evalcomix') . '</th></tr>
$activities = array();
$tasks = array();
foreach ($levels as $row) {
    foreach ($row as $element) {
        if (isset($element['object']->itemnumber) && $element['object']->itemnumber == 0 && $element['object']->itemtype != 'manual') {
            if ($element['type'] == 'item') {
                if ($cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance($element['object']->itemmodule, $element['object']->iteminstance, $courseid)) {
                    $cmid = $cm->id;
                    if (!($task = evalcomix_tasks::fetch(array('instanceid' => $cmid)))) {
                        $task = new evalcomix_tasks('', $cmid, 100, 50, time(), '1');
                    $taskid = $task->id;
                    $tasks[$taskid] = $task;
                    $name = $element['object']->get_name();
                    $dots = '';
                    if (strlen($name) > 50) {
                        $dots = '... ';
                    $taskname = substr($element['object']->get_name(), 0, 50) . $dots;
                    $activities[$taskid] = $taskname;
                    $icontask[$taskid] = $report_evalcomix->gtree->get_element_icon($element, false);
 public function after_restore()
     global $DB, $COURSE, $CFG;
     include_once $CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/evalcomix/configeval.php';
     include_once $CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/evalcomix/classes/evalcomix_tasks.php';
     include_once $CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/evalcomix/classes/evalcomix_modes.php';
     include_once $CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/evalcomix/classes/evalcomix_modes_time.php';
     include_once $CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/evalcomix/classes/evalcomix_modes_extra.php';
     include_once $CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/evalcomix/classes/evalcomix_assessments.php';
     include_once $CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/evalcomix/classes/webservice_evalcomix_client.php';
     include_once $CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/evalcomix/classes/evalcomix_grades.php';
     include_once $CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/evalcomix/classes/evalcomix_allowedusers.php';
     $settings = $this->task->get_info()->root_settings;
     //$this->oldcontextid; busco en tabla mdl_context->instanceid es el courseid; con el courseid obtengo todos los cms antiguos y nuevos y voy copiando uno a uno
     //$this->basepath   = $CFG->dataroot . '/temp/backup/' . $controller->get_tempdir();
     //$blockid = $this->get_old_blockid();
     //$xml = simplexml_load_file($this->get_basepath() . '/course/blocks/evalcomix_'. $blockid .'/evalcomix.xml');
     $fullpath = $this->task->get_taskbasepath();
     // We MUST have one fullpath here, else, error
     if (empty($fullpath)) {
         throw new restore_step_exception('restore_structure_step_undefined_fullpath');
     // Append the filename to the fullpath
     $fullpath = rtrim($fullpath, '/') . '/' . $this->filename;
     // And it MUST exist
     if (!file_exists($fullpath)) {
         // Shouldn't happen ever, but...
         throw new restore_step_exception('missing_moodle_backup_xml_file', $fullpath);
     $xml = simplexml_load_file($fullpath);
     //echo $this->task->get_taskbasepath() . '/course/blocks/evalcomix_'. $blockid .'/evalcomix.xml';
     $evxid_old = (int) $xml->evalcomix['id'];
     $viewmode_old = (string) $xml->evalcomix->viewmode;
     if (isset($xml->evalcomix->environment->courseid)) {
         $courseid_old = $xml->evalcomix->environment->courseid;
     if (isset($xml->evalcomix->environment->moodlename)) {
         $moodlename_old = $xml->evalcomix->environment->moodlename;
     include_once $CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/evalcomix/configeval.php';
     //include_once($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/lib.php');
     //$courseid_new = $this->plan->get_courseid();
     $courseid_new = $this->get_courseid();
     $moodlename_new = MOODLE_NAME;
     $block_evalcomix = $DB->get_record('block_evalcomix', array('courseid' => $courseid_new));
     //$coursecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseid_new);
     $coursecontext = context_course::instance($courseid_new);
     $tasksid = '';
     if (isset($xml->evalcomix->tasks[0])) {
         $assessmentids = array();
         foreach ($xml->evalcomix->tasks[0] as $task) {
             $task_id_old = (int) $task['id'];
             $task_instanceid_old = (int) $task->instanceid;
             $task_maxgrade_old = (string) $task->maxgrade;
             $task_weighing_old = (string) $task->weighing;
             $cm = $DB->get_record('block_evalcomix', array('courseid' => $courseid_new));
             $cm_mapping = $this->get_mapping('course_module', $task_instanceid_old);
             $newcmid = $cm_mapping->newitemid;
             $visibletask = '1';
             if (isset($task->visible)) {
                 $visibletask = (string) $task->visible;
             if (!($task_fetch = evalcomix_tasks::fetch(array('instanceid' => $newcmid)))) {
                 $task_object = new evalcomix_tasks('', $newcmid, $task_maxgrade_old, $task_weighing_old, '', $visibletask);
                 $newtaskid = $task_object->insert();
                 $tasksid .= $task_instanceid_old . '-' . $newcmid . ',';
                 foreach ($task->modes[0] as $mode) {
                     $mode_id_old = (int) $mode['id'];
                     $mode_toolid_old = (string) $mode->toolid;
                     $mode_modality_old = (string) $mode->modality;
                     $mode_weighing_old = (string) $mode->weighing;
                     $tool_mapping = $this->get_mapping('evalcomix_tool', $mode_toolid_old);
                     if (!empty($tool_mapping) && ($newtoolid = $tool_mapping->newitemid)) {
                         if (!($mode_object = evalcomix_modes::fetch(array('taskid' => $newtaskid, 'toolid' => $newtoolid, 'modality' => $mode_modality_old)))) {
                             $mode_object = new evalcomix_modes('', $newtaskid, $newtoolid, $mode_modality_old, $mode_weighing_old);
                             $newmodeid = $mode_object->insert();
                             if (isset($mode->mode_time['id'])) {
                                 $mode_time_id_old = (string) $mode->mode_time['id'];
                                 $mode_time_timeavailable_old = (string) $mode->mode_time->timeavailable;
                                 $mode_time_timedue_old = (string) $mode->mode_time->timedue;
                                 if (!evalcomix_modes_time::fetch(array('modeid' => $newmodeid))) {
                                     $mode_time_object = new evalcomix_modes_time('', $newmodeid, $mode_time_timeavailable_old, $mode_time_timedue_old);
                             if (isset($mode->mode_extra)) {
                                 $mode_extra_id_old = (string) $mode->mode_extra['id'];
                                 $mode_extra_timeavailable_old = (string) $mode->mode_extra->anonymous;
                                 $mode_extra_visible = $mode->mode_extra->visible;
                                 $mode_extra_whoassesses = $mode->mode_extra->whoassesses;
                                 if (!($mode_extra_object = evalcomix_modes_extra::fetch(array('modeid' => $newmodeid)))) {
                                     $mode_extra_object = new evalcomix_modes_extra('', $newmodeid, $mode_extra_timeavailable_old, $mode_extra_visible, $mode_extra_whoassesses);
             if ($settings['users'] == 1) {
                 foreach ($task->assessments[0] as $assessment) {
                     $assessment_id_old = (string) $assessment['id'];
                     $assessment_assessorid_old = (string) $assessment->assessorid;
                     $assessment_studentid_old = (string) $assessment->studentid;
                     $assessment_grade_old = (string) $assessment->grade;
                     $assessor_user = $this->get_mapping('user', $assessment_assessorid_old);
                     $student_user = $this->get_mapping('user', $assessment_studentid_old);
                     if (!isset($assessor_user->newitemid) || !isset($student_user->newitemid)) {
                     if (!($assessment_object = evalcomix_assessments::fetch(array('taskid' => $newtaskid, 'assessorid' => $assessor_user->newitemid, 'studentid' => $student_user->newitemid)))) {
                         $assessment_object = new evalcomix_assessments('', $newtaskid, $assessor_user->newitemid, $student_user->newitemid, $assessment_grade_old);
                     //$modulename = get_module_type ($courseid_new, $newcmid);
                     $modulename = evalcomix_tasks::get_type_task($newcmid);
                     $mode = '';
                     if ($student_user->newitemid == $assessor_user->newitemid) {
                         $mode = 'self';
                     } elseif (has_capability('moodle/grade:viewhidden', $coursecontext, $assessor_user->newitemid)) {
                         $mode = 'teacher';
                     } else {
                         $mode = 'peer';
                     //$courseid_old, $modulename, $task_instanceid_old, $assessment_studentid_old, $assessment_assessorid_old, $mode, $moodlename_old
                     $str = $courseid_old . '_' . $modulename . '_' . $task_instanceid_old . '_' . $assessment_studentid_old . '_' . $assessment_assessorid_old . '_' . $mode . '_' . $moodlename_old;
                     $assessmentid_old = md5($str);
                     $str = $courseid_new . '_' . $modulename . '_' . $newcmid . '_' . $student_user->newitemid . '_' . $assessor_user->newitemid . '_' . $mode . '_' . $moodlename_new;
                     //echo $str . ' -- ';
                     $assessmentid_new = md5($str);
                     $object = new stdClass();
                     $object->oldid = $assessmentid_old;
                     $object->newid = $assessmentid_new;
                     $assessmentids[] = $object;
     if ($tasksid != '') {
         $tasksid = substr($tasksid, 0, -1);
     if ($settings['users'] == 1) {
         if (isset($xml->evalcomix->grades[0])) {
             foreach ($xml->evalcomix->grades[0] as $grade) {
                 $cm_mapping = $this->get_mapping('course_module', $grade->cmid);
                 $newcmid = $cm_mapping->newitemid;
                 $student = $this->get_mapping('user', (int) $grade->userid);
                 if (!isset($student->newitemid)) {
                 $params = array('finalgrade' => (double) $grade->finalgrade, 'courseid' => $courseid_new, 'cmid' => $newcmid, 'userid' => $student->newitemid);
                 if (!($grade_object = evalcomix_grades::fetch(array('courseid' => $courseid_new, 'cmid' => $newcmid, 'userid' => $student->newitemid)))) {
                     $grade_object = new evalcomix_grades($params);
                     $newgradeid = $grade_object->insert();
         if (isset($xml->evalcomix->allowedusers[0])) {
             foreach ($xml->evalcomix->allowedusers[0] as $users) {
                 $cm_mapping = $this->get_mapping('course_module', $users->cmid);
                 $newcmid = $cm_mapping->newitemid;
                 $assessor = $this->get_mapping('user', (int) $users->assessorid);
                 $student = $this->get_mapping('user', (int) $users->studentid);
                 if (!isset($student->newitemid) || !isset($assessor->newitemid)) {
                 $params = array('assessorid' => (int) $assessor->newitemid, 'studentid' => $student->newitemid, 'cmid' => $newcmid);
                 if (!($allowedusers_object = evalcomix_allowedusers::fetch($params))) {
                     $allowedusers_object = new evalcomix_allowedusers($params);
                     $newid = $allowedusers_object->insert();
     if (isset($xml->evalcomix->tools[0])) {
         $hashtools = array();
         foreach ($xml->evalcomix->tools[0] as $tool) {
             if ((string) $tool->type == 'tmp') {
             $idtoolold = (string) $tool->idtool;
             $tool_mapping = $this->get_mapping('evalcomix_tool', (string) $tool['id']);
             $toolnew = evalcomix_tool::fetch(array('id' => $tool_mapping->newitemid));
             $idtoolnew = $toolnew->idtool;
             $object = new stdClass();
             $object->oldid = $idtoolold;
             $object->newid = $idtoolnew;
             $hashtools[] = $object;
     if (isset($hashtools) && isset($assessmentids)) {
         $result = webservice_evalcomix_client::duplicate_course($assessmentids, $hashtools);
     //$newtools = webservice_evalcomix_client::get_ws_list_tool($courseid_new, $moodlename_new);