public static function validateAdminTheme(erLhAbstractModelAdminTheme &$clickform)
     $definition = array('Name' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement(ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::OPTIONAL, 'unsafe_raw'), 'header_content' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement(ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::OPTIONAL, 'unsafe_raw'), 'header_css' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement(ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::OPTIONAL, 'unsafe_raw'), 'static_content_name' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement(ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::OPTIONAL, 'unsafe_raw', null, FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY), 'static_content_hash' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement(ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::OPTIONAL, 'unsafe_raw', null, FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY), 'static_js_content_name' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement(ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::OPTIONAL, 'unsafe_raw', null, FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY), 'static_js_content_hash' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement(ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::OPTIONAL, 'unsafe_raw', null, FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY), 'static_css_content_name' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement(ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::OPTIONAL, 'unsafe_raw', null, FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY), 'static_css_content_hash' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement(ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::OPTIONAL, 'unsafe_raw', null, FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY));
     $form = new ezcInputForm(INPUT_POST, $definition);
     $Errors = array();
     $currentUser = erLhcoreClassUser::instance();
     if (!isset($_POST['csfr_token']) || !$currentUser->validateCSFRToken($_POST['csfr_token'])) {
         $Errors[] = erTranslationClassLhTranslation::getInstance()->getTranslation('icclicktocallform/form', 'Invalid CSRF token!');
     if (!$form->hasValidData('Name') || $form->Name == '') {
         $Errors['Name'] = erTranslationClassLhTranslation::getInstance()->getTranslation('icclicktocallform/form', 'Please enter a name');
     } else {
         $clickform->name = $form->Name;
     if ($form->hasValidData('header_content')) {
         $clickform->header_content = $form->header_content;
     if ($form->hasValidData('header_css')) {
         $clickform->header_css = $form->header_css;
     $resourcesArray = array('static_content', 'static_js_content', 'static_css_content');
     $supportedExtensions = array('zip', 'doc', 'docx', 'ttf', 'pdf', 'xls', 'ico', 'gif', 'xlsx', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'bmp', 'rar', '7z', 'css', 'js', 'eot', 'woff', 'woff2', 'svg');
     // Validate resources
     foreach ($resourcesArray as $resource) {
         if ($form->hasValidData($resource . '_hash') && !empty($form->{$resource . '_hash'})) {
             $customFields = $currentStaticResources = $clickform->{$resource . '_array'};
             foreach ($form->{$resource . '_hash'} as $key => $customFieldType) {
                 if (!erLhcoreClassSearchHandler::isFile($resource . '_file_' . $key, $supportedExtensions) && !isset($currentStaticResources[$key]['file'])) {
                     $Errors[$resource . '_file_' . $key] = erTranslationClassLhTranslation::getInstance()->getTranslation('icclicktocallform/form', 'File not chosen for') . (isset($form->{$resource . '_name'}[$key]) ? ' - ' . htmlspecialchars($form->{$resource . '_name'}[$key]) : '');
             // If there is no errors upload files
             if (empty($Errors)) {
                 foreach ($form->{$resource . '_hash'} as $key => $customFieldType) {
                     $customFields[$key]['name'] = $form->{$resource . '_name'}[$key];
                     $customFields[$key]['hash'] = $key;
                     if (erLhcoreClassSearchHandler::isFile($resource . '_file_' . $key, $supportedExtensions)) {
                         // Check there is already uploaded file and remove it
                         $clickform->removeResource($resource, $key);
                         // Store new file if required
                         $dir = 'var/storageadmintheme/' . date('Y') . 'y/' . date('m') . '/' . date('d') . '/' . $clickform->id . '/';
                         erLhcoreClassChatEventDispatcher::getInstance()->dispatch('admintheme.filedir', array('dir' => &$dir, 'storage_id' => $clickform->id));
                         $customFields[$key]['file'] = erLhcoreClassSearchHandler::moveUploadedFile($resource . '_file_' . $key, $dir . '/', '.');
                         $customFields[$key]['file_dir'] = $dir;
                 $clickform->{$resource} = json_encode($customFields, JSON_HEX_APOS);
         } else {
             $clickform->{$resource} = '';
     return $Errors;
 public function movePhoto($attr, $isLocal = false, $localFile = false)
     if ($this->id != null) {
         $dir = 'var/storagetheme/' . date('Y') . 'y/' . date('m') . '/' . date('d') . '/' . $this->id . '/';
         erLhcoreClassChatEventDispatcher::getInstance()->dispatch('theme.edit.' . $attr . '_path', array('dir' => &$dir, 'storage_id' => $this->id));
         if ($isLocal == false) {
             $this->{$attr} = erLhcoreClassSearchHandler::moveUploadedFile('AbstractInput_' . $attr, $dir . '/', '.');
         } else {
             $this->{$attr} = erLhcoreClassSearchHandler::moveLocalFile($localFile, $dir . '/', '.');
         $this->{$attr . '_path'} = $dir;
     } else {
         $this->{$attr . '_pending'} = true;
Beispiel #3
         if (isset($data['minimize_image_data'])) {
             $imgData['minimize_image'] = $data['minimize_image_data'];
         try {
             foreach ($imgData as $attr => $dataImage) {
                 $imgDataItem = base64_decode($dataImage);
                 if ($imgDataItem !== false) {
                     $dir = 'var/tmpfiles/';
                     $fileName = 'data.' . $data[$attr . '_data_ext'];
                     erLhcoreClassChatEventDispatcher::getInstance()->dispatch('theme.temppath', array('dir' => &$dir));
                     $imgPath = $dir . $fileName;
                     file_put_contents($imgPath, $imgDataItem);
                     if (erLhcoreClassImageConverter::isPhotoLocal($imgPath)) {
                         $widgetTheme->movePhoto($attr, true, $imgPath);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $tpl->set('errors', array(erTranslationClassLhTranslation::getInstance()->getTranslation('theme/import', 'Could not import a new theme!')));
     $tpl->set('updated', true);
 } else {
     $tpl->set('errors', array(erTranslationClassLhTranslation::getInstance()->getTranslation('theme/import', 'Invalid file!')));
 public static function storeCollectedInformation($form, $collectedInformation)
     $formCollected = new erLhAbstractModelFormCollected();
     $formCollected->ip = erLhcoreClassIPDetect::getIP();
     $formCollected->ctime = time();
     $formCollected->form_id = $form->id;
     $formCollected->identifier = isset($_POST['identifier']) ? $_POST['identifier'] : (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : '');
     // Finish collect information
     foreach ($collectedInformation as $fieldName => &$params) {
         if ($params['definition']['type'] == 'file') {
             $dir = 'var/storageform/' . date('Y') . 'y/' . date('m') . '/' . date('d') . '/' . $formCollected->id . '/';
             erLhcoreClassChatEventDispatcher::getInstance()->dispatch('form.fill.file_path', array('path' => &$dir, 'storage_id' => $formCollected->id));
             $file = erLhcoreClassSearchHandler::moveUploadedFile($params['definition']['name'], $dir);
             $params['filename'] = $file;
             $params['filepath'] = $dir;
             erLhcoreClassChatEventDispatcher::getInstance()->dispatch('form.fill.store_file', array('file_params' => &$params));
     $formCollected->content = serialize($collectedInformation);
     // Inform user about filled form
     erLhcoreClassChatMail::informFormFilled($formCollected, array('email' => self::$mainEmail));
 $imgData = base64_decode(str_replace('data:image/png;base64,', '', $_POST['data']));
 $fileData = erLhcoreClassModelChatConfig::fetch('file_configuration');
 $data = (array) $fileData->data;
 if (strlen($imgData) < $data['fs_max'] * 1024 && $imgData != '') {
     $storageID = false;
     if ($chat !== false) {
         $path = 'var/storage/' . date('Y') . 'y/' . date('m') . '/' . date('d') . '/' . $chat->id . '/';
         $storageID = $chat->id;
     } else {
         $path = 'var/storage/' . date('Y') . 'y/' . date('m') . '/' . date('d') . '/' . $vid->id . '/';
         $storageID = $vid->id;
     $response = erLhcoreClassChatEventDispatcher::getInstance()->dispatch('file.storescreenshot.screenshot_path', array('path' => &$path, 'storage_id' => $storageID));
     $fileNameHash = sha1($imgData . time());
     if ($response === false) {
     file_put_contents($path . $fileNameHash, $imgData);
     $imageSize = getimagesize($path . $fileNameHash);
     if ($imageSize) {
         try {
             $db = ezcDbInstance::get();
             if ($chat !== false && $chat->screenshot !== false) {
                 $chat->screenshot_id = 0;
             if (is_object($vid) && $vid->screenshot !== false) {
                 $vid->screenshot_id = 0;
 public static function validateUserPhoto(&$userData, $params = array())
     $Errors = false;
     if (isset($_FILES["UserPhoto"]) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES["UserPhoto"]["tmp_name"]) && $_FILES["UserPhoto"]["error"] == 0 && erLhcoreClassImageConverter::isPhoto('UserPhoto')) {
         $Errors = array();
         $dir = 'var/userphoto/' . date('Y') . 'y/' . date('m') . '/' . date('d') . '/' . $userData->id . '/';
         erLhcoreClassChatEventDispatcher::getInstance()->dispatch('user.edit.photo_path', array('dir' => &$dir, 'storage_id' => $userData->id));
         $response = erLhcoreClassChatEventDispatcher::getInstance()->dispatch('user.edit.photo_store', array('file_post_variable' => 'UserPhoto', 'dir' => &$dir, 'storage_id' => $userData->id));
         // There was no callbacks
         if ($response === false) {
             $file = qqFileUploader::upload($_FILES, 'UserPhoto', $dir);
         } else {
             $file = $response['data'];
         if (!empty($file["errors"])) {
             foreach ($file["errors"] as $err) {
                 $Errors[] = $err;
         } else {
             $userData->filename = $file["data"]["filename"];
             $userData->filepath = $file["data"]["dir"];
             $response = erLhcoreClassChatEventDispatcher::getInstance()->dispatch('user.edit.photo_resize_150', array('mime_type' => $file["data"]['mime_type'], 'user' => $userData));
             if ($response === false) {
                 erLhcoreClassImageConverter::getInstance()->converter->transform('photow_150', $userData->file_path_server, $userData->file_path_server);
                 chmod($userData->file_path_server, 0644);
     return $Errors;
 public static function convertPDFToPNG(erLhcoreClassModelDocShare &$fileObject)
     $pdfFile = $fileObject->pdf_file_path_server;
     if ($fileObject->pdf_file != '' && file_exists($pdfFile)) {
         try {
             $config = erConfigClassLhConfig::getInstance();
             $objectData = erLhcoreClassModelChatConfig::fetch('doc_sharer');
             $dataDocSharer = (array) $objectData->data;
             erLhcoreClassFileUpload::mkdirRecursive($fileObject->pdftoimg_path, true, $dataDocSharer['http_user_name'], $dataDocSharer['http_user_group_name']);
             $ocrParsed = true;
             // Prepare to run ImageMagick command
             $descriptors = array(array('pipe', 'r'), array('pipe', 'w'), array('pipe', 'w'));
             $appendCommand = '';
             if ($dataDocSharer['pdftoppm_limit'] > 0) {
                 $appendCommand .= ' -l ' . $dataDocSharer['pdftoppm_limit'];
             $command = $dataDocSharer['pdftoppm_path'] . $appendCommand . ' -png -r 200 ' . escapeshellarg($pdfFile) . ' ' . $fileObject->pdftoimg_path . $fileObject->id;
             // Open color_indexer process
             $imageProcess = proc_open($command, $descriptors, $pipes);
             // Close STDIN pipe
             $errorString = '';
             $outputString = '';
             // Read STDERR
             do {
                 $errorString .= rtrim(fgets($pipes[2], 1024), "\n");
             } while (!feof($pipes[2]));
             // Wait for process to terminate and store return value
             $status = proc_get_status($imageProcess);
             while ($status['running'] !== false) {
                 // Sleep 1/100 second to wait for convert to exit
                 $status = proc_get_status($imageProcess);
             $return = proc_close($imageProcess);
             $data = ezcBaseFile::findRecursive($fileObject->pdftoimg_path, array("@{$fileObject->id}-.*\\.png@"), array());
             $contentPages = array();
             $pagesCount = 0;
             foreach ($data as $key => $file) {
                 $parts = explode('-', $file);
                 $parts[] = '-' . $pagesCount . '.png';
                 $newName = implode('', $parts);
                 rename($file, $newName);
                 $file = $newName;
                 chown($file, $dataDocSharer['http_user_name']);
                 chgrp($file, $dataDocSharer['http_user_group_name']);
                 chmod($file, 0664);
             $fileObject->pdf_to_img_converted = 1;
             $fileObject->pages_pdf_count = $pagesCount;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             throw $e;