function execute($process, $event) { $ini = eZINI::instance('workflow.ini'); $cost = $ini->variable("SimpleShippingWorkflow", "ShippingCost"); $description = $ini->variable("SimpleShippingWorkflow", "ShippingDescription"); $parameters = $process->attribute('parameter_list'); if (isset($parameters['order_id'])) { $orderID = $parameters['order_id']; $order = eZOrder::fetch($orderID); $orderItems = $order->attribute('order_items'); $addShipping = true; foreach ($orderItems as $orderItem) { if ($orderItem->attribute('type') == 'ezsimpleshipping') { $addShipping = false; break; } } if ($addShipping) { $productCollection = $order->attribute('productcollection'); $orderCurrency = $productCollection->attribute('currency_code'); $cost = eZShopFunctions::convertAdditionalPrice($orderCurrency, $cost); $orderItem = new eZOrderItem(array('order_id' => $orderID, 'description' => $description, 'price' => $cost, 'type' => 'ezsimpleshipping')); $orderItem->store(); } } return eZWorkflowType::STATUS_ACCEPTED; }
function customSortingSQL($params) { $multipriceTableAlias = "mp"; if (isset($params['table_alias_suffix'])) { $multipriceTableAlias .= $params['table_alias_suffix']; } $sql = array('from' => '', 'where' => '', 'sorting_field' => ''); $sql['from'] = "ezmultipricedata {$multipriceTableAlias}"; $and = ''; if (isset($params['contentobject_attr_id'])) { $sql['where'] = "\n {$multipriceTableAlias}.contentobject_attr_id = {$params['contentobject_attr_id']}"; $and = ' AND'; } if (isset($params['contentobject_attr_version'])) { $sql['where'] .= "\n {$and} {$multipriceTableAlias}.contentobject_attr_version = {$params['contentobject_attr_version']}"; $and = ' AND'; } if (!isset($params['currency_code'])) { $params['currency_code'] = eZShopFunctions::preferredCurrencyCode(); } if ($params['currency_code'] !== false) { $sql['where'] .= "\n {$and} {$multipriceTableAlias}.currency_code = '{$params['currency_code']}'"; $and = ' AND'; } $sql['sorting_field'] = "{$multipriceTableAlias}.value"; return $sql; }
function canAddProduct($contentObject) { $error = eZError::SHOP_OK; $productType = eZShopFunctions::productTypeByObject($contentObject); if ($productType === false) { $error = eZError::SHOP_NOT_A_PRODUCT; } else { if (!eZShopFunctions::isSimplePriceProductType($productType)) { $error = eZShopFunctions::isPreferredCurrencyValid(); } if ($error === eZError::SHOP_OK) { $basketType = $this->type(); if ($basketType !== false && $basketType !== $productType) { $error = eZError::SHOP_BASKET_INCOMPATIBLE_PRODUCT_TYPE; } } } return $error; }
} $discountRule->store(); $db->commit(); // we changed prices => remove content cache eZContentCacheManager::clearAllContentCache(); return $module->redirectTo( $module->functionURI( 'discountgroupview' ) . '/' . $discountGroupID ); } $classList = eZContentClass::fetchList(); $productClassList = array(); foreach ( $classList as $class ) { if ( eZShopFunctions::isProductClass( $class ) ) $productClassList[] = $class; } $sectionList = eZSection::fetchList(); $tpl = eZTemplate::factory(); $tpl->setVariable( 'module', $module ); $tpl->setVariable( 'discountgroup_id', $discountGroupID ); $tpl->setVariable( 'discountrule', $discountRule ); $tpl->setVariable( 'product_class_list', $productClassList ); $tpl->setVariable( 'section_list', $sectionList ); $tpl->setVariable( 'class_limitation_list', $discountRuleSelectedClasses );
static function isPreferredCurrencyValid($currencyCode = false) { $error = eZError::SHOP_OK; if ($currencyCode === false) { $currencyCode = eZShopFunctions::preferredCurrencyCode(); } $currency = eZCurrencyData::fetch($currencyCode); if ($currency) { if (!$currency->isActive()) { $error = eZError::SHOP_PREFERRED_CURRENCY_INACTIVE; eZDebug::writeWarning("Currency '{$currencyCode}' is inactive.", __METHOD__); } } else { $error = eZError::SHOP_PREFERRED_CURRENCY_DOESNOT_EXIST; eZDebug::writeWarning("Currency '{$currencyCode}' doesn't exist", __METHOD__); } return $error; }
function fetchUserCountry() { // Get country saved in user preferences. $country = eZShopFunctions::getPreferredUserCountry(); if ( !$country ) { // If not found, get country from user object // and save it to the preference. $country = eZShopFunctions::getUserCountry(); if ( $country ) eZShopFunctions::setPreferredUserCountry( $country ); } return array( 'result' => $country ); }
<?php /** * @copyright Copyright (C) 1999-2012 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved. * @license eZ Business Use License Agreement eZ BUL Version 2.1 * @version 4.7.0 * @package kernel */ $module = $Params['Module']; $preferredCurrency = $Params['Currency']; if ( $module->isCurrentAction( 'Set' ) ) { if ( $module->hasActionParameter( 'Currency' ) ) $preferredCurrency = $module->actionParameter( 'Currency' ); } if ( $preferredCurrency ) eZShopFunctions::setPreferredCurrencyCode( $preferredCurrency ); eZRedirectManager::redirectTo( $module, false ); ?>
if ($updateData['rate_factor'] == '') { $currency->setAttribute('rate_factor', 0); } } $currency->sync(); } } $db->commit(); $error = array('code' => 0, 'description' => ezpI18n::tr('kernel/shop', 'Changes were stored successfully.')); } else { if ($module->isCurrentAction('UpdateAutoprices')) { $error = eZShopFunctions::updateAutoprices(); eZContentCacheManager::clearAllContentCache(); } else { if ($module->isCurrentAction('UpdateAutoRates')) { $error = eZShopFunctions::updateAutoRates(); } } } } } if ($error !== false) { if ($error['code'] != 0) { $error['style'] = 'message-error'; } else { $error['style'] = 'message-feedback'; } } switch (eZPreferences::value('currencies_list_limit')) { case '2': $limit = 25;
function preferredCurrencyCode() { return eZShopFunctions::preferredCurrencyCode(); }
function addToBasket($objectID, $optionList, $quantity) { $object = eZContentObject::fetch($objectID); $nodeID = $object->attribute('main_node_id'); $price = 0.0; $isVATIncluded = true; $attributes = $object->contentObjectAttributes(); $priceFound = false; foreach ($attributes as $attribute) { $dataType = $attribute->dataType(); if (eZShopFunctions::isProductDatatype($dataType->isA())) { $priceObj = $attribute->content(); $price += $priceObj->attribute('price'); $priceFound = true; } } if (!$priceFound) { eZDebug::writeError('Attempted to add object without price to basket.'); return array('status' => eZModuleOperationInfo::STATUS_CANCELLED); } $currency = $priceObj->attribute('currency'); // Check for 'option sets' in option list. // If found each 'option set' will be added as a separate product purchase. $hasOptionSet = false; foreach (array_keys($optionList) as $optionKey) { if (substr($optionKey, 0, 4) == 'set_') { $returnStatus = eZShopOperationCollection::addToBasket($objectID, $optionList[$optionKey]); // If adding one 'option set' fails we should stop immediately if ($returnStatus['status'] == eZModuleOperationInfo::STATUS_CANCELLED) { return $returnStatus; } $hasOptionSet = true; } } if ($hasOptionSet) { return $returnStatus; } $unvalidatedAttributes = array(); foreach ($attributes as $attribute) { $dataType = $attribute->dataType(); if ($dataType->isAddToBasketValidationRequired()) { $errors = array(); if ($attribute->validateAddToBasket($optionList[$attribute->attribute('id')], $errors) !== eZInputValidator::STATE_ACCEPTED) { $description = $errors; $contentClassAttribute = $attribute->contentClassAttribute(); $attributeName = $contentClassAttribute->attribute('name'); $unvalidatedAttributes[] = array("name" => $attributeName, "description" => $description); } } } if (count($unvalidatedAttributes) > 0) { return array('status' => eZModuleOperationInfo::STATUS_CANCELLED, 'reason' => 'validation', 'error_data' => $unvalidatedAttributes); } $basket = eZBasket::currentBasket(); /* Check if the item with the same options is not already in the basket: */ $itemID = false; $collection = $basket->attribute('productcollection'); if (!$collection) { eZDebug::writeError('Unable to find product collection.'); return array('status' => eZModuleOperationInfo::STATUS_CANCELLED); } else { $collection->setAttribute('currency_code', $currency); $collection->store(); $count = 0; /* Calculate number of options passed via the HTTP variable: */ foreach (array_keys($optionList) as $key) { if (is_array($optionList[$key])) { $count += count($optionList[$key]); } else { $count++; } } $collectionItems = $collection->itemList(false); foreach ($collectionItems as $item) { /* For all items in the basket which have the same object_id: */ if ($item['contentobject_id'] == $objectID) { $options = eZProductCollectionItemOption::fetchList($item['id'], false); /* If the number of option for this item is not the same as in the HTTP variable: */ if (count($options) != $count) { break; } $theSame = true; foreach ($options as $option) { /* If any option differs, go away: */ if (is_array($optionList[$option['object_attribute_id']]) && !in_array($option['option_item_id'], $optionList[$option['object_attribute_id']]) || !is_array($optionList[$option['object_attribute_id']]) && $option['option_item_id'] != $optionList[$option['object_attribute_id']]) { $theSame = false; break; } } if ($theSame) { $itemID = $item['id']; break; } } } if ($itemID) { /* If found in the basket, just increment number of that items: */ $item = eZProductCollectionItem::fetch($itemID); $item->setAttribute('item_count', $quantity + $item->attribute('item_count')); $item->store(); } else { $item = eZProductCollectionItem::create($basket->attribute("productcollection_id")); $item->setAttribute('name', $object->attribute('name')); $item->setAttribute("contentobject_id", $objectID); $item->setAttribute("item_count", $quantity); $item->setAttribute("price", $price); if ($priceObj->attribute('is_vat_included')) { $item->setAttribute("is_vat_inc", '1'); } else { $item->setAttribute("is_vat_inc", '0'); } $item->setAttribute("vat_value", $priceObj->attribute('vat_percent')); $item->setAttribute("discount", $priceObj->attribute('discount_percent')); $item->store(); $priceWithoutOptions = $price; $optionIDList = array(); foreach (array_keys($optionList) as $key) { $attributeID = $key; $optionString = $optionList[$key]; if (is_array($optionString)) { foreach ($optionString as $optionID) { $optionIDList[] = array('attribute_id' => $attributeID, 'option_string' => $optionID); } } else { $optionIDList[] = array('attribute_id' => $attributeID, 'option_string' => $optionString); } } $db = eZDB::instance(); $db->begin(); foreach ($optionIDList as $optionIDItem) { $attributeID = $optionIDItem['attribute_id']; $optionString = $optionIDItem['option_string']; $attribute = eZContentObjectAttribute::fetch($attributeID, $object->attribute('current_version')); $dataType = $attribute->dataType(); $optionData = $dataType->productOptionInformation($attribute, $optionString, $item); if ($optionData) { $optionData['additional_price'] = eZShopFunctions::convertAdditionalPrice($currency, $optionData['additional_price']); $optionItem = eZProductCollectionItemOption::create($item->attribute('id'), $optionData['id'], $optionData['name'], $optionData['value'], $optionData['additional_price'], $attributeID); $optionItem->store(); $price += $optionData['additional_price']; } } if ($price != $priceWithoutOptions) { $item->setAttribute("price", $price); $item->store(); } $db->commit(); } } return array('status' => eZModuleOperationInfo::STATUS_CONTINUE); }
/** * Determine user's country. * * \public * \static */ static function getUserCountry( $user = false, $considerPreferedCountry = true ) { $requireUserCountry = eZVATManager::isUserCountryRequired(); // If current user has set his/her preferred country via the toolbar if ( $considerPreferedCountry ) { // return it $country = eZShopFunctions::getPreferredUserCountry(); if ( $country ) { eZDebug::writeDebug( "Applying user's preferred country <$country> while charging VAT" ); return $country; } } // Otherwise fetch country saved in the user object. if ( $user === false ) { $user = eZUser::currentUser(); } $userObject = $user->attribute( 'contentobject' ); $countryAttributeName = eZVATManager::getUserCountryAttributeName( $requireUserCountry ); if ( $countryAttributeName === null ) return null; $userDataMap = $userObject->attribute( 'data_map' ); if ( !isset( $userDataMap[$countryAttributeName] ) ) { if ( $requireUserCountry ) { eZDebug::writeError( "Cannot find user country: there is no attribute '$countryAttributeName' in object '" . $userObject->attribute( 'name' ) . "' of class '" . $userObject->attribute( 'class_name' ) . "'.", __METHOD__ ); } return null; } $countryAttribute = $userDataMap[$countryAttributeName]; $countryContent = $countryAttribute->attribute( 'content' ); if ( $countryContent === null ) { if ( $requireUserCountry ) { eZDebug::writeError( "User country is not specified in object '" . $userObject->attribute( 'name' ) . "' of class '" . $userObject->attribute( 'class_name' ) . "'." , __METHOD__ ); } return null; } if ( is_object( $countryContent ) ) $country = $countryContent->attribute( 'value' ); elseif ( is_array( $countryContent ) ) { if ( is_array( $countryContent['value'] ) ) { foreach ( $countryContent['value'] as $item ) { $country = $item['Alpha2']; break; } } else { $country = $countryContent['value']; } } else { if ( $requireUserCountry ) { eZDebug::writeError( "User country is not specified or specified incorrectly in object '" . $userObject->attribute( 'name' ) . "' of class '" . $userObject->attribute( 'class_name' ) . "'." , __METHOD__ ); } return null; } return $country; }
if ( $productClassItem->attribute( 'identifier' ) === $productClassIdentifier ) { $productClass = $productClassItem; break; } } } else { // use first element of $productClassList $productClass = $productClassList[0]; } } if ( is_object( $productClass ) ) $priceAttributeIdentifier = eZShopFunctions::priceAttributeIdentifier( $productClass ); switch ( eZPreferences::value( 'productsoverview_list_limit' ) ) { case '2': { $limit = 25; } break; case '3': { $limit = 50; } break; default: { $limit = 10; } break; } $sortingField = eZPreferences::value( 'productsoverview_sorting_field' ); $sortingOrder = eZPreferences::value( 'productsoverview_sorting_order' ); $viewParameters = array( 'offset' => $offset ); $tpl = eZTemplate::factory(); $tpl->setVariable( 'product_class_list', $productClassList );
$root->appendChild($placeNode); $stateNode = $doc->createElement("state", $state); $root->appendChild($stateNode); $countryNode = $doc->createElement("country", $country); $root->appendChild($countryNode); $commentNode = $doc->createElement("comment", $comment); $root->appendChild($commentNode); $collectNode = $doc->createElement("collect", $collect); $root->appendChild($collectNode); $xmlString = $doc->saveXML(); $order->setAttribute('data_text_1', $xmlString); $order->setAttribute('account_identifier', "twrv2"); $order->setAttribute('ignore_vat', 0); $order->store(); $db->commit(); eZShopFunctions::setPreferredUserCountry($country); $http->setSessionVariable('MyTemporaryOrderID', $order->attribute('id')); $module->redirectTo('/shop/confirmorder/'); return; } else { $tpl->setVariable("input_error", true); } } $tpl->setVariable("first_name", $firstName); $tpl->setVariable("last_name", $lastName); $tpl->setVariable("email", $email); $tpl->setVariable("street1", $street1); $tpl->setVariable("street2", $street2); $tpl->setVariable("zip", $zip); $tpl->setVariable("place", $place); $tpl->setVariable("state", $state);
$error = eZCurrencyData::errorMessage($errCode); } else { $error = validateCurrencyData($currencyParams); if ($error === false) { eZShopFunctions::createCurrency($currencyParams); eZContentCacheManager::clearAllContentCache(); return $module->redirectTo($module->functionURI('currencylist')); } } } else { if ($module->isCurrentAction('StoreChanges')) { $originalCurrencyCode = $module->hasActionParameter('OriginalCurrencyCode') ? $module->actionParameter('OriginalCurrencyCode') : ''; if ($module->hasActionParameter('CurrencyData')) { $currencyParams = $module->actionParameter('CurrencyData'); } $errCode = eZShopFunctions::changeCurrency($originalCurrencyCode, $currencyParams['code']); if ($errCode === eZCurrencyData::ERROR_OK) { $error = validateCurrencyData($currencyParams); if ($error === false) { $currency = eZCurrencyData::fetch($currencyParams['code']); if (is_object($currency)) { $currency->setAttribute('symbol', $currencyParams['symbol']); $currency->setAttribute('locale', $currencyParams['locale']); $currency->setAttribute('custom_rate_value', $currencyParams['custom_rate_value']); $currency->setAttribute('rate_factor', $currencyParams['rate_factor']); $db = eZDB::instance(); $db->begin(); $currency->sync(); $db->commit(); eZContentCacheManager::clearAllContentCache(); return $module->redirectTo($module->functionURI('currencylist'));
$db->begin(); foreach ($classList as $class) { if (eZShopFunctions::isSimplePriceClass($class)) { $classID = $class->attribute('id'); $objectListCount = eZContentObject::fetchSameClassListCount($classID); if ($objectListCount == 0) { $cli->output("No objects found for '" . $class->attribute('name') . "' class"); continue; } $cli->output("Processing objects of the '" . $class->attribute('name') . "' class"); $defaultCurrency = currencyForLocale(); if (!$defaultCurrency) { $script->shutdown(1); } $defaultCurrencyCode = $defaultCurrency->attribute('code'); $priceClassAttribute = eZShopFunctions::priceAttribute($class); $priceClassAttributeID = $priceClassAttribute->attribute('id'); // replace 'ezprice' class attribute with 'ezmultiprice'. $priceClassAttribute->setAttribute('data_type_string', 'ezmultiprice'); $priceClassAttribute->setAttribute(eZMultiPriceType::DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE_FIELD, $defaultCurrencyCode); $priceClassAttribute->store(); unset($GLOBALS['eZContentClassAttributeCache'][$priceClassAttributeID]); // update objects $offset = 0; $limit = 1000; $cli->output('Converting', false); while ($offset < $objectListCount) { $objectList = eZContentObject::fetchSameClassList($class->attribute('id'), true, $offset, $limit); $offset += count($objectList); foreach ($objectList as $object) { $contentObjectID = $object->attribute('id');
function verify($currency = false) { $contentObject = $this->attribute('contentobject'); if ($contentObject != null && $contentObject->attribute('main_node_id') > 0) { $attributes = $contentObject->contentObjectAttributes(); $optionsPrice = $this->calculatePriceWithOptions($currency); foreach ($attributes as $attribute) { $dataType = $attribute->dataType(); if (eZShopFunctions::isProductDatatype($dataType->isA())) { $priceObj = $attribute->content(); $price = $priceObj->attribute('price'); $priceWithOptions = $price + $optionsPrice; if ($priceWithOptions != $this->attribute('price')) { return false; } if ($priceObj->attribute('is_vat_included') != $this->attribute('is_vat_inc') > 0) { return false; } if ($priceObj->attribute('vat_percent') != $this->attribute('vat_value')) { return false; } if ($priceObj->discount() != $this->attribute('discount')) { return false; } return true; } } } return false; }