/** * Unserialize xml structure. Creates an object from xml input. * * Transaction unsafe. If you call several transaction unsafe methods you must enclose * the calls within a db transaction; thus within db->begin and db->commit. * * @param mixed $package * @param DOMElement $domNode * @param array $options * @param int|bool $ownerID Override owner ID, null to use XML owner id (optional) * @param string $handlerType * @return array|bool|eZContentObject|null created object, false if could not create object/xml invalid */ static function unserialize( $package, $domNode, &$options, $ownerID = false, $handlerType = 'ezcontentobject' ) { if ( $domNode->localName != 'object' ) { $retValue = false; return $retValue; } $initialLanguage = eZContentObject::mapLanguage( $domNode->getAttribute( 'initial_language' ), $options ); if( $initialLanguage === 'skip' ) { $retValue = true; return $retValue; } $sectionID = $domNode->getAttributeNS( 'http://ez.no/ezobject', 'section_id' ); if ( $ownerID === false ) { $ownerID = $domNode->getAttributeNS( 'http://ez.no/ezobject', 'owner_id' ); } $remoteID = $domNode->getAttribute( 'remote_id' ); $name = $domNode->getAttribute( 'name' ); $classRemoteID = $domNode->getAttribute( 'class_remote_id' ); $classIdentifier = $domNode->getAttributeNS( 'http://ez.no/ezobject', 'class_identifier' ); $alwaysAvailable = ( $domNode->getAttributeNS( 'http://ez.no/ezobject', 'always_available' ) == '1' ); $contentClass = eZContentClass::fetchByRemoteID( $classRemoteID ); if ( !$contentClass ) { $contentClass = eZContentClass::fetchByIdentifier( $classIdentifier ); } if ( !$contentClass ) { $options['error'] = array( 'error_code' => self::PACKAGE_ERROR_NO_CLASS, 'element_id' => $remoteID, 'description' => "Can't install object '$name': Unable to fetch class with remoteID: $classRemoteID." ); $retValue = false; return $retValue; } /** @var DOMElement $versionListNode */ $versionListNode = $domNode->getElementsByTagName( 'version-list' )->item( 0 ); $importedLanguages = array(); foreach( $versionListNode->getElementsByTagName( 'version' ) as $versionDOMNode ) { /** @var DOMElement $versionDOMNode */ foreach ( $versionDOMNode->getElementsByTagName( 'object-translation' ) as $versionDOMNodeChild ) { /** @var DOMElement $versionDOMNodeChild */ $importedLanguage = eZContentObject::mapLanguage( $versionDOMNodeChild->getAttribute( 'language' ), $options ); $language = eZContentLanguage::fetchByLocale( $importedLanguage ); // Check if the language is allowed in this setup. if ( $language ) { $hasTranslation = true; } else { if ( $importedLanguage == 'skip' ) continue; // if there is no needed translation in system then add it $locale = eZLocale::instance( $importedLanguage ); $translationName = $locale->internationalLanguageName(); $translationLocale = $locale->localeCode(); if ( $locale->isValid() ) { eZContentLanguage::addLanguage( $locale->localeCode(), $locale->internationalLanguageName() ); $hasTranslation = true; } else $hasTranslation = false; } if ( $hasTranslation ) { $importedLanguages[] = $importedLanguage; $importedLanguages = array_unique( $importedLanguages ); } } } // If object exists we return a error. // Minimum install element is an object now. $contentObject = eZContentObject::fetchByRemoteID( $remoteID ); // Figure out initial language if ( !$initialLanguage || !in_array( $initialLanguage, $importedLanguages ) ) { $initialLanguage = false; foreach ( eZContentLanguage::prioritizedLanguages() as $language ) { if ( in_array( $language->attribute( 'locale' ), $importedLanguages ) ) { $initialLanguage = $language->attribute( 'locale' ); break; } } } if ( !$contentObject ) { $firstVersion = true; $contentObject = $contentClass->instantiateIn( $initialLanguage, $ownerID, $sectionID ); } else { $firstVersion = false; $description = "Object '$name' already exists."; $choosenAction = eZPackageHandler::errorChoosenAction( self::PACKAGE_ERROR_EXISTS, $options, $description, $handlerType, false ); switch( $choosenAction ) { case eZPackage::NON_INTERACTIVE: case self::PACKAGE_UPDATE: { // Keep existing contentobject. } break; case self::PACKAGE_REPLACE: { eZContentObjectOperations::remove( $contentObject->attribute( 'id' ) ); unset( $contentObject ); $contentObject = $contentClass->instantiateIn( $initialLanguage, $ownerID, $sectionID ); $firstVersion = true; } break; case self::PACKAGE_SKIP: { $retValue = true; return $retValue; } break; case self::PACKAGE_NEW: { $contentObject->setAttribute( 'remote_id', eZRemoteIdUtility::generate( 'object' ) ); $contentObject->store(); unset( $contentObject ); $contentObject = $contentClass->instantiateIn( $initialLanguage, $ownerID, $sectionID ); $firstVersion = true; } break; default: { $options['error'] = array( 'error_code' => self::PACKAGE_ERROR_EXISTS, 'element_id' => $remoteID, 'description' => $description, 'actions' => array( self::PACKAGE_REPLACE => ezpI18n::tr( 'kernel/classes', 'Replace existing object' ), self::PACKAGE_SKIP => ezpI18n::tr( 'kernel/classes', 'Skip object' ), self::PACKAGE_NEW => ezpI18n::tr( 'kernel/classes', 'Keep existing and create a new one' ), self::PACKAGE_UPDATE => ezpI18n::tr( 'kernel/classes', 'Update existing object' ) ) ); $retValue = false; return $retValue; } break; } } $db = eZDB::instance(); $db->begin(); if ( $alwaysAvailable ) { // Make sure always available bit is set. $contentObject->setAttribute( 'language_mask', (int)$contentObject->attribute( 'language_mask' ) | 1 ); } $contentObject->setAttribute( 'section_id', $sectionID ); $contentObject->store(); $activeVersion = false; $lastVersion = false; $versionListActiveVersion = $versionListNode->getAttribute( 'active_version' ); $contentObject->setAttribute( 'remote_id', $remoteID ); $contentObject->setAttribute( 'contentclass_id', $contentClass->attribute( 'id' ) ); $contentObject->store(); $sectionObject = eZSection::fetch( $sectionID ); if ( $sectionObject instanceof eZSection ) { $updateWithParentSection = false; } else { $updateWithParentSection = true; } $options['language_array'] = $importedLanguages; $versionList = array(); foreach( $versionListNode->getElementsByTagName( 'version' ) as $versionDOMNode ) { unset( $nodeList ); $nodeList = array(); $contentObjectVersion = eZContentObjectVersion::unserialize( $versionDOMNode, $contentObject, $ownerID, $sectionID, $versionListActiveVersion, $firstVersion, $nodeList, $options, $package, 'ezcontentobject', $initialLanguage ); if ( !$contentObjectVersion ) { $db->commit(); $retValue = false; return $retValue; } $versionStatus = $versionDOMNode->getAttributeNS( 'http://ez.no/ezobject', 'status' ); $versionList[$versionDOMNode->getAttributeNS( 'http://ez.no/ezobject', 'version' )] = array( 'node_list' => $nodeList, 'status' => $versionStatus ); unset( $versionStatus ); $firstVersion = false; $lastVersion = $contentObjectVersion->attribute( 'version' ); if ( $versionDOMNode->getAttribute( 'version' ) == $versionListActiveVersion ) { $activeVersion = $contentObjectVersion->attribute( 'version' ); } eZNodeAssignment::setNewMainAssignment( $contentObject->attribute( 'id' ), $lastVersion ); eZOperationHandler::execute( 'content', 'publish', array( 'object_id' => $contentObject->attribute( 'id' ), 'version' => $lastVersion ) ); $mainNodeInfo = null; foreach ( $nodeList as $nodeInfo ) { if ( $nodeInfo['is_main'] ) { $mainNodeInfo =& $nodeInfo; break; } } if ( $mainNodeInfo ) { $existingMainNode = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetchByRemoteID( $mainNodeInfo['parent_remote_id'], false ); if ( $existingMainNode ) { eZContentObjectTreeNode::updateMainNodeID( $existingMainNode['node_id'], $mainNodeInfo['contentobject_id'], $mainNodeInfo['contentobject_version'], $mainNodeInfo['parent_node'], $updateWithParentSection ); } } unset( $mainNodeInfo ); // Refresh $contentObject from DB. $contentObject = eZContentObject::fetch( $contentObject->attribute( 'id' ) ); } if ( !$activeVersion ) { $activeVersion = $lastVersion; } /* $contentObject->setAttribute( 'current_version', $activeVersion ); */ $contentObject->setAttribute( 'name', $name ); if ( isset( $options['use_dates_from_package'] ) && $options['use_dates_from_package'] ) { $contentObject->setAttribute( 'published', eZDateUtils::textToDate( $domNode->getAttributeNS( 'http://ez.no/ezobject', 'published' ) ) ); $contentObject->setAttribute( 'modified', eZDateUtils::textToDate( $domNode->getAttributeNS( 'http://ez.no/ezobject', 'modified' ) ) ); } $contentObject->store(); $versions = $contentObject->versions(); $objectName = $contentObject->name(); $objectID = $contentObject->attribute( 'id' ); foreach ( $versions as $version ) { $versionNum = $version->attribute( 'version' ); $oldVersionStatus = $version->attribute( 'status' ); $newVersionStatus = isset( $versionList[$versionNum] ) ? $versionList[$versionNum]['status'] : null; // set the correct status for non-published versions if ( isset( $newVersionStatus ) && $oldVersionStatus != $newVersionStatus && $newVersionStatus != eZContentObjectVersion::STATUS_PUBLISHED ) { $version->setAttribute( 'status', $newVersionStatus ); $version->store( array( 'status' ) ); } // when translation does not have object name set then we copy object name from the current object version $translations = $version->translations( false ); if ( !$translations ) continue; foreach ( $translations as $translation ) { if ( ! $contentObject->name( $versionNum, $translation ) ) { eZDebug::writeNotice( "Setting name '$objectName' for version ($versionNum) of the content object ($objectID) in language($translation)" ); $contentObject->setName( $objectName, $versionNum, $translation ); } } } foreach ( $versionList[$versionListActiveVersion]['node_list'] as $nodeInfo ) { unset( $parentNode ); $parentNode = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetchNode( $contentObject->attribute( 'id' ), $nodeInfo['parent_node'] ); if ( is_object( $parentNode ) ) { $parentNode->setAttribute( 'priority', $nodeInfo['priority'] ); $parentNode->store( array( 'priority' ) ); } } $db->commit(); return $contentObject; }
static function unserialize($contentNodeDOMNode, $contentObject, $version, $isMain, &$nodeList, &$options, $handlerType = 'ezcontentobject') { $parentNodeID = -1; $remoteID = $contentNodeDOMNode->getAttribute('remote-id'); $parentNodeRemoteID = $contentNodeDOMNode->getAttribute('parent-node-remote-id'); $node = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetchByRemoteID($remoteID); if (is_object($node)) { $description = "Node with remote ID {$remoteID} already exists."; $choosenAction = eZPackageHandler::errorChoosenAction(eZContentObject::PACKAGE_ERROR_EXISTS, $options, $description, $handlerType, false); switch ($choosenAction) { // In case user have choosen "Keep existing object and create new" case eZContentObject::PACKAGE_NEW: $newRemoteID = eZRemoteIdUtility::generate('node'); $node->setAttribute('remote_id', $newRemoteID); $node->store(); $nodeInfo = array('contentobject_id' => $node->attribute('contentobject_id'), 'contentobject_version' => $node->attribute('contentobject_version'), 'parent_remote_id' => $remoteID); $nodeAssignment = eZPersistentObject::fetchObject(eZNodeAssignment::definition(), null, $nodeInfo); if (is_object($nodeAssignment)) { $nodeAssignment->setAttribute('parent_remote_id', $newRemoteID); $nodeAssignment->store(); } break; // When running non-interactively with ezpm.php // When running non-interactively with ezpm.php case eZPackage::NON_INTERACTIVE: case eZContentObject::PACKAGE_UPDATE: // Update existing node settigns. if (!$parentNodeRemoteID) { // when top node of subtree export, only update node sort field and sort order $node->setAttribute('sort_field', eZContentObjectTreeNode::sortFieldID($contentNodeDOMNode->getAttribute('sort-field'))); $node->setAttribute('sort_order', $contentNodeDOMNode->getAttribute('sort-order')); $node->store(); return true; } break; default: // This error may occur only if data integrity is broken $options['error'] = array('error_code' => eZContentObject::PACKAGE_ERROR_NODE_EXISTS, 'element_id' => $remoteID, 'description' => $description); return false; break; } } if ($parentNodeRemoteID) { $parentNode = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetchByRemoteID($parentNodeRemoteID); if ($parentNode !== null) { $parentNodeID = $parentNode->attribute('node_id'); } } else { if (isset($options['top_nodes_map'][$contentNodeDOMNode->getAttribute('node-id')]['new_node_id'])) { $parentNodeID = $options['top_nodes_map'][$contentNodeDOMNode->getAttribute('node-id')]['new_node_id']; } else { if (isset($options['top_nodes_map']['*'])) { $parentNodeID = $options['top_nodes_map']['*']; } else { eZDebug::writeError('New parent node not set ' . $contentNodeDOMNode->getAttribute('name'), __METHOD__); } } } $isMain = $isMain && $contentNodeDOMNode->getAttribute('is-main-node'); $nodeInfo = array('contentobject_id' => $contentObject->attribute('id'), 'contentobject_version' => $version, 'is_main' => $isMain, 'parent_node' => $parentNodeID, 'parent_remote_id' => $remoteID, 'sort_field' => eZContentObjectTreeNode::sortFieldID($contentNodeDOMNode->getAttribute('sort-field')), 'sort_order' => $contentNodeDOMNode->getAttribute('sort-order')); if ($parentNodeID == -1 && $parentNodeRemoteID) { if (!isset($options['suspended-nodes'])) { $options['suspended-nodes'] = array(); } $options['suspended-nodes'][$parentNodeRemoteID] = array('nodeinfo' => $nodeInfo, 'priority' => $contentNodeDOMNode->getAttribute('priority')); return true; } $existNodeAssignment = eZPersistentObject::fetchObject(eZNodeAssignment::definition(), null, $nodeInfo); $nodeInfo['priority'] = $contentNodeDOMNode->getAttribute('priority'); if (!is_object($existNodeAssignment)) { $nodeAssignment = eZNodeAssignment::create($nodeInfo); $nodeList[] = $nodeInfo; $nodeAssignment->store(); } return true; }
function __construct() { parent::__construct('eziniaddon', array('extract-install-content' => true)); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct('ezfile'); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct('ezinstallscript', array('extract-install-content' => false)); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct('ezcontentobject', array('extract-install-content' => true)); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct('ezdb'); }