  * Regression test for issue #15263
  * Content object name/url of imported content classes aren't generated correctly
  * @url http://issues.ez.no/15263
  * @outline
  * 1) Expire and force generation of class attribute cache
  * 2) Load a test package
  * 3) Install the package
  * 4) Publish an object of the imported class
  * 5) The object name / url alias shouldn't be the expected one
 public function testIssue15263()
     $adminUser = eZUser::fetchByName('admin');
     $previousUser = eZUser::currentUser();
     eZUser::setCurrentlyLoggedInUser($adminUser, $adminUser->attribute('contentobject_id'));
     // 1) Expire and force generation of class attribute cache
     $handler = eZExpiryHandler::instance();
     $handler->setTimestamp('class-identifier-cache', time() - 1);
     // 1) Load a test package
     $packageName = 'ezpackage_regression_testIssue15223.ezpkg';
     $packageFilename = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $packageName;
     $packageImportTried = false;
     while (!$packageImportTried) {
         $package = eZPackage::import($packageFilename, $packageName);
         if (!$package instanceof eZPackage) {
             if ($package === eZPackage::STATUS_ALREADY_EXISTS) {
                 $packageToRemove = eZPackage::fetch($packageName);
             } else {
                 self::fail("An error occured loading the package '{$packageFilename}'");
         $packageImportTried = true;
     // 2) Install the package
     $installParameters = array('site_access_map' => array('*' => false), 'top_nodes_map' => array('*' => 2), 'design_map' => array('*' => false), 'restore_dates' => true, 'user_id' => $adminUser->attribute('contentobject_id'), 'non-interactive' => true, 'language_map' => $package->defaultLanguageMap());
     $result = $package->install($installParameters);
     // 3) Publish an object of the imported class
     $object = new ezpObject('test_issue_15523', 2, $adminUser->attribute('contentobject_id'), 1);
     $object->myname = __METHOD__;
     $object->myothername = __METHOD__;
     $publishedObjectID = $object->publish();
     // 4) Test data from the publish object
     $publishedNodeArray = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetchByContentObjectID($publishedObjectID);
     if (count($publishedNodeArray) != 1) {
         $this->fail("An error occured fetching node for object #{$publishedObjectID}");
     $publishedNode = $publishedNodeArray[0];
     if (!$publishedNode instanceof eZContentObjectTreeNode) {
         $this->fail("An error occured fetching node for object #{$publishedObjectID}");
     } else {
         $this->assertEquals("eZPackageRegression::testIssue15263", $publishedNode->attribute('name'));
         $this->assertEquals("eZPackageRegression-testIssue15263", $publishedNode->attribute('url_alias'));
     // Remove the installed package & restore the logged in user
     eZUser::setCurrentlyLoggedInUser($previousUser, $previousUser->attribute('contentobject_id'));
function downloadPackages($packageList, $packageURL, $packageDir, $packageRepository)
    global $cli;
    if (!is_array($packageList) || count($packageList) == 0) {
        showError("Package list is empty. Aborting...");
    // 1. check if packages specified in $packageList exist in $packageRepository(means already downloaded and imported).
    //    if yes - ask user to do download or not. If not - go out
    foreach (array_keys($packageList) as $k) {
        $packageName = $packageList[$k];
        $package = eZPackage::fetch($packageName);
        if (is_object($package)) {
            global $autoMode;
            if ($autoMode == 'on') {
                $action = 'y';
            } else {
                $action = getUserInput("Package '{$packageName}' already imported. Import it anyway? [y/n]: ");
            if (strpos($action, 'n') === 0) {
            } else {
                eZDir::recursiveDelete(eZPackage::repositoryPath() . "/{$packageRepository}/{$packageName}");
    if (count($packageList) == 0) {
        // all packages are imported.
        return true;
    // 2. check $packgesList exists in $packageDir(means packages downloaded but not imported)
    //    if yes - ask user to import or not. If not - go out
    if (!checkDir($packageDir)) {
        return false;
    $downloadPackageList = array();
    foreach ($packageList as $packageName) {
        if (file_exists("{$packageDir}/{$packageName}.ezpkg")) {
            global $autoMode;
            if ($autoMode == 'on') {
                $action = 'y';
            } else {
                $action = getUserInput("Package '{$packageName}' already downloaded. Download it anyway? [y/n]: ");
            if (strpos($action, 'n') === 0) {
        $downloadPackageList[] = $packageName;
    // download
    if (count($downloadPackageList) > 0) {
        // TODO: using 'eZStepSiteTypes' is hack.
        //       need to exclude 'downloadFile' from that class.
        $tpl = false;
        $http = false;
        $ini = false;
        $persistenceList = false;
        $downloader = new eZStepSiteTypes($tpl, $http, $ini, $persistenceList);
        foreach ($downloadPackageList as $packageName) {
            $archiveName = $downloader->downloadFile("{$packageURL}/{$packageName}.ezpkg", $packageDir);
            if ($archiveName === false) {
                showError("download error - " . $downloader->ErrorMsg);
    // import
    foreach ($packageList as $packageName) {
        $package = eZPackage::import("{$packageDir}/{$packageName}.ezpkg", $packageName, false, $packageRepository);
        if (!is_object($package)) {
            showError("Faild to import '{$packageName}' package: err = {$package}");
    return true;
Beispiel #3
 * @version  2013.11
 * @package kernel
$module = $Params['Module'];
if (!eZPackage::canUsePolicyFunction('import')) {
    return $module->handleError(eZError::KERNEL_ACCESS_DENIED, 'kernel');
$package = false;
$installElements = false;
$errorList = array();
if ($module->isCurrentAction('UploadPackage')) {
    if (eZHTTPFile::canFetch('PackageBinaryFile')) {
        $file = eZHTTPFile::fetch('PackageBinaryFile');
        if ($file) {
            $packageFilename = $file->attribute('filename');
            $package = eZPackage::import($packageFilename, $packageName);
            if ($package instanceof eZPackage) {
                if ($package->attribute('install_type') != 'install' or !$package->attribute('can_install')) {
                    return $module->redirectToView('view', array('full', $package->attribute('name')));
                } else {
                    if ($package->attribute('install_type') == 'install') {
                        return $module->redirectToView('install', array($package->attribute('name')));
            } else {
                if ($package == eZPackage::STATUS_ALREADY_EXISTS) {
                    $errorList[] = array('description' => ezpI18n::tr('kernel/package', 'Package %packagename already exists, cannot import the package', false, array('%packagename' => $packageName)));
                } else {
                    if ($package == eZPackage::STATUS_INVALID_NAME) {
                        $errorList[] = array('description' => ezpI18n::tr('kernel/package', 'The package name %packagename is invalid, cannot import the package', false, array('%packagename' => $packageName)));
                    } else {
  * Upload local package.
  * \private
 function uploadPackage()
     if (!eZHTTPFile::canFetch('PackageBinaryFile')) {
         $this->ErrorMsg = ezpI18n::tr('design/standard/setup/init', 'No package selected for upload') . '.';
     $file = eZHTTPFile::fetch('PackageBinaryFile');
     if (!$file) {
         $this->ErrorMsg = ezpI18n::tr('design/standard/setup/init', 'Failed fetching upload package file');
     $packageFilename = $file->attribute('filename');
     $packageName = $file->attribute('original_filename');
     if (preg_match("#^(.+)-[0-9](\\.[0-9]+)-[0-9].ezpkg\$#", $packageName, $matches)) {
         $packageName = $matches[1];
     $packageName = preg_replace(array("#[^a-zA-Z0-9]+#", "#_+#", "#(^_)|(_\$)#"), array('_', '_', ''), $packageName);
     $package = eZPackage::import($packageFilename, $packageName, false);
     if (is_object($package)) {
         // package successfully imported
     } elseif ($package == eZPackage::STATUS_ALREADY_EXISTS) {
         eZDebug::writeWarning("Package '{$packageName}' already exists.");
     } else {
         $this->ErrorMsg = ezpI18n::tr('design/standard/setup/init', 'Uploaded file is not an eZ Publish package');
Beispiel #5
 function importPackage()
     $surveyINI = eZINI::instance('ezsurvey.ini');
     $packageName = $surveyINI->variable('PackageSettings', 'PackageName');
     $packagePath = $surveyINI->variable('PackageSettings', 'PackagePath');
     $fileName = $surveyINI->variable('PackageSettings', 'PackageFileName');
     $path = eZExtension::baseDirectory() . '/' . $packagePath . '/';
     $file = $path . $fileName;
     if (file_exists($file)) {
         $package = eZPackage::import($file, $packageName);
         if (is_object($package)) {
             $status = $this->installPackage($package);
         } else {
             if ($package == eZPackage::STATUS_ALREADY_EXISTS) {
                 $package = eZPackage::fetch($packageName);
                 if (is_object($package)) {
                     $status = $this->installPackage($package);
                 } else {
                     eZDebug::writeError("Could not fetch package: {$packageName}", 'eZSurveyWizard::importPackage');
             } else {
                 eZDebug::writeError("Uploaded file is not an eZ Publish package", 'eZSurveyWizard::importPackage');
     } else {
         eZDebug::writeWarning('File "' . $file . '" does not exist', 'eZSurveyWizard::importPackage');
                 case 'state':
                     $package->setAttribute($commandItem['attribute'], $commandItem['attribute-value']);
                     $cli->output("Attribute " . $cli->style('symbol') . $commandItem['attribute'] . $cli->style('emphasize-end') . " was set to " . $cli->style('symbol') . $commandItem['attribute-value'] . $cli->style('emphasize-end'));
         } else {
             $cli->output("package " . $commandItem['name'] . " is not in repository");
 } else {
     if ($command == 'import') {
         $packageFile = $commandItem['name'];
         if ($packageFile && file_exists($packageFile)) {
             $packageFile = realpath($packageFile);
             $package = eZPackage::import($packageFile, $packageName, true, $repositoryID);
             if ($package instanceof eZPackage) {
                 $cli->output("Package " . $cli->stylize('emphasize', $packageName) . " sucessfully imported");
             } else {
                 if ($package == eZPackage::STATUS_ALREADY_EXISTS) {
                     $cli->error("Could not import package " . $cli->stylize('emphasize', $packageName) . ", it already exists");
                 } else {
                     if ($package == eZPackage::STATUS_INVALID_NAME) {
                         $cli->error("Could not import package " . $cli->stylize('emphasize', $packageName) . ", its name is invalid");
                     } else {
                         $cli->error("Could not import package " . $packageFile . ", invalid package file");
         } else {
             $cli->error("Could not import package " . $packageFile . ", file was not found");