/** * @copyright Copyright (C) 1999-2013 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved. * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt GNU General Public License v2 * @version 2013.11 * @package kernel */ $module = $Params['Module']; if (!eZPackage::canUsePolicyFunction('import')) { return $module->handleError(eZError::KERNEL_ACCESS_DENIED, 'kernel'); } $package = false; $installElements = false; $errorList = array(); if ($module->isCurrentAction('UploadPackage')) { if (eZHTTPFile::canFetch('PackageBinaryFile')) { $file = eZHTTPFile::fetch('PackageBinaryFile'); if ($file) { $packageFilename = $file->attribute('filename'); $package = eZPackage::import($packageFilename, $packageName); if ($package instanceof eZPackage) { if ($package->attribute('install_type') != 'install' or !$package->attribute('can_install')) { return $module->redirectToView('view', array('full', $package->attribute('name'))); } else { if ($package->attribute('install_type') == 'install') { return $module->redirectToView('install', array($package->attribute('name'))); } } } else { if ($package == eZPackage::STATUS_ALREADY_EXISTS) { $errorList[] = array('description' => ezpI18n::tr('kernel/package', 'Package %packagename already exists, cannot import the package', false, array('%packagename' => $packageName))); } else {
/** * Fetch object attribute http input, override the ezDataType method * This method is triggered when submiting a http form which includes Image class * Image is stored into file system every time there is a file input and validation result is valid. * @param $http http object * @param $base * @param $contentObjectAttribute : the content object attribute being handled * @return true if content object is not null, false if content object is null */ function fetchObjectAttributeHTTPInput($http, $base, $contentObjectAttribute) { $result = false; $imageAltText = false; $hasImageAltText = false; if ($http->hasPostVariable($base . "_data_imagealttext_" . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute("id"))) { $imageAltText = $http->postVariable($base . "_data_imagealttext_" . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute("id")); $hasImageAltText = true; } $content = $contentObjectAttribute->attribute('content'); $httpFileName = $base . "_data_imagename_" . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute("id"); if (eZHTTPFile::canFetch($httpFileName)) { $httpFile = eZHTTPFile::fetch($httpFileName); if ($httpFile) { if ($content) { $content->setHTTPFile($httpFile); $result = true; } } } if ($content) { if ($hasImageAltText) { $content->setAttribute('alternative_text', $imageAltText); } $result = true; } return $result; }
/** * Upload local package. * * \private */ function uploadPackage() { if (!eZHTTPFile::canFetch('PackageBinaryFile')) { $this->ErrorMsg = ezpI18n::tr('design/standard/setup/init', 'No package selected for upload') . '.'; return; } $file = eZHTTPFile::fetch('PackageBinaryFile'); if (!$file) { $this->ErrorMsg = ezpI18n::tr('design/standard/setup/init', 'Failed fetching upload package file'); return; } $packageFilename = $file->attribute('filename'); $packageName = $file->attribute('original_filename'); if (preg_match("#^(.+)-[0-9](\\.[0-9]+)-[0-9].ezpkg\$#", $packageName, $matches)) { $packageName = $matches[1]; } $packageName = preg_replace(array("#[^a-zA-Z0-9]+#", "#_+#", "#(^_)|(_\$)#"), array('_', '_', ''), $packageName); $package = eZPackage::import($packageFilename, $packageName, false); if (is_object($package)) { // package successfully imported return; } elseif ($package == eZPackage::STATUS_ALREADY_EXISTS) { eZDebug::writeWarning("Package '{$packageName}' already exists."); } else { $this->ErrorMsg = ezpI18n::tr('design/standard/setup/init', 'Uploaded file is not an eZ Publish package'); } }
function validateImageFiles( $package, $http, $currentStepID, &$stepMap, &$persistentData, &$errorList ) { // If we don't have an image we continue as normal if ( !eZHTTPFile::canFetch( 'PackageImageFile' ) ) return true; $file = eZHTTPFile::fetch( 'PackageImageFile' ); $result = true; if ( $file ) { $mimeData = eZMimeType::findByFileContents( $file->attribute( 'original_filename' ) ); $dir = eZSys::storageDirectory() . '/temp'; eZMimeType::changeDirectoryPath( $mimeData, $dir ); $file->store( false, false, $mimeData ); $persistentData['imagefiles'][] = $mimeData; $result = false; } return $result; }
function fetchObjectAttributeHTTPInput( $http, $base, $contentObjectAttribute ) { eZBinaryFileType::checkFileUploads(); if ( $this->isDeletingFile( $http, $contentObjectAttribute ) ) { return false; } if ( !eZHTTPFile::canFetch( $base . "_data_binaryfilename_" . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute( "id" ) ) ) return false; $binaryFile = eZHTTPFile::fetch( $base . "_data_binaryfilename_" . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute( "id" ) ); $contentObjectAttribute->setContent( $binaryFile ); if ( $binaryFile instanceof eZHTTPFile ) { $contentObjectAttributeID = $contentObjectAttribute->attribute( "id" ); $version = $contentObjectAttribute->attribute( "version" ); /* $mimeObj = new eZMimeType(); $mimeData = $mimeObj->findByURL( $binaryFile->attribute( "original_filename" ), true ); $mime = $mimeData['name']; */ $mimeData = eZMimeType::findByFileContents( $binaryFile->attribute( "original_filename" ) ); $mime = $mimeData['name']; if ( $mime == '' ) { $mime = $binaryFile->attribute( "mime_type" ); } $extension = eZFile::suffix( $binaryFile->attribute( "original_filename" ) ); $binaryFile->setMimeType( $mime ); if ( !$binaryFile->store( "original", $extension ) ) { eZDebug::writeError( "Failed to store http-file: " . $binaryFile->attribute( "original_filename" ), "eZBinaryFileType" ); return false; } $binary = eZBinaryFile::fetch( $contentObjectAttributeID, $version ); if ( $binary === null ) $binary = eZBinaryFile::create( $contentObjectAttributeID, $version ); $orig_dir = $binaryFile->storageDir( "original" ); $binary->setAttribute( "contentobject_attribute_id", $contentObjectAttributeID ); $binary->setAttribute( "version", $version ); $binary->setAttribute( "filename", basename( $binaryFile->attribute( "filename" ) ) ); $binary->setAttribute( "original_filename", $binaryFile->attribute( "original_filename" ) ); $binary->setAttribute( "mime_type", $mime ); $binary->store(); $filePath = $binaryFile->attribute( 'filename' ); $fileHandler = eZClusterFileHandler::instance(); $fileHandler->fileStore( $filePath, 'binaryfile', true, $mime ); $contentObjectAttribute->setContent( $binary ); } return true; }
/** * Fetches the HTTP-File into $file and fills in MIME-Type information into $mimeData. * * @return bool false if something went wrong. */ function fetchHTTPFile($httpFileIdentifier, &$errors, &$file, &$mimeData) { $returnCode = eZHTTPFile::canFetch($httpFileIdentifier, 0); if ($returnCode !== eZHTTPFile::UPLOADEDFILE_OK && $returnCode !== true) { switch ($returnCode) { case eZHTTPFile::UPLOADEDFILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST: $errors[] = array('description' => ezpI18n::tr('kernel/content/upload', 'A file is required for upload, no file were found.')); break; case eZHTTPFile::UPLOADEDFILE_EXCEEDS_PHP_LIMIT: case eZHTTPFile::UPLOADEDFILE_EXCEEDS_MAX_SIZE: $errors[] = array('description' => ezpI18n::tr('kernel/content/upload', 'The uploaded file size is above the maximum limit.')); break; case eZHTTPFile::UPLOADEDFILE_MISSING_TMP_DIR: case eZHTTPFile::UPLOADEDFILE_CANT_WRITE: case eZHTTPFile::UPLOADEDFILE_UNKNOWN_ERROR: $errors[] = array('description' => ezpI18n::tr('kernel/content/upload', 'A system error occured while writing the uploaded file.')); break; } return false; } $file = eZHTTPFile::fetch($httpFileIdentifier); if (!$file instanceof eZHTTPFile) { $errors[] = array('description' => ezpI18n::tr('kernel/content/upload', 'Expected a eZHTTPFile object but got nothing.')); return false; } $mimeData = eZMimeType::findByFileContents($file->attribute("original_filename")); return true; }
/** * Initializes the content object attribute with the uploaded HTTP file * * @param eZHTTPFile $httpFile * @param string $imageAltText Optional image ALT text * * @return TODO: FIXME */ function initializeFromHTTPFile($httpFile, $imageAltText = false) { $this->increaseImageSerialNumber(); $mimeData = eZMimeType::findByFileContents($httpFile->attribute('filename')); if (!$mimeData['is_valid']) { $mimeData = eZMimeType::findByName($httpFile->attribute('mime_type')); if (!$mimeData['is_valid']) { $mimeData = eZMimeType::findByURL($httpFile->attribute('original_filename')); } } $attr = false; $this->removeAliases($attr); $this->setOriginalAttributeDataValues($this->ContentObjectAttributeData['id'], $this->ContentObjectAttributeData['version'], $this->ContentObjectAttributeData['language_code']); $contentVersion = eZContentObjectVersion::fetchVersion($this->ContentObjectAttributeData['version'], $this->ContentObjectAttributeData['contentobject_id']); $objectName = $this->imageName($this->ContentObjectAttributeData, $contentVersion); $objectPathString = $this->imagePath($this->ContentObjectAttributeData, $contentVersion, true); eZMimeType::changeBaseName($mimeData, $objectName); eZMimeType::changeDirectoryPath($mimeData, $objectPathString); $httpFile->store(false, false, $mimeData); $originalFilename = $httpFile->attribute('original_filename'); return $this->initialize($mimeData, $originalFilename, $imageAltText); }
if ($access['accessWord'] == 'yes') { $importCsvFile = true; } else { return $module->handleError(eZError::KERNEL_ACCESS_DENIED, 'kernel'); } } // upload csv and store data if (eZHTTPFile::canFetch('UploadCsvFile') && $importId == 0) { $importType = 'cjwnl_csv'; $dataText = ''; $remoteId = false; //$remoteId = 'csv:' . md5( $csvFilePath ); // create new Import Object $importObject = CjwNewsletterImport::create($listContentObjectId, $importType, $note, $dataText, $remoteId); $importObject->store(); $binaryFile = eZHTTPFile::fetch('UploadCsvFile'); $filePathUpload = $binaryFile->attribute('filename'); $fileSep = eZSys::fileSeparator(); // $fileSize = filesize( $filePathUpload ); //$siteDir = eZSys::siteDir(); $dir = eZSys::varDirectory() . $fileSep . 'cjw_newsletter' . $fileSep . 'csvimport'; $importId = $importObject->attribute('id'); $fileName = $importId . '-' . date("Ymd-His", $importObject->attribute('created')) . '-' . $binaryFile->attribute('original_filename'); $csvFilePath = $dir . $fileSep . $fileName; $importObject->setAttribute('data_text', $csvFilePath); $importObject->setAttribute('note', $note); // create dir eZDir::mkdir($dir, false, true); $createResult = copy($filePathUpload, $csvFilePath); $importObject->store(); // after import object is created redirect to view with import_id
function fetchObjectAttributeHTTPInput($http, $base, $contentObjectAttribute) { eZMediaType::checkFileUploads(); $classAttribute = $contentObjectAttribute->contentClassAttribute(); $player = $classAttribute->attribute("data_text1"); $pluginPage = eZMediaType::pluginPage($player); $contentObjectAttributeID = $contentObjectAttribute->attribute("id"); $version = $contentObjectAttribute->attribute("version"); $width = $http->postVariable($base . "_data_media_width_" . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute("id")); $height = $http->postVariable($base . "_data_media_height_" . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute("id")); $quality = $http->hasPostVariable($base . "_data_media_quality_" . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute("id")) ? $http->postVariable($base . "_data_media_quality_" . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute("id")) : null; if ($http->hasPostVariable($base . "_data_media_controls_" . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute("id"))) { $controls = $http->postVariable($base . "_data_media_controls_" . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute("id")); } else { $controls = null; } $media = eZMedia::fetch($contentObjectAttributeID, $version); if ($media == null) { $media = eZMedia::create($contentObjectAttributeID, $version); } $media->setAttribute("contentobject_attribute_id", $contentObjectAttributeID); $media->setAttribute("version", $version); $media->setAttribute("width", $width); $media->setAttribute("height", $height); $media->setAttribute("quality", $quality); $media->setAttribute("controls", $controls); $media->setAttribute("pluginspage", $pluginPage); if ($http->hasPostVariable($base . "_data_media_is_autoplay_" . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute("id"))) { $media->setAttribute("is_autoplay", true); } else { $media->setAttribute("is_autoplay", false); } if ($http->hasPostVariable($base . "_data_media_has_controller_" . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute("id"))) { $media->setAttribute("has_controller", true); } else { $media->setAttribute("has_controller", false); } if ($http->hasPostVariable($base . "_data_media_is_loop_" . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute("id"))) { $media->setAttribute("is_loop", true); } else { $media->setAttribute("is_loop", false); } $mediaFilePostVarName = $base . "_data_mediafilename_" . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute("id"); if (eZHTTPFile::canFetch($mediaFilePostVarName)) { $mediaFile = eZHTTPFile::fetch($mediaFilePostVarName); } else { $mediaFile = null; } if ($mediaFile instanceof eZHTTPFile) { $mimeData = eZMimeType::findByFileContents($mediaFile->attribute("original_filename")); $mime = $mimeData['name']; if ($mime == '') { $mime = $mediaFile->attribute("mime_type"); } $extension = eZFile::suffix($mediaFile->attribute("original_filename")); $mediaFile->setMimeType($mime); if (!$mediaFile->store("original", $extension)) { eZDebug::writeError("Failed to store http-file: " . $mediaFile->attribute("original_filename"), "eZMediaType"); return false; } $orig_dir = $mediaFile->storageDir("original"); eZDebug::writeNotice("dir={$orig_dir}"); $media->setAttribute("filename", basename($mediaFile->attribute("filename"))); $media->setAttribute("original_filename", $mediaFile->attribute("original_filename")); $media->setAttribute("mime_type", $mime); $filePath = $mediaFile->attribute('filename'); $fileHandler = eZClusterFileHandler::instance(); $fileHandler->fileStore($filePath, 'media', true, $mime); } else { if ($media->attribute('filename') == '') { $media->remove(); return false; } } $media->store(); $contentObjectAttribute->setContent($media); return true; }
function checkRelationActions($module, $class, $object, $version, $contentObjectAttributes, $editVersion, $editLanguage, $fromLanguage) { $http = eZHTTPTool::instance(); if ($module->isCurrentAction('BrowseForObjects')) { $objectID = $object->attribute('id'); $assignedNodes = $object->attribute('assigned_nodes'); $assignedNodesIDs = array(); foreach ($assignedNodes as $node) { $assignedNodesIDs = $node->attribute('node_id'); } unset($assignedNodes); eZContentBrowse::browse(array('action_name' => 'AddRelatedObject', 'description_template' => 'design:content/browse_related.tpl', 'content' => array('object_id' => $objectID, 'object_version' => $editVersion, 'object_language' => $editLanguage), 'keys' => array('class' => $class->attribute('id'), 'class_id' => $class->attribute('identifier'), 'classgroup' => $class->attribute('ingroup_id_list'), 'section' => $object->attribute('section_id')), 'ignore_nodes_select' => $assignedNodesIDs, 'from_page' => $module->redirectionURI('content', 'edit', array($objectID, $editVersion, $editLanguage, $fromLanguage))), $module); return eZModule::HOOK_STATUS_CANCEL_RUN; } if ($module->isCurrentAction('UploadFileRelation')) { $objectID = $object->attribute('id'); $section = eZSection::fetch($object->attribute('section_id')); $navigationPart = false; if ($section) { $navigationPart = $section->attribute('navigation_part_identifier'); } $location = false; if ($module->hasActionParameter('UploadRelationLocation')) { $location = $module->actionParameter('UploadRelationLocation'); } // We only do direct uploading if we have the uploaded HTTP file // if not we need to go to the content/upload page. if (eZHTTPFile::canFetch('UploadRelationFile')) { $upload = new eZContentUpload(); if ($upload->handleUpload($result, 'UploadRelationFile', $location, false)) { $relatedObjectID = $result['contentobject_id']; if ($relatedObjectID) { $db = eZDB::instance(); $db->begin(); $object->addContentObjectRelation($relatedObjectID, $editVersion); $db->commit(); } } } else { eZContentUpload::upload(array('action_name' => 'RelatedObjectUpload', 'description_template' => 'design:content/upload_related.tpl', 'navigation_part_identifier' => $navigationPart, 'content' => array('object_id' => $objectID, 'object_version' => $editVersion, 'object_language' => $editLanguage), 'keys' => array('class' => $class->attribute('id'), 'class_id' => $class->attribute('identifier'), 'classgroup' => $class->attribute('ingroup_id_list'), 'section' => $object->attribute('section_id')), 'result_action_name' => 'UploadedFileRelation', 'ui_context' => 'edit', 'result_module' => array('content', 'edit', array($objectID, $editVersion, $editLanguage, $fromLanguage))), $module); return eZModule::HOOK_STATUS_CANCEL_RUN; } } if ($module->isCurrentAction('DeleteRelation')) { $objectID = $object->attribute('id'); if ($http->hasPostVariable('DeleteRelationIDArray')) { $relationObjectIDs = $http->postVariable('DeleteRelationIDArray'); } else { $relationObjectIDs = array(); } $db = eZDB::instance(); $db->begin(); foreach ($relationObjectIDs as $relationObjectID) { $object->removeContentObjectRelation($relationObjectID, $editVersion); } $db->commit(); } if ($module->isCurrentAction('NewObject')) { if ($http->hasPostVariable('ClassID')) { if ($http->hasPostVariable('SectionID')) { $sectionID = $http->postVariable('SectionID'); } else { $sectionID = 0; /* Will be changed later */ } $contentClassID = $http->postVariable('ClassID'); $class = eZContentClass::fetch($contentClassID); $db = eZDB::instance(); $db->begin(); $relatedContentObject = $class->instantiate(false, $sectionID); $db->commit(); $newObjectID = $relatedContentObject->attribute('id'); $relatedContentVersion = $relatedContentObject->attribute('current'); if ($relatedContentObject->attribute('can_edit')) { $db = eZDB::instance(); $db->begin(); $assignmentHandler = new eZContentObjectAssignmentHandler($relatedContentObject, $relatedContentVersion); $sectionID = (int) $assignmentHandler->setupAssignments(array('group-name' => 'RelationAssignmentSettings', 'default-variable-name' => 'DefaultAssignment', 'specific-variable-name' => 'ClassSpecificAssignment', 'section-id-wanted' => true, 'fallback-node-id' => $object->attribute('main_node_id'))); $http->setSessionVariable('ParentObject', array($object->attribute('id'), $editVersion, $editLanguage)); $http->setSessionVariable('NewObjectID', $newObjectID); /* Change section ID to the same one as the main node placement */ $db->query("UPDATE ezcontentobject SET section_id = {$sectionID} WHERE id = {$newObjectID}"); $db->commit(); $module->redirectToView('edit', array($relatedContentObject->attribute('id'), $relatedContentObject->attribute('current_version'), false)); } else { $db = eZDB::instance(); $db->begin(); $relatedContentObject->purge(); $db->commit(); } return; } } }
else { eZDebug::writeError( "Cannot import document, supplied placement nodeID is not valid." ); $tpl->setVariable( 'error', makeErrorArray( eZOOImport::ERROR_PLACEMENTINVALID, ezpI18n::tr( 'extension/ezodf/import/error', "Cannot import document, supplied placement nodeID is not valid." ) ) ); } // $tpl->setVariable( 'oo_mode', 'imported' ); } else { $tpl->setVariable( 'oo_mode', 'browse' ); if( eZHTTPFile::canFetch( "oo_file" ) ) { $file = eZHTTPFile::fetch( "oo_file" ); if ( $file ) { if ( $file->store() ) { $fileName = $file->attribute( 'filename' ); $originalFileName = $file->attribute( 'original_filename' ); // If we have the NodeID do the import/replace directly if ( $http->sessionVariable( 'oo_direct_import_node' ) ) { $nodeID = $http->sessionVariable( 'oo_direct_import_node' ); $importType = $http->sessionVariable( 'oo_import_type' ); if ( $importType != "replace" )
// User authentication $user = eZUser::loginUser( $username, $password ); if ( $user == false ) { print( 'problem:Authentication failed' ); eZExecution::cleanExit(); } if ( !eZHTTPFile::canFetch( 'File' ) ) { print( 'problem:Can\'t fetch HTTP file.' ); eZExecution::cleanExit(); } $file = eZHTTPFile::fetch('File'); $fileName = $file->attribute( 'filename' ); $originalFilename = $file->attribute('original_filename'); $content = base64_decode( file_get_contents( $fileName ) ); $fd = fopen( $fileName, 'w' ); fwrite( $fd, $content ); fclose( $fd ); // Conversion of the stored file $import = new eZOOImport(); $importResult = $import->import( $fileName, $nodeID, $originalFilename, $importType ); // Verification : conversion OK ?
function fetchHTTPFile($httpFileIdentifier, &$errors, &$file, &$mimeData) { if (!eZHTTPFile::canFetch($httpFileIdentifier)) { $errors[] = array('description' => ezpI18n::tr('kernel/content/upload', 'A file is required for upload, no file were found.')); return false; } $file = eZHTTPFile::fetch($httpFileIdentifier); if (!$file instanceof eZHTTPFile) { $errors[] = array('description' => ezpI18n::tr('kernel/content/upload', 'Expected a eZHTTPFile object but got nothing.')); return false; } $mimeData = eZMimeType::findByFileContents($file->attribute("original_filename")); return false; }
function validateFileHTTPInput($base, $contentObjectAttribute, $classAttribute) { //Check allowed file type //Have to do it here again, otherwise no error message $binaryFile = eZHTTPFile::fetch($base . "_data_enhancedbinaryfilename_" . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute("id")); if (!$binaryFile) { return eZInputValidator::STATE_INVALID; } $moduleINI = eZINI::instance('module.ini.append.php', 'settings'); $allowed = $moduleINI->variable('AllowedFileTypes', 'AllowedFileTypeList'); // $binaryFile->attribute( 'mime_type_part' ) not always the extension $extension = preg_replace('/.*\\.(.+?)$/', '\\1', $binaryFile->attribute("original_filename")); if (!in_array(strtolower($extension), $allowed)) { $contentObjectAttribute->setValidationError(ezpI18n::tr('kernel/classes/datatypes', 'Failed to store file. Only the following file types are allowed: %1.'), implode(", ", $allowed)); return eZInputValidator::STATE_INVALID; } //Check size $mustUpload = false; $maxSize = 1024 * 1024 * $classAttribute->attribute(self::MAX_FILESIZE_FIELD); /* Since it is not an ezbinary file this can never be true unfortunately, this is where the check would be to not upload the file multiple times in the event the form fails somewhere. Unfortunately it can't be a binary file since it is a collection object and not a content object. if ( $contentObjectAttribute->validateIsRequired() ) { $contentObjectAttributeID = $contentObjectAttribute->attribute( "id" ); $version = $contentObjectAttribute->attribute( "version" ); $binary = eZBinaryFile::fetch( $contentObjectAttributeID, $version ); if ( $binary === null ) { $mustUpload = true; } } */ $canFetchResult = EnhancedeZBinaryFileType::canFetch($base . "_data_enhancedbinaryfilename_" . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute("id"), $maxSize); //$binaryfile doesn't have an attribute(http_name) if ($mustUpload && $canFetchResult === eZHTTPFile::UPLOADEDFILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST) { $contentObjectAttribute->setValidationError(ezpI18n::tr('kernel/classes/datatypes', 'A valid file is required.')); return eZInputValidator::STATE_INVALID; } if ($canFetchResult == eZHTTPFile::UPLOADEDFILE_EXCEEDS_PHP_LIMIT) { $contentObjectAttribute->setValidationError(ezpI18n::tr('kernel/classes/datatypes', 'The size of the uploaded file exceeds the limit set by the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.')); return eZInputValidator::STATE_INVALID; } if ($canFetchResult == eZHTTPFile::UPLOADEDFILE_EXCEEDS_MAX_SIZE) { $contentObjectAttribute->setValidationError(ezpI18n::tr('kernel/classes/datatypes', 'The size of the uploaded file exceeds the maximum upload size: %1 bytes.'), $maxSize); return eZInputValidator::STATE_INVALID; } //Dropped all the way through with no error return eZInputValidator::STATE_ACCEPTED; }
/** * Tries to validate uploaded file format through handler * * @param string $handler * @param string $option * @param eZHTTPFile $file * @return boolean true if file validates or if no validator is defined */ protected static function checkFileFormat($handler, $option, eZHTTPFile $file) { //Handler instantiation code copied from SQLIImportFactory::runImport //TODO : refactoring handler instantiation ? $importINI = eZINI::instance('sqliimport.ini'); $handlerSection = $handler . '-HandlerSettings'; if (!$importINI->hasSection($handlerSection)) { // Check INI Section throw new ezcConfigurationNoConfigException('Error : Handler "' . $handler . '" does not have proper config section in sqliimport.ini !'); } if (!$importINI->hasVariable($handlerSection, 'ClassName')) { // Check if ClassName is properly defined throw new ezcConfigurationNoConfigException('Error : ClassName not defined for "' . $handler . '" in sqliimport.ini !'); } // Default values $handlerClassName = $importINI->variable($handlerSection, 'ClassName'); $handlerEnabled = true; $debug = false; $defaultParentNodeID = $importINI->variable('ImportSettings', 'DefaultParentNodeID'); $streamTimeout = $importINI->variable('ImportSettings', 'StreamTimeout'); if ($importINI->hasVariable($handlerSection, 'Enabled')) { $handlerEnabled = $importINI->variable($handlerSection, 'Enabled') === 'true'; } if ($importINI->hasVariable($handlerSection, 'Debug')) { $debug = $importINI->variable($handlerSection, 'Debug') === 'enabled'; } if ($importINI->hasVariable($handlerSection, 'DefaultParentNodeID')) { $localParentNodeID = $importINI->variable($handlerSection, 'DefaultParentNodeID'); $defaultParentNodeID = is_int($localParentNodeID) ? (int) $localParentNode : $defaultParentNodeID; } // Check handler class validity if (!class_exists($handlerClassName)) { throw new SQLIImportRuntimeException('Error : invalid handler class "' . $handlerClassName . '". Did you regenerate autolads ?'); } $handlerOptions = new SQLIImportHandlerOptions(array()); $importHandler = new $handlerClassName($handlerOptions); if (!$importHandler instanceof ISQLIFileImportHandler) { return true; } $importHandler->handlerConfArray = $importINI->group($handlerSection); return $importHandler->validateFile($option, $file->attribute('filename')); }