  * Goes trough the directory path and removes empty directories, starting at
  * the leaf and deleting down until a non empty directory is reached.
  * If the path is not a directory, nothing will happen.
  * @param string $path
 public static function cleanupEmptyDirectories($path)
     $dirpath = eZDir::dirpath($path);
     eZDebugSetting::writeDebug('kernel-clustering', "eZClusterFileHandler::cleanupEmptyDirectories( '{$dirpath}' )");
     if (is_dir($dirpath)) {

 * File containing the ezie no save & quit menu item handler
 * @copyright Copyright (C) eZ Systems AS.
 * @license For full copyright and license information view LICENSE file distributed with this source code.
 * @version //autogentag//
 * @package ezie
$prepare_action = new eZIEImagePreAction();
// @todo Use the cluster handler code
// delete all the images in working directory
// delete working directory
$working_folder = eZDir::dirpath($prepare_action->getImagePath());
// deletes the working folder recursively
// @todo delete the user directory if empty
echo json_encode(new StdClass());
    function installTemplates( $templateList, $package, $subdirectory, &$installParameters )
        if ( !$templateList )
            return true;
        $siteAccessDesignPathArray = array();
        $templateRootPath = $package->path() . '/' . $subdirectory;
        foreach( $templateList->getElementsByTagName( 'file' ) as $fileNode )
            $originalSiteAccess = $fileNode->getAttribute( 'site-access' );
            if ( isset( $installParameters['site_access_map'][$originalSiteAccess] ) )
                $newSiteAccess = $installParameters['site_access_map'][$originalSiteAccess];
                $newSiteAccess = $installParameters['site_access_map']['*'];

            if ( !isset( $siteAccessDesignPathArray[$newSiteAccess] ) )
                $ini = eZINI::instance( 'site.ini', 'settings', null, null, true );
                $ini->prependOverrideDir( "siteaccess/$newSiteAccess", false, 'siteaccess' );

                if ( isset( $installParameters['design_map'] ) )
                    $designMap = $installParameters['design_map'];
                    if ( isset( $designMap[$originalSiteAccess] ) )
                        $siteAccessDesignPathArray[$newSiteAccess] = eZTemplateDesignResource::designStartPath() . '/' . $designMap[$originalSiteAccess];
                        $siteAccessDesignPathArray[$newSiteAccess] = eZTemplateDesignResource::designStartPath() . '/' . $designMap['*'];
                    $siteAccessDesignPathArray[$newSiteAccess] = eZTemplateDesignResource::designStartPath() . '/' . $ini->variable( "DesignSettings", "StandardDesign" );

            $path = '';
            foreach( $fileNode->childNodes as $pathNode )
                if ( $pathNode->nodeName == 'path' )
                    $path = $pathNode->nodeValue;

            $sourcePath = $templateRootPath . $path;
            $destinationPath = $siteAccessDesignPathArray[$newSiteAccess] . $path;

            eZDir::mkdir( eZDir::dirpath( $destinationPath ), false, true );
            if ( !eZFileHandler::copy( $sourcePath, $destinationPath ) )
                return false;

//             eZDebug::writeNotice( 'Copied: "' . $sourcePath . '" to: "' . $destinationPath . '"', __METHOD__ );
        return true;
Beispiel #4
 function appendSimpleFile($key, $filepath)
     if (!isset($this->Parameters['simple-file-list'])) {
         $this->Parameters['simple-file-list'] = array();
     $suffix = eZFile::suffix($filepath);
     //$sourcePath = $fileInfo['original-path'];
     $packagePath = eZPackage::simpleFilesDirectory() . '/' . substr(md5(mt_rand()), 0, 8) . '.' . $suffix;
     $destinationPath = $this->path() . '/' . $packagePath;
     eZDir::mkdir(eZDir::dirpath($destinationPath), false, true);
     //SP DBfile
     $fileHandler = eZClusterFileHandler::instance();
     eZFileHandler::copy($filepath, $destinationPath);
     $this->Parameters['simple-file-list'][$key] = array('original-path' => $filepath, 'package-path' => $packagePath);
Beispiel #5
    function modify( $tpl, $operatorName, $operatorParameters, $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace, &$operatorValue, $namedParameters, $placement )
        $config = eZINI::instance( 'pdf.ini' );

        switch ( $namedParameters['operation'] )
            case 'toc':
                $operatorValue = '<C:callTOC';

                if ( count( $operatorParameters ) > 1 )
                    $params = $tpl->elementValue( $operatorParameters[1], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace );

                    $operatorValue .= isset( $params['size'] ) ? ':size:'. implode(',', $params['size'] ) : '';
                    $operatorValue .= isset( $params['dots'] ) ? ':dots:'. $params['dots'] : '';
                    $operatorValue .= isset( $params['contentText'] ) ? ':contentText:'. $params['contentText'] : '';
                    $operatorValue .= isset( $params['indent'] ) ? ':indent:'. implode(',', $params['indent'] ) : '';


                $operatorValue .= '>';
                eZDebug::writeNotice( 'PDF: Generating TOC', __METHOD__ );
            } break;

            case 'set_font':
                $params = $tpl->elementValue( $operatorParameters[1], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace );

                $operatorValue = '<ezCall:callFont';

                foreach ( $params as $key => $value )
                    if ( $key == 'colorCMYK' )
                        $operatorValue .= ':cmyk:' . implode( ',', $value );
                    else if ( $key == 'colorRGB' )
                        $operatorValue .= ':cmyk:' . implode( ',', eZMath::rgbToCMYK2( $value[0]/255,
                                                                                       $value[2]/255 ) );
                        $operatorValue .= ':' . $key . ':' . $value;
                $operatorValue .= '>';

                eZDebug::writeNotice( 'PDF: Changed font.' );
            } break;

            case 'table':
                $operatorValue = '<ezGroup:callTable';

                if ( count( $operatorParameters > 2 ) )
                    $tableSettings = $tpl->elementValue( $operatorParameters[2], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace );

                    if ( is_array( $tableSettings ) )
                        foreach( array_keys( $tableSettings ) as $key )
                            switch( $key )
                                case 'headerCMYK':
                                case 'cellCMYK':
                                case 'textCMYK':
                                case 'titleCellCMYK':
                                case 'titleTextCMYK':
                                    $operatorValue .= ':' . $key . ':' . implode( ',', $tableSettings[$key] );
                                } break;

                                    $operatorValue .= ':' . $key . ':' . $tableSettings[$key];
                                } break;

                $operatorValue .= '>';

                $rows = $tpl->elementValue( $operatorParameters[1], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace );

                $rows = str_replace( array( ' ', "\t", "\r\n", "\n" ),
                                                          $rows );
                $httpCharset = eZTextCodec::internalCharset();
                $outputCharset = $config->hasVariable( 'PDFGeneral', 'OutputCharset' )
                                 ? $config->variable( 'PDFGeneral', 'OutputCharset' )
                                 : 'iso-8859-1';
                $codec = eZTextCodec::instance( $httpCharset, $outputCharset );
                // Convert current text to $outputCharset (by default iso-8859-1)
                $rows = $codec->convertString( $rows );

                $operatorValue .= urlencode( $rows );

                $operatorValue .= '</ezGroup:callTable><C:callNewLine>';

                eZDebug::writeNotice( 'PDF: Added table to PDF', __METHOD__ );
            } break;

            case 'header':
                $header = $tpl->elementValue( $operatorParameters[1], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace );

                $header['text'] = str_replace( array( ' ', "\t", "\r\n", "\n" ),
                                               $header['text'] );

                $operatorValue = '<ezCall:callHeader:level:'. $header['level'] .':size:'. $header['size'];

                if ( isset( $header['align'] ) )
                    $operatorValue .= ':justification:'. $header['align'];

                if ( isset( $header['font'] ) )
                    $operatorValue .= ':fontName:'. $header['font'];

                $operatorValue .= ':label:'. rawurlencode( $header['text'] );

                $operatorValue .= '><C:callNewLine>'. $header['text'] .'</ezCall:callHeader><C:callNewLine>';

                eZDebug::writeNotice( 'PDF: Added header: '. $header['text'] .', size: '. $header['size'] .
                                      ', align: '. $header['align'] .', level: '. $header['level'],
                                      __METHOD__ );
            } break;

            case 'create':
            } break;

            case 'new_line':
            case 'newline':  // Deprecated
                $operatorValue = '<C:callNewLine>';
            } break;

            case 'new_page':
            case 'newpage':  // Deprecated
                $operatorValue = '<C:callNewPage><C:callNewLine>';

                eZDebug::writeNotice( 'PDF: New page', __METHOD__ );
            } break;

            case 'image':
                $image = $tpl->elementValue( $operatorParameters[1], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace );

                $width = isset( $image['width'] ) ? $image['width']: 100;
                $height = isset( $image['height'] ) ? $image['height']: 100;

                $operatorValue = '<C:callImage:src:'. rawurlencode( $image['src'] ) .':width:'. $width .':height:'. $height;

                if ( isset( $image['static'] ) )
                    $operatorValue .= ':static:' . $image['static'];

                if ( isset ( $image['x'] ) )
                    $operatorValue .= ':x:' . $image['x'];

                if ( isset( $image['y'] ) )
                    $operatorValue .= ':y:' . $image['y'];

                if ( isset( $image['dpi'] ) )
                    $operatorValue .= ':dpi:' . $image['dpi'];

                if ( isset( $image['align'] ) ) // left, right, center, full
                    $operatorValue .= ':align:' . $image['align'];

                $operatorValue .= '>';

                eZDebug::writeNotice( 'PDF: Added Image '.$image['src'].' to PDF file', __METHOD__ );
            } break;

            case 'anchor':
                $name = $tpl->elementValue( $operatorParameters[1], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace );

                $operatorValue = '<C:callAnchor:'. $name['name'] .':FitH:>';
                eZDebug::writeNotice( 'PDF: Added anchor: '.$name['name'], __METHOD__ );
            } break;

            case 'link': // external link
                $link = $tpl->elementValue( $operatorParameters[1], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace );

                $link['text'] = str_replace( '&quot;',
                                             $link['text'] );

                $operatorValue = '<c:alink:'. rawurlencode( $link['url'] ) .'>'. $link['text'] .'</c:alink>';
                eZDebug::writeNotice( 'PDF: Added link: '. $link['text'] .', url: '.$link['url'], __METHOD__ );
            } break;

            case 'stream':

            case 'close':
                $filename = $tpl->elementValue( $operatorParameters[1], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace );

                eZDir::mkdir( eZDir::dirpath( $filename ), false, true );

                $file = eZClusterFileHandler::instance( $filename );
                $file->storeContents( $this->PDF->ezOutput(), 'viewcache', 'pdf' );

                eZDebug::writeNotice( 'PDF file closed and saved to '. $filename, __METHOD__ );
            } break;

            case 'strike':
                $text = $tpl->elementValue( $operatorParameters[1], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace );
                $operatorValue = '<c:strike>'. $text .'</c:strike>';
                eZDebug::writeNotice( 'Striked text added to PDF: "'. $text .'"', __METHOD__ );
            } break;

            /* usage : execute/add text to pdf file, pdf(execute,<text>) */
            case 'execute':
                $text = $tpl->elementValue( $operatorParameters[1], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace );

                if ( count ( $operatorParameters ) > 2 )
                    $options = $tpl->elementValue( $operatorParameters[2], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace );

                    $size = isset( $options['size'] ) ? $options['size'] : $config->variable( 'PDFGeneral', 'Format' );
                    $orientation = isset( $options['orientation'] ) ? $options['orientation'] : $config->variable( 'PDFGeneral', 'Orientation' );

                    $this->createPDF( $size, $orientation );
                    $this->createPDF( $config->variable( 'PDFGeneral', 'Format' ), $config->variable( 'PDFGeneral', 'Orientation' ) );

                $text = str_replace( array( ' ', "\n", "\t" ), '', $text );
                $httpCharset = eZTextCodec::internalCharset();
                $outputCharset = $config->hasVariable( 'PDFGeneral', 'OutputCharset' )
                                 ? $config->variable( 'PDFGeneral', 'OutputCharset' )
                                 : 'iso-8859-1';
                $codec = eZTextCodec::instance( $httpCharset, $outputCharset );
                // Convert current text to $outputCharset (by default iso-8859-1)
                $text = $codec->convertString( $text );

                $this->PDF->ezText( $text );
                eZDebug::writeNotice( 'Execute text in PDF, length: "'. strlen( $text ) .'"', __METHOD__ );
            } break;

            case 'page_number':
            case 'pageNumber':
                $numberDesc = $tpl->elementValue( $operatorParameters[1], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace );

                if ( isset( $numberDesc['identifier'] ) )
                    $identifier = $numberDesc['identifier'];
                    $identifier = 'main';

                if ( isset( $numberDesc['start'] ) )
                    $operatorValue = '<C:callStartPageCounter:start:'. $numberDesc['start'] .':identifier:'. $identifier .'>';
                else if ( isset( $numberDesc['stop'] ) )
                    $operatorValue = '<C:callStartPageCounter:stop:1:identifier:'. $identifier .'>';
            } break;

            /* usage {pdf( line, hash( x1, <x>, y1, <y>, x2, <x2>, y2, <y2>, pages, <all|current>, thickness, <1..100>,  ) )} */
            case 'line':
                $lineDesc = $tpl->elementValue( $operatorParameters[1], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace );

                if ( isset( $lineDesc['pages']) and
                     $lineDesc['pages'] == 'all' )
                    $operatorValue = '<ezGroup:callLine';
                    $operatorValue = '<C:callDrawLine';

                $operatorValue .= ':x1:' . $lineDesc['x1'];
                $operatorValue .= ':x2:' . $lineDesc['x2'];
                $operatorValue .= ':y1:' . $lineDesc['y1'];
                $operatorValue .= ':y2:' . $lineDesc['y2'];

                $operatorValue .= ':thickness:' . ( isset( $lineDesc['thickness'] ) ? $lineDesc['thickness'] : '1' );

                $operatorValue .= '>';

                if ( $lineDesc['pages'] == 'all' )
                    $operatorValue .= '___</ezGroup:callLine>';

                return $operatorValue;
            } break;

            case 'footer_block':
            case 'header_block':
                $frameDesc = $tpl->elementValue( $operatorParameters[1], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace );

                $operatorValue = '<ezGroup:callBlockFrame';
                $operatorValue .= ':location:'. $namedParameters['operation'];
                $operatorValue .= '>';

                if ( isset( $frameDesc['block_code'] ) )
                    $httpCharset = eZTextCodec::internalCharset();
                    $outputCharset = $config->hasVariable( 'PDFGeneral', 'OutputCharset' )
                                 ? $config->variable( 'PDFGeneral', 'OutputCharset' )
                                 : 'iso-8859-1';
                    $codec = eZTextCodec::instance( $httpCharset, $outputCharset );
                    // Convert current text to $outputCharset (by default iso-8859-1)
                    $frameDesc['block_code'] = $codec->convertString( $frameDesc['block_code'] );
                    $operatorValue .= urlencode( $frameDesc['block_code'] );

                $operatorValue .= '</ezGroup:callBlockFrame>';

                eZDebug::writeNotice( 'PDF: Added Block '.$namedParameters['operation'] .': '.$operatorValue, __METHOD__ );
                return $operatorValue;

            } break;

            /* deprecated */
            case 'footer':
            case 'frame_header':
                $frameDesc = $tpl->elementValue( $operatorParameters[1], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace );

                $operatorValue  = '<ezGroup:callFrame';
                $operatorValue .= ':location:'. $namedParameters['operation'];

                if ( $namedParameters['operation'] == 'footer' )
                    $frameType = 'Footer';
                else if( $namedParameters['operation'] == 'frame_header' )
                    $frameType = 'Header';

                if ( isset( $frameDesc['align'] ) )
                    $operatorValue .= ':justification:'. $frameDesc['align'];

                if ( isset( $frameDesc['page'] ) )
                    $operatorValue .= ':page:'. $frameDesc['page'];
                    $operatorValue .= ':page:all';

                $operatorValue .= ':newline:' . ( isset( $frameDesc['newline'] ) ? $frameDesc['newline'] : 0 );

                $operatorValue .= ':pageOffset:';
                if ( isset( $frameDesc['pageOffset'] ) )
                    $operatorValue .= $frameDesc['pageOffset'];
                    $operatorValue .= $this->Config->variable( $frameType, 'PageOffset' );

                if ( isset( $frameDesc['size'] ) )
                    $operatorValue .= ':size:'. $frameDesc['size'];

                if ( isset( $frameDesc['font'] ) )
                    $operatorValue .= ':font:'. $frameDesc['font'];

                $operatorValue .= '>';

                if ( isset( $frameDesc['text'] ) )
                    $httpCharset = eZTextCodec::internalCharset();
                    $outputCharset = $config->hasVariable( 'PDFGeneral', 'OutputCharset' )
                                 ? $config->variable( 'PDFGeneral', 'OutputCharset' )
                                 : 'iso-8859-1';
                    $codec = eZTextCodec::instance( $httpCharset, $outputCharset );
                    // Convert current text to $outputCharset (by default iso-8859-1)
                    $frameDesc['text'] = $codec->convertString( $frameDesc['text'] );
                    $operatorValue .= urlencode( $frameDesc['text'] );

                $operatorValue .= '</ezGroup:callFrame>';

                if ( isset( $frameDesc['margin'] ) )
                    $operatorValue .= '<C:callFrameMargins';

                    $operatorValue .= ':identifier:'. $namedParameters['operation'];

                    $operatorValue .= ':topMargin:';
                    if ( isset( $frameDesc['margin']['top'] ) )
                        $operatorValue .= $frameDesc['margin']['top'];
                        $operatorValue .= $this->Config->variable( $frameType, 'TopMargin' );

                    $operatorValue .= ':bottomMargin:';
                    if ( isset( $frameDesc['margin']['bottom'] ) )
                        $operatorValue .= $frameDesc['margin']['bottom'];
                        $operatorValue .= $this->Config->variable( $frameType, 'BottomMargin' );

                    $operatorValue .= ':leftMargin:';
                    if ( isset( $frameDesc['margin']['left'] ) )
                        $operatorValue .= $frameDesc['margin']['left'];
                        $operatorValue .= $this->Config->variable( $frameType, 'LeftMargin' );

                    $operatorValue .= ':rightMargin:';
                    if ( isset( $frameDesc['margin']['right'] ) )
                        $operatorValue .= $frameDesc['margin']['right'];
                        $operatorValue .= $this->Config->variable( $frameType, 'RightMargin' );

                    $operatorValue .= ':height:';
                    if ( isset( $frameDesc['margin']['height'] ) )
                        $operatorValue .= $frameDesc['margin']['height'];
                        $operatorValue .= $this->Config->variable( $frameType, 'Height' );

                    $operatorValue .= '>';

                if ( isset( $frameDesc['line'] ) )
                    $operatorValue .= '<C:callFrameLine';
                    $operatorValue .= ':location:'. $namedParameters['operation'];

                    $operatorValue .= ':margin:';
                    if( isset( $frameDesc['line']['margin'] ) )
                        $operatorValue .= $frameDesc['line']['margin'];
                        $operatorValue .= $this->Config->variable( $frameType, 'LineMargin' );

                    if ( isset( $frameDesc['line']['leftMargin'] ) )
                        $operatorValue .= ':leftMargin:'. $frameDesc['line']['leftMargin'];
                    if ( isset( $frameDesc['line']['rightMargin'] ) )
                        $operatorValue .= ':rightMargin:'. $frameDesc['line']['rightMargin'];

                    $operatorValue .= ':pageOffset:';
                    if ( isset( $frameDesc['line']['pageOffset'] ) )
                        $operatorValue .= $frameDesc['line']['pageOffset'];
                        $operatorValue .= $this->Config->variable( $frameType, 'PageOffset' );

                    $operatorValue .= ':page:';
                    if ( isset( $frameDesc['line']['page'] ) )
                        $operatorValue .= $frameDesc['line']['page'];
                        $operatorValue .= $this->Config->variable( $frameType, 'Page' );

                    $operatorValue .= ':thickness:';
                    if ( isset( $frameDesc['line']['thickness'] ) )
                        $operatorValue .= $frameDesc['line']['thickness'];
                        $operatorValue .= $this->Config->variable( $frameType, 'LineThickness' );
                    $operatorValue .= '>';

                eZDebug::writeNotice( 'PDF: Added frame '.$frameType .': '.$operatorValue, __METHOD__ );
            } break;

            case 'frontpage':
                $pageDesc = $tpl->elementValue( $operatorParameters[1], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace );

                $align = isset( $pageDesc['align'] ) ? $pageDesc['align'] : 'center';
                $text = isset( $pageDesc['text'] ) ? $pageDesc['text'] : '';
                $top_margin = isset( $pageDesc['top_margin'] ) ? $pageDesc['top_margin'] : 100;

                $operatorValue = '<ezGroup:callFrontpage:justification:'. $align .':top_margin:'. $top_margin;

                if ( isset( $pageDesc['size'] ) )
                    $operatorValue .= ':size:'. $pageDesc['size'];

                $text = str_replace( array( ' ', "\t", "\r\n", "\n" ),
                                     $text );
                $httpCharset = eZTextCodec::internalCharset();
                $outputCharset = $config->hasVariable( 'PDFGeneral', 'OutputCharset' )
                             ? $config->variable( 'PDFGeneral', 'OutputCharset' )
                             : 'iso-8859-1';
                $codec = eZTextCodec::instance( $httpCharset, $outputCharset );
                // Convert current text to $outputCharset (by default iso-8859-1)
                $text = $codec->convertString( $text );

                $operatorValue .= '>'. urlencode( $text ) .'</ezGroup:callFrontpage>';

                eZDebug::writeNotice( 'Added content to frontpage: '. $operatorValue, __METHOD__ );
            } break;

            /* usage: pdf(set_margin( hash( left, <left_margin>,
                                            right, <right_margin>,
                                            x, <x offset>,
                                            y, <y offset> )))
            case 'set_margin':
                $operatorValue = '<C:callSetMargin';
                $options = $tpl->elementValue( $operatorParameters[1], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace );

                foreach( array_keys( $options ) as $key )
                    $operatorValue .= ':' . $key . ':' . $options[$key];

                $operatorValue .= '>';

                eZDebug::writeNotice( 'Added new margin/offset setup: ' . $operatorValue );

                return $operatorValue;
            } break;

            /* add keyword to pdf document */
            case 'keyword':
                $text = $tpl->elementValue( $operatorParameters[1], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace );

                $text = str_replace( array( ' ', "\n", "\t" ), '', $text );
                $httpCharset = eZTextCodec::internalCharset();
                $outputCharset = $config->hasVariable( 'PDFGeneral', 'OutputCharset' )
                             ? $config->variable( 'PDFGeneral', 'OutputCharset' )
                             : 'iso-8859-1';
                $codec = eZTextCodec::instance( $httpCharset, $outputCharset );
                // Convert current text to $outputCharset (by default iso-8859-1)
                $text = $codec->convertString( $text );

                $operatorValue = '<C:callKeyword:'. rawurlencode( $text ) .'>';
            } break;

            /* add Keyword index to pdf document */
            case 'createIndex':
            case 'create_index':
                $operatorValue = '<C:callIndex>';

                eZDebug::writeNotice( 'Adding Keyword index to PDF', __METHOD__ );
            } break;

            case 'ul':
                $text = $tpl->elementValue( $operatorParameters[1], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace );
                if ( count( $operatorParameters ) > 2 )
                    $params = $tpl->elementValue( $operatorParameters[2], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace );
                    $params = array();

                if ( isset( $params['rgb'] ) )
                    $params['rgb'] = eZMath::normalizeColorArray( $params['rgb'] );
                    $params['cmyk'] = eZMath::rgbToCMYK2( $params['rgb'][0]/255,
                                                          $params['rgb'][2]/255 );

                if ( !isset( $params['cmyk'] ) )
                    $params['cmyk'] = eZMath::rgbToCMYK2( 0, 0, 0 );
                if ( !isset( $params['radius'] ) )
                    $params['radius'] = 2;
                if ( !isset ( $params['pre_indent'] ) )
                    $params['pre_indent'] = 0;
                if ( !isset ( $params['indent'] ) )
                    $params['indent'] = 2;
                if ( !isset ( $params['yOffset'] ) )
                    $params['yOffset'] = -1;

                $operatorValue = '<C:callCircle' .
                     ':pages:current' .
                     ':x:-1' .
                     ':yOffset:' . $params['yOffset'] .
                     ':y:-1' .
                     ':indent:' . $params['indent'] .
                     ':pre_indent:' . $params['pre_indent'] .
                     ':radius:' . $params['radius'] .
                     ':cmyk:' . implode( ',', $params['cmyk'] ) .

                $operatorValue .= '<C:callSetMargin' .
                     ':delta_left:' . ( $params['indent'] + $params['radius'] * 2 + $params['pre_indent'] ) .

                $operatorValue .= $text;

                $operatorValue .= '<C:callSetMargin' .
                     ':delta_left:' . -1 * ( $params['indent'] + $params['radius'] * 2 + $params['pre_indent'] ) .
            } break;

            case 'filled_circle':
                $operatorValue = '';
                $options = $tpl->elementValue( $operatorParameters[1], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace );

                if ( !isset( $options['pages'] ) )
                    $options['pages'] = 'current';

                if ( !isset( $options['x'] ) )
                    $options['x'] = -1;

                if ( !isset( $options['y'] ) )
                    $options['y'] = -1;

                if ( isset( $options['rgb'] ) )
                    $options['rgb'] = eZMath::normalizeColorArray( $options['rgb'] );
                    $options['cmyk'] = eZMath::rgbToCMYK2( $options['rgb'][0]/255,
                                                           $options['rgb'][2]/255 );

                $operatorValue = '<C:callCircle' .
                     ':pages:' . $options['pages'] .
                     ':x:' . $options['x'] .
                     ':y:' . $options['y'] .
                     ':radius:' . $options['radius'];

                if ( isset( $options['cmyk'] ) )
                    $operatorValue .= ':cmyk:' . implode( ',', $options['cmyk'] );

                $operatorValue .= '>';

                eZDebug::writeNotice( 'PDF Added circle: ' . $operatorValue );

                return $operatorValue;
            } break;

            case 'rectangle':
                $operatorValue = '';
                $options = $tpl->elementValue( $operatorParameters[1], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace );

                if ( !isset( $options['pages'] ) )
                    $options['pages'] = 'current';
                if ( !isset( $options['line_width'] ) )
                    $options['line_width'] = 1;
                if ( !isset( $options['round_corner'] ) )
                    $options['round_corner'] = false;

                $operatorValue = '<C:callRectangle';
                foreach ( $options as $key => $value )
                    if ( $key == 'rgb' )
                        $options['rgb'] = eZMath::normalizeColorArray( $options['rgb'] );
                        $operatorValue .= ':cmyk:' . implode( ',',  eZMath::rgbToCMYK2( $options['rgb'][0]/255,
                                                                                        $options['rgb'][2]/255 ) );
                    else if ( $key == 'cmyk' )
                        $operatorValue .= ':cmyk:' . implode( ',', $value );
                        $operatorValue .= ':' . $key . ':' . $value;
                $operatorValue .= '>';

                eZDebug::writeNotice( 'PDF Added rectangle: ' . $operatorValue );

                return $operatorValue;
            } break;

            /* usage: pdf( filled_rectangle, hash( 'x', <x offset>, 'y' => <y offset>, 'width' => <width>, 'height' => <height>,
                                                    'pages', <'all'|'current'|odd|even>, (supported, current)
                                                    'rgb', array( <r>, <g>, <b> ),
                                                    'cmyk', array( <c>, <m>, <y>, <k> ),
                                                    'rgbTop', array( <r>, <b>, <g> ),
                                                    'rgbBottom', array( <r>, <b>, <g> ),
                                                    'cmykTop', array( <c>, <m>, <y>, <k> ),
                                                    'cmykBottom', array( <c>, <m>, <y>, <k> ) ) ) */
            case 'filled_rectangle':
                $operatorValue = '';
                $options = $tpl->elementValue( $operatorParameters[1], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace );

                if ( !isset( $options['pages'] ) )
                    $options['pages'] = 'current';

                if ( isset( $options['rgb'] ) )
                    $options['rgb'] = eZMath::normalizeColorArray( $options['rgb'] );
                    $options['cmyk'] = eZMath::rgbToCMYK2( $options['rgb'][0]/255,
                                                           $options['rgb'][2]/255 );

                if ( isset( $options['cmyk'] ) )
                    $options['cmykTop'] = $options['cmyk'];
                    $options['cmykBottom'] = $options['cmyk'];

                if ( !isset( $options['cmykTop'] ) )
                    if ( isset( $options['rgbTop'] ) )
                        $options['rgbTop'] = eZMath::normalizeColorArray( $options['rgbTop'] );
                        $options['cmykTop'] = eZMath::rgbToCMYK2( $options['rgbTop'][0]/255,
                                                                  $options['rgbTop'][2]/255 );
                        $options['cmykTop'] = eZMath::rgbToCMYK2( 0, 0, 0 );

                if ( !isset( $options['cmykBottom'] ) )
                    if ( isset( $options['rgbBottom'] ) )
                        $options['rgbBottom'] = eZMath::normalizeColorArray( $options['rgbBottom'] );
                        $options['cmykBottom'] = eZMath::rgbToCMYK2( $options['rgbBottom'][0]/255,
                                                                     $options['rgbBottom'][2]/255 );
                        $options['cmykBottom'] = eZMath::rgbToCMYK2( 0, 0, 0 );

                if ( !isset( $options['pages'] ) )
                    $options['pages'] = 'current';

                $operatorValue = '<C:callFilledRectangle' .
                     ':pages:' . $options['pages'] .
                     ':x:' . $options['x'] .
                     ':y:' . $options['y'] .
                     ':width:' . $options['width'] .
                     ':height:' . $options['height'] .
                     ':cmykTop:' . implode( ',', $options['cmykTop'] ) .
                     ':cmykBottom:' . implode( ',', $options['cmykBottom'] ) .

                eZDebug::writeNotice( 'Added rectangle: ' . $operatorValue );
            } break;

            /* usage : pdf(text, <text>, array( 'font' => <fontname>, 'size' => <fontsize> )) */
            case 'text':
                $text = $tpl->elementValue( $operatorParameters[1], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace );

                $operatorValue = '';
                $changeFont = false;

                if ( count( $operatorParameters ) >= 3)
                    $textSettings = $tpl->elementValue( $operatorParameters[2], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace );

                    if ( isset( $textSettings ) )
                        $operatorValue .= '<ezCall:callText';
                        $changeFont = true;

                        if ( isset( $textSettings['font'] ) )
                            $operatorValue .= ':font:'. $textSettings['font'];

                        if ( isset( $textSettings['size'] ) )
                            $operatorValue .= ':size:'. $textSettings['size'];

                        if ( isset( $textSettings['align'] ) )
                            $operatorValue .= ':justification:'. $textSettings['align'];

                        if ( isset( $textSettings['rgb'] ) )
                            $textSettings['cmyk'] = eZMath::rgbToCMYK2( $textSettings['rgb'][0]/255,
                                                                        $textSettings['rgb'][2]/255 );

                        if ( isset( $textSettings['cmyk'] ) )
                            $operatorValue .= ':cmyk:' . implode( ',', $textSettings['cmyk'] );

                        $operatorValue .= '>';

                $operatorValue .= $text;
                if ( $changeFont )
                    $operatorValue .= '</ezCall:callText>';

            } break;

            case 'text_box':
                $parameters = $tpl->elementValue( $operatorParameters[1], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace );

                $operatorValue = '<ezGroup:callTextBox';

                foreach( array_keys( $parameters ) as $key )
                    if ( $key != 'text' )
                        $operatorValue .= ':' . $key . ':' . urlencode( $parameters[$key] );

                $httpCharset = eZTextCodec::internalCharset();
                $outputCharset = $config->hasVariable( 'PDFGeneral', 'OutputCharset' )
                             ? $config->variable( 'PDFGeneral', 'OutputCharset' )
                             : 'iso-8859-1';
                $codec = eZTextCodec::instance( $httpCharset, $outputCharset );
                // Convert current text to $outputCharset (by default iso-8859-1)
                $parameters['text'] = $codec->convertString( $parameters['text'] );

                $operatorValue .= '>';
                $operatorValue .= urlencode( $parameters['text'] );
                $operatorValue .= '</ezGroup:callTextBox>';

                return $operatorValue;
            } break;

            case 'text_frame':
                $text = $tpl->elementValue( $operatorParameters[1], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace );

                $operatorValue = '';
                $changeFont = false;

                if ( count( $operatorParameters ) >= 3)
                    $textSettings = $tpl->elementValue( $operatorParameters[2], $rootNamespace, $currentNamespace );

                    if ( isset( $textSettings ) )
                        $operatorValue .= '<ezGroup:callTextFrame';
                        $changeFont = true;

                        foreach ( array_keys( $textSettings ) as $key ) //settings, padding (left, right, top, bottom), textcmyk, framecmyk
                            if ( $key == 'frameCMYK' )
                                $operatorValue .= ':frameCMYK:' . implode( ',', $textSettings['frameCMYK'] );
                            else if ( $key == 'frameRGB' )
                                $operatorValue .= ':frameCMYK:' . implode( ',', eZMath::rgbToCMYK2( $textSettings['frameRGB'][0]/255,
                                                                                                    $textSettings['frameRGB'][2]/255 ) );
                            else if ( $key == 'textCMYK' )
                                $operatorValue .= ':textCMYK:' . implode( ',', $textSettings['textCMYK'] );
                            else if ( $key == 'textRGB' )
                                $operatorValue .= ':textCMYK:' . implode( ',', eZMath::rgbToCMYK2( $textSettings['textRGB'][0]/255,
                                                                                                   $textSettings['textRGB'][2]/255 ) );
                                $operatorValue .= ':' . $key . ':' . $textSettings[$key];

                        $httpCharset = eZTextCodec::internalCharset();
                        $outputCharset = $config->hasVariable( 'PDFGeneral', 'OutputCharset' )
                                     ? $config->variable( 'PDFGeneral', 'OutputCharset' )
                                     : 'iso-8859-1';
                        $codec = eZTextCodec::instance( $httpCharset, $outputCharset );
                        // Convert current text to $outputCharset (by default iso-8859-1)
                        $text = $codec->convertString( $text );

                        $operatorValue .= '>' . urlencode( $text ) . '</ezGroup::callTextFrame>';


                eZDebug::writeNotice( 'Added TextFrame: ' . $operatorValue );
            } break;

                eZDebug::writeError( 'PDF operation "'. $namedParameters['operation'] .'" undefined', __METHOD__ );


Beispiel #6
  * Removes all image alias files which the attribute refers to.
  * @param eZContentObjectAttribute
  * @note If you want to remove the alias information use removeAliases().
 static function removeAllAliases($contentObjectAttribute)
     $handler = $contentObjectAttribute->attribute('content');
     if (!$handler->isImageOwner()) {
     $attributeData = $handler->originalAttributeData();
     $files = eZImageFile::fetchForContentObjectAttribute($attributeData['attribute_id'], false);
     $dirs = array();
     foreach ($files as $filepath) {
         $file = eZClusterFileHandler::instance($filepath);
         if ($file->exists()) {
             $dirs[] = eZDir::dirpath($filepath);
     $dirs = array_unique($dirs);
     foreach ($dirs as $dirpath) {
  * Attempt to remove content object 'image' attribute image variations by content object attribute
  * @param object $contentClassImageAttribute object of objects of class eZContentObjectAttribute
  * @param array $class Array of object class identifiers to remove aliases for only these classes. Optional. Defaults to false
  * @param array $attributes Array of object image attribute identifiers to remove aliases from. Optional. Defaults to false
  * @param array $aliases Array of object image attribute image aliases to remove. Optional. Defaults to false
  * @return bool true if successful, false otherwise
  * @static
 static function removeByAttribute($contentObjectAttribute = false, $classes = false, $attributes = false, $aliases = false)
     if (!is_object($contentObjectAttribute)) {
         return false;
     // Test that content object class attribute identifier matches provided classes
     if ($classes != false && is_array($classes) && !in_array($contentObjectAttribute->attribute('object')->attribute('class_identifier'), $classes)) {
         return false;
     // Test that content object class attribute identifier matches provided classes
     if ($attributes != false && is_array($attributes) && !in_array($contentObjectAttribute->attribute('contentclass_attribute_identifier'), $attributes)) {
         return false;
     // Default datatypes to create image alias variations
     $imageDataTypeStrings = eZINI::instance('bcimagealias.ini')->variable('BCImageAliasSettings', 'ImageDataTypeStringList');
     // Check that content object attribute data type string matches allowed datatype settings
     if (!in_array($contentObjectAttribute->attribute('data_type_string'), $imageDataTypeStrings) || !$contentObjectAttribute->attribute('has_content')) {
         return false;
     $filePaths = array();
     $results = array();
     $executionOptions = self::executionOptions();
     $messageCount = 0;
     $imageHandler = $contentObjectAttribute->attribute('content');
     $aliasList = $imageHandler->aliasList(false);
     // Do not process the orginal image alias
     if (count($aliasList) == 0) {
         return false;
     // Optional debug output
     if ($executionOptions['troubleshoot'] && $executionOptions['verboseLevel'] >= 2) {
         if ($executionOptions['verboseLevel'] >= 3) {
             self::displayMessage('All attribute image aliases stored in content data text field:', false);
             self::displayMessage($contentObjectAttribute->attribute('data_text'), "\n");
         if ($executionOptions['verboseLevel'] >= 4) {
             self::displayMessage('All attribute image aliases stored in content alias list:', false);
             self::displayMessage('', "\n\n");
         } elseif ($executionOptions['verboseLevel'] >= 3) {
             self::displayMessage('All attribute image aliases stored in content alias list:', false);
             self::displayMessage('', "\n");
     $contentObjectID = $contentObjectAttribute->attribute('contentobject_id');
     $contentObjectAttributeID = $contentObjectAttribute->attribute('id');
     $contentObjectAttributeVersion = $contentObjectAttribute->attribute('version');
     if ($contentObjectAttributeVersion === null) {
         $files = eZImageFile::fetchForContentObjectAttribute($contentObjectAttributeID, true);
         $dirs = array();
         $count = 0;
         // Iterate over files
         foreach ($files as $filepath) {
             // Test $filepath from $files is in contains one of the $aliases items
             if ($aliases != false && is_array($aliases)) {
                 foreach ($aliases as $alias) {
                     if (!stristr('_' . $alias, $filepath)) {
                         continue 1;
             $file = eZClusterFileHandler::instance($filepath);
             if ($file->exists()) {
                 $filePaths[] = $filepath;
                 if (!$executionOptions['dry']) {
                     $dirs[] = eZDir::dirpath($filepath);
         if (!$executionOptions['dry']) {
             $dirs = array_unique($dirs);
             foreach ($dirs as $dirpath) {
             $message = "Removed datatype " . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute('data_type_string') . "type image alias variation " . $filePaths[$messageCount] . "\n";
         } else {
             $message = "Dry run: Remove datatype " . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute('data_type_string') . "type image alias variation " . $filePaths[$messageCount] . "\n";
         while ($messageCount < $count) {
             $result = true;
     } else {
         // We loop over each image alias, and look up the file in ezcontentobject_attribute
         // Only images referenced by one version will be removed
         foreach ($aliasList as $aliasName => $aliasListAliasItem) {
             // Test $aliasListAliasItem from $aliasList is in $aliases array
             if ($aliases != false && is_array($aliases) && !in_array($aliasListAliasItem['name'], $aliases)) {
             if ($aliasListAliasItem['is_valid'] && $aliasListAliasItem['name'] != 'original') {
                 $filepath = $aliasListAliasItem['url'];
                 // Calculate appropriate message to Alert user with
                 if (!$executionOptions['dry']) {
                     // Remove the alias variation image file from the attribute dom tree
                     $doc = $imageHandler->ContentObjectAttributeData['DataTypeCustom']['dom_tree'];
                     foreach ($doc->getElementsByTagName('alias') as $aliasNode) {
                         if ($aliasListAliasItem['name'] == $aliasNode->getAttribute('name')) {
                             // Optional debug output
                             if ($executionOptions['troubleshoot']) {
                                 self::displayMessage('Removing image alias image variation ' . "'" . $aliasNode->getAttribute('name') . "'" . ' from attribute dom document');
                     $imageHandler->ContentObjectAttributeData['DataTypeCustom']['dom_tree'] = $doc;
                     $imageHandler->storeDOMTree($doc, true, $contentObjectAttribute);
                 // Calculate appropriate message to Alert user with
                 if ($executionOptions['dry']) {
                     $message = "Dry run: Calculating removal of datatype " . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute('data_type_string') . "type image alias variation file " . $filepath;
                 } else {
                     $message = "Removed standard datatype " . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute('data_type_string') . "type image alias variation file " . $filepath;
                 if (!$executionOptions['dry']) {
                     $dirpath = $aliasListAliasItem['dirpath'];
                     $file = eZClusterFileHandler::instance($filepath);
                     if ($file->exists()) {
                         eZImageFile::removeFilepath($contentObjectAttributeID, $filepath);
                         $results[] = true;
                     } else {
                         eZDebug::writeError("Image file {$filepath} for alias {$aliasName} does not exist, could not remove from disk", __METHOD__);
                         self::displayMessage("Image file {$filepath} for alias {$aliasName} does not exist, could not remove from disk: " . __METHOD__);
                 } else {
                     $results[] = true;
     // Calculate return results based on execution options and results comparison
     if (in_array(true, $results) && count($aliasList) == count($results) && !$executionOptions['dry']) {
         return true;
     return false;