Beispiel #1
function copyObject($Module, $object, $allVersions, $newParentNodeID)
    if (!$newParentNodeID) {
        return $Module->redirectToView('view', array('full', 2));
    // check if we can create node under the specified parent node
    if (($newParentNode = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch($newParentNodeID)) === null) {
        return $Module->redirectToView('view', array('full', 2));
    $classID = $object->attribute('contentclass_id');
    if (!$newParentNode->checkAccess('create', $classID)) {
        $objectID = $object->attribute('id');
        eZDebug::writeError("Cannot copy object {$objectID} to node {$newParentNodeID}, " . "the current user does not have create permission for class ID {$classID}", 'content/copy');
        return $Module->handleError(eZError::KERNEL_ACCESS_DENIED, 'kernel');
    $db = eZDB::instance();
    $newObject = $object->copy($allVersions);
    // We should reset section that will be updated in updateSectionID().
    // If sectionID is 0 then the object has been newly created
    $newObject->setAttribute('section_id', 0);
    $curVersion = $newObject->attribute('current_version');
    $curVersionObject = $newObject->attribute('current');
    $newObjAssignments = $curVersionObject->attribute('node_assignments');
    // remove old node assignments
    foreach ($newObjAssignments as $assignment) {
    // and create a new one
    $nodeAssignment = eZNodeAssignment::create(array('contentobject_id' => $newObject->attribute('id'), 'contentobject_version' => $curVersion, 'parent_node' => $newParentNodeID, 'is_main' => 1));
    // publish the newly created object
    eZOperationHandler::execute('content', 'publish', array('object_id' => $newObject->attribute('id'), 'version' => $curVersion));
    // Update "is_invisible" attribute for the newly created node.
    $newNode = $newObject->attribute('main_node');
    eZContentObjectTreeNode::updateNodeVisibility($newNode, $newParentNode);
    return $Module->redirectToView('view', array('full', $newParentNodeID));
Beispiel #2
    function checkContentActions( $module, $class, $object, $version, $contentObjectAttributes, $EditVersion, $EditLanguage, $FromLanguage, &$Result )
        if ( $module->isCurrentAction( 'Preview' ) )
            $module->redirectToView( 'versionview', array( $object->attribute('id'), $EditVersion, $EditLanguage, $FromLanguage ) );
            return eZModule::HOOK_STATUS_CANCEL_RUN;

        if ( $module->isCurrentAction( 'Translate' ) )
            $module->redirectToView( 'translate', array( $object->attribute( 'id' ), $EditVersion, $EditLanguage, $FromLanguage ) );
            return eZModule::HOOK_STATUS_CANCEL_RUN;

        if ( $module->isCurrentAction( 'VersionEdit' ) )
            if ( isset( $GLOBALS['eZRequestedURI'] ) and is_object( $GLOBALS['eZRequestedURI'] ) )
                $uri = $GLOBALS['eZRequestedURI'];
                $uri = $uri->originalURIString();
                $http = eZHTTPTool::instance();
                $http->setSessionVariable( 'LastAccessesVersionURI', $uri );
            $module->redirectToView( 'history', array( $object->attribute( 'id' ), $EditVersion, $EditLanguage ) );
            return eZModule::HOOK_STATUS_CANCEL_RUN;

        if ( $module->isCurrentAction( 'EditLanguage' ) )
            if ( $module->hasActionParameter( 'SelectedLanguage' ) )
                $EditLanguage = $module->actionParameter( 'SelectedLanguage' );
                // We reset the from language to disable the translation look
                $FromLanguage = false;
                $module->redirectToView( 'edit', array( $object->attribute('id'), $EditVersion, $EditLanguage, $FromLanguage ) );
                return eZModule::HOOK_STATUS_CANCEL_RUN;

        if ( $module->isCurrentAction( 'TranslateLanguage' ) )
            if ( $module->hasActionParameter( 'SelectedLanguage' ) )
                $FromLanguage = $EditLanguage;
                $EditLanguage = $module->actionParameter( 'SelectedLanguage' );
                $module->redirectToView( 'edit', array( $object->attribute('id'), $EditVersion, $EditLanguage, $FromLanguage ) );
                return eZModule::HOOK_STATUS_CANCEL_RUN;

        if ( $module->isCurrentAction( 'FromLanguage' ) )
            $FromLanguage = $module->actionParameter( 'FromLanguage' );
            $module->redirectToView( 'edit', array( $object->attribute('id'), $EditVersion, $EditLanguage, $FromLanguage ) );
            return eZModule::HOOK_STATUS_CANCEL_RUN;

        if ( $module->isCurrentAction( 'Discard' ) )
            $http = eZHTTPTool::instance();
            $objectID = $object->attribute( 'id' );
            $discardConfirm = true;
            if ( $http->hasPostVariable( 'DiscardConfirm' ) )
                $discardConfirm = $http->postVariable( 'DiscardConfirm' );
            $http->setSessionVariable( 'DiscardObjectID', $objectID );
            $http->setSessionVariable( 'DiscardObjectVersion', $EditVersion );
            $http->setSessionVariable( 'DiscardObjectLanguage', $EditLanguage );
            $http->setSessionVariable( 'DiscardConfirm', $discardConfirm );
            $module->redirectTo( $module->functionURI( 'removeeditversion' ) . '/' );
            return eZModule::HOOK_STATUS_CANCEL_RUN;

        // helper function which computes the redirect after
        // publishing and final store of a draft.
        function computeRedirect( $module, $object, $version, $EditLanguage = false )
            $http = eZHTTPTool::instance();

            $node = $object->mainNode();

            if ( $http->hasSessionVariable( 'RedirectIfDiscarded' ) )
                $http->removeSessionVariable( 'RedirectIfDiscarded' );

            $hasRedirected = false;
            if ( $http->hasSessionVariable( 'ParentObject' ) && $http->sessionVariable( 'NewObjectID' ) == $object->attribute( 'id' ) )
                $parentArray = $http->sessionVariable( 'ParentObject' );
                $parentURL = $module->redirectionURI( 'content', 'edit', $parentArray );
                $parentObject = eZContentObject::fetch( $parentArray[0] );
                $db = eZDB::instance();
                $parentObject->addContentObjectRelation( $object->attribute( 'id' ), $parentArray[1] );
                $http->removeSessionVariable( 'ParentObject' );
                $http->removeSessionVariable( 'NewObjectID' );
                $module->redirectTo( $parentURL );
                $hasRedirected = true;
            if ( $http->hasSessionVariable( 'RedirectURIAfterPublish' ) && !$hasRedirected )
                $uri = $http->sessionVariable( 'RedirectURIAfterPublish' );
                $http->removeSessionVariable( 'RedirectURIAfterPublish' );
                $module->redirectTo( $uri );
                $hasRedirected = true;
            if ( $http->hasPostVariable( 'RedirectURIAfterPublish' )  && !$hasRedirected )
                $uri = $http->postVariable( 'RedirectURIAfterPublish' );
                $module->redirectTo( $uri );
                $hasRedirected = true;
            if ( $http->hasPostVariable( "BackToEdit" ) && $http->postVariable( "BackToEdit" ) )
                $uri = $module->redirectionURI( 'content', 'edit', array( $object->attribute( 'id'), 'f', $EditLanguage ) );
                $module->redirectTo( $uri );
                eZDebug::writeDebug( $uri, "uri  " .  $object->attribute( 'id')  );
                $hasRedirected = true;

            if ( !$hasRedirected )
                if ( $http->hasPostVariable( 'RedirectURI' ) )
                    $uri = $http->postVariable( 'RedirectURI' );
                    $module->redirectTo( $uri );
                else if ( $node !== null )
                    $parentNode = $node->attribute( 'parent_node_id' );
                    if ( $parentNode == 1 )
                        $parentNode = $node->attribute( 'node_id' );
                    $module->redirectToView( 'view', array( 'full', $parentNode ) );
                    $module->redirectToView( 'view', array( 'full', $version->attribute( 'main_parent_node_id' ) ) );


        if( $module->isCurrentAction( 'StoreExit' ) )
            computeRedirect( $module, $object, $version, $EditLanguage );
            return eZModule::HOOK_STATUS_CANCEL_RUN;

        if ( $module->isCurrentAction( 'Publish' ) )
            // Checking the source and destination language from the url,
            // if they are the same no confirmation is needed.
            if ( $EditLanguage != $FromLanguage )
                $conflictingVersions = $version->hasConflicts( $EditLanguage );
                if ( $conflictingVersions )
                    $tpl = eZTemplate::factory();
                    $res = eZTemplateDesignResource::instance();
                    $res->setKeys( array( array( 'object', $object->attribute( 'id' ) ),
                                        array( 'remote_id', $object->attribute( 'remote_id' ) ),
                                        array( 'class', $class->attribute( 'id' ) ),
                                        array( 'class_identifier', $class->attribute( 'identifier' ) ),
                                        array( 'class_group', $class->attribute( 'match_ingroup_id_list' ) ) ) );

                    $tpl->setVariable( 'edit_language', $EditLanguage );
                    $tpl->setVariable( 'current_version', $version->attribute( 'version' ) );
                    $tpl->setVariable( 'object', $object );
                    $tpl->setVariable( 'draft_versions', $conflictingVersions );

                    $Result = array();
                    $Result['content'] = $tpl->fetch( 'design:content/edit_conflict.tpl' );
                    return eZModule::HOOK_STATUS_CANCEL_RUN;

            eZDebug::accumulatorStart( 'publish', '', 'publish' );
            $oldObjectName = $object->name();

            $behaviour = new ezpContentPublishingBehaviour();
            $behaviour->isTemporary = true;
            $behaviour->disableAsynchronousPublishing = false;
            ezpContentPublishingBehaviour::setBehaviour( $behaviour );

            $operationResult = eZOperationHandler::execute( 'content', 'publish', array( 'object_id' => $object->attribute( 'id' ),
                                                                                         'version' => $version->attribute( 'version' ) ) );
            eZDebug::accumulatorStop( 'publish' );

            if ( ( array_key_exists( 'status', $operationResult ) && $operationResult['status'] != eZModuleOperationInfo::STATUS_CONTINUE ) )
                eZDebug::writeDebug( $operationResult, __FILE__ );
                switch( $operationResult['status'] )
                    case eZModuleOperationInfo::STATUS_REPEAT:
                        eZContentOperationCollection::setVersionStatus( $object->attribute( 'id' ),
                            $version->attribute( 'version' ), eZContentObjectVersion::STATUS_REPEAT );
                    case eZModuleOperationInfo::STATUS_HALTED:
                        if ( isset( $operationResult['redirect_url'] ) )
                            $module->redirectTo( $operationResult['redirect_url'] );
                        else if ( isset( $operationResult['result'] ) )
                            $result = $operationResult['result'];
                            $resultContent = false;
                            if ( is_array( $result ) )
                                if ( isset( $result['content'] ) )
                                    $resultContent = $result['content'];
                                if ( isset( $result['path'] ) )
                                    $Result['path'] = $result['path'];
                                $resultContent = $result;
                            // Temporary fix to make approval workflow work with edit.
                            if ( strpos( $resultContent, 'Deffered to cron' ) === 0 )
                                $Result = null;
                                $Result['content'] = $resultContent;
                    case eZModuleOperationInfo::STATUS_CANCELLED:
                        $Result = array();
                        $Result['content'] = "Content publish cancelled<br/>";

                /* If we already have a correct module result
                 * we don't need to continue module execution.
                if ( is_array( $Result ) )
                    return eZModule::HOOK_STATUS_CANCEL_RUN;

            // update content object attributes array by refetching them from database
            $object = eZContentObject::fetch( $object->attribute( 'id' ) );
            $contentObjectAttributes = $object->attribute( 'contentobject_attributes' );

            // set chosen hidden/invisible attributes for object nodes
            $http          = eZHTTPTool::instance();
            $assignedNodes = $object->assignedNodes( true );
            foreach ( $assignedNodes as $node )
                $nodeID               = $node->attribute( 'node_id' );
                $parentNodeID         = $node->attribute( 'parent_node_id' );
                $updateNodeVisibility =  false;
                $postVarName          = "FutureNodeHiddenState_$parentNodeID";

                if ( !$http->hasPostVariable( $postVarName ) )
                    $updateNodeVisibility = true;
                    $futureNodeHiddenState = $http->postVariable( $postVarName );
                    $db = eZDB::instance();
                    if ( $futureNodeHiddenState == 'hidden' )
                        eZContentObjectTreeNode::hideSubTree( $node );
                    else if ( $futureNodeHiddenState == 'visible' )
                        eZContentObjectTreeNode::unhideSubTree( $node );
                    else if ( $futureNodeHiddenState == 'unchanged' )
                        $updateNodeVisibility = true;
                        eZDebug::writeWarning( "Unknown value for the future node hidden state: '$futureNodeHiddenState'" );

                if ( $updateNodeVisibility )
                    // this might be redundant
                    $db = eZDB::instance();
                    $parentNode = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch( $parentNodeID );
                    eZContentObjectTreeNode::updateNodeVisibility( $node, $parentNode, /* $recursive = */ false );
                    unset( $node, $parentNode );
            unset( $assignedNodes );

            $object = eZContentObject::fetch( $object->attribute( 'id' ) );

            $newObjectName = $object->name();

            $http = eZHTTPTool::instance();

            computeRedirect( $module, $object, $version, $EditLanguage );
            // we have set redirection URI for module so we don't need to continue module execution
            return eZModule::HOOK_STATUS_CANCEL_RUN;
 function move($newParentNodeID, $nodeID = 0)
     if ($nodeID == 0) {
         $node = $this;
         $nodeID = $node->attribute('node_id');
     } else {
         $node = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch($nodeID);
     $oldPath = $node->attribute('path_string');
     $oldParentNodeID = $node->attribute('parent_node_id');
     $newParentNodeID = (int) $newParentNodeID;
     if ($oldParentNodeID != $newParentNodeID) {
         // Who moves which content should be logged.
         $object = $node->object();
         eZAudit::writeAudit('content-move', array('Node ID' => $node->attribute('node_id'), 'Old parent node ID' => $oldParentNodeID, 'New parent node ID' => $newParentNodeID, 'Object ID' => $object->attribute('id'), 'Content Name' => $object->attribute('name'), 'Comment' => 'Moved the node to the given node: eZContentObjectTreeNode::move()'));
         $newParentNode = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch($newParentNodeID);
         $newParentPath = $newParentNode->attribute('path_string');
         $newParentDepth = $newParentNode->attribute('depth');
         $newPath = $newParentPath . $nodeID;
         $oldDepth = $node->attribute('depth');
         $oldPathLength = strlen($oldPath);
         $moveQuery = "UPDATE\n                                 ezcontentobject_tree\n                          SET\n                                 parent_node_id = {$newParentNodeID}\n                          WHERE\n                                 node_id = {$nodeID}";
         $db = eZDB::instance();
         $subStringString = $db->subString('path_string', $oldPathLength);
         $newPathString = $db->concatString(array("'{$newPath}'", $subStringString));
         $moveQuery1 = "UPDATE\n                                 ezcontentobject_tree\n                           SET\n                                 path_identification_string = " . $db->concatString(array("'" . $db->escapeString($newParentNode->PathIdentificationString) . "'", $db->subString("path_identification_string", mb_strlen($node->PathIdentificationString) + 1))) . ",\n                                 path_string = {$newPathString},\n                                 depth = depth + {$newParentDepth} - {$oldDepth} + 1\n                           WHERE\n                                 path_string LIKE '{$oldPath}%'";
         /// role system clean up
         // Clean up policies and limitations
         $expireRoleCache = false;
         $limitationsToFix = eZPolicyLimitation::findByType('SubTree', $node->attribute('path_string'), false);
         if (count($limitationsToFix) > 0) {
             $limitationIDString = $db->generateSQLINStatement($limitationsToFix, 'limitation_id');
             $subStringString = $db->subString('value', $oldPathLength);
             $newValue = $db->concatString(array("'{$newPath}'", $subStringString));
             $query = "UPDATE\n                                ezpolicy_limitation_value\n                          SET\n                                value = {$newValue}\n                          WHERE\n                                value LIKE '{$oldPath}%' AND {$limitationIDString}";
             $expireRoleCache = true;
         // clean up limitations on role assignment level
         $countRows = $db->arrayQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) AS row_count FROM ezuser_role WHERE limit_identifier='Subtree' AND limit_value LIKE '{$oldPath}%'");
         $assignmentsToFixCount = $countRows[0]['row_count'];
         if ($assignmentsToFixCount > 0) {
             $subStringString = $db->subString('limit_value', $oldPathLength);
             $newValue = $db->concatString(array("'{$newPath}'", $subStringString));
             $db->query("UPDATE\n                                ezuser_role\n                             SET\n                                limit_value = {$newValue}\n                             WHERE\n                                limit_identifier='Subtree' AND limit_value LIKE '{$oldPath}%'");
             $expireRoleCache = true;
         if ($expireRoleCache) {
         // Update "is_invisible" node attribute.
         $newNode = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch($nodeID);
         eZContentObjectTreeNode::updateNodeVisibility($newNode, $newParentNode);
Beispiel #4
function copyPublishContentObject($sourceObject, $sourceSubtreeNodeIDList, &$syncNodeIDListSrc, &$syncNodeIDListNew, &$syncObjectIDListSrc, &$syncObjectIDListNew, $allVersions = false, $keepCreator = false, $keepTime = false)
    global $cli;
    $sourceObjectID = $sourceObject->attribute('id');
    $key = array_search($sourceObjectID, $syncObjectIDListSrc);
    if ($key !== false) {
        return 1;
        // object already copied
    $srcNodeList = $sourceObject->attribute('assigned_nodes');
    // check if all parent nodes for given contentobject are already published:
    foreach ($srcNodeList as $srcNode) {
        $sourceParentNodeID = $srcNode->attribute('parent_node_id');
        // if parent node for this node is outside
        // of subtree being copied, then skip this node.
        $key = array_search($sourceParentNodeID, $sourceSubtreeNodeIDList);
        if ($key === false) {
        $key = array_search($sourceParentNodeID, $syncNodeIDListSrc);
        if ($key === false) {
            return 2;
            // one of parent nodes is not published yet - have to try to publish later.
        } else {
            $newParentNodeID = $syncNodeIDListNew[$key];
            if (($newParentNode = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch($newParentNodeID)) === null) {
                return 3;
                // cannot fetch one of parent nodes - must be error somewhere above.
    // make copy of source object
    $newObject = $sourceObject->copy($allVersions);
    // insert source and new object's ids in $syncObjectIDList
    // We should reset section that will be updated in updateSectionID().
    // If sectionID is 0 than the object has been newly created
    $newObject->setAttribute('section_id', 0);
    $syncObjectIDListSrc[] = $sourceObjectID;
    $syncObjectIDListNew[] = $newObject->attribute('id');
    $curVersion = $newObject->attribute('current_version');
    $curVersionObject = $newObject->attribute('current');
    $newObjAssignments = $curVersionObject->attribute('node_assignments');
    // copy nodeassigments:
    $assignmentsForRemoving = array();
    $foundMainAssignment = false;
    foreach ($newObjAssignments as $assignment) {
        $parentNodeID = $assignment->attribute('parent_node');
        // if assigment is outside of subtree being copied then do not copy this assigment
        $key = array_search($parentNodeID, $sourceSubtreeNodeIDList);
        if ($key === false) {
            $assignmentsForRemoving[] = $assignment->attribute('id');
        $key = array_search($parentNodeID, $syncNodeIDListSrc);
        if ($key === false) {
            $cli->error("Subtree Copy Error!\nOne of parent nodes for contentobject (ID = {$sourceObjectID}) is not published yet.");
            return 4;
        if ($assignment->attribute('is_main')) {
            $foundMainAssignment = true;
        $newParentNodeID = $syncNodeIDListNew[$key];
        $assignment->setAttribute('parent_node', $newParentNodeID);
    // remove assigments which are outside of subtree being copied:
    // JB valid
    // if main nodeassigment was not copied then set as main first nodeassigment
    if ($foundMainAssignment == false) {
        $newObjAssignments = $curVersionObject->attribute('node_assignments');
        // JB start
        // We need to check if it has any assignments before changing the data.
        if (isset($newObjAssignments[0])) {
            $newObjAssignments[0]->setAttribute('is_main', 1);
        // JB end
    // publish the newly created object
    $result = eZOperationHandler::execute('content', 'publish', array('object_id' => $newObject->attribute('id'), 'version' => $curVersion));
    // JB start
    // Refetch the object data since it might change in the database.
    $newObjectID = $newObject->attribute('id');
    $newObject = eZContentObject::fetch($newObjectID);
    // JB end
    $newNodeList = $newObject->attribute('assigned_nodes');
    if (count($newNodeList) == 0) {
        $cli->error("Subtree Copy Error!\nCannot publish contentobject.");
        return 5;
    $objAssignments = $curVersionObject->attribute('node_assignments');
    foreach ($newNodeList as $newNode) {
        $newParentNodeID = $newNode->attribute('parent_node_id');
        $keyA = array_search($newParentNodeID, $syncNodeIDListNew);
        if ($keyA === false) {
            die("Copy Subtree Error: Algoritm ERROR! Cannot find new parent node ID in new ID's list");
        $srcParentNodeID = $syncNodeIDListSrc[$keyA];
        // Update attributes of node
        $bSrcParentFound = false;
        foreach ($srcNodeList as $srcNode) {
            if ($srcNode->attribute('parent_node_id') == $srcParentNodeID) {
                $newNode->setAttribute('priority', $srcNode->attribute('priority'));
                $newNode->setAttribute('is_hidden', $srcNode->attribute('is_hidden'));
                $newNode->setAttribute('is_invisible', $srcNode->attribute('is_invisible'));
                $syncNodeIDListSrc[] = $srcNode->attribute('node_id');
                $syncNodeIDListNew[] = $newNode->attribute('node_id');
                $bSrcParentFound = true;
        if ($bSrcParentFound == false) {
            die("Copy Subtree Error: Algoritm ERROR! Cannot find source parent node ID in source parent node ID's list of contentobject being copied.");
        // Create unique remote_id
        $newRemoteID = eZRemoteIdUtility::generate('node');
        $oldRemoteID = $newNode->attribute('remote_id');
        $newNode->setAttribute('remote_id', $newRemoteID);
        // Change parent_remote_id for object assignments
        foreach ($objAssignments as $assignment) {
            if ($assignment->attribute('parent_remote_id') == $oldRemoteID) {
                $assignment->setAttribute('parent_remote_id', $newRemoteID);
    // Update "is_invisible" attribute for the newly created node.
    $newNode = $newObject->attribute('main_node');
    eZContentObjectTreeNode::updateNodeVisibility($newNode, $newParentNode);
    // ??? do we need this here?
    // if $keepCreator == true then keep owner of contentobject being
    // copied and creator of its published version Unchaged
    $isModified = false;
    if ($keepTime) {
        $srcPublished = $sourceObject->attribute('published');
        $newObject->setAttribute('published', $srcPublished);
        $srcModified = $sourceObject->attribute('modified');
        $newObject->setAttribute('modified', $srcModified);
        $isModified = true;
    if ($keepCreator) {
        $srcOwnerID = $sourceObject->attribute('owner_id');
        $newObject->setAttribute('owner_id', $srcOwnerID);
        $isModified = true;
    if ($isModified) {
    if ($allVersions) {
        // copy time of creation and modification and creator id for
        // all versions of content object being copied.
        $srcVersionsList = $sourceObject->versions();
        foreach ($srcVersionsList as $srcVersionObject) {
            $newVersionObject = $newObject->version($srcVersionObject->attribute('version'));
            if (!is_object($newVersionObject)) {
            $isModified = false;
            if ($keepTime) {
                $srcVersionCreated = $srcVersionObject->attribute('created');
                $newVersionObject->setAttribute('created', $srcVersionCreated);
                $srcVersionModified = $srcVersionObject->attribute('modified');
                $newVersionObject->setAttribute('modified', $srcVersionModified);
                $isModified = true;
            if ($keepCreator) {
                $srcVersionCreatorID = $srcVersionObject->attribute('creator_id');
                $newVersionObject->setAttribute('creator_id', $srcVersionCreatorID);
                $isModified = true;
            if ($isModified) {
    } else {
        $srcVersionObject = $sourceObject->attribute('current');
        $newVersionObject = $newObject->attribute('current');
        $isModified = false;
        if ($keepTime) {
            $srcVersionCreated = $srcVersionObject->attribute('created');
            $newVersionObject->setAttribute('created', $srcVersionCreated);
            $srcVersionModified = $srcVersionObject->attribute('modified');
            $newVersionObject->setAttribute('modified', $srcVersionModified);
            $isModified = true;
        if ($keepCreator) {
            $srcVersionCreatorID = $srcVersionObject->attribute('creator_id');
            $newVersionObject->setAttribute('creator_id', $srcVersionCreatorID);
            $isModified = true;
        if ($isModified) {
    return 0;
    // source object was copied successfully.
  * Copies the specified object to the same folder, with optional $destinationName.
  * @param eZContentObject $object
  * @param eZContentObject $newParentNode
  * @param string $destinationName
  * @return bool
 protected function copyObjectSameDirectory($object, $newParentNode, $destinationName = null)
     $object = $object->ContentObject;
     $newParentNodeID = $newParentNode->attribute('node_id');
     $classID = $object->attribute('contentclass_id');
     if (!$newParentNode->checkAccess('create', $classID)) {
         $objectID = $object->attribute('id');
         return false;
     $db = eZDB::instance();
     $newObject = $object->copy(true);
     // We should reset section that will be updated in updateSectionID().
     // If sectionID is 0 than the object has been newly created
     $newObject->setAttribute('section_id', 0);
     // @as 2009-01-08 - Added check for destination name the same as the source name
     // (this was causing problems with nodes disappearing after renaming)
     $newName = $destinationName;
     if ($destinationName === null || strtolower($destinationName) === strtolower($object->attribute('name'))) {
         $newName = 'Copy of ' . $object->attribute('name');
     // @todo @as avoid using [0] (could be another index in some classes)
     $contentObjectAttributes = $newObject->contentObjectAttributes();
     $contentObjectAttributes[0]->setAttribute('data_text', $newName);
     $curVersion = $newObject->attribute('current_version');
     $curVersionObject = $newObject->attribute('current');
     $newObjAssignments = $curVersionObject->attribute('node_assignments');
     // remove old node assignments
     foreach ($newObjAssignments as $assignment) {
     // and create a new one
     $nodeAssignment = eZNodeAssignment::create(array('contentobject_id' => $newObject->attribute('id'), 'contentobject_version' => $curVersion, 'parent_node' => $newParentNodeID, 'is_main' => 1));
     // publish the newly created object
     eZOperationHandler::execute('content', 'publish', array('object_id' => $newObject->attribute('id'), 'version' => $curVersion));
     // Update "is_invisible" attribute for the newly created node.
     $newNode = $newObject->attribute('main_node');
     eZContentObjectTreeNode::updateNodeVisibility($newNode, $newParentNode);
     return true;
  * Create a copy of an object.
  * The basis for this method is taken from kernel/content/copy.php
  * @todo Merge this method into kernel wrapper's object class.
  * @param eZContentObject $object
  * @param int $newParentNodeID
  * @return eZContentObject
 public static function copyObject($object, $newParentNodeID)
     $newParentNode = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch($newParentNodeID);
     $db = eZDB::instance();
     $newObject = $object->copy(true);
     // We should reset section that will be updated in updateSectionID().
     // If sectionID is 0 than the object has been newly created
     $newObject->setAttribute('section_id', 0);
     $curVersion = $newObject->attribute('current_version');
     $curVersionObject = $newObject->attribute('current');
     $newObjAssignments = $curVersionObject->attribute('node_assignments');
     // remove old node assignments
     foreach ($newObjAssignments as $assignment) {
     // and create a new one
     $nodeAssignment = eZNodeAssignment::create(array('contentobject_id' => $newObject->attribute('id'), 'contentobject_version' => $curVersion, 'parent_node' => $newParentNodeID, 'is_main' => 1));
     // publish the newly created object
     eZOperationHandler::execute('content', 'publish', array('object_id' => $newObject->attribute('id'), 'version' => $curVersion));
     // Update "is_invisible" attribute for the newly created node.
     $newNode = $newObject->attribute('main_node');
     eZContentObjectTreeNode::updateNodeVisibility($newNode, $newParentNode);
     return $newObject;
    function editContentObject( $objectInformation )
        $db = eZDB::instance();
        $contentObjectVersion = false;
        $contentObject = $objectInformation['object'];

        if ( $objectInformation['ownerID'] )
            $userID = $objectInformation['ownerID'];
            $userID = $contentObject->attribute( 'owner_id' );

        if (  $contentObject )
            $contentObjectVersion = $contentObject->createNewVersion();

        if ( $contentObjectVersion )
            $versionNumber  = $contentObjectVersion->attribute( 'version' );

            $dataMap = $contentObjectVersion->dataMap();
            foreach ( $objectInformation['attributes'] as $attributeName => $attributesContent )
                if ( array_key_exists( $attributeName, $dataMap ) )
                    $attribute = $dataMap[$attributeName];
                    $classAttributeID = $attribute->attribute( 'contentclassattribute_id' );
                    $dataType = $attribute->attribute( 'data_type_string' );
                    switch ( $dataType )
                        case 'ezstring':
                        case 'eztext':
                        case 'ezselection':
                        case 'ezemail':
                            if ( array_key_exists( 'parseReferences', $attributesContent ) && $attributesContent['parseReferences'] == "true" )
                                $attribute->setAttribute( 'data_text', $this->parseAndReplaceStringReferences( $attributesContent['content'] ) );
                                $attribute->setAttribute( 'data_text', $attributesContent['content'] );
                        } break;

                        case 'ezboolean':
                        case 'ezinteger':
                            $attribute->setAttribute( 'data_int', (int)$attributesContent['content'] );
                        } break;

                        case 'ezxmltext':
                            if ( array_key_exists( 'parseReferences', $attributesContent ) && $attributesContent['parseReferences'] == "true" )
                                $attributesContent['content'] = $this->parseAndReplaceStringReferences( $attributesContent['content'] );
                            if ( array_key_exists( 'htmlDecode', $attributesContent ) && $attributesContent['htmlDecode'] == "true" )
                                $content = html_entity_decode( $attributesContent['content'] );
                                $content = $attributesContent['content'];
                            $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'."\n".
                                    '<section xmlns:image=""'."\n".
                                    '         xmlns:xhtml=""'."\n".
                                    '         xmlns:custom="">'."\n".
                                    '  <section>'."\n";
                            $xml .= '    <paragraph>' . $content . "</paragraph>\n";
                            $xml .= "  </section>\n</section>\n";

                            $attribute->setAttribute( 'data_text', $xml );
                        } break;

                        case 'ezprice':
                        case 'ezfloat':
                            $attribute->setAttribute( 'data_float', (float)$attributesContent['content'] );
                        } break;
                        case 'ezimage':
                            $imagePath = $this->setting( 'data_source' ) . '/' . $attributesContent['src'];
                            $imageName = $attributesContent['title'];
                            $path = realpath( $imagePath );
                            if ( file_exists( $path ) )
                                $content = $attribute->content();
                                $content->initializeFromFile( $path, $imageName, basename( $attributesContent['src'] ) );
                                $content->store( $attribute );
                                $this->writeMessage( "\tFile " . $path . " not found.", 'warning' );
                        } break;
                        case 'ezobjectrelation':
                            $objectID = $this->getReferenceID( $attributesContent['content'] );
                            if ( $objectID )
                                $attribute->setAttribute( 'data_int', $objectID );
                                eZContentObject::fetch( $objectID )->addContentObjectRelation( $objectID, $versionNumber, $contentObject->attribute( 'id' ), $attribute->attribute( 'contentclassattribute_id' ),    eZContentObject::RELATION_ATTRIBUTE );
                                $this->writeMessage( "\tReference " . $attributesContent['content'] . " not set.", 'warning' );
                        } break;
                        case 'ezurl':
                            $url = '';
                            $title = '';
                            if (  array_key_exists( 'url', $attributesContent ) )
                                $url   = $attributesContent['url'];
                            if (  array_key_exists( 'title', $attributesContent ) )
                                $title   = $attributesContent['title'];

                            if ( array_key_exists( 'parseReferences', $attributesContent ) && $attributesContent['parseReferences'] == "true" )
                                $title = $this->parseAndReplaceStringReferences( $title );
                                $url   = $this->parseAndReplaceStringReferences( $url );

                            $attribute->setAttribute( 'data_text', $title );
                            $attribute->setContent( $url );
                        } break;
                        case 'ezuser':
                            $login    = '';
                            $email    = '';
                            $password = '';
                            if (  array_key_exists( 'login', $attributesContent ) )
                                $login    = $attributesContent['login'];
                            if (  array_key_exists( 'email', $attributesContent ) )
                                $email    = $attributesContent['email'];
                            if (  array_key_exists( 'password', $attributesContent ) )
                                $password = $attributesContent['password'];

                            $contentObjectID = $attribute->attribute( "contentobject_id" );

                            $user =& $attribute->content();
                            if ( $user === null )
                                $user = eZUser::create( $contentObjectID );

                            $ini =& eZINI::instance();
                            $generatePasswordIfEmpty = $ini->variable( "UserSettings", "GeneratePasswordIfEmpty" );
                            if (  $password == "" )
                                if ( $generatePasswordIfEmpty == 'true' )
                                    $passwordLength = $ini->variable( "UserSettings", "GeneratePasswordLength" );
                                    $password = $user->createPassword( $passwordLength );
                                    $password = null;

                            if ( $password == "_ezpassword" )
                                $password = false;
                                $passwordConfirm = false;

                            $user->setInformation( $contentObjectID, $login, $email, $password, $password );
                            $attribute->setContent( $user );
                        } break;
                        case 'ezkeyword':
                            $keyword = new eZKeyword();
                            $keyword->initializeKeyword( $attributesContent['content'] );
                            $attribute->setContent( $keyword );
                        } break;
                        case 'ezmatrix':
                            if ( is_array( $attributesContent ) )
                                $matrix = $attribute->attribute( 'content' );
                                $cells = array();
                                $matrix->Matrix['rows']['sequential'] = array();
                                $matrix->NumRows = 0;
                                foreach( $attributesContent as $key => $value )
                                    $cells = array_merge( $cells, $value );
                                    $newRow['columns'] = $value;
                                    $newRow['identifier'] =  'row_' . ( $matrix->NumRows + 1 );
                                    $newRow['name'] = 'Row_' . ( $matrix->NumRows + 1 );
                                    $matrix->Matrix['rows']['sequential'][] = $newRow;
                                $matrix->Cells = $cells;
                                $attribute->setAttribute( 'data_text', $matrix->xmlString() );
                                $matrix->decodeXML( $attribute->attribute( 'data_text' ) );
                                $attribute->setContent( $matrix );
                        } break;

                        case 'ezauthor':
                        case 'ezbinaryfile':
                        case 'ezcountry':
                        case 'ezdate':
                        case 'ezdatetime':
                        case 'ezenum':
                        case 'ezidentifier':
                        case 'ezinisetting':
                        case 'ezisbn':
                        case 'ezmedia':
                        case 'ezmultioption':
                        case 'ezmultiprice':
                        case 'ezobjectrelationlist':
                        case 'ezoption':
                        case 'ezpackage':
                        case 'ezproductcategory':
                        case 'ezrangeoption':
                        case 'ezsubtreesubscription':
                        case 'eztime':
                            $this->writeMessage( "\tDatatype " . $dataType . " not supported yet.", 'warning' );
                        } break;

            if ( isset($objectInformation['sectionID']) && $objectInformation['sectionID'] != '' && $objectInformation['sectionID'] != 0 )
                $contentObject->setAttribute( 'section_id',  $objectInformation['sectionID'] );

            if ( isset($objectInformation['creatorID']) && $objectInformation['creatorID'] != '' && $objectInformation['creatorID'] != 0 )
                $contentObjectVersion->setAttribute( 'creator_id',  $objectInformation['creatorID'] );

            if ( isset($objectInformation['ownerID']) && $objectInformation['ownerID'] != '' && $objectInformation['ownerID'] != 0 )
                $contentObject->setAttribute( 'owner_id',  $objectInformation['ownerID'] );


            eZOperationHandler::execute( 'content', 'publish', array( 'object_id' => $contentObject->attribute( 'id' ), 'version'   => $versionNumber ) );

            // set chosen hidden/invisible attributes for object nodes
            $http          = eZHTTPTool::instance();
            $assignedNodes = $contentObject->assignedNodes( true );
            foreach ( $assignedNodes as $node )
                $nodeID               = $node->attribute( 'node_id' );
                $parentNodeID         = $node->attribute( 'parent_node_id' );

                $db = eZDB::instance();
                $parentNode = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch( $parentNodeID );
                eZContentObjectTreeNode::updateNodeVisibility( $node, $parentNode, /* $recursive = */ false );
                unset( $node, $parentNode );
            unset( $assignedNodes );

            eZContentCacheManager::clearObjectViewCacheIfNeeded( $contentObject->attribute( 'id' ) );

            $newNodeArray = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetchByContentObjectID( $contentObject->attribute( 'id' ) );
            $refArray = false;
            if ( $newNodeArray && count($newNodeArray) >= 1 )
                $newNode = $newNodeArray[0];
                if ( $newNode )
                    $refArray = array( "node_id"   => $newNode->attribute( 'node_id' ),
                                       "name"      => $contentObject->attribute( 'name' ),
                                       "object_id" => $contentObject->attribute( 'id' ) );
            return $refArray;
        return false;