public function checkSlug($validator, $values) { if (!empty($values['slug'])) { $values['slug'] = dmString::urlize($values['slug'], true); $existingPageName = dmDb::query('DmPageTranslation t')->where('t.lang = ? AND t.slug = ?', array($this->object->lang, $values['slug']))->select('')->fetchValue(); if ($existingPageName) { $error = new sfValidatorError($validator, dm::getI18n()->__('The page "%1%" uses this slug', array('%1%' => $existingPageName))); // throw an error bound to the password field throw new sfValidatorErrorSchema($validator, array('slug' => $error)); } } return $values; }
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/helper/dmUnitTestHelper.php'; $helper = new dmUnitTestHelper(); $helper->boot(); $t = new lime_test(59); $t->comment('iconv available : ' . function_exists('iconv')); $t->is(dmString::slugify(" phrâse avèc dés accënts "), $expected = "phrase-avec-des-accents", $expected); $t->is(dmString::slugify("fonctionnalité"), $expected = "fonctionnalite", $expected); $t->is(dmString::urlize(" phrâse avèc dés accënts "), $expected = "phrase-avec-des-accents", $expected); $t->is(dmString::urlize("fonctionnalité"), $expected = "fonctionnalite", $expected); $t->is(dmString::slugify("an-url.htm"), $expected = "an-url-htm", $expected); $t->is(dmString::slugify("an-url.html"), $expected = "an-url-html", $expected); $t->is(dmString::urlize("an-url.htm"), $expected = "an-url.htm", $expected); $t->is(dmString::urlize("an-url.html"), $expected = "an-url.html", $expected); $hexTests = array(array('ffffff', 'FFFFFF'), array('#ffffff', 'FFFFFF'), array('#0Cd4fe', '0CD4FE'), array('aaa', null), array('fffff', null), array('fffxff', null)); foreach ($hexTests as $hexTest) { $t->is(dmString::hexColor($hexTest[0]), $hexTest[1], 'dmString::hexColor(' . $hexTest[0] . ') = ' . (null === $hexTest[1] ? 'NULL' : $hexTest[1])); } $t->is(dmString::lcfirst('TEST'), 'tEST', 'lcfirst test'); $t->is(dmString::lcfirst('another test'), 'another test', 'lcfirst test'); // ::retrieveOptFromString() $t->diag('::retrieveOptFromString()'); // Empty string $t->diag(' ::retrieveOptFromString() empty string'); $string = ''; $opt = array('aa' => 'bb'); $originalOpt = $opt; $t->is_deeply(dmString::retrieveOptFromString($string, $opt), null, '::retrieveOptFromString() with an empty string returns null'); $t->is_deeply($opt, $originalOpt, '::retrieveOptFromString() with an empty string does not modify opt'); $t->is_deeply($string, '', '::retrieveOptFromString() with an empty string does not modify string');