static function dispatch( $cgi = null, $session_options = -1, $output = '' ) { if( $session_options == -1 ) $session_options = cgi_request::$DEFAULT_SESSION_OPTIONS; $n = new dispatcher( $output ); return $n->dispatch_cgi( $cgi, $session_options ); }
/** * Route the passed request * * @param request */ public function Run() { $this->request->Process(); // pre-dispatcher $predisp = new preDispatcher(); $predisp->Process($this->request); // dispatcher $disp = new dispatcher(); $disp->Process($this->request); // post-dispatcher $postdisp = new postDispatcher(); $postdisp->Process($this->request); }
public static function getInitial() { if (self::$Initial === true) { return self::$Initial = new dispatcher(); } return self::$Initial; }
function contact() { global $__in, $__out; $page = new page($__in['id']); if ($page->send_contact_email($__in['contact']['name'], $__in['contact']['email'], $__in['contact']['subject'], $__in['contact']['message'])) { $__out['contact'] = $__in['contact']; return dispatcher::redirect(array("action" => "contact_thankyou")); } else { $__out['contact'] = $__in['contact']; return dispatcher::redirect(array("action" => "showonepage", "id" => $__in['id'])); } }
function HandleException($e) { try { if ($e instanceof ErrorNotFound) { dispatcher::executeControllerAction("error", "notfound", array($e->getMessage(), $e->getTraceAsString())); } elseif ($e instanceof ErrorNotAllowed) { dispatcher::executeControllerAction("error", "notallowed", array($e->getMessage(), $e->getTraceAsString())); } else { #die("Unhandled error: ".$e->getMessage()."\n". # $e->getTraceAsString()); dispatcher::executeControllerAction("error", "unkownexception", array($e->getMessage(), $e->getTraceAsString())); } } catch (Exception $e) { die("DOUBLEFAULT: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString()); } }
function __construct($name, $opts = 0) { parent::__construct($name, $opts); global $server_dir, $web_dir; if (($opts & controller::NOTEMPLATE) == 0) { $this->template = new Template($name); $this->template->assign("dir", array('server' => $server_dir, 'web' => $web_dir, 'controller' => $server_dir . "/web/" . $name . "/template/")); } if (($opts & self::NOMODULE) == 0) { $path = $server_dir . "/web/" . $name . "/module.php"; if (file_exists($path)) { $this->ownmodule = dispatcher::loadModule($name); } $this->module = new modulehelper(); } #TODO: check if this is alright... #TODO: maybe think for a better name... $this->postData = new post($name); }
/** Redirects to the given request and Adds an information message to the global array of information $__info. @param arg_arr_request the array that contains the request parameteres (Controller, action ...). @param arg_str_info_msg [Optional] the message that is shown to the user. @param arg_arr_info_params [Optional] any extra parameters added to the info message if the message text has placeholders (Like %s or %d). @param arg_type [Optional] The type of the message that can be ("info" or "warning") which decides the style of the information shown. @return the output of the new request. */ public static function redirect($arg_arr_request, $arg_str_info_msg = "", array $arg_arr_info_params = array(), $arg_type = "info") { global $__in; if (!is_array($arg_arr_request)) { $arr_req = split("/", $arg_arr_request); $arg_arr_request = array(); if (count($arr_req) == 1) { $arg_arr_request['action'] = $arr_req[0]; } else { if (count($arr_req) == 2) { $arg_arr_request['controller'] = $arr_req[0]; $arg_arr_request['action'] = $arr_req[1]; } } } if ($arg_str_info_msg) { add_info($arg_str_info_msg, $arg_arr_info_params, $arg_type); } if (!$arg_arr_request['controller']) { $arg_arr_request['controller'] = $__in['controller']; } $_SESSION['__GET_REPITITION_STOPPER_OLD'] = $__in; $_SESSION['__GET_REPITITION_STOPPER_NEW'] = $arg_arr_request; $__in = $arg_arr_request; return dispatcher::request(); }
<?php /** * orchid bootstrap file. used internally to process request and dispatch * with the help of router and dispatcher. * * @author Hasin Hayder [] * @copyright New BSD License * @version 0.1 */ include "core/ini.php"; initializer::initialize(); $router = loader::load("router"); dispatcher::dispatch($router);
?> <?php break; } } ?> </tr> </tbody> <?php } ?> </table> <div class="toe_coupons"> <?php echo dispatcher::applyFilters('afterCartPrint', ''); ?> </div> <?php if ($this->canEdit) { ?> <div class="cart_footer"> <div id="toeCartTotalBox"><?php echo $this->totalBox; ?> </div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <?php }
function _load_test() { $this->_foreign_test = dispatcher::loadModel("ab", "b")->objects()->idEQ($this->test)->get(); return $this->_foreign_test; }
function index() { return dispatcher::redirect(array("action" => "getall")); }
} //定义cache server $cacheConf = config::get('cache'); //读取配置文件,注意配置文件中的格式 foreach ($cacheConf as $alias => $conf) { cache::addServer($alias, $conf); } //============================ 开始路由和执行controller 层中 ============================ //检测并获取到uri,当然也可以自己指定 $uri = dispatcher::detectUri(); //$uri = '/'; /* * 可以自己随意接受一些参数然后设置 uri 进行转发 $controller = request::get('c'); $action = request::get('a'); $uri = '/'.$action.'/'.$action; */ // 开始路由和执行 dispatcher::instance()->setPathDeep(dispatcher::path_deep2)->setDefaultModule('index')->setDefaultController('index')->setDefaultAction('index')->setUri($uri)->dispatch()->run(); //开始执行上一步路由后的 controller 和 action //dispatcher::instance()->setControllerName('index')->setActionName('index')->run(); //============================ 几种常见的异常 ============================ //} catch (TException_404 $e) { //当 controller 和 action 不存在时,捕获到的 404 错误。daemon 状态下应该没有 // tools_exceptionhandler::topDeal404($e); } catch (ReflectionException $e) { //一般来说,这种情况不太可能发生 tools_exceptionhandler::topDeal404($e); } catch (Exception $e) { //做个最后的兼容 tools_exceptionhandler::topDeal($e); }
public static function dispatch($status = 200, $body = '', $content_type = 'text/html') { $status_header = sprintf('HTTP/1.1 %s %s', $status, dispatcher::get_status_code_message($status)); header($status_header); header('Content-type: ' . $content_type); if ($body == '') { // create some body messages $message = ''; // this is purely optional, but makes the pages a little nicer to read // for your users. Since you won't likely send a lot of different status codes, // this also shouldn't be too ponderous to maintain switch ($status) { case 401: $message = 'You must be authorized to view this page.'; break; case 404: $message = sprintf('The requested URL %s was not found.', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); break; case 500: $message = 'The server encountered an error processing your request.'; break; case 501: $message = 'The requested method is not implemented.'; break; default: } // servers don't always have a signature turned on (this is an apache directive "ServerSignature On") $signature = ''; if ($_SERVER['SERVER_SIGNATURE'] == '') { $signature = sprintf('%s Server at %s Port %s', $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']); } else { $signature = $_SERVER['SERVER_SIGNATURE']; } $body = sprintf('<h1>%s</h1><p>%s</p>', dispatcher::get_status_code_message($status), $message); echo $body; exit; } else { // send the body echo $body; exit; } }
<?php if (defined('START')) { if (START == true) { include_once BASEPATH . 'config/config' . EXT; include_once BASEPATH . 'config/autoload' . EXT; include_once BASEPATH . 'config/routes' . EXT; include_once BASEPATH . 'config/database' . EXT; include_once BASEPATH . 'core/class.dispatcher' . EXT; include_once BASEPATH . 'core/class.globvar' . EXT; include_once BASEPATH . 'core/class.controller' . EXT; include_once BASEPATH . 'core/class.autoload' . EXT; include_once BASEPATH . 'core/core' . EXT; dispatcher::getInitial(new autoload(), new core()); } else { include_once $conf['pathmodule']['errors'] . '/503' . EXT; } } else { include_once $conf['pathmodule']['errors'] . '/503' . EXT; }
<?php /** * never change this file! * * @package kata_internal * @author */ /** * setup always needed paths */ require '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'lib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'defines.php'; /** * include needed files */ require LIB . "boot.php"; /** * call dispatcher to handle the rest */ $dispatcher = new dispatcher(); echo $dispatcher->dispatch(isset($_GET['kata']) ? $_GET['kata'] : '', isset($routes) ? $routes : null);
protected static function dispatcher() { dispatcher::run(); // 获取分组 模块和操作名称 define('MODULE_NAME', strtolower($_GET['m'])); define('CONTROLLER_NAME', strtolower($_GET['c'])); define('ACTION_NAME', strtolower($_GET['a'])); define('__SELF__', strip_tags($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); define('__APP__', rtrim($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], '/')); // 当前模块和分组地址 define('__MODULE__', __APP__ . '?s=' . MODULE_NAME); define('__URL__', __MODULE__ . '/' . CONTROLLER_NAME); // 当前操作地址 define('__ACTION__', __URL__ . '/' . ACTION_NAME); }
public static function process() { if (array_key_exists('c', $_GET)) { $controller_name = $_GET['c']; } if (array_key_exists('a', $_GET)) { $action_name = $_GET['a']; } if (array_key_exists('v', $_GET)) { $value = $_GET['v']; } if (array_key_exists('sv', $_GET)) { $sub_value = $_GET['sv']; } // set default values if (!isset($controller_name)) { $controller_name = 'home'; } if (!isset($action_name)) { $action_name = 'index'; } if (!isset($value)) { $value = ''; } if (!isset($sub_value)) { $sub_value = ''; } $verb = strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']); $query_string_array = array(); if (array_key_exists('QUERY_STRING', $_SERVER)) { parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $query_string_array); } $session_service = service_factory::get_session_service(); $session_service->set(); $session_service->extend(); switch ($controller_name) { case 'home': global $model; $controller = controller_factory::get_home_controller(); $model = $controller->index(); break; case 'account': global $model; $controller = controller_factory::get_account_controller(); switch ($action_name) { case 'signup': if ($verb === 'POST') { $model = $controller->do_signup($_POST['first-name'], $_POST['last-name'], $_POST['username'], $_POST['password']); } else { $model = $controller->show_signup(); } break; case 'signin': if ($verb === 'POST') { $model = $controller->do_signin($_POST['account-username'], $_POST['account-password']); if ($model->success) { dispatcher::redirect('/'); } } else { $url = ''; if (array_key_exists('url', $query_string_array)) { $url = $query_string_array['url']; } $model = $controller->show_signin($url); } break; case 'signout': $controller->signout(); dispatcher::redirect('/'); break; } break; case 'location': global $session; $controller = controller_factory::get_list_controller(); switch ($action_name) { case 'index': if ($session) { $data = $controller->get_locations($session->user_id); dispatcher::dispatch(200, json_encode($data), 'application/json'); } else { dispatcher::dispatch_error(401); } break; case 'tracking': if ($session) { $data = $controller->get_trackings_by_location($value, $session->user_id); dispatcher::dispatch(200, json_encode($data), 'application/json'); } else { dispatcher::dispatch_error(401); } break; case 'checkin': $data = $controller->get_trackings_by_location($value, 0); dispatcher::dispatch(200, count($data), 'application/json'); break; case 'report': if ($session) { $data = $controller->get_location_report_by_date($value); dispatcher::dispatch(200, json_encode($data), 'application/json'); } else { dispatcher::dispatch_error(401); } break; case 'status': if ($session) { $data = $controller->get_tracking_status($value, $session->user_id); dispatcher::dispatch(200, json_encode($data), 'application/json'); } else { dispatcher::dispatch_error(401); } break; case 'join': if ($verb === 'POST') { if ($session) { $data = $controller->join_location($value, $session->user_id); dispatcher::dispatch(200, json_encode($data), 'application/json'); } else { dispatcher::dispatch_error(401); } } break; case 'approve': if ($verb === 'POST') { if ($session) { $data = $controller->approve_user_at_location($value, $sub_value); dispatcher::dispatch(200, json_encode($data), 'application/json'); } else { dispatcher::dispatch_error(401); } } break; case 'deactivate': if ($verb === 'POST') { if ($session) { $data = $controller->deactivate_user_at_location($value, $sub_value); dispatcher::dispatch(200, json_encode($data), 'application/json'); } else { dispatcher::dispatch_error(401); } } break; case 'reactivate': if ($verb === 'POST') { if ($session) { $data = $controller->reactivate_user_at_location($value, $sub_value); dispatcher::dispatch(200, json_encode($data), 'application/json'); } else { dispatcher::dispatch_error(401); } } break; case 'show': if ($session) { $data = $controller->get_location($value, $session->user_id); dispatcher::dispatch(200, json_encode($data), 'application/json'); } else { dispatcher::dispatch_error(401); } break; case 'member': if ($session) { $data = $controller->get_members($value); dispatcher::dispatch(200, json_encode($data), 'application/json'); } else { dispatcher::dispatch_error(401); } break; default: // do nothing } break; case 'list': global $model; global $session; if ($session) { $controller = controller_factory::get_list_controller(); $model = $controller->index(); } else { dispatcher::dispatch_error(401); } break; case 'tracking': if ($verb === 'POST') { global $session; if ($session) { $controller = controller_factory::get_list_controller(); $post_data = routing::parse_post_data(); if ($action_name === 'checkin') { $data = $controller->check_in($post_data->location_id, $session->user_id); dispatcher::dispatch(200, json_encode($data), 'application/json'); } else { if ($action_name === 'checkout') { $data = $controller->check_out($post_data->location_id, $session->user_id); dispatcher::dispatch(200, json_encode($data), 'application/json'); } } } else { dispatcher::dispatch_error(401); } } break; default: // do nothing } // fallback if (dispatcher::load_view($controller_name, $action_name)) { exit; } else { // error dispatcher::dispatch_error(404); } }
<?php /** * command line invoker for kata * * @author mnt * @author Raimar Lutsch * @package kata_internal */ /** * start */ require dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'lib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'defines.php'; require LIB . "boot.php"; set_time_limit(600); if (posix_getuid() == 0) { echo "Warning: If this is your first call to the framework, kata\n" . "may create the tmp-folders with rights that may make them\n" . "inaccessible for apache-users (eg. www-data)\n"; } if ($argc < 2) { die("Usage: cron.php controller action [param1] [param2] [...]\n"); } $args = $argv; array_shift($args); $dispatcher = new dispatcher(); echo $dispatcher->dispatch(implode('/', $args), null);
/** * Puts it all together and runs it * */ public function execute () { # Create a dispatcher and give it the database and page info $dp = new dispatcher($this->db, $this->qbPage); # Puts the dispatcher output into the template data $this->qbTemplateData = $dp->output(); $this->qbTemplateData['errors'] = $this->qbErrors; # Create the template and give it the data $tpl = new template($this->qbTemplateData); # Output starts! $tpl->display(); }
<?php // Some constants that should be configured define('DS', '\\'); define('BASE_PATH', 'D:' . DS . 'websites' . DS . 'azl' . DS . 'framework'); define('FRAMEWORK', BASE_PATH); // Get the dispatcher require_once FRAMEWORK . DS . 'dispatcher.php'; // And fire it up try { $disp = new dispatcher(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); echo $e->getTrace(); } $disp->run();
/** * Impersonates a user * @global array $__in * @global array $__out * @return boolean */ public function impersonate() { global $__in, $__out; try { $user = new user($__in['id']); $user->impersonate(); } catch (ValidationException $ex) { $ex->publish_errors(); } catch (Exception $ex) { throw $ex; } return dispatcher::redirect(array("controller" => "user", "action" => "home")); }
require_once "config/translation/" . $__out['lang'] . ".php"; try { dispatcher::request(); // handle request } catch (PermissionDeniedException $ex) { if ($_SESSION['group_id'] == 0) { // visitor dispatcher::redirect(array("controller" => "user", "action" => "login"), "please_login_first"); } else { dispatcher::redirect(array("controller" => "errors", "action" => "permission_denied")); } } catch (PageNotFoundException $ex) { if (DEBUG) { exception_handler($ex); } else { dispatcher::redirect(array("controller" => "errors", "action" => "page_not_found")); } } catch (Exception $ex) { exception_handler($ex); } $__out['user_id'] = $_SESSION['user_id']; $__out['__errors'] = $__errors; /**< Add the $__errors array to the array of output ($__out) to be shown on the template when displayed. */ $__out['__info'] = $__info; /**< Add the $__info array to the array of output ($__out) to be shown on the template when displayed. */ //------------------------------------------------------------- // view handling require_once "lib/clssmarty.php"; $template = new clssmarty(); $template->display_index(); /**< assign the $__out variables to the template and display the main tpl of the current language and current theme and current group. */
public function forward($path) { dispatcher::instance()->setUri($path)->dispatch()->run(); }
<?php // すべてのリクエストがこのファイルに集中し、ここでリクエスト振り分けクラスのインスタンス化を行います $sysRoot = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)); require_once $sysRoot . '/config.php'; require_once $sysRoot . '/Controller/dispatcher.php'; $dispatcher = new dispatcher($sysRoot); $dispatcher->run();
function testSetResponseVersion() { $_SERVER[ODataConstants::HTTPREQUEST_HEADER_METHOD] = ODataConstants::HTTP_METHOD_GET; $_SERVER[ODataConstants::HTTPREQUEST_HEADER_PROTOCOL] = ODataConstants::HTTPREQUEST_HEADER_PROTOCOL_HTTP; $_SERVER[ODataConstants::HTTPREQUEST_HEADER_HOST] = "localhost:8086"; $_SERVER[ODataConstants::HTTPREQUEST_HEADER_URI] = "/NorthWind.svc/Customers"; try { $exceptionThrown = false; $dispatcher = new dispatcher(); //Service dispatched //$dispatcher->dispatch(); $contents = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $dispatcher->getHost()->setResponseVersion("2.0"); $headers =& $dispatcher->getHost()->getWebOperationContext()->OutgoingResponse()->getHeaders(); $this->assertEquals('2.0', $headers[ODataConstants::ODATAVERSIONHEADER]); } catch (\Exception $exception) { if (ob_get_length()) { ob_end_clean(); } $exceptionThrown = true; $this->fail("Some unexpected exception has been thrown:", $exception->getMessage()); } if (!$exceptionThrown) { $this->assertTrue(TRUE); } $dispatcher->getHost()->getWebOperationContext()->resetWebContextInternal(); }
function index() { return dispatcher::redirect(array("action" => "page_not_found")); }
/** Sets the permissions for a group. */ function set_permissions() { global $__in, $__out; try { $group = new group($__in['id']); $__out['group'] = $group->this_to_array(); $permission = new permission(); $__out['arr_permissions'] = $permission->assoc_array_from_result_array($permission->getall(), "id", "description"); $__out['selected_permission_ids'] = $group->get_selected_permission_ids(); if ($__in['__is_form_submitted']) { // if form is submitted $group->set_permissions($__in['group']['permissions']); return dispatcher::redirect(array("action" => "getall"), "updated_successfully"); } } catch (ValidationException $ex) { $ex->publish_errors(); } catch (Exception $ex) { throw $ex; } return true; }
public function setActionName($action = 'default') { self::$_currentAction = strtolower($action); return self::$_instance; }
<?php session_start(); ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_Reporting(E_ALL); $server_dir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/'; $web_dir = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '/'; #include_once($server_dir."config.php"); include_once $server_dir . "core/exception.php"; include_once $server_dir . "core/template.php"; include_once $server_dir . "core/common.php"; include_once $server_dir . "core/controller.php"; #include_once($server_dir."core/spyc.php"); include_once $server_dir . "core/dispatch.php"; include_once $server_dir . "core/sql.php"; include_once $server_dir . "core/config.php"; include_once $server_dir . "core/post.php"; include_once $server_dir . "lib/HTMLPurifier/"; spl_autoload_register('dispatcher::loadController'); try { dispatcher::dispatchRequest(); } catch (Exception $e) { handleException($e); }