Beispiel #1
		var group = item.toolManDragGroup;
		var order = document.getElementById('links_order');
		group.register('dragend', function() {
			order.value = '';
			items = item.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('tr');
			for (var i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
				order.value += items[i].id.substr(2)+',';
echo dcPage::jsPageTabs($default_tab);

echo dcPage::breadcrumb(array(html::escapeHTML($core->blog->name) => '', '<span class="page-title">' . $page_title . '</span>' => ''));
if (!empty($_GET['newconfig'])) {
    dcPage::success(__('Items has been successfully updated'));
if (!empty($_GET['removed'])) {
    dcPage::success(__('Items have been successfully removed.'));
if (!empty($_GET['addlink'])) {
    dcPage::success(__('Menu item has been successfully created.'));
Beispiel #2
        } else {
            $content .= $fc;
    if (trim($content) == '') {
        return $ret;
    $ret['content'] = $content;
    if ($title != '') {
        $ret['title'] = $title;
    return $ret;
$help_page = !empty($_GET['page']) ? html::escapeHTML($_GET['page']) : 'index';
$content_array = helpPage($help_page);
if ($content_array['content'] == '' || $help_page == 'index') {
    $content_array = helpPage('index');
if ($content_array['title'] != '') {
    $breadcrumb = dcPage::breadcrumb(array(__('Global help') => $core->adminurl->get(""), $content_array['title'] => ''));
} else {
    $breadcrumb = dcPage::breadcrumb(array(__('Global help') => ''));
-------------------------------------------------------- */
dcPage::open(__('Global help'), dcPage::jsPageTabs('first-step'), $breadcrumb);
echo $content_array['content'];
// Prevents global help link display
$GLOBALS['__resources']['ctxhelp'] = true;
Beispiel #3
    } catch (Exception $e) {
-------------------------------------------------------- */
$default_tab = 'edit-entry';
if (!$can_edit_post) {
    $default_tab = '';
if (!empty($_GET['co'])) {
    $default_tab = 'comments';
dcPage::open($page_title, dcPage::jsDatePicker() . dcPage::jsToolBar() . dcPage::jsModal() . dcPage::jsLoad('js/_post.js') . dcPage::jsConfirmClose('entry-form', 'comment-form') . $core->callBehavior('adminPostHeaders') . dcPage::jsPageTabs($default_tab) . $next_headlink . "\n" . $prev_headlink);
if (!empty($_GET['upd'])) {
    echo '<p class="message">' . __('Entry has been successfully updated.') . '</p>';
} elseif (!empty($_GET['crea'])) {
    echo '<p class="message">' . __('Entry has been successfully created.') . '</p>';
} elseif (!empty($_GET['attached'])) {
    echo '<p class="message">' . __('File has been successfully attached.') . '</p>';
} elseif (!empty($_GET['rmattach'])) {
    echo '<p class="message">' . __('Attachment has been successfully removed.') . '</p>';
if (!empty($_GET['creaco'])) {
    echo '<p class="message">' . __('Comment has been successfully created.') . '</p>';
# XHTML conversion
if (!empty($_GET['xconv'])) {
    $post_excerpt = $post_excerpt_xhtml;
Beispiel #4
        dcPage::addSuccessNotice(__('Favorites have been successfully updated.'));
        $core->adminurl->redirect("admin.user.preferences", array(), '#user-favorites');
# Replace default favorites by current set (super admin only)
if (!empty($_POST['replace']) && $core->auth->isSuperAdmin()) {
    $user_favs = $core->favs->getFavoriteIDs(false);
    $core->favs->setFavoriteIDs($user_favs, true);
    if (!$core->error->flag()) {
        dcPage::addSuccessNotice(__('Default favorites have been successfully updated.'));
        $core->adminurl->redirect("admin.user.preferences", array(), '#user-favorites');
-------------------------------------------------------- */
dcPage::open($page_title, dcPage::jsLoad('js/_preferences.js') . ($user_acc_nodragdrop ? '' : dcPage::jsLoad('js/_preferences-dragdrop.js')) . dcPage::jsLoad('js/jquery/jquery-ui.custom.js') . dcPage::jsLoad('js/jquery/jquery.ui.touch-punch.js') . dcPage::jsLoad('js/jquery/jquery.pwstrength.js') . '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n" . "//<![CDATA[\n" . "\$(function() {\n" . "\t\$('#new_pwd').pwstrength({texts: ['" . sprintf(__('Password strength: %s'), __('very weak')) . "', '" . sprintf(__('Password strength: %s'), __('weak')) . "', '" . sprintf(__('Password strength: %s'), __('mediocre')) . "', '" . sprintf(__('Password strength: %s'), __('strong')) . "', '" . sprintf(__('Password strength: %s'), __('very strong')) . "']});\n" . "});" . "\n//]]>\n" . "</script>\n" . dcPage::jsPageTabs($default_tab) . dcPage::jsConfirmClose('user-form') . $core->callBehavior('adminPreferencesHeaders'), dcPage::breadcrumb(array(html::escapeHTML($core->auth->userID()) => '', $page_title => '')));
# User profile
echo '<div class="multi-part" id="user-profile" title="' . __('My profile') . '">';
echo '<h3>' . __('My profile') . '</h3>' . '<form action="' . $core->adminurl->get("admin.user.preferences") . '" method="post" id="user-form">' . '<p><label for="user_name">' . __('Last Name:') . '</label>' . form::field('user_name', 20, 255, html::escapeHTML($user_name)) . '</p>' . '<p><label for="user_firstname">' . __('First Name:') . '</label>' . form::field('user_firstname', 20, 255, html::escapeHTML($user_firstname)) . '</p>' . '<p><label for="user_displayname">' . __('Display name:') . '</label>' . form::field('user_displayname', 20, 255, html::escapeHTML($user_displayname)) . '</p>' . '<p><label for="user_email">' . __('Email:') . '</label>' . form::field('user_email', 20, 255, html::escapeHTML($user_email)) . '</p>' . '<p><label for="user_url">' . __('URL:') . '</label>' . form::field('user_url', 30, 255, html::escapeHTML($user_url)) . '</p>' . '<p><label for="user_lang">' . __('Language for my interface:') . '</label>' . form::combo('user_lang', $lang_combo, $user_lang, 'l10n') . '</p>' . '<p><label for="user_tz">' . __('My timezone:') . '</label>' . form::combo('user_tz', dt::getZones(true, true), $user_tz) . '</p>';
if ($core->auth->allowPassChange()) {
    echo '<h4 class="vertical-separator pretty-title">' . __('Change my password') . '</h4>' . '<div class="pw-table">' . '<p class="pw-cell"><label for="new_pwd">' . __('New password:'******'</label>' . form::password('new_pwd', 20, 255, '', '', '', false, ' data-indicator="pwindicator" ') . '</p>' . '<div id="pwindicator">' . '    <div class="bar"></div>' . '    <p class="label no-margin"></p>' . '</div>' . '</div>' . '<p><label for="new_pwd_c">' . __('Confirm new password:'******'</label>' . form::password('new_pwd_c', 20, 255) . '</p>' . '<p><label for="cur_pwd">' . __('Your current password:'******'</label>' . form::password('cur_pwd', 20, 255) . '</p>' . '<p class="form-note warn">' . __('If you have changed your email or password you must provide your current password to save these modifications.') . '</p>';
echo '<p class="clear vertical-separator">' . $core->formNonce() . '<input type="submit" accesskey="s" value="' . __('Update my profile') . '" /></p>' . '</form>' . '</div>';
# User options : some from actual user profile, dashboard modules, ...
echo '<div class="multi-part" id="user-options" title="' . __('My options') . '">';
echo '<form action="' . $core->adminurl->get("admin.user.preferences") . '#user-options" method="post" id="opts-forms">' . '<h3>' . __('My options') . '</h3>';
echo '<div class="fieldset">' . '<h4>' . __('Interface') . '</h4>' . '<p><label for="user_ui_enhanceduploader" class="classic">' . form::checkbox('user_ui_enhanceduploader', 1, $user_ui_enhanceduploader) . ' ' . __('Activate enhanced uploader in media manager') . '</label></p>' . '<p><label for="user_acc_nodragdrop" class="classic">' . form::checkbox('user_acc_nodragdrop', 1, $user_acc_nodragdrop) . ' ' . __('Disable javascript powered drag and drop for ordering items') . '</label></p>' . '<p class="clear form-note">' . __('If checked, numeric fields will allow to type the elements\' ordering number.') . '</p>';
echo '<p><label for="user_ui_media_by_page" class="classic">' . __('Number of elements displayed per page in media manager:') . '</label> ' . form::field('user_ui_media_by_page', 5, 3, (int) $user_ui_media_by_page) . '</p>';
echo '<p><label for="user_ui_media_nb_last_dirs" class="classic">' . __('Number of recent folders proposed in media manager:') . '</label> ' . form::field('user_ui_media_nb_last_dirs', 5, 3, (int) $user_ui_media_nb_last_dirs) . '</p>' . '<p class="clear form-note">' . __('Leave empty to ignore, displayed only if Javascript is enabled in your browser.') . '</p>';
if ($core->auth->isSuperAdmin()) {
    echo '<p><label for="user_ui_hide_std_favicon" class="classic">' . form::checkbox('user_ui_hide_std_favicon', 1, $user_ui_hide_std_favicon) . ' ' . __('Do not use standard favicon') . '</label> ' . '<span class="clear form-note warn">' . __('This will be applied for all users') . '.</span>' . '</p>';
Beispiel #5
function settingLine($id, $s, $ns, $field_name, $strong_label)
    if ($s['type'] == 'boolean') {
        $field = form::combo(array($field_name . '[' . $ns . '][' . $id . ']', $field_name . '_' . $id), array(__('yes') => 1, __('no') => 0), $s['value']);
    } else {
        $field = form::field(array($field_name . '[' . $ns . '][' . $id . ']', $field_name . '_' . $id), 40, null, html::escapeHTML($s['value']));
    $slabel = $strong_label ? '<strong>%s</strong>' : '%s';
    return '<tr>' . '<td><label for="s_' . $id . '">' . sprintf($slabel, html::escapeHTML($id)) . '</label></td>' . '<td>' . $field . '</td>' . '<td>' . $s['type'] . '</td>' . '<td>' . html::escapeHTML($s['label']) . '</td>' . '</tr>';
echo dcPage::jsPageTabs($part);
  <style type="text/css">
  .ns-name { background: #ccc; color: #000; padding-top: 0.3em; padding-bottom: 0.3em; font-size: 1.1em; }

if (!empty($_GET['upd'])) {
    echo '<p class="message">' . __('Configuration successfully updated') . '</p>';
if (!empty($_GET['upda'])) {
    echo '<p class="message">' . __('Settings definition successfully updated') . '</p>';
Beispiel #6
if ($post_editor) {
    $p_edit = $c_edit = '';
    if (!empty($post_editor[$post_format])) {
        $p_edit = $post_editor[$post_format];
    if (!empty($post_editor['xhtml'])) {
        $c_edit = $post_editor['xhtml'];
    if ($p_edit == $c_edit) {
        $admin_post_behavior .= $core->callBehavior('adminPostEditor', $p_edit, 'post', array('#post_excerpt', '#post_content', '#comment_content'), $post_format);
    } else {
        $admin_post_behavior .= $core->callBehavior('adminPostEditor', $p_edit, 'post', array('#post_excerpt', '#post_content'), $post_format);
        $admin_post_behavior .= $core->callBehavior('adminPostEditor', $c_edit, 'comment', array('#comment_content'), 'xhtml');
dcPage::open($page_title . ' - ' . __('Entries'), dcPage::jsDatePicker() . dcPage::jsModal() . dcPage::jsMetaEditor() . $admin_post_behavior . dcPage::jsLoad('js/_post.js') . dcPage::jsConfirmClose('entry-form', 'comment-form') . $core->callBehavior('adminPostHeaders') . dcPage::jsPageTabs($default_tab) . $next_headlink . "\n" . $prev_headlink, dcPage::breadcrumb(array(html::escapeHTML($core->blog->name) => '', __('Entries') => $core->adminurl->get("admin.posts"), $post_id ? $page_title_edit : $page_title => '')), array('x-frame-allow' => $core->blog->url));
if (!empty($_GET['upd'])) {
    dcPage::success(__('Entry has been successfully updated.'));
} elseif (!empty($_GET['crea'])) {
    dcPage::success(__('Entry has been successfully created.'));
} elseif (!empty($_GET['attached'])) {
    dcPage::success(__('File has been successfully attached.'));
} elseif (!empty($_GET['rmattach'])) {
    dcPage::success(__('Attachment has been successfully removed.'));
if (!empty($_GET['creaco'])) {
    dcPage::success(__('Comment has been successfully created.'));
if (!empty($_GET['tbsent'])) {
    dcPage::success(__('All pings sent.'));
Beispiel #7
            $msg = __('The following files of your Dotclear installation ' . 'have been modified so we won\'t try to update your installation. ' . 'Please try to <a href="">update manually</a>.');
        } elseif ($e->getCode() == dcUpdate::ERR_FILES_UNREADABLE) {
            $msg = sprintf(__('The following files of your Dotclear installation are not readable. ' . 'Please fix this or try to make a backup file named %s manually.'), '<strong>backup-' . DC_VERSION . '.zip</strong>');
        } elseif ($e->getCode() == dcUpdate::ERR_FILES_UNWRITALBE) {
            $msg = __('The following files of your Dotclear installation cannot be written. ' . 'Please fix this or try to <a href="">update manually</a>.');
        if (isset($e->bad_files)) {
            $msg .= '<ul><li><strong>' . implode('</strong></li><li><strong>', $e->bad_files) . '</strong></li></ul>';
        $core->callBehavior('adminDCUpdateException', $e);
/* DISPLAY Main page
-------------------------------------------------------- */
dcPage::open(__('Dotclear update'), !$step ? dcPage::jsPageTabs($default_tab) . dcPage::jsLoad('js/_update.js') : '', dcPage::breadcrumb(array(__('System') => '', __('Dotclear update') => '')));
if (!$core->error->flag()) {
    if (!empty($_GET['nocache'])) {
        dcPage::success(__('Manual checking of update done successfully.'));
if (!$step) {
    echo '<div class="multi-part" id="update" title="' . __('Dotclear update') . '">';
    if (empty($new_v)) {
        echo '<p><strong>' . __('No newer Dotclear version available.') . '</strong></p>' . '<form action="' . $p_url . '" method="get">' . '<p><input type="hidden" name="nocache" value="1" />' . '<input type="submit" value="' . __('Force checking update Dotclear') . '" /></p>' . '</form>';
    } else {
        echo '<p class="static-msg">' . sprintf(__('Dotclear %s is available.'), $new_v) . ($version_info ? ' <a href="' . $version_info . '" class="outgoing" title="' . __('Information about this version') . '">(' . __('Information about this version') . ')&nbsp;<img src="images/outgoing.png" alt=""/></a>' : '') . '</p>' . '<p>' . __('To upgrade your Dotclear installation simply click on the following button. ' . 'A backup file of your current installation will be created in your root directory.') . '</p>' . '<form action="' . $p_url . '" method="get">' . '<p><input type="hidden" name="step" value="check" />' . '<input type="submit" value="' . __('Update Dotclear') . '" /></p>' . '</form>';
    echo '</div>';
    if (!empty($archives)) {
        echo '<div class="multi-part" id="files" title="' . __('Manage backup files') . '">';
Beispiel #8
        return '';
    return implode($sep, $res);
/* DISPLAY Main page
-------------------------------------------------------- */
$starting_scripts = '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n" . "//<![CDATA[" . "\n" . dcPage::jsVar('dotclear.msg.confirm_delete_media', __('Are you sure to delete this media?')) . "\n" . "//]]>" . "</script>" . dcPage::jsLoad('js/_media_item.js');
if ($popup && !empty($plugin_id)) {
    $starting_scripts .= $core->callBehavior('adminPopupMedia', $plugin_id);
$temp_params = $media_page_url_params;
$temp_params['d'] = '%s';
$bc_template = $core->adminurl->get('', $temp_params, '&amp;', true);
$temp_params['d'] = '';
$home_url = $core->adminurl->get('', $temp_params);
call_user_func($open_f, __('Media manager'), $starting_scripts . dcPage::jsDatePicker() . ($popup ? dcPage::jsPageTabs($tab) : ''), dcPage::breadcrumb(array(html::escapeHTML($core->blog->name) => '', __('Media manager') => $home_url, $core->media->breadCrumb($bc_template) . '<span class="page-title">' . $file->basename . '</span>' => ''), array('home_link' => !$popup, 'hl' => false)));
if ($popup) {
    // Display notices
    echo dcPage::notices();
if ($file === null) {
if (!empty($_GET['fupd']) || !empty($_GET['fupl'])) {
    dcPage::success(__('File has been successfully updated.'));
if (!empty($_GET['thumbupd'])) {
    dcPage::success(__('Thumbnails have been successfully updated.'));
if (!empty($_GET['blogprefupd'])) {
Beispiel #9
            $ret_code = $core->plugins->installPackage($dest, $core->plugins);
            http::redirect('plugins.php?added=' . $ret_code);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $default_tab = 'addplugin';
# Plugin install
$plugins_install = $core->plugins->installModules();
/* DISPLAY Main page
-------------------------------------------------------- */
dcPage::open(__('Plugins management'), dcPage::jsLoad('js/_plugins.js') . dcPage::jsPageTabs($default_tab));
echo '<h2>' . __('Plugins management') . '</h2>';
if (!empty($_GET['removed'])) {
    echo '<p class="message">' . __('Plugin has been successfully deleted.') . '</p>';
if (!empty($_GET['added'])) {
    echo '<p class="message">' . ($_GET['added'] == 2 ? __('Plugin has been successfully upgraded') : __('Plugin has been successfully installed.')) . '</p>';
# Plugins install messages
if (!empty($plugins_install['success'])) {
    echo '<div class="static-msg">' . __('Following plugins have been installed:') . '<ul>';
    foreach ($plugins_install['success'] as $k => $v) {
        echo '<li>' . $k . '</li>';
    echo '</ul></div>';
Beispiel #10
    # Stop reading code here
# -- Execute actions --
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
# -- Plugin install --
$plugins_install = null;
if (!$core->error->flag()) {
    $plugins_install = $core->plugins->installModules();
# -- Page header --
dcPage::open(__('Plugins management'), dcPage::jsLoad('js/_plugins.js') . dcPage::jsPageTabs() . $core->callBehavior('pluginsToolsHeaders', $core, false), dcPage::breadcrumb(array(__('System') => '', __('Plugins management') => '')));
# -- Plugins install messages --
if (!empty($plugins_install['success'])) {
    echo '<div class="static-msg">' . __('Following plugins have been installed:') . '<ul>';
    foreach ($plugins_install['success'] as $k => $v) {
        echo '<li>' . $k . '</li>';
    echo '</ul></div>';
if (!empty($plugins_install['failure'])) {
    echo '<div class="error">' . __('Following plugins have not been installed:') . '<ul>';
    foreach ($plugins_install['failure'] as $k => $v) {
        echo '<li>' . $k . ' (' . $v . ')</li>';
    echo '</ul></div>';
Beispiel #11
echo $page_title . ' - ' . __('Pages');
  <script type="text/javascript">
echo dcPage::jsVar('dotclear.msg.confirm_delete_post', __("Are you sure you want to delete this page?"));
echo dcPage::jsDatePicker() . dcPage::jsModal() . dcPage::jsLoad('js/_post.js') . $admin_post_behavior . dcPage::jsConfirmClose('entry-form', 'comment-form') . $core->callBehavior('adminPageHeaders') . dcPage::jsPageTabs($default_tab) . $next_headlink . "\n" . $prev_headlink;


if ($post_id) {
    switch ($post_status) {
        case 1:
            $img_status = sprintf($img_status_pattern, __('Published'), 'check-on.png');
        case 0:
            $img_status = sprintf($img_status_pattern, __('Unpublished'), 'check-off.png');
        case -1:
Beispiel #12
        http::redirect($p_url . '&upd=1');
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $page_name;
echo dcPage::jsToolMan() . dcPage::jsPageTabs($default_tab) . dcPage::jsLoad('index.php?pf=antispam/antispam.js');
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="index.php?pf=antispam/style.css" />
echo '<h2>' . html::escapeHTML($core->blog->name) . ' &rsaquo; ' . $page_name . '</h2>';
if ($filter_gui !== false) {
    echo '<p><a href="' . $p_url . '">' . __('Return to filters') . '</a></p>';
    printf('<h3>' . __('%s configuration') . '</h3>', $filter->name);
    echo $filter_gui;
} else {
    # Information
    $spam_count = dcAntispam::countSpam($core);
    $published_count = dcAntispam::countPublishedComments($core);
    $moderationTTL = $core->blog->settings->antispam_moderation_ttl;
Beispiel #13
        $core->callBehavior('adminBeforeBlogSettingsUpdate', $blog_settings);
        if ($core->auth->isSuperAdmin() && in_array($_POST['url_scan'], $url_scan_combo)) {
            $blog_settings->system->put('url_scan', $_POST['url_scan']);
        dcPage::addSuccessNotice(__('Blog has been successfully updated.'));
        http::redirect(sprintf($redir, $blog_id));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
if ($standalone) {
    $breadcrumb = dcPage::breadcrumb(array(html::escapeHTML($blog_name) => '', __('Blog settings') => ''));
} else {
    $breadcrumb = dcPage::breadcrumb(array(__('System') => '', __('Blogs') => $core->adminurl->get("admin.blogs"), __('Blog settings') . ' : ' . html::escapeHTML($blog_name) => ''));
dcPage::open(__('Blog settings'), '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n" . "//<![CDATA[" . "\n" . dcPage::jsVar('dotclear.msg.warning_path_info', __('Warning: except for special configurations, it is generally advised to have a trailing "/" in your blog URL in PATH_INFO mode.')) . "\n" . dcPage::jsVar('dotclear.msg.warning_query_string', __('Warning: except for special configurations, it is generally advised to have a trailing "?" in your blog URL in QUERY_STRING mode.')) . "\n" . "//]]>" . "</script>" . dcPage::jsConfirmClose('blog-form') . $core->callBehavior('adminPostEditor') . dcPage::jsLoad('js/_blog_pref.js') . $core->callBehavior('adminBlogPreferencesHeaders') . dcPage::jsPageTabs(), $breadcrumb);
if ($blog_id) {
    if (!empty($_GET['add'])) {
        dcPage::success(__('Blog has been successfully created.'));
    if (!empty($_GET['upd'])) {
        dcPage::success(__('Blog has been successfully updated.'));
    echo '<div class="multi-part" id="params" title="' . __('Parameters') . '">' . '<h3 class="out-of-screen-if-js">' . __('Parameters') . '</h3>' . '<form action="' . $action . '" method="post" id="blog-form">';
    echo '<div class="fieldset"><h4>' . __('Blog details') . '</h4>' . $core->formNonce();
    if ($core->auth->isSuperAdmin()) {
        echo '<p><label for="blog_id" class="required"><abbr title="' . __('Required field') . '">*</abbr> ' . __('Blog ID:') . '</label>' . form::field('blog_id', 30, 32, html::escapeHTML($blog_id)) . '</p>' . '<p class="form-note">' . __('At least 2 characters using letters, numbers or symbols.') . '</p> ' . '<p class="form-note warn">' . __('Please note that changing your blog ID may require changes in your public index.php file.') . '</p>';
    } else {
        Only super admins can change the blog ID and URL, but we need to pass
        their values to the POST request via hidden html input values  so as
Beispiel #14
            $res[] = dt::str($m[1], $file->media_dt);
        } elseif (preg_match('/^DateTimeOriginal\\((.+?)\\)$/u', $v, $m) && $file->media_meta->DateTimeOriginal) {
            $res[] = dt::dt2str($m[1], (string) $file->media_meta->DateTimeOriginal);
        } elseif (preg_match('/^separator\\((.*?)\\)$/u', $v, $m)) {
            $sep = $m[1];
    return implode($sep, $res);
/* DISPLAY Main page
-------------------------------------------------------- */
$starting_scripts = dcPage::jsLoad('js/_media_item.js');
if ($popup) {
    $starting_scripts .= dcPage::jsLoad('js/jsToolBar/popup_media.js');
call_user_func($open_f, __('Media manager'), $starting_scripts . dcPage::jsDatePicker() . dcPage::jsPageTabs());
if ($file === null) {
if (!empty($_GET['fupd']) || !empty($_GET['fupl'])) {
    echo '<p class="message">' . __('File has been successfully updated.') . '</p>';
if (!empty($_GET['thumbupd'])) {
    echo '<p class="message">' . __('Thumbnails have been successfully updated.') . '</p>';
echo '<h2><a href="' . html::escapeURL($media_page_url) . '">' . __('Media manager') . '</a>' . ' / ' . $core->media->breadCrumb(html::escapeURL($media_page_url) . '&amp;d=%s') . $file->basename . '</h2>';
# Insertion popup
if ($popup) {
    $media_desc = $file->media_title;
    echo '<div id="media-insert" class="multi-part" title="' . __('Insert media item') . '">' . '<form id="media-insert-form" action="" method="get">';
Beispiel #15
            } else {
                $ts = empty($_POST['settings_ts_' . $t->id()]) ? 0 : $_POST['settings_ts_' . $t->id()];
            $core->blog->settings->maintenance->put('ts_' . $t->id(), abs((int) $ts), 'integer', sprintf('Recall time for task %s', $t->id()), true, $t->blog());
        dcPage::addSuccessNotice(__('Maintenance plugin has been successfully configured.'));
        http::redirect($p_url . '&tab=' . $tab . '#' . $tab);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
// Combos
$combo_ts = array(__('Never') => 0, __('Every week') => 604800, __('Every two weeks') => 1209600, __('Every month') => 2592000, __('Every two months') => 5184000);
// Display page
echo '<html><head>
<title>' . __('Maintenance') . '</title>' . dcPage::jsPageTabs($tab) . dcPage::jsLoad(dcPage::getPF('maintenance/js/settings.js'));
if ($task && $task->ajax()) {
    echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n" . "//<![CDATA[\n" . dcPage::jsVar('dotclear.msg.wait', __('Please wait...')) . "//]]>\n" . '</script>' . dcPage::jsLoad(dcPage::getPF('maintenance/js/dc.maintenance.js'));
echo $maintenance->getHeaders() . '
// Check if there is somthing to display according to user permissions
if (empty($tasks)) {
    echo dcPage::breadcrumb(array(__('Plugins') => '', __('Maintenance') => '')) . '<p class="warn">' . __('You have not sufficient permissions to view this page.') . '</p>' . '</body></html>';
    return null;
if ($task && ($res = $task->step()) !== null) {
    // Page title
    echo dcPage::breadcrumb(array(__('Plugins') => '', '<a href="' . $p_url . '">' . __('Maintenance') . '</a>' => '', html::escapeHTML($task->name()) => '')) . dcPage::notices();
    // content
Beispiel #16
    dcPage::open(__('Blog appearance'), dcPage::jsPageTabs() . dcPage::jsColorPicker() . $core->callBehavior('themesToolsHeaders', $core, true), dcPage::breadcrumb(array(html::escapeHTML($core->blog->name) => '', __('Blog appearance') => $list->getURL('', false), '<span class="page-title">' . __('Theme configuration') . '</span>' => '')));
    # Display previously gathered content
    # Stop reading code here
# -- Execute actions --
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
# -- Page header --
dcPage::open(__('Themes management'), dcPage::jsLoad('js/_blog_theme.js') . dcPage::jsPageTabs() . dcPage::jsColorPicker() . $core->callBehavior('themesToolsHeaders', $core, false), dcPage::breadcrumb(array(html::escapeHTML($core->blog->name) => '', '<span class="page-title">' . __('Blog appearance') . '</span>' => '')));
# -- Display modules lists --
if ($core->auth->isSuperAdmin()) {
    # Updated modules from repo
    $modules = $list->store->get(true);
    if (!empty($modules)) {
        echo '<div class="multi-part" id="update" title="' . html::escapeHTML(__('Update themes')) . '">' . '<h3>' . html::escapeHTML(__('Update themes')) . '</h3>' . '<p>' . sprintf(__('There is one theme to update available from repository.', 'There are %s themes to update available from repository.', count($modules)), count($modules)) . '</p>';
        $list->setList('theme-update')->setTab('themes')->setModules($modules)->displayModules(array('checkbox', 'name', 'sshot', 'desc', 'author', 'version', 'current_version', 'parent'), array('update', 'delete'));
        echo '<p class="info vertical-separator">' . sprintf(__("Visit %s repository, the resources center for Dotclear."), '<a href="">Dotaddict</a>') . '</p>' . '</div>';
# Activated modules
$modules = $list->modules->getModules();
if (!empty($modules)) {
    echo '<div class="multi-part" id="themes" title="' . __('Installed themes') . '">' . '<h3>' . __('Installed themes') . '</h3>' . '<p>' . __('You can configure and manage installed themes from this list.') . '</p>';
    $list->setList('theme-activate')->setTab('themes')->setModules($modules)->displayModules(array('sshot', 'distrib', 'name', 'config', 'desc', 'author', 'version', 'parent'), array('select', 'behavior', 'deactivate', 'delete'));
Beispiel #17
        $blog_settings->put('nb_comment_per_feed', $nb_comment_per_feed);
        $blog_settings->put('short_feed_items', !empty($_POST['short_feed_items']));
        if (isset($_POST['robots_policy'])) {
            $blog_settings->put('robots_policy', $_POST['robots_policy']);
        # --BEHAVIOR-- adminBeforeBlogSettingsUpdate
        $core->callBehavior('adminBeforeBlogSettingsUpdate', $blog_settings);
        if ($core->auth->isSuperAdmin() && in_array($_POST['url_scan'], $url_scan_combo)) {
            $blog_settings->put('url_scan', $_POST['url_scan']);
        http::redirect(sprintf($redir, $blog_id));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
dcPage::open(__('Blog settings'), dcPage::jsConfirmClose('blog-form') . $core->callBehavior('adminBlogPreferencesHeaders') . dcPage::jsPageTabs());
if ($blog_id) {
    echo '<h2>' . (!$standalone ? '<a href="blogs.php">' . __('Blogs') . '</a> &rsaquo; ' : '') . html::escapeHTML($blog_name) . ' &rsaquo; ' . __('Blog settings') . '</h2>';
    if (!empty($_GET['add'])) {
        echo '<p class="message">' . __('Blog has been successfully created.') . '</p>';
    if (!empty($_GET['upd'])) {
        echo '<p class="message">' . __('Blog has been successfully updated.') . '</p>';
    echo '<div class="multi-part" id="params" title="' . __('Parameters') . '">' . '<h3>' . __('Parameters') . '</h3>' . '<form action="' . $action . '" method="post" id="blog-form">';
    echo '<fieldset><legend>' . __('Blog details') . '</legend>' . $core->formNonce();
    if ($core->auth->isSuperAdmin()) {
        echo '<p><label class="required" title="' . __('Required field') . '">' . __('Blog ID:') . form::field('blog_id', 30, 32, html::escapeHTML($blog_id)) . '</label></p>' . '<p class="form-note">' . __('At least 2 characters using letters, numbers or symbols.') . ' ' . __('Please note that changing your blog ID may require changes in your public index.php file.') . '</p>';
    echo '<p><label class="required" title="' . __('Required field') . '">' . __('Blog name:') . form::field('blog_name', 30, 255, html::escapeHTML($blog_name)) . '</label></p>';
    if ($core->auth->isSuperAdmin()) {
Beispiel #18
    if ($has_css) {
        $res .= '<a class="theme-css" href="' . $theme_url . '/style.css">' . __('Stylesheet') . '</a>';
    $res .= '</p>';
    $res .= '</div>' . '<div class="theme-actions">';
    if ($current && $has_conf) {
        $res .= '<p><a href="blog_theme.php?conf=1" class="button">' . __('Theme configuration') . '</a></p>';
    if ($current) {
        # --BEHAVIOR-- adminCurrentThemeDetails
        $res .= $core->callBehavior('adminCurrentThemeDetails', $core, $id, $details);
    $res .= '</div>' . '</div>';
    return $res;
dcPage::open(__('Blog themes'), dcPage::jsLoad('js/_blog_theme.js') . dcPage::jsPageTabs($default_tab) . dcPage::jsColorPicker());
if (!$theme_conf_mode) {
    echo '<h2>' . html::escapeHTML($core->blog->name) . ' &rsaquo; ' . __('Blog aspect') . '</h2>';
    if (!empty($_GET['upd'])) {
        echo '<p class="message">' . __('Theme has been successfully changed.') . '</p>';
    if (!empty($_GET['added'])) {
        echo '<p class="message">' . ($_GET['added'] == 2 ? __('Theme has been successfully upgraded') : __('Theme has been successfully installed.')) . '</p>';
    if (!empty($_GET['del'])) {
        echo '<p class="message">' . __('Theme has been successfully deleted.') . '</p>';
    if ($can_install) {
        echo '<p><strong>' . sprintf(__('You can find additional themes for your blog on %s.'), '<a href="">Dotaddict</a>') . '</strong> ' . __('To install or upgrade a theme you generally just need to upload it ' . 'in "Install or upgrade a theme" section.') . '</p>';
    # Themes list