function savePlanState($plans, $workflowID, $formName)
     $table = 'workflowState';
     $planValues = array();
     $planValues['workflowid'] = $workflowID;
     $planValues['formName'] = $formName;
     $planValues['state'] = addslashes(serialize($plans));
     dbs::irrecord($table, $planValues, true);
Beispiel #2
 function addArchiveWorkflowUnit($workflowID)
     $table = 'workflowArchive';
     $archiveValues = array();
     $archiveValues['workflowid'] = $workflowID;
     $archiveValues['timestamp'] = dbs::selattribute('timestamp', 'workflow', 'workflowId=' . $workflowID);
     $archiveValues['plan'] = addslashes(serialize(graphPlanDatabaseAccess::getPlanGraphList($workflowID)));
     //$planValues['state'] = addslashes(serialize($plans));
     dbs::irrecord($table, $archiveValues, false);
Beispiel #3
 function updateDatabases($xmlPackage, $workflowId, $formData, $goal)
     global $db;
     $db = connect($xmlPackage->getDb());
     debug::message("connect to db:" . $xmlPackage->getDb() . '<br>');
     $newDataItem = new coreWorkflowDataPacket($workflowId, array());
     $tables = $xmlPackage->getTables();
     if (sizeof($tables) > 0) {
         //For each table
         for ($tableIndex = 0; $tableIndex < sizeof($tables); $tableIndex++) {
             $table = $tables[$tableIndex]->getTableName();
             $valsArray['workflowId'] = $workflowId;
             $fields = $tables[$tableIndex]->getDbFields();
             //The fields specificed
             for ($index = 0; $index < sizeof($fields); $index++) {
                 $field = $fields[$index];
                 $valsArray[$field] = addslashes($formData[$field]);
             //Does this workflow item already exist in the table
             $sql_query = "workflowId='{$workflowId}'";
             if (dbpear::numRecords($table, "{$sql_query}")) {
                 $keyName = dbs::getprimarykey($table);
                 $keyValue = dbpear::selAttribute($keyName, $table, $sql_query);
                 dbs::updaterecord($table, $valsArray, $keyName, $keyValue);
             } else {
                 dbs::irrecord($table, $valsArray, false);
             $db = connect('iWFMS');
         $xmlParser = new XMLtoArray("jobSpecification.xml");
         $xmlTree = $xmlParser->process();
         //Package the xml data
         $xmlPackage = xmlPackage::package($xmlTree);
         if (!$goal) {
             //We are not at the goal node
             //Display the data as HTML
             xmlPackage::displayItem($xmlPackage, $workflowId, 'workflow', 'Current workflow item');
         } else {
             //We are at the goal node
             xmlPackage::displayArchiveItem($xmlPackage, $workflowId, 'workflowArchive', 'Current archived workflow item', 'archive');
     } else {
         $xmlParser = new XMLtoArray("jobSpecification.xml");
         $xmlTree = $xmlParser->process();
         //Package the xml data
         $xmlPackage = xmlPackage::package($xmlTree);
         //Display the data as HTML
         xmlPackage::displayItem($xmlPackage, $workflowId, 'workflow', 'Current workflow item');
Beispiel #4
function dbmanagement_simple($table, $key, &$keyvalue, &$mode, $process, $vals)
    global $sql_debug;
    if ($process == 'delete') {
        // Delete the record from table
        dbs::delrecord($table, $key, $keyvalue);
        $mesg = DELETED;
        $mode = 'preview';
    } elseif ($process == 'add' || $process == 'edit') {
        // generate table column field names
        $cols = dbs::genfieldnames($table, '0');
        if (!empty($keyvalue)) {
            this is an existing record 
            adjust the columns and values parts of the replace sql statement
            $cols = "`" . $key . "`, " . $cols;
            $vals = "'" . $keyvalue . "', " . $vals;
            $request = "REPLACE";
        } else {
            // this is a new record so set the insert sql statement
            $request = "INSERT";
        // run the sql for the live database
        echo $cols;
        echo $vals;
        dbs::irrecord($request, $table, $cols, $vals);
        $mesg = SAVED;
        // get the primary key for the previously inserted record
        if (empty($keyvalue)) {
            $row = dbs::getlast();
            $keyvalue = $row[0];
        // set return mode
        $mode = "edit";
    return $mesg;
Beispiel #5
        if ($model['workflowCaching']) {
            saveCachePlans($planGraphList, $keyinserted, $modelId);
        } else {
            savePlans($planGraphList, $keyinserted, true);
        $newstoptime = time::stoptiming() - $stoptime;
        performance::message("Database updating");
        echo '<br><Br>';
        systemMessages::message("Plan generation complete!");
        systemMessages::message("Number of plans:" . sizeof($planGraphList));
} else {
    $workFlowvalues = array();
    $workFlowvalues['timestamp'] = $modified = time::ts_unix_mysql(time::timestamp());
    //Create a new workflow item
    $keyinserted = dbs::irrecord('workflow', $workFlowvalues, false);
    $planGraphList = dbs::selrecord('plan', 'workflowcachingstore', "modelId={$modelId}", 0, 3);
    savePlans($planGraphList, $keyinserted, false);
    echo '<br><Br>';
    systemMessages::message("Plan generation using caching feature complete!");
    systemMessages::message("Number of plans:" . sizeof($planGraphList));
function savePlans($planGraphList, $workflowKey, $seralise)
    $planValues = array();
    $dbValues = array();
    for ($index = 0; $index < sizeof($planGraphList); $index++) {
        if ($seralise) {
            $plan = addslashes(serialize($planGraphList[$index]));
        } else {
            $plan = addslashes($planGraphList[$index]);
Beispiel #6

include '../includes/config/database.php';
include_once '../includes/library/library_db_mysql.php';
include_once '../includes/library/library_arrays.php';
$table = 'text1';
$field = 'text1';
$key = 'text1id';
$updatearray['workflowId'] = 1;
$updatearray[$field] = ${$field};
dbs::irrecord($table, $updatearray, false);
dbs::updaterecord($table, $updatearray, $key, $keyvalue);
header("Location: ../mockup/index.php");
Beispiel #7
 function testDatabaseInsertDelete()
     $this->assertFalse(dbs::irrecord('', array(), false));
     $this->assertFalse(dbs::irrecord('table', array(), false));
Beispiel #8
$root = "../";
$pageref = "admin_groups.php";
$sql_debug = true;
include_once '../includes/commonPages/system_header.php';
// Database setup variables
$table = "groups";
$key = "groupid";
$identifier = "name";
$mesg = '';
if ($process) {
    switch ($process) {
        case 'delete':
            dbs::delrecord($table, $key, ${$key});
            $mesg = 'Deleted!';
        case 'add':
            $vals['name'] = $name;
            $vals['members'] = $groupmembers;
            dbs::irrecord($table, $vals, false);
            $mesg = 'Added!';
if (!isset($mode) || $mode == 'preview') {
    // show preview page
    include_once 'preview/' . str_replace('.php', '', $pageref) . '_preview.php';
} elseif ($mode == 'add' || $mode == 'edit') {
    // show edit page
    include_once 'edit/' . str_replace('.php', '', $pageref) . '_edit.php';
include_once '../includes/commonPages/system_footer.php';