NOTE - 4
				After that check the date in attendece table if date is exist then update
				all data otherwise insert new data for the day.
$checkExistanceOfDate = $objStudentCls->checkDateFromAttendence($atdDate, $nStandardId);
echo $checkExistanceOfDate . " + " . $atdDate;
				NOTE - 4
				After checking dage now insert / update all nGRNO in tblattendece to
				set is student is present or not in a school on the date ?.
//$objStudentCls->setAttendenceForDate( $atdDate, $nStandardId, $allStudentnGRNO, $forStatus , $tSubjectName ) ;
if ($checkExistanceOfDate > 0) {
    $objStudentCls->updateAttendenceForDate($atdDate, $nStandardId, $allStudentnGRNO, $forStatus, implode(" | ", $tsubject));
} else {
    $objStudentCls->setAttendenceForDate($atdDate, $nStandardId, $allStudentnGRNO, $forStatus, implode(" | ", $tsubject));
if ($isAll == null) {
    echo " POINT-1    ";
    if ($forStatus == 1) {
        echo " POINT-2   ";
        $status = 0;
    $allStudentnGRNO = $objStudentCls->getnGRNOFromStandard($nStandardId);
    while ($detail = mysqli_fetch_assoc($allStudentnGRNO)) {
        if ( isset($_POST[$nGRNO]) )
        	$grChecked = $_POST[ $nGRNO ] ;	
        	$status = 1 ;