Beispiel #1
define('VERBOSE', isset($options['verbose']));
$from = Source::init('from', $options);
$to = Source::init('to', $options);
$differ = new dbStructUpdater();
$to_sql = $to->getStructure();
$from_sql = $from->getStructure();
if (VERBOSE) {
    notice("*** From SQL: {$from} \n");
    echo $from_sql . "\n\n";
    notice("*** To SQL: {$to} \n");
    echo $to_sql;
$diffs = $differ->getUpdates($to_sql, $from_sql);
$generated = date('r');
echo "\n#\n# Structure difference between '{$from}' and '{$to}'\n#\n# Generated: {$generated}\n#\n# START DIFF;\n\n";
foreach ($diffs as $diff) {
    echo "{$diff};\n\n";
echo "\n# END DIFF;\n";
function readchoice($prompt, $choices)
    $response = "";
    while (!in_array($response, $choices, true)) {
        $response = readline($prompt);
    return $response;
function readfilepath($prompt)
 public static function call()
     # This is a hidden page for OKAPI developers. It will output a complete
     # structure of the database. This is useful for making OKAPI compatible
     # across different OC installations.
     $user = Settings::get('DB_USERNAME');
     $password = Settings::get('DB_PASSWORD');
     $dbname = Settings::get('DB_NAME');
     $dbserver = Settings::get('DB_SERVER');
     # Some security measures are taken to hinder us from accidentally dumping
     # database contents:
     #  - try to set memory limit so that no big data chunk can be stored
     #  - reassure that we use the --no-data option
     #  - plausibility test for data amount
     #  - verify that the output does not contain table contents
     ini_set('memory_limit', '16M');
     $shell_arguments = "mysqldump --no-data -h{$dbserver} -u{$user} -p{$password} {$dbname}";
     if (!strpos($shell_arguments, "--no-data")) {
         throw new Exception("wrong database dump arguments");
     $struct = shell_exec($shell_arguments);
     if (strlen($struct) > 1000000) {
         throw new Exception("something went terribly wrong while dumping table structures");
     if (stripos($struct, "dumping data") !== FALSE) {
         throw new Exception("something went terribly wrong while dumping table structures");
     # Remove the "AUTO_INCREMENT=..." values. They break the diffs.
     $struct = preg_replace("/ AUTO_INCREMENT=([0-9]+)/i", "", $struct);
     # Discard local tables that are not part of the OC installation
     if (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == '') {
         $struct = preg_replace("/structure for table `_.*?\n-- Table /s", "", $struct);
     # This method can be invoked with "compare_to" parameter, which points to
     # an alternate database structure (generated by the same script in other
     # *public* OKAPI instance). When invoked this way, we will attempt to
     # generate SQL script which alters LOCAL database is such a way that it
     # will become the other (public) database.
     $response = new OkapiHttpResponse();
     $response->content_type = "text/plain; charset=utf-8";
     if (isset($_GET['compare_to'])) {
         $scheme = parse_url($_GET['compare_to'], PHP_URL_SCHEME);
         if (in_array($scheme, array('http', 'https'))) {
             try {
                 $alternate_struct = @file_get_contents($_GET['compare_to']);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 throw new BadRequest("Failed to load " . $_GET['compare_to']);
             $response->body = "-- Automatically generated database diff. Use with caution!\n" . "-- Differences obtained with help of cool library by Kirill Gerasimenko.\n\n" . "-- Note: The following script has some limitations. It will render database\n" . "-- structure compatible, but not necessarilly EXACTLY the same. It might be\n" . "-- better to use manual diff instead.\n\n";
             require_once "";
             $updater = new \dbStructUpdater();
             if (isset($_GET['reverse']) && $_GET['reverse'] == 'true') {
                 $response->body .= "-- REVERSE MODE. The following will alter [2], so that it has the structure of [1].\n" . "-- 1. " . Settings::get('SITE_URL') . "okapi/devel/dbstruct (" . md5($struct) . ")\n" . "-- 2. " . $_GET['compare_to'] . " (" . md5($alternate_struct) . ")\n\n";
                 $alters = $updater->getUpdates($alternate_struct, $struct);
             } else {
                 $response->body .= "-- The following will alter [1], so that it has the structure of [2].\n" . "-- 1. " . Settings::get('SITE_URL') . "okapi/devel/dbstruct (" . md5($struct) . ")\n" . "-- 2. " . $_GET['compare_to'] . " (" . md5($alternate_struct) . ")\n\n";
                 $alters = $updater->getUpdates($struct, $alternate_struct);
             # Add semicolons
             foreach ($alters as &$alter_ref) {
                 $alter_ref .= ";";
             # Comment out all differences containing "okapi_". These should be executed
             # by OKAPI update scripts.
             foreach ($alters as &$alter_ref) {
                 if (strpos($alter_ref, "okapi_") !== false) {
                     $lines = explode("\n", $alter_ref);
                     $alter_ref = "-- Probably you should NOT execute this one. Use okapi/update instead.\n-- {{{\n--   " . implode("\n--   ", $lines) . "\n-- }}}";
             if (count($alters) > 0) {
                 $response->body .= implode("\n", $alters) . "\n";
             } else {
                 $response->body .= "-- No differences found\n";
         } else {
             $response->body = "HTTP(S) only!";
     } else {
         $response->body = $struct;
     return $response;
				<textarea style="width:97%; height:500px; font-size:85%;"><?php 
echo $remote_db;

  <div class="span4">
$updater = new dbStructUpdater();
$res = $updater->getUpdates($local_db, $remote_db);
if (count($res) == 0) {
		<div class="alert alert-success">
		  <strong>Great!</strong> <?php 
} else {
		<div class="alert alert-error">