  * Save or Update invoice this is based on setting the $_POST var update to TRUE or FALSE.
  * @param array $_POST - Form data being submitted
  * @return mixed
 public function saveInv(array $post)
     $dbConn = new DBConnection();
     $details = new dbHandler($dbConn, 'inv_details');
     if ($_POST['update'] == 'true') {
         // Set post date whether we are  inserting or updaeting
         //$post['date'] = date('Y-m-d');
         // If we are updating we have to delete the quote items
         $items = new dbHandler($dbConn, 'inv_items');
         $items->deleteWhere('where invId=' . $post['invId']);
         //trim space
         function trim_value(&$value)
             $value = trim($value);
         array_walk($post, 'trim_value');
         // Update invoice details
         $details->updateDatabaseWhere($post, 'where id=' . $post['invId']);
         // This is used for the inserting of the items we have on the invoice
         $invId = $post['invId'];
     } else {
         // Set post date whether we are  inserting
         $post['date'] = date('Y-m-d');
         //trim space
         function trim_value(&$value)
             $value = trim($value);
         array_walk($post, 'trim_value');
         //save invoice detail
         $invId = $details->insertIntoDatabase($post);
     // Iterate over the items on the invoice and insert them into the database
     foreach ($_POST['itemId'] as $row => $item) {
         // Build a new array so we can insert them into the database
         $postArray = array('invId' => $invId, 'itemId' => $_POST['itemId'][$row], 'qty' => $_POST['itemQty'][$row], 'poNumber' => $_POST['noPo'][$row], 'itemDisc' => $_POST['itemDisc'][$row], 'itemUkuran' => $_POST['itemUkuran'][$row]);
         $items = new dbHandler($dbConn, 'inv_items');
     return $invId;
Beispiel #2
  * Save or Update invoice this is based on setting the $_POST var update to TRUE or FALSE.
  * @param array $_POST - Form data being submitted
  * @return mixed
 public function saveItem(array $post)
     $dbConn = new DBConnection();
     $details = new dbHandler($dbConn, 'items');
     // Set post date whether we are updating or inserting
     // $post['date'] = date('Y-m-d');
     if ($_POST['update'] == 'true') {
         // If we are updating we have to delete the quote items
         $items = new dbHandler($dbConn, 'items');
         //$items->deleteWhere('where id=' . $post['itemId']);
         //trim space
         function trim_value(&$value)
             $value = trim($value);
         array_walk($post, 'trim_value');
         // Update invoice details
         $details->updateDatabaseWhere($post, 'where id=' . $post['itemId']);
         // This is used for the inserting of the items we have on the invoice
         $itemId = $post['itemId'];
     } else {
         //           var_export ($post);
         // komentar
         //    $itemId = $details->insertIntoDatabase($post);
         // Iterate over the items on the invoice and insert them into the database
         //      foreach ($_POST['itemId'] as $row => $item) {
         // Build a new array so we can insert them into the database
         //"KodeBarang", "NamaBarang", "DiskripsiBarang", "HargaBarang", "DiscBarang"
         $postArray = array('itemCode' => trim($_POST['itemCode']), 'itemName' => trim($_POST['itemName']), 'itemDesc' => trim($_POST['itemDesc']), 'itemPrice' => trim($_POST['itemPrice']), 'itemSize' => trim($_POST['itemSize']), 'satuan' => trim($_POST['satuan']));
         $items = new dbHandler($dbConn, 'items');
         // Update invoice details
         //      }
     return $itemId;
Beispiel #3
 public function logging($ndbase, $idtable, $statuss)
     $dbConn = new DBConnection();
     $logging = new dbHandler($dbConn, "loging");
     if (!isset($_SESSION['ID'])) {
         $session = "none";
     } else {
         $session = $_SESSION['ID'];
     $inputdata = array('namatabel' => $ndbase, 'iduser' => $session, 'tanggal' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'logtabel' => $idtable, 'statuss' => $statuss);
     //set update=false
     //$_POST['update'] = 'false';
     //simpan data user ke db