Beispiel #1
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
        <title>datepicker test</title>
// include the class
require "../class.datepicker.php";
// instantiate the object
$dp = new datepicker();
$dp->enableTimePicker = true;
$dp->selectableTimesRange = array(array(12, 20, 2, 0, 60, 15));

    An example about restricting selectable times...
<pre style="font-size:11px">

// include the class
require "../class.datepicker.php";

// instantiate the object
$dp=new datepicker();

// allow selection of time also
$dp->enableTimePicker = true;

// restrict the selectable hours range to every second hour between 12 and 20

include "system.php";
include "menu.php";
//include_once 'class/Log.php';
include_once 'class/BankReconcilation.php';
include_once 'class/Transaction.php';
//include_once 'class/SelectCtrl.php';
include_once "../simantz/class/datepicker/class.datepicker.php";
//include_once "../system/class/Period.php";
$dp = new datepicker($url);
$dp->dateFormat = 'Y-m-d';
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE);
//$log = new Log();
$s = new XoopsSecurity();
$trans = new Transaction();
$o = new BankReconcilation();
$orgctrl = "";
$action = "";
//marhan add here --> ajax
echo "<iframe src='bankreconcilation.php' name='nameValidate' id='idValidate' style='display:none' width='100%'></iframe>";
echo "<div id='simit'><form name='frmValidate' target='nameValidate' method='POST'></form></div>";
echo <<<EOF
<script type="text/javascript">

\tfunction refreshAccounts(accounts_id){
\t\t//batchdate = document.forms['frmBankReconcilation'].batchdate.value;
\t\tvar id = document.forms['frmBankReconcilation'].bankreconcilation_id.value;
Beispiel #3

include "system.php";
include_once '../simbiz/class/Receipt.php';
include_once '../simbiz/class/ReceiptLine.php';
include_once "../simantz/class/datepicker/class.datepicker.php";
include_once '../simantz/class/';
$cur = new Currency();
//include_once "../system/class/Period.php";
$dp = new datepicker($url);
$dp->dateFormat = 'Y-m-d';
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE);
$o = new Receipt();
$pl = new ReceiptLine();
$s = new XoopsSecurity();
$orgctrl = "";
$action = "";
$o->receipt_id = 0;
if (isset($_POST['action'])) {
    $action = $_POST['action'];
    $o->receipt_id = $_POST["receipt_id"];
} elseif (isset($_GET['action'])) {
    $action = $_GET['action'];
    $o->receipt_id = $_GET["receipt_id"];
} else {
    $action = "";
$token = $_POST['token'];
$o->paidto = $_POST["paidto"];
$iscomplete = $_POST['iscomplete'];
$o->organization_id = $_POST['organization_id'];
Beispiel #4
            //line 6
            $pdf->Cell(60, 0, "", 0, 0, 'L');
            $pdf->Cell(35, 0, "", 1, 1, 'R');
        //	$pdf->MultiCell(175,7,$isselectline,1,'C');
    //display pdf
} else {
    include_once "menu.php";
    include_once 'class/Log.php';
    include_once 'class/SelectCtrl.php';
    include_once "../../class/datepicker/class.datepicker.php";
    $dp = new datepicker("{$tableprefix}");
    $dp->dateFormat = 'Y-m-d';
    error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE);
    $ctrl = new SelectCtrl();
    $accountsctrl = $ctrl->getSelectAccounts(0, 'N');
    $periodfrom = $ctrl->getSelectPeriod(0, 'Y', "", "period_from");
    $periodto = $ctrl->getSelectPeriod(0, 'Y', "", "period_to");
    $showDateFrom = $dp->show("datefrom");
    $showDateTo = $dp->show("dateto");
    $datefrom = getMonth(date("Ymd", time()), 0);
    $dateto = getMonth(date("Ymd", time()), 1);
    echo <<<EOF
<table border='1'>
<tr><TH colspan='4' style='text-align: center'>Criterial</TH></tr>
\t<FORM name='frmIncome' method='POST' atarget="_blank" action="viewincome.php">
Beispiel #5
</a> :: 
              <a href="?seccion=revsistema&aktion=change"><?php 
// requires the class
require "class.datepicker.php";
// instantiate the object
$db = new datepicker();
// uncomment the next line to have the calendar show up in german
$db->language = "spanish";
$db->firstDayOfWeek = 1;
// set the format in which the date to be returned
$db->dateFormat = "Y-m-d";
// Aktionen
$aktion = '';
if (isset($_GET['aktion'])) {
    $aktion = $_GET['aktion'];
if ($aktion == "") {
    echo 'Admin Area';
if ($aktion == "add") {
    if (empty($_POST['fecha']) and empty($_POST['analisisobjetivos']) and empty($_POST['analisissatisfaccionclientes']) and empty($_POST['analisisreclamacionesclientes']) and empty($_POST['analisisnoconformidadesporarea']) and empty($_POST['analisiscierresncs']) and empty($_POST['analisisincidenciasinspecciones']) and empty($_POST['analisisformacion']) and empty($_POST['analisisincidenciasalmacen']) and empty($_POST['analisisincidenciasproveedor']) and empty($_POST['analisisauditorias']) and empty($_POST['analisisnoconformidades']) and empty($_POST['analisispolitica']) and empty($_POST['analiscambios']) and empty($_POST['recomendaciones'])) {

 *Developed by 2008-12-25
include_once "system.php";
include_once "menu.php";
//include_once '../system/class/Log.php';
//include_once 'class/Accounts.php';
//include_once 'class/SelectCtrl.php';
include_once "../simantz/class/datepicker/class.datepicker.php";
include_once '../simantz/class/fpdf/fpdf.php';
$dp = new datepicker("{$url}");
$dp->dateFormat = 'Y-m-d';
$showDateFrom1 = $dp->show('datefrom1');
$showDateTo1 = $dp->show('dateto1');
$showDateFrom2 = $dp->show('datefrom2');
$showDateTo2 = $dp->show('dateto2');
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE);
//$log = new Log();
$s = new XoopsSecurity();
//$ctrl= new SelectCtrl();
$periodfromctrl = $simbizctrl->getSelectPeriod(0, 'N', "onchange=updatePeriodTo(reporttype.value)", "periodfrom_id");
$periodtoctrl = $simbizctrl->getSelectPeriod(0, 'N', "", "periodto_id");
if ($defaultDateSession == "") {
    $defaultDateSession = date("Y-m-d", time());
$datefrom1 = left($defaultDateSession, 7) . "-01";
$dateto1 = getLastDayByMonth(left($defaultDateSession, 7));

 *Developed by 2008-12-25
include_once "system.php";
include_once "menu.php";
//include_once '../system/class/Log.php';
//include_once 'class/Accounts.php';
//include_once 'class/SelectCtrl.php';
//include_once "../../class/datepicker/class.datepicker.php";
include_once '../simantz/class/fpdf/fpdf.php';
include_once "../simantz/class/datepicker/class.datepicker.php";
$dp = new datepicker("{$url}");
$dp->dateFormat = 'Y-m-d';
$datefrom = getMonth(date("Ymd", time()), 0);
$dateto = getMonth(date("Ymd", time()), 1);
$showDateFrom = $dp->show('datefrom');
$showDateTo = $dp->show('dateto');
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE);
$log = new Log();
$s = new XoopsSecurity();
$ctrl = new SelectCtrl();
$uid = $xoopsUser->getVar('uid');
$orgctrl = $ctrl->selectionOrg($uid, $defaultorganization_id, 'N', "", 'N');
echo <<<EOF
<script type='text/javascript'>

function autofocus(){
$o->updated = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$o->updatedby = $xoopsUser->getVar("uid");
//display standard web component
if ($action == "view" || $action == "edit" || $action == "" || $action == "search") {
    include "menu.php";
    include_once "../simantz/class/datepicker/class.datepicker.php";
    $dp = new datepicker("{$url}");
    $dp->dateFormat = 'Y-m-d';
    $o->showCalendar = $dp->show("document_date");
switch ($action) {
    case "search":
        echo $o->showSearchForm();
        require XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/footer.php';
    case "ajaxsearch":
        $o->showSearchGrid("where i.issotrx=1 and i.payment_id>0 ");
    case "view":
        echo $o->gridjs();
        if ($o->fetchPayment($_GET['payment_id'])) {
Beispiel #9
    public function showEditFollowUpLayer($followup_id)
        global $xoTheme, $nitobigridthemes, $url, $issuedatecal, $nextfollowupdatecal;
        include "../bpartner/class/";
        include "../hr/class/";
        include_once "../simantz/class/datepicker/class.datepicker.php";
        $dp = new datepicker("{$url}");
        $dp->dateFormat = 'Y-m-d';
        $issuedatecal = $dp->show('issuedate');
        $nextfollowupdatecal = $dp->show('nextfollowupdate');
        $bpctrl = new BPSelectCtrl();
        if ($followup_id == 0) {
            $bpcontrol = $bpctrl->getSelectBPartner(0, "Y");
            $followtypectrl = $bpctrl->getSelectFollowUpType(0, 'N');
            $ischecked = "checked";
            $issuedate = date("Y-m-d", time());
            $nextfollowupdate = date("Y-m-d", time());
        } else {
            $sql = "SELECT f.*,bp.bpartner_name,bp.bpartner_no,ft.followuptype_name,f.employee_name\r\n    FROM sim_followup f\r\n    inner join sim_bpartner bp on f.bpartner_id=bp.bpartner_id\r\n    inner join sim_followuptype ft on f.followuptype_id =ft.followuptype_id\r\n    where followup_id={$followup_id}";
            $query = $this->xoopsDB->query($sql);
            while ($row = $this->xoopsDB->fetchArray($query)) {
                $bpartner_name = htmlspecialchars($row['bpartner_name']);
                $bpartner_no = htmlspecialchars($row['bpartner_no']);
                $bpartner_id = $row['bpartner_id'];
                $followup_name = htmlspecialchars($row['followup_name']);
                $followuptype_id = $row['followuptype_id'];
                $employee_name = htmlspecialchars($row['employee_name']);
                $description = htmlspecialchars($row['description']);
                $issuedate = $row['issuedate'];
                $contactperson = htmlspecialchars($row['contactperson']);
                $contactnumber = htmlspecialchars($row['contactnumber']);
                $nextfollowupdate = htmlspecialchars($row['nextfollowupdate']);
                $isactive = $row['isactive'];
                $followtypectrl = $bpctrl->getSelectFollowUpType($followuptype_id, 'N');
                $bpcontrol = "<a href='bpartner.php?action=viewsummary&bpartner_id={$bpartner_id}'>{$bpartner_no}-{$bpartner_name}</a>";
                //    $empcontrol="<a href='../hr/employee.php?action=viewsummary&employee_id=$employee_id'>$employee_name</a>";
                if ($isactive == 1) {
                    $ischecked = "checked";
                } else {
                    $ischecked = "";
        echo <<<EOF

<div class="dimBackground"></div>
<form name="getFWform" id="getFWformid" method="post" action="bpartner.php" onsubmit="return false" >
<div align="center">
<table style="width:950px;" align="center" class="searchformblock" >

        <td colspan="8" >
        <table class="tdListRightTitle"><tr >
        <td align="center">Follow Up</td>
        <td align="right"><img src="images/close.png" onclick="closeWindow();" style="cursor:pointer" title="Close"></td>

    <tr><td class="searchformblock">

          <td class="head" >Business Partner</td>
          <td class="head" >Type</td>
          <td><select id="followuptype_id" name="followuptype_id">{$followtypectrl}</select></td>

          <td class="head" >Title</td>
          <td><input {$colstyle}   id="followup_name" name="followup_name" size="60" type="text" value="{$followup_name}" onfocus="'#efefef'" onblur="''" /></td>
          <td class="head" >Date</td>
          <td><input {$colstyle}  id="issuedate" name="issuedate" type="text" value="{$issuedate}" onfocus="'#efefef'" onblur="''" /><input type="button" onclick="{$issuedatecal}" value='Date'></td>
          <td class="head" >Contact Person</td>
          <td><input {$colstyle}   id="contactperson" name="contactperson" type="text" value="{$contactperson}" onfocus="'#efefef'" onblur="''" /></td>
          <td class="head" >Contact Number</td>
          <td><input {$colstyle}  id="contactnumber" name="contactnumber" type="text" value="{$contactnumber}" onfocus="'#efefef'" onblur="''" /></td>
          <td class="head">Employee</td>
          <td><input {$colstyle}   id="employee_name" name="employee_name" size="60" type="text" value="{$employee_name}" onfocus="'#efefef'" onblur="''" /></td>
          <td class="head" >Next Follow Up Date</td>
          <td><input {$colstyle}   id="nextfollowupdate" name="nextfollowupdate" type="text" value="{$nextfollowupdate}" onfocus="'#efefef'" onblur="''" /><input type="button" onclick="{$nextfollowupdatecal}" value='Date'></td>
          <td class="head" >Description</td>
          <td colspan="3"><textarea {$colstyle}  cols="70" rows="10" id="description" name="description" onfocus="'#efefef'" onblur="''">{$description}</textarea>
                    <Label>Active <input name="isactive" id="isactive" type="checkbox" {$ischecked}></Label></td>

          <td class="head"></td>
          <td colspan="3"><input name="submit" value="save" type="submit" onclick="save()"/>
                        <input name="action" value="savefollowuplayer" type="hidden"/>
                        <input name="followup_id" value="{$followup_id}" type="hidden"/></td>




Beispiel #10

include "system.php";
include_once 'class/Approvallist.php';
include_once "../simantz/class/datepicker/class.datepicker.php";
include_once "../simantz/class/";
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE);
$dp = new datepicker("{$url}");
$dp->dateFormat = 'Y-m-d';
//$log = new Log();
$o = new Approvallist();
$s = new XoopsSecurity();
$orgctrl = "";
$action = "";
$o->primarykey_value = 0;
if (isset($_POST['action'])) {
    $action = $_POST['action'];
    $o->primarykey_value = $_POST["primarykey_value"];
} elseif (isset($_GET['action'])) {
    $action = $_GET['action'];
    $o->primarykey_value = $_GET["primarykey_value"];
} else {
    $action = "";
$token = $_POST['token'];
$o->primarykey_name = $_REQUEST["primarykey_name"];
$o->tablename = $_REQUEST["tablename"];
$o->workflowtransaction_id = $_REQUEST["workflowtransaction_id"];
$o->person_id = $_REQUEST["person_id"];
$o->leave_date = $_POST["leave_date"];

include "system.php";
include "menu.php";
//include_once 'class/Log.php';
include_once 'class/Generateinvoice.php';
include_once "../simantz/class/datepicker/class.datepicker.php";
include_once "../simbiz/class/AccountsAPI.php";
include_once "../simbiz/class/Studentinvoice.php";
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE);
$dp = new datepicker("{$url}");
$dp->dateFormat = 'Y-m-d';
//$log = new Log();
$o = new Generateinvoice();
$s = new XoopsSecurity();
$api = new AccountsAPI();
$studentinv = new Studentinvoice();
$orgctrl = "";
$o->subjectwidth = "style = 'width:200px' ";
$action = "";
//marhan add here --> ajax
echo "<iframe src='generateinvoice.php' name='nameValidate' id='idValidate' style='display:none' ></iframe>";
echo "<div id='simit'><form name='frmValidate' target='nameValidate' method='POST'></form></div>";
echo <<<EOF
<script type="text/javascript">

function updateReactivate(generatestudentinvoice_id,line){

    if(confirm("Confirm Re-activate Invoice For This Academic Session?\\n(Will Effect Account)")){
    document.getElementById('btnVoid'+line).style.display = "none";
Beispiel #12

 *Developed by 2009-01-04
include_once "system.php";
include_once "menu.php";
//include_once '../system/class/Log.php';
//include_once 'class/Accounts.php';
//include_once 'class/SelectCtrl.php';
include_once "../simantz/class/datepicker/class.datepicker.php";
include_once '../simantz/class/fpdf/fpdf.php';
$dp = new datepicker("{$url}");
$dp->dateFormat = 'Y-m-d';
$showDate1 = $dp->show('date1');
$showDate2 = $dp->show('date2');
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE);
//$log = new Log();
$s = new XoopsSecurity();
//$ctrl= new SelectCtrl();
$periodfromctrl = $simbizctrl->getSelectPeriod(0, 'N', "", "periodfrom_id");
$periodtoctrl = $simbizctrl->getSelectPeriod(0, 'N', "", "periodto_id");
$uid = $xoopsUser->getVar('uid');
$orgctrl = $ctrl->selectionOrg($uid, $defaultorganization_id, 'N', "", 'N');
echo <<<EOF
<script type='text/javascript'>

function autofocus(){

function changereport(){
Beispiel #13

include "system.php";
include "menu.php";
include_once 'class/';
include_once '../system/class/Log.php';
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE);
include_once "../../class/datepicker/class.datepicker.php";
//include_once "../system/class/Period.php";
$dp = new datepicker($url);
$dp->dateFormat = 'Y-m-d';
if (isset($_GET['bpartner_id'])) {
    $bpartner_id = $_GET['bpartner_id'];
} else {
    $bpartner_id = 0;
if (isset($_GET['employee_id'])) {
    $employee_id = $_GET['employee_id'];
} else {
    $employee_id = 0;
if (isset($_GET['followuptype_id'])) {
    $followuptype_id = $_GET['followuptype_id'];
} else {
    $followuptype_id = 0;
$bpartnerctrl = $ctrl->getSelectBPartner($bpartner_id, "Y");
$employeectrl = $ctrl->getSelectEmployee($employee_id, "Y");
$followuptypectrl = $ctrl->getSelectFollowUpType($followuptype_id, 'Y');
//global $log ;
$nextfollowupdatefrom = $_GET['nextfollowupdatefrom'];
Beispiel #14

require_once "../includes/ErrorManager.class.php";
require_once "../includes/Mysql.class.php";
$mysql = new Mysql();
$mysql->connect("localhost", "donkey", "root", "");
// change this line here
// requires the class
require "../class.datepicker.php";
// instantiate the object
$db = new datepicker();
// uncomment the next line to have the calendar show up in german
//$db->language = "dutch";
$db->firstDayOfWeek = 1;
// set the format in which the date to be returned
$db->dateFormat = "Y-m-d";
// Aktionen
$aktion = '';
if (isset($_GET['aktion'])) {
    $aktion = $_GET['aktion'];
if ($aktion == "") {
    echo 'Admin Area';
if ($aktion == "add") {
    if (empty($_POST['fecha']) and empty($_POST['ai']) and empty($_POST['auditor1']) and empty($_POST['auditor2']) and empty($_POST['auditor3']) and empty($_POST['docum']) and empty($_POST['trabajador1']) and empty($_POST['trabajador2']) and empty($_POST['trabajador3']) and empty($_POST['servicio1']) and empty($_POST['servicio2']) and empty($_POST['vehiculos']) and empty($_POST['obstrat']) and empty($_POST['obscal']) and empty($_POST['obsalmac']) and empty($_POST['obscompras']) and empty($_POST['obsformac']) and empty($_POST['obsdocum']) and empty($_POST['obslegio'])) {
Beispiel #15

include "system.php";
include "menu.php";
//include_once 'class/Log.php';
include_once 'class/Employee.php';
//include_once 'class/SelectCtrl.php';
include_once "../simantz/class/datepicker/class.datepicker.php";
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE);
$dp = new datepicker("{$url}");
$dp->dateFormat = 'Y-m-d';
//$log = new Log();
$o = new Employee();
$s = new XoopsSecurity();
//$ctrl= new SelectCtrl();
$orgctrl = "";
$action = "";
//marhan add here --> ajax
echo "<iframe src='employee.php' name='nameValidate' id='idValidate' style='display:none' ></iframe>";
echo "<div id='simit'><form name='frmValidate' target='nameValidate' method='POST'></form></div>";
echo <<<EOF
<script type="text/javascript">

    function viewRate(value){

        if(value == true)
        document.getElementById('idOTRate').style.display = "";
        document.getElementById('idOTRate').style.display = "none";
Beispiel #16

 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.
include "system.php";
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE);
include "../class/LoginHistory.php";
include "../class/datepicker/class.datepicker.php";
$url = XOOPS_URL . "/modules/simantz";
$o = new LoginHistory();
$dp = new datepicker($url);
$dp->dateFormat = 'Y-m-d';
$action = $_POST['action'];
$o->activity = $_POST['activity'];
$o->datefrom = $_POST['datefrom'];
$o->dateto = $_POST['dateto'];
$o->showcalendarfrom = $dp->show("datefrom");
$o->showcalendarto = $dp->show("dateto");
if (isset($_POST['user_id'])) {
    $o->user_id = $_POST['user_id'];
} else {
switch ($action) {
    case "search":
        $wherestring = $o->genWhereString($o->user_id, $o->activity, $o->datefrom, $o->dateto, $action);
        $o->showTable($wherestring, "ORDER BY e.eventdatetime DESC");
Beispiel #17

include "system.php";
include "menu.php";
include_once 'class/Batch.php';
include_once 'class/Transaction.php';
//include_once 'class/SelectCtrl.php';
include_once "../simantz/class/datepicker/class.datepicker.php";
//include_once "../system/class/Period.php";
$dp = new datepicker($url);
$dp->dateFormat = 'Y-m-d';
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE);
$log = new Log();
$s = new XoopsSecurity();
$ctrl = new SelectCtrl();
$trans = new Transaction();
$o = new Batch();
$orgctrl = "";
$action = "";
$trans->widthaccounts = " style='width: 160px' ";
$trans->widthbpartner = " style='width: 160px' ";
//marhan add here --> ajax
echo "<iframe src='batch.php' name='nameValidate' id='idValidate' style='display:none' width='100%'></iframe>";
echo "<div id='simit'><form name='frmValidate' target='nameValidate' method='POST'></form></div>";
echo <<<EOF
<script type="text/javascript">

\tfunction autofocus(){

include "system.php";
include_once '../simbiz/class/PaymentVoucher.php';
include_once '../simbiz/class/PaymentVoucherLine.php';
include_once "../simantz/class/datepicker/class.datepicker.php";
include_once '../simantz/class/';
$cur = new Currency();
//include_once "../system/class/Period.php";
$dp = new datepicker($url);
$dp->dateFormat = 'Y-m-d';
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE);
$o = new PaymentVoucher();
$pl = new PaymentVoucherLine();
$s = new XoopsSecurity();
$orgctrl = "";
$action = "";
$o->paymentvoucher_id = 0;
if (isset($_POST['action'])) {
    $action = $_POST['action'];
    $o->paymentvoucher_id = $_POST["paymentvoucher_id"];
} elseif (isset($_GET['action'])) {
    $action = $_GET['action'];
    $o->paymentvoucher_id = $_GET["paymentvoucher_id"];
} else {
    $action = "";
$token = $_POST['token'];
$iscomplete = $_POST['iscomplete'];
$o->organization_id = $_POST['organization_id'];
Beispiel #19
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
        <title>datepicker test</title>
// include the class
require "../class.datepicker.php";
// instantiate the object
$dp = new datepicker();
// only allow selecting a year
$dp->selectableYearsRange = array(array(2000, date("Y") - 1, 1), array(1990, 1998, 1));
// notice that you now have a select box for years!

    Another example about restricting selectable dates...
<pre style="font-size:11px">

// include the class
require "../class.datepicker.php";

// instantiate the object
$dp=new datepicker();

// only allow selecting a year
$dp->selectableYearsRange = array(
    // between 2000 and current year minus 1

include "system.php";
//include_once '../system/cl//ass/Organization.php';
include_once "../simantz/class/datepicker/class.datepicker.php";
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE);
$dp = new datepicker("{$url}/modules/simantz");
$dp->dateFormat = 'Y-m-d';
$record_page = "30";
//$log = new Log();
//$o = new Subjectclass();
$s = new XoopsSecurity();
$org = new Organization();
//$ctrl= new SelectCtrl();
$orgctrl = "";
echo <<<EOF

\t\t -->


$action = "";
//marhan add here --> ajax

include "system.php";
//include_once '../system/class/Log.php';
include_once '../class/Activitysummary.php';
//include_once '../class/Employee.php';
//include_once "../../system/class/SelectCtrl.php";
//include_once "../../../class/datepicker/class.datepicker.php";
//echo  $url;
$ctrl = new SelectCtrl();
$log = new Log();
$o = new Activitysummary($xoopsDB, $tableprefix, $log);
$s = new XoopsSecurity($xoopsDB, $tableprefix, $log);
//$e = new Employee($xoopsDB,$tableprefix,$log);
$dp = new datepicker("{$url}");
$dp->dateFormat = 'Y-m-d';
$orgctrl = "";
$action = "";
echo <<<EOF
<script type="text/javascript">

function deleteLog(){
\tif(confirm('Confirm To Delete Log?')){
\treturn false;
alert("No Log To Delete!!.");

include_once "system.php";
include_once 'class/DebitCreditNote.php';
include_once 'class/DebitCreditNoteLine.php';
//include_once 'class/SelectCtrl.php';
include_once "../simantz/class/datepicker/class.datepicker.php";
//include_once "../system/class/Period.php";
include_once '../simantz/class/';
$cur = new Currency();
$dp = new datepicker($url);
$dp->dateFormat = 'Y-m-d';
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE);
$o = new DebitCreditNote();
$pl = new DebitCreditNoteLine();
$s = new XoopsSecurity();
//$ctrl= new SelectCtrl();
$orgctrl = "";
$action = "";
$o->debitcreditnote_id = 0;
if (isset($_POST['action'])) {
    $action = $_POST['action'];
    $o->debitcreditnote_id = $_POST["debitcreditnote_id"];
} elseif (isset($_GET['action'])) {
    $action = $_GET['action'];
    $o->debitcreditnote_id = $_GET["debitcreditnote_id"];
} else {
    $action = "";
$token = $_POST['token'];
$o->document_no = $_POST["document_no"];
Beispiel #23
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
        <title>datepicker test</title>
// include the class
require "../class.datepicker.php";
// instantiate the object
$dp = new datepicker();
$dp->enableTimePicker = true;

    Time picker
<pre style="font-size:11px">

// include the class
require "../class.datepicker.php";

// instantiate the object
$dp=new datepicker();

// allow selection of time also
$dp->enableTimePicker = true;
