public static function auth($email, $password) { $database = new database(); $query = "select * from users where email = '{$email}' " . "and password = '******'" . " and active = 1"; $database->performQuery($query); return $database->fetchAll(); }
public function reset() { $token_handler = new security(); $token_handler->check_token(); $content = ''; // resets users password // sends an email containing a link + token with 6h validity // from this link, access this same method, but with confirm=yes in url if (isset($_GET['confirm'])) { if ($_GET['confirm'] == 'yes') { // check token with database // will arrive here from user's mail - show form to enter new password and UPDATE it in the database } } else { // send email to user with link to reset, redirecting here // ?controller=users&action=reset&confirm=yes&token=ETC // 1st, check if user + email exist in database $connection = new database(); $sql = "SELECT username, email FROM users WHERE username=?"; $data[] = $_POST['username']; $user_results = $connection->fetchAll($sql, $data); if ($connection->row_count = 1) { // ok, found one user with this username // but, does he/she has an email? if ($_POST['email'] != '') { if ($user_results[0]['email'] == $_POST['email']) { // send email with proper link to reset password $content .= "<p>Dear {$_POST['username']}, an email was sent to {$_POST['email']} with instructions on how to reset your password."; $content .= "<p>It should arrive momentarily; if not, check your spam box or contact the administrator."; // TODO: send email to reset password. // Contains a link with a token that redirects to a special page - this only confirms that user has acces to the concerned email } else { $content .= "<p>Email not found or invalid. Please, try again."; $content .= "<p>Contact the administrator if you think you do not have a registered email."; } } else { $content .= "<p>Email is obligatory. Please, try again."; } } else { $content .= "User not found. Please, try again!"; } } $output['page'] = 'views/forgot.php'; $output['content'] = $content; return $output; }
<?php require 'libraries/database.php'; $idN = $_REQUEST['idN']; $data = new database("timphongtro"); $sql1 = "select * from taikhoan_o_phongtro where IDTaiKhoan='{$idN}'"; $data->query($sql1); if ($data->num_rows() != 0) { $result1 = $data->fetch(); $idP = $result1['IDPhongTro']; $sql2 = "select * from phongtro where IDPhongTro='{$idP}'"; $data->query($sql2); $result2 = $data->fetch(); $sql3 = "select * from taikhoan_o_phongtro, taikhoan where taikhoan_o_phongtro.IDTaiKhoan=taikhoan.IDTaiKhoan and IDPhongTro='{$idP}'"; $data->query($sql3); $result3 = $data->fetchAll('user'); header('Content-type: text/xml'); echo "<result>"; echo "<idP>" . $idP . "</idP>"; echo "<dienTich>" . $result2['DienTich'] . "</dienTich>"; echo "<gia>" . $result2['GiaPhong'] . "</gia>"; echo "<khuVuc>" . $result2['KhuVuc'] . "</khuVuc>"; echo "<diaChi>" . $result2['DiaChi'] . "</diaChi>"; echo "<boSung>" . $result2['ThongTinBoSung'] . "</boSung>"; echo "<tinhTrang>" . $result2['TinhTrang'] . "</tinhTrang>"; echo "<soNguoiO>" . $result2['SoNguoiTrongPhong'] . "</soNguoiO>"; echo "<danhSachNguoiO>"; foreach ($result3 as $index => $user) { if (is_array($user)) { foreach ($user as $key => $value) { echo "<" . $key . ">";
public static function get_all_roles() { return database::fetchAll(database::select("groups")); }
public static function get_blocks_by_path($url, $place = null) { $menu_url = page::menu_get_array_key($url); $condition = "(visibility like '%%url%' OR visibility like '%%urk%' OR visibility IS NULL)"; $params = array("%url" => $url, "%urk" => str_replace("%", "\\%", $menu_url)); if ($place != null) { $params['%place'] = $place; $condition .= " AND position='%place'"; } return database::fetchAll(database::select("blocks", array(), $condition, $params)); }
public static function load_all_groups_permissions($permission) { return database::fetchAll(database::select("permission_role", array("gid"), "permission='%permission'", array("%permission" => $permission)), pdo::FETCH_COLUMN); }
/** * @return mixed */ public function set_values_form() { // BUG in function: does not work when pre selecting values from joined tables // WORKAROUND: set manually the $result value with method set_values_form_manually ($result) if (isset($_GET['id'])) { if (is_numeric($_GET['id'])) { $id = $_GET['id']; $data = array($id); // for PDO prepared statement, even if it's a single value, needs to be an array $cols_str = $this->cols[0]; // removes the [0] from $this->cols = array(0 => 'nom, prenom, nom_khmer etc'); $sql = 'SELECT ' . $cols_str . ' FROM ' . $this->table_name . ' WHERE ' . $this->id_column . '=?'; $connection = new database(); $result = $connection->fetchAll($sql, $data); if ($connection->get_row_num() == 1) { $this->form_values = $result[0]; // this removes the [0] from $result array and sets the property form_values } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }
public function submit() { $output = array(); if (isset($_POST['username']) and isset($_POST['password'])) { $username = trim($_POST['username']); $password = trim($_POST['password']); // TODO: implement password hashing check // $sql = 'SELECT user_id, email, profile_id, password FROM users WHERE username=?'; $data = array($username); $connection = new database(); $result = $connection->fetchAll($sql, $data); $hash = $result[0]['password']; /* REQUIRES php >= 5.5.0 if (password_verify($password, $hash)) { echo "ok"; } else { echo "not ok"; } //die(); */ // for PHP <=5.5.0 //if ($connection->get_row_num()==1 ) { if (crypt($password, MY_SALT) == $hash) { /* GATEWAY: define here all session variables based on user: * User Variables: * 1. css_username * 2. css_user_id * 3. css_email * 4. css_profile_id * System variables: * 1. main_menu * 2. upright_menu * 3. last_login * 4. controllers->actions (array) * [controller][action][permission] where [profile_id]=[user_profile_id] * 5. current_school_year -> max school year. If NO school year is configured, insert current year and select it. */ $_SESSION['css_username'] = $username; $_SESSION['log'] .= new timestamp("user {$username} has logged in"); $_SESSION['css_user_id'] = $result[0]['user_id']; $_SESSION['css_email'] = $result[0]['email']; $_SESSION['css_profile_id'] = $result[0]['profile_id']; $_SESSION['user_ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // small security control // Requires PECL extension to work //$country = geoip_country_name_by_name($_SESSION['user_ip']); $sql = "INSERT INTO login_activity (user_id, profile_id, username, email, ip_address) VALUES ('" . $result[0]['user_id'] . "', '" . $result[0]['profile_id'] . "', '" . $username . "', '" . $result[0]['email'] . "', '" . $_SESSION['user_ip'] . "')"; $login_activity = $connection->query($sql); // TODO: acl structure // results comes as: // $acl_results = array ( // 0 => array ( // 'controller' => 'about', // 'c_action' => 'index', // 'active_id' => 1), // 1 => array (.... // Refactor to: // $acl_results_refactored = array( // 'about' => array('index' => 1), // // 'admin' => array('index' => 1, // 'log' => 1, // 'users_index' => 1)); // 1. extract all controllers from DB which corresponds to user // 2. foreach $controllers['controller'] add $c_action and corresponding permission $sql = "SELECT controllers.controller, controllers.c_action, acl.active_id\n FROM acl\n JOIN controllers ON controllers.controller_id = acl.controller_id\n WHERE acl.profile_id=?\n GROUP BY controllers.controller_id ASC\n "; $data = array($_SESSION['css_profile_id']); $acl_results = $connection->fetchAll($sql, $data); //var_dump($acl_results); $acl_map = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($acl_results as $row) { $acl_map[$row['controller'] . '.' . $row['c_action']] = $row['active_id']; // preferable way to add a single row to an existing array $i++; } //var_dump ($acl_map); $_SESSION['acl_map'] = $acl_map; $date = new DateTime(); $_SESSION['last_login'] = $date->format('U'); $sql = "SELECT school_year_id, school_year\n FROM school_years\n ORDER BY school_year DESC\n LIMIT 1"; $school_years_result = $connection->query($sql); if ($connection->get_row_num() == 0) { // no school year has been registered, INSERT INTO school_years the current school year $date = new DateTime(); $current_year = $date->format('Y'); $current_month = $date->format('m'); if ($current_month >= 9 and $current_month <= 12) { $current_school_year = $current_year . '/' . ($current_year + 1); } else { $current_school_year = $current_year - 1 . '/' . $current_year; } $current_school_year = strval($current_school_year); $insert_school_year_sql = "INSERT INTO school_years (school_year)\n VALUES ('" . $current_school_year . "')"; $connection->query($insert_school_year_sql); // Get last school_year_id and assign to $_SESSION['current.... $_SESSION['current_school_year_id'] = $connection->last_Inserted_id(); $_SESSION['current_school_year'] = $current_school_year; } else { $_SESSION['current_school_year_id'] = $school_years_result[0]['school_year_id']; $_SESSION['current_school_year'] = $school_years_result[0]['school_year']; } // TODO: load main_menu and upright_menu htmls in $_SESSION['main_menu etc // hits DB, retrieves htmls from profiles and menus tables etc // 1. tables: profiles, menus, htmls // 2. fields: menus(menu_id, name (main, upright etc), html_id (from htmls table, sort of html library), profile_id) // from other tables, the corresponding IDs // SQL should select all html from htmls table where profile in menus table is the same as current user profile_id // $sql = 'SELECT, htmls.html from htmls JOIN menus ORDER BY menu_id WHERE $_SESSION['css_profile_id'] = menus.profile_id'; // retrieve $menu_name from query // concatenate html records sequentially (query was ordered by menu_id, which is NOT Auto-incremented) // do while etc $html; // $output [$menu_name]=$html; // TODO: retrieve controller/action permissions from profile, permissions and ctrl_actions tables // Assign $_SESSION['controller']['action'] CRUD, so index.php can check permission for // current user to execute controller/action header('Location: http://' . WEBSITE_URL . '/index.php?controller=home&action=index'); } else { // username and password do not match // return error page with link to retry $output['page'] = 'views/login/index.php'; $header = 'CSS AEC-Foyer Lataste ADTJK System V1.0'; // $content ='no matches (or more than one, which means inconsistencies in the DB!)<br>'; $content = "Credentials do not match<br><br>Click <a href='?controller=login&action=login'>here</a> to retry<br><br>"; $footer = 'CSS AEC-Foyer Lataste ADTJK Copyright and stuff. Webmastermind:'; $output['header'] = $header; $output['content'] = $content; $output['footer'] = $footer; } } return $output; }
public static function list_of_declared_themes() { $res = database::fetchAll(database::select("theme_manager")); return is_array($res) ? $res : array(); }
public static function get_all_menus() { return database::fetchAll(database::select("menu")); }
public static function list_of_declared_modules() { $res = database::fetchAll(database::select("module_manager", array(), "1 ORDER BY module_type, module_name")); return $res; }
public static function get_all_permissions() { return database::fetchAll(database::select("permission")); }
echo "</" . $key . ">"; } } } echo "</result>"; } else { header('Content-type: text/xml'); echo "<result>" . "false" . "</result>"; } } $sql4 = "select * from phongdexuat where KhuVuc='{$khuVuc}' and DienTich>='{$dienTichMin}' and DienTich<='{$dienTichMax}' and GiaPhong>='{$giaMin}' and GiaPhong<='{$giaMax}'"; $data2->query($sql4); $n4 = $data2->num_rows(); if ($kieuPhong == "deXuat") { if ($n4 != 0) { $result4 = $data2->fetchAll("phong"); header('Content-type: text/xml'); echo "<result>"; foreach ($result4 as $index => $room) { if (is_array($room)) { foreach ($room as $key => $value) { echo "<" . $key . ">"; if (is_array($value)) { echo "<idP>" . $value['IDPhongDeXuat'] . "</idP>"; echo "<kieu>" . "deXuat" . "</kieu>"; echo "<khuVuc>" . $value['KhuVuc'] . "</khuVuc>"; echo "<dienTich>" . $value['DienTich'] . "</dienTich>"; echo "<gia>" . $value["GiaPhong"] . "</gia>"; } echo "</" . $key . ">"; }
public function setschoolyear() { // set school year : comes from drop down $_POST if (isset($_POST['school_year_id'])) { if (is_numeric($_POST['school_year_id'])) { $school_year_handle = new database(); $sql = "SELECT school_year FROM school_years WHERE school_year_id=?"; $data = array($_POST['school_year_id']); $result = $school_year_handle->fetchAll($sql, $data); if ($school_year_handle->get_row_num() == 1) { $_SESSION['current_school_year_id'] = $_POST['school_year_id']; $_SESSION['current_school_year'] = $result[0]['school_year']; } else { } } } //echo $_SESSION['school_year'].'<br>'; //var_dump ($result); //die(); header("Location: http://" . WEBSITE_URL . "/index.php?controller={$_GET['controller']}&action=index"); }
public static function node_load_all() { return database::fetchAll(database::select("node", array(), "1 ORDER BY date DESC")); }