
/* Template Name: [ Pagueseguro Atualiza ] */
require "includes/config.php";
require "includes/dPagSeguro-master/dPagSeguro.inc.php";
$ps = new dPagSeguro($pgemail, $token);
$notificInfo = $ps->getNotification($_POST['notificationType'], $_POST['notificationCode']);
$acc = array(':transaction_id' => $notificInfo['code']);
$account_query = $con->prepare("SELECT `transaction_id`, `account_id`, `Rops` FROM `doacao` WHERE transaction_id = :transaction_id");
$account_info = $account_query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
if (!empty($account_info)) {
    $acc = array(':transaction_id' => $notificInfo['code'], ':status' => $notificInfo['status']);
    $update = array(':Rops' => $account_info->Rops, ':account_id' => $account_info->account_id);
    $add_compra_query = $con->prepare("UPDATE `doacao`SET `estado` = :status WHERE transaction_id = :transaction_id");
    $cash_update = $con->prepare("UPDATE `acc_reg_num_db` SET value = value + :Rops WHERE `account_id` = :account_id AND str = '#CASHPOINTS'");

/* Template Name: [ Pagueseguro Retorno ] */
require "includes/config.php";
require "includes/dPagSeguro-master/dPagSeguro.inc.php";
$ps = new dPagSeguro($pgemail, $token);
$transactionInfo = $ps->getTransaction($_GET['transaction_id']);
$acc = array(':transaction_id' => $_GET['transaction_id']);
$account_query = $con->prepare("SELECT `account_id` FROM `doacao` WHERE transaction_id = :transaction_id");
$account_info = $account_query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
$valores = array(':account_id' => $transactionInfo['reference'], ':valor' => $transactionInfo['grossAmount'], ':Rops' => $transactionInfo['grossAmount'] * $rops_por_real, ':estado' => $transactionInfo['status'], ':transaction_id' => $transactionInfo['code'], ':email' => $transactionInfo['sender']['email']);
if (empty($account_info)) {
    $add_compra_query = $con->prepare("INSERT INTO `doacao`(account_id,valor,Rops,estado,transaction_id,email) VALUES(:account_id, :valor, :Rops, :estado, :transaction_id, :email) ");
    $dados = "Obrigado pela compra!";
} else {
    $dados = "Verifique suas compras.";
include_once 'includes/functions.php';
$resumo = get_the_excerpt();

<section class="conteudo limit">

    <aside class="left">
include get_template_directory() . '/includes/menu-left.php';
Beispiel #3
/* Template Name: [ Pagueseguro ] */
include_once 'includes/functions.php';
require "includes/config.php";
require "includes/dPagSeguro-master/dPagSeguro.inc.php";
if (!empty($_POST) and isset($_POST["valor"])) {
    $acc_id = str_replace($letters, "", $_SESSION['usuario']->account_id);
    $valor = str_replace($letters, "", $_POST["valor"]);
    $sendername = str_replace($letters, "", $_POST["senderName"]);
    $total = $rops_por_real * $valor;
    $Email = $pgemail;
    $Token = $token;
    $pedido = array('reference' => $_SESSION['usuario']->account_id, 'senderEmail' => $Email, 'senderName' => $sendername, 'shippingType' => 3, 'shippingCost' => 0.0, 'redirectUrl' => $site . '/pagseguro_retorno.php');
    $produtos = array();
    $produtos[] = array('id' => $id_do_item, 'description' => "R\$ " . $valor . " em " . $desc_do_item . " Total " . $total . " de " . $desc_do_item, 'amount' => $valor, 'quantity' => $qtd);
    $ps = new dPagSeguro($Email, $Token);
    $goURL = $ps->newPagamento($pedido, $produtos);
    if ($goURL) {
        header("Location: {$goURL}");
    } else {
        echo "O PagSeguro não aceitou o pedido de compra:\r\n";
        foreach ($ps->listErrors() as $errorCode => $errorStr) {
            echo "{$errorStr} (código {$errorCode})\r\n";
$resumo = get_the_excerpt();