static function add_soundmanager($where = 'head', $debug = false) { css::add('#soundmanager-debug {position:absolute;right:0px;bottom:0px;width:50em;height:18em;overflow:auto;background:#fff;color:#000;margin:1em;padding:1em;border:1px solid #999;font-family:"lucida console",verdana,tahoma,"sans serif";font-size:x-small;line-height:1.5em;}'); if ($debug) { self::add('js/soundmanager2.js', $where); self::add("soundManager.url = '/pics/soundmanager2.swf';", $where); } else { self::add('js/sm2.js', $where); self::add("soundManager.url = '/pics/soundmanager2.swf'; soundManager.debugMode = false;", $where); } }
public function page($pagenum) { css::add(array('media/css/rating.css')); $this->template->content = new View('content/rating'); $db = new Database(); $query = $db->query("SELECT Company FROM ambestf"); $this->pagination = new Pagination(array('directory' => 'pagination', 'style' => 'trinhall', 'uri_segment' => 3, 'query_string' => '', 'items_per_page' => 23, 'auto_hide' => FALSE, 'total_items' => $query->count())); $this->pagination->extras = array('hide_count' => TRUE); $b = $this->pagination->items_per_page; $offset = ($pagenum - 1) * $b; $result = $db->query("SELECT Company, Rating1, Rating2, Rating3, Rating4 FROM ambestf ORDER BY Company ASC LIMIT {$b} OFFSET {$offset}"); $this->template->content->result = $result; }
public function page($pagenum) { css::add(array('media/css/fee.css')); javascript::add(array('media/js/ext-base.js', 'media/js/ext-all.js', 'media/js/app.js')); $this->template->content = new View('content/fees'); $db = new Database('fees'); $query = $db->query("SELECT co_name FROM feesNew"); $this->pagination = new Pagination(array('uri_segment' => 'page', 'total_items' => $query->count(), 'items_per_page' => 28, 'style' => 'punbb')); $b = $this->pagination->items_per_page; $offset = ($pagenum - 1) * $b; $result = $db->query("SELECT co_name FROM feesNew ORDER BY co_name ASC LIMIT {$b} OFFSET {$offset}"); $this->template->content->result = $result; }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $menu = array(array('link' => 'home', 'text' => '<span>Home</span>', 'class' => ''), array('link' => 'rating', 'text' => '<span>Ratings</span>', 'class' => ''), array('link' => 'fees', 'text' => '<span>Filing Fees</span>', 'class' => ''), array('link' => 'liqfees', 'text' => '<span>Liquid Fees</span>', 'class' => ''), array('link' => 'liqajax', 'text' => '<span>Liquid Ajax</span>', 'class' => ''), array('link' => 'contact', 'text' => '<span>Contact</span>', 'class' => '')); css::add(array('media/css/screen.css', 'media/css/fancy-type/screen.css')); $tvalue = $this->uri->segment(1); if (empty($tvalue)) { $menu[0]['class'] = 'current'; } else { for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($menu); $i < $cnt; $i++) { if ($menu[$i]['link'] == $tvalue) { $menu[$i]['class'] = 'current'; } else { $menu[$i]['class'] = ''; } } } $this->template->menu = $menu; $this->template->footer = '© Public Regulation Commission'; }
<?php js::import($jsRoot . 'jplayer/dist/jplayer/jquery.jplayer.min.js'); css::import($jsRoot . 'jplayer/dist/skin/blue.monday/css/'); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('embed').hide(); $('embed').each(function(index) { src = $(this).attr('src'); w = $(this).width(); h = $(this).height(); containerID = "media_container_" + index; id = "media_" + index; var reg = /\.flv$|\.flv\?|\.webm$|\.webm\?|\.wmv$|\.rtmp\?|\.rtmp$|\.mp3\?|\.mp3$|\.ogg\?|\.ogg$|\.mp4\?|\.mp4$|\.mp4\?/; mediaType = reg.exec(src); if(mediaType) { mediaType = mediaType.toString().replace('.', ''); mediaType = mediaType.toString().replace('?', ''); mediaTypeList = <?php echo json_encode($this->config->file->mediaTypes); ?> ; mediaType = eval("mediaTypeList." + mediaType.toLowerCase()); }
<?php /** * The view file of fullcalendar module of ZenTaoPMS. * * @copyright Copyright 2009-2012 青岛易软天创网络科技有限公司 (QingDao Nature Easy Soft Network Technology Co,LTD * @license business(商业软件) * @author Yangyang Shi <*****@*****.**> * @package fullcalendar * @version $Id$ * @link */ css::import($defaultTheme . 'jsgantt.css', $config->version); js::import($jsRoot . 'jquery/gantt/jsgantt.js', $config->version);
<?php if ($extView = $this->getExtViewFile(__FILE__)) { include $extView; return helper::cd(); } css::import($defaultTheme . 'colorbox.css'); js::import($jsRoot . 'jquery/colorbox/min.js');
if (isset($blockInfos['block_category'])) { $categBlock = $blockInfos['block_category']; } else { $categBlock = $module; } if (!isset($blocksCat[$categBlock])) { $blocksCat[$categBlock] = ''; } if (isset($blockInfos['description'])) { $description = ucfirst(s($blockInfos['description'])); } $blocksCat[$categBlock] .= '<div class="admin_core_block tooltip" data-title="' . trim(ucfirst(s($blockInfos['title']))) . '" data-tooltip="' . $description . '" draggable="true" id="' . str_replace('\\', '', $blockClassName) . '" data-block="' . $blockClassName . '" style="background:url(' . BASE_PATH . $module . '/blocks/' . $blockName . '/icon.png) center center no-repeat;"></div>'; } /* List default stylables selecteurs */ if (is_file('modules/' . $module . '/blocks/' . $blockName . '/default.css')) { $css = new css('modules/' . $module . '/blocks/' . $blockName . '/default.css'); $CSSValues = $css->getCSSValues(); if (!isset($stylableElements[$module . '_' . $blockName])) { $stylableElements[$module . '_' . $blockName] = array(); } foreach ($CSSValues as $selecteur => $components) { preg_match('@\\{(.*)\\}@', $components['b'], $res); if (!empty($res)) { $stylableElements[$module . '_' . $blockName][$res[1]] = $selecteur; } } } } } foreach ($blocksCat as $title => $blocks) { echo '<div class="titleTab ellipsis">' . t(ucfirst($title), FALSE) . '</div>';
* @version $Id$ * @link */ include TPL_ROOT . 'common/header.html.php'; include TPL_ROOT . 'common/treeview.html.php'; /* set categoryPath for topNav highlight. */ js::set('path', $product->path); js::set('productID', $product->id); js::set('categoryID', $category->id); js::set('categoryPath', explode(',', trim($category->path, ','))); js::set('addToCartSuccess', $lang->product->addToCartSuccess); js::set('gotoCart', $lang->product->gotoCart); js::set('goback', $lang->product->goback); js::set('stockOpened', $stockOpened); js::set('stock', $product->amount); css::internal($product->css); js::execute($product->js); ?> <div class="main-content"> <?php $common->printPositionBar($category, $product); ?> <div class="main-box"> <!-- 左边分类列表开始 --> <div class="left"> <?php foreach ($children as $sub1) { ?> <a href="<?php echo $siteRoot . "product/c" . $sub1->id . ".html";
<?php if ($extView = $this->getExtViewFile(__FILE__)) { include $extView; return helper::cd(); } css::import($jsRoot . 'jquery/chosen/min.css'); js::import($jsRoot . 'jquery/chosen/min.js'); $clientLang = $this->app->getClientLang(); ?> <script language='javascript'> $(document).ready(function() { $(".chosen").chosen({no_results_text: '<?php echo $lang->noResultsMatch; ?> ', placeholder_text:' ', disable_search_threshold: 10, width: '100%', search_contains: true}); $('select.chosen-icons').chosenIcons({lang: '<?php echo $clientLang; ?> '}); }); </script>
<?php include TPL_ROOT . 'common/header.html.php'; include TPL_ROOT . 'common/treeview.html.php'; js::set('pageID', $page->id); css::internal($page->css); js::execute($page->js); $common->printPositionBar($page); ?> <div class='row blocks' data-region='page_view-topBanner'><?php $this->block->printRegion($layouts, 'page_view', 'topBanner', true); ?> </div> <div class='row'> <?php if (!empty($layouts['page_view'])) { ?> <div class='col-md-9 col-main'> <?php } else { ?> <div class='col-md-12'> <?php } ?> <div class='row blocks' data-region='page_view-top'><?php $this->block->printRegion($layouts, 'page_view', 'top', true); ?> </div> <div class='article' id='page<?php echo $page->id;
<?php /** * The treeview view of common module of RanZhi. * * @copyright Copyright 2009-2015 青岛易软天创网络科技有限公司(QingDao Nature Easy Soft Network Technology Co,LTD, * @license ZPL ( * @author Chunsheng Wang <*****@*****.**> * @package common * @version $Id: treeview.html.php 3138 2015-11-09 07:32:18Z chujilu $ * @link */ css::import($jsRoot . 'jquery/treeview/min.css'); js::import($jsRoot . 'jquery/treeview/min.js'); ?> <script language='javascript'>$(function() { $('.tree').each(function() { var $this = $(this); $this.treeview($.extend({collapsed: false, unique: false}, $; }); })</script>
js::import($jsRoot . 'all.ie8.js'); } ?> <![endif]--> <!--[if lt IE 10]> <?php if ($config->debug) { js::import($jsRoot . 'jquery/placeholder/min.js'); } else { js::import($jsRoot . 'all.ie9.js'); } ?> <![endif]--> <?php if (isset($this->config->site->basestyle)) { css::internal($this->config->site->basestyle); } if (isset($this->config->site->basejs)) { js::execute($this->config->site->basejs); } ?> </head> <body> <div class='page-container page-blog'> <header id='header' class='clearfix'> <div id='headNav'><div class='wrapper'><?php echo commonModel::printTopBar(); ?> </div></div> <div id='headTitle'> <div class="wrapper">
<?php /** * The html template file of index method of index module of ZenTaoPMS. * * @copyright Copyright 2009-2015 青岛易软天创网络科技有限公司(QingDao Nature Easy Soft Network Technology Co,LTD, * @license ZPL ( * @author Chunsheng Wang <*****@*****.**> * @package ZenTaoPMS * @version $Id: index.html.php 1947 2011-06-29 11:58:03Z wwccss $ */ include '../../common/view/header.html.php'; include '../../common/view/sparkline.html.php'; css::import($defaultTheme . 'index.css', $config->version); ?> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8"> <?php include './blockprojects.html.php'; ?> <?php include './blockproducts.html.php'; ?> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <?php if (common::hasPriv('company', 'dynamic')) { include './blockdynamic.html.php'; } ?> </div>
<?php if ($extView = $this->getExtViewFile(__FILE__)) { include $extView; return helper::cd(); } css::import($defaultTheme . 'datepicker.css'); js::import($jsRoot . 'jquery/datepicker/min.js'); js::import($jsRoot . 'jquery/datepicker/date.js'); ?> <script language='javascript'> Date.firstDayOfWeek = 1; Date.format = 'yyyy-mm-dd'; $.dpText = { TEXT_PREV_YEAR : '去年', TEXT_PREV_MONTH : '上个月', TEXT_NEXT_YEAR : '明年', TEXT_NEXT_MONTH : '下个月', TEXT_CLOSE : '关闭', TEXT_CHOOSE_DATE : ' ' } Date.dayNames = ['日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六']; Date.abbrDayNames = ['星期天', '星期一', '星期二', '星期三', '星期四', '星期五', '星期六']; Date.monthNames = ['一月', '二月', '三月', '四月', '五月', '六月', '七月', '八月', '九月', '十月', '十一月', '十二月']; $(function() { startDate = new Date(1970, 1, 1); $(".date").datePicker({createButton:true, startDate:startDate}) .dpSetPosition($.dpConst.POS_TOP, $.dpConst.POS_RIGHT) }); </script>
* @license LGPL ( * @author Chunsheng Wang <*****@*****.**> * @package productplan * @version $Id: view.html.php 3341 2012-07-14 07:26:53Z $ * @link */ include '../../common/view/header.html.php'; include '../../common/view/tablesorter.html.php'; ?> <?php if (!empty($planStories) && true == false) { $webRoot = PM_SITE; $defaultTheme = $webRoot . 'theme/default/'; css::import($defaultTheme . 'gante_styles/css/screen.css', 2.3); css::import($defaultTheme . 'gante_styles/css/gantti.css', 2.3); require '../../m_gante/lib/gantti.php'; date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); setlocale(LC_ALL, 'en_US'); $data = array(); foreach ($planStories as $storyID => $story) { foreach ($story->tasklist as $tasklists) { foreach ($tasklists as $key => $value) { if ($value->type == 'test') { $data[] = array('label' => $story->id . "[" . $users[$value->assignedTo] . "]" . $value->name, 'storyid' => $story->id, 'start' => $value->estStarted, 'end' => $value->deadline . " 24:00:00", 'class' => 'urgent'); } else { $data[] = array('label' => $story->id . "[" . $users[$value->assignedTo] . "]" . $value->name, 'storyid' => $story->id, 'start' => $value->estStarted, 'end' => $value->deadline . " 24:00:00"); } } } }
<?php if ($extView = $this->getExtViewFile(__FILE__)) { include $extView; return helper::cd(); } include $this->app->getBasePath() . 'app/sys/common/view/header.html.php'; css::import($this->app->getClientTheme() . 'theme.oa.css');
<?php if ($extView = $this->getExtViewFile(__FILE__)) { include $extView; return helper::cd(); } css::import($defaultTheme . 'chosen.css'); js::import($jsRoot . 'jquery/chosen/chosen.min.js'); ?> <style> #colorbox, #cboxOverlay, #cboxWrapper{z-index:9999;} </style> <script> noResultsMatch = '<?php echo $lang->noResultsMatch; ?> '; $(document).ready(function() { $("#productID").chosen({no_results_text: noResultsMatch}); $("#projectID").chosen({no_results_text: noResultsMatch}); }); </script>
$clientTheme = $this->app->getClientTheme(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' ''> <html xmlns=''> <head> <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8' /> <?php $header = isset($header) ? (object) $header : new stdclass(); if (!isset($header->title)) { $header->title = $lang->ZenTaoPMS; } echo html::title($header->title . ' / ' . $lang->ZenTaoPMS); js::exportConfigVars(); js::import($jsRoot . 'jquery/lib.js', $config->version); js::import($jsRoot . 'my.min.js', $config->version); js::import($jsRoot . 'highchars/exporting.js', $config->version); js::import($jsRoot . 'highchars/highcharts.js', $config->version); css::import($defaultTheme . 'yui.css', $config->version); css::import($defaultTheme . 'style.css', $config->version); css::import($langTheme, $config->version); if (strpos($clientTheme, 'default') === false) { css::import($clientTheme . 'style.css', $config->version); } if (isset($pageCss)) { css::internal($pageCss); } echo html::icon($webRoot . 'favicon.ico'); ?> </head> <body>
<?php /** * The view of doc module of ZenTaoPMS. * * @copyright Copyright 2009-2015 青岛易软天创网络科技有限公司(QingDao Nature Easy Soft Network Technology Co,LTD, * @license ZPL ( * @author Jia Fu <*****@*****.**> * @package doc * @version $Id: view.html.php 975 2010-07-29 03:30:25Z $ * @link */ include '../../common/view/header.html.php'; echo css::internal($keTableCSS); ?> <div id='titlebar'> <div class='heading'> <span class='prefix' title='DOC'><?php echo html::icon($lang->icons['doc']); ?> <strong><?php echo $doc->id; ?> </strong></span> <strong><?php echo $doc->title; ?> </strong> <?php if ($doc->deleted) { ?>
/** * The view file of blog view method of chanzhiEPS. * * @copyright Copyright 2009-2015 青岛易软天创网络科技有限公司(QingDao Nature Easy Soft Network Technology Co,LTD, * @license ZPLV12 ( * @author Xiying Guan <*****@*****.**> * @package blog * @version $Id$ * @link */ include TPL_ROOT . 'blog/header.html.php'; $path = !empty($category->pathNames) ? array_keys($category->pathNames) : array(); js::set('path', $path); js::set('categoryID', $category->id); js::set('articleID', $article->id); css::internal($article->css); js::execute($article->js); include TPL_ROOT . 'common/treeview.html.php'; $root = '<li>' . $this->lang->currentPos . $this->lang->colon . html::a($this->inlink('index'), $lang->blog->home) . '</li>'; $common->printPositionBar($category, $article, '', $root); ?> <div class='row blocks' data-region='blog_view-topBanner'><?php $this->block->printRegion($layouts, 'blog_view', 'topBanner', true); ?> </div> <div class='row'> <div class='col-md-9 col-main'> <div class='row blocks' data-region='blog_view-top'><?php $this->block->printRegion($layouts, 'blog_view', 'top', true); ?> </div>
<?php if ($extView = $this->getExtViewFile(__FILE__)) { include $extView; return helper::cd(); } if ($config->debug) { css::import($defaultTheme . 'treeview.css'); js::import($jsRoot . 'jquery/treeview/min.js'); } ?> <script language='javascript'>$(function() { $("#tree").treeview({ persist: "cookie", collapsed: true, unique: true }) })</script>
<?php /** * The create view file of repo module of ZenTaoPMS. * * @copyright Copyright 2009-2012 青岛易软天创网络科技有限公司 (QingDao Nature Easy Soft Network Technology Co,LTD * @author Wang Yidong, Zhu Jinyong * @package repo * @version $Id: blame.html.php $ */ include '../../common/view/header.lite.html.php'; js::import($jsRoot . 'misc/highlight/highlight.pack.js'); css::import($jsRoot . 'misc/highlight/styles/github.css'); ?> <div class="code panel"> <div class='panel-heading'> <strong class='text-14px'><?php echo $entry; ?> </strong> <?php $encodePath = $this->repo->encodePath($entry); ?> <div class='panel-actions'> <div class='btn-group'> <?php echo html::commonButton(zget($lang->repo->encodingList, $encoding, $lang->repo->encoding) . "<span class='caret'></span>", "id='encoding' data-toggle='dropdown'", 'btn dropdown-toggle'); ?> <ul class='dropdown-menu' role='menu' aria-labelledby='encoding'> <?php foreach ($lang->repo->encodingList as $key => $val) {
function chooseFile($fname = null) { if (!self::$operatorString) { self::$operatorString = '(' . implode('|', array_map(array($this, 'preg_quote'), array_keys(self::$precedence))) . ')'; } if ($fname) { if (!is_file($fname)) { throw new Exception('load error: failed to find ' . $fname); } $pi = pathinfo($fname); $this->fileName = $fname; $this->importDir = $pi['dirname'] . '/'; $this->buffer = file_get_contents($fname); } }
if (file_exists($customCssFile)) { css::import(sprintf($webRoot . 'data/css/%s/%s/style.css?' . $this->config->template->customVersion, $config->template->{$this->device}->name, $config->template->{$this->device}->theme)); } } js::exportConfigVars(); if ($config->debug) { js::import($jsRoot . 'jquery/min.js'); js::import($jsRoot . 'zui/min.js'); js::import($jsRoot . 'chanzhi.js'); js::import($jsRoot . 'jquery/treeview/min.js'); js::import($jsRoot . 'my.js'); } else { js::import($jsRoot . 'all.js'); } if (isset($pageCSS)) { css::internal($pageCSS); } echo isset($this->config->site->favicon) ? html::icon(json_decode($this->config->site->favicon)->webPath) : html::icon($webRoot . 'favicon.ico'); echo html::rss($this->createLink('rss', 'index', '', '', 'xml'), $config->site->name); js::set('lang', $lang->js); if (!empty($config->oauth->sina)) { $sina = json_decode($config->oauth->sina); } if (!empty($config->oauth->qq)) { $qq = json_decode($config->oauth->qq); } if (!empty($sina->verification)) { echo $sina->verification; } if (!empty($qq->verification)) { echo $qq->verification;
<?php include '../../common/view/header.lite.html.php'; js::import($jsRoot . 'md5.js'); js::set('scriptName', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); js::set('random', $this->session->random); css::internal('body{background-color:#f6f5f5}'); ?> <div class='container'> <div id='adminLogin'> <form method='post' id='ajaxForm'> <div id='logo' class='text-center'><?php echo html::image("{$themeRoot}/default/images/main/logo.login.png"); ?> </div> <div id='formError' class='alert alert-danger hiding'></div> <?php echo html::input('account', '', "class='form-control' placeholder='{$lang->user->inputAccountOrEmail}'"); ?> <?php echo html::password('password', '', "class='form-control' placeholder='{$lang->user->inputPassword}'"); ?> <?php echo html::hidden('referer', $referer); ?> <?php echo html::submitButton($lang->user->login->common, 'btn btn-primary btn-block'); ?> </form> </div>
} /* Export $jsRoot var. */ js::set('jsRoot', $jsRoot); js::set('webRoot', $webRoot); /* Get editor settings for current page. */ $editors = $config->{$module}->editor->{$method}; $editors['id'] = explode(',', $editors['id']); js::set('editors', $editors); $this->app->loadLang('file'); js::set('errorUnwritable', $lang->file->errorUnwritable); /* Get current lang. */ $editorLangs = array('en' => 'en', 'zh-cn' => 'zh_CN', 'zh-tw' => 'zh_TW'); $editorLang = isset($editorLangs[$app->getClientLang()]) ? $editorLangs[$app->getClientLang()] : 'en'; js::set('editorLang', $editorLang); /* Import css and js for kindeditor. */ css::import($jsRoot . 'kindeditor/themes/default/default.css'); js::import($jsRoot . 'kindeditor/kindeditor-min.js'); js::import($jsRoot . 'kindeditor/lang/' . $editorLang . '.js'); /* set uid for upload. */ $uid = uniqid(''); js::set('uid', $uid); ?> <script> var simple = [ 'formatblock', 'fontsize', '|', 'bold', 'italic','underline', '|', 'justifyleft', 'justifycenter', 'justifyright', 'insertorderedlist', 'insertunorderedlist', '|', 'emoticons', 'image', 'media', 'link', '|', 'removeformat','undo', 'redo', 'source' ]; var full = [ 'formatblock', 'fontsize', 'lineheight', '|', 'forecolor', 'hilitecolor', '|', 'bold', 'italic','underline', 'strikethrough', '|',
<?php if ($extView = $this->getExtViewFile(__FILE__)) { include $extView; return helper::cd(); } $clientLang = $this->app->getClientLang(); if ($config->debug) { css::import($jsRoot . 'jquery/datetimepicker/min.css'); js::import($jsRoot . 'jquery/datetimepicker/min.js'); } ?> <script language='javascript'> $(function() { $.fn.fixedDate = function() { return $(this).each(function() { var $this = $(this); if($this.offset().top + 200 > $(document.body).height()) { $this.attr('data-picker-position', 'top-right'); } if($this.val() == '0000-00-00') { $this.focus(function(){if($this.val() == '0000-00-00') $this.val('').datetimepicker('update');}).blur(function(){if($this.val() == '') $this.val('0000-00-00')}); } }); };
/** * Save CSS * @param string $filePath * @param string $selector * @return string */ protected function saveCSSAction($changes) { $changes = json_decode($changes, TRUE); if (!empty($changes)) { foreach ($changes as $file => $selectors) { /* If CSS file doesn't exists in profile/ dir, we create a copy from modules/ */ if (!is_file(PROFILE_PATH . $file) && is_file('modules/' . $file)) { \tools::file_put_contents(PROFILE_PATH . $file, file_get_contents('modules/' . $file)); } $filePath = PROFILE_PATH . $file; $cssFile = new \css($filePath); if (!empty($selectors)) { foreach ($selectors as $rule) { $code = trim($rule['value']); if (!empty($code)) { if (!$cssFile->selectorExists($rule['selector'], $rule['media'])) { $cssFile->addSelector($rule['selector'], $rule['media']); } } $cssFile->replaceSelector($rule['selector'], $code, $rule['media']); } $cssFile->save(); } } } $return = array('notification' => t('The style sheet has been saved'), 'notificationType' => 'positive'); return $this->returnResult($return); }
<?php if ($extView = $this->getExtViewFile(__FILE__)) { include $extView; return helper::cd(); } $webRoot = $this->app->getWebRoot(); $jsRoot = $webRoot . "js/"; $defaultTheme = $webRoot . 'theme/default/'; if ($config->debug) { css::import($defaultTheme . 'alert.css'); js::import($jsRoot . 'jquery/alert/min.js'); }