function getInfoForHeaderAsHTML()
     global $cs_color;
     $retour = parent::getInfoForHeaderAsHTML();
     if (!empty($this->_list)) {
         $retour .= '   <!-- BEGIN Styles -->' . LF;
         $retour .= '   <style type="text/css">' . LF;
         $session = $this->_environment->getSession();
         $session_id = $session->getSessionID();
         $retour .= '    img { border: 0px; }' . LF;
         $retour .= '    img.logo_small { width: 40px; }' . LF;
         $retour .= '    td.header_left_no_logo { text-align: left; width:1%; vertical-align: middle; font-size: x-large; font-weight: bold; height: 50px; padding-top: 3px;padding-bottom: 3px;padding-right: 3px; padding-left: 15px; }' . LF;
         $item = $this->_list->getFirst();
         while (!empty($item)) {
             $color_array = $item->getColorArray();
             if (count($color_array) > 0) {
                 $cs_color['room_title'] = $color_array['tabs_title'];
                 $cs_color['room_background'] = $color_array['content_background'];
                 $cs_color['tableheader'] = $color_array['tabs_background'];
             } else {
                 $cs_color['room_title'] = '';
                 $cs_color['room_background'] = '';
                 $cs_color['tableheader'] = '';
             $retour .= '    table.room_window_border' . $item->getItemID() . ' {background-color: ' . $color_array['boxes_background'] . '; width: 150px; margin:2px; border: 1px solid ' . $cs_color['tableheader'] . ';}' . LF;
             $retour .= '    td.detail_view_content_room_window' . $item->getItemID() . ' { width: 17em; padding: 3px;text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid ' . $cs_color['tableheader'] . ';}' . LF;
             $retour .= '    td.detail_view_title_room_window' . $item->getItemID() . ' {background-color: ' . $cs_color['tableheader'] . '; color: ' . $cs_color['room_title'] . '; padding: 0px;text-align: left;}' . LF;
             $retour .= '    td.detail_view_title_room_window' . $item->getItemID() . ' a {background-color: ' . $cs_color['tableheader'] . '; color: ' . $cs_color['room_title'] . '; padding: 0px;text-align: left;}' . LF;
             $retour .= '    td.detail_view_title_room_window' . $item->getItemID() . ' a:hover {background-color: ' . $cs_color['tableheader'] . '; color: ' . $cs_color['room_title'] . '; padding: 0px;text-align: left;}' . LF;
             $retour .= ' .gauge' . $item->getItemID() . ' { background-color: #FFFFFF; width: 100%; margin: 2px 0px; border: 1px solid #666; }' . LF;
             $retour .= ' .gauge-bar' . $item->getItemID() . ' { background-color: ' . $color_array['tabs_background'] . '; text-align: right; font-size: 8pt; color: black; }' . LF;
             $retour .= '    table.room_window' . $item->getItemID() . ' {width: 17em; border:1px solid  ' . $cs_color['tableheader'] . '; margin:0px; padding:5px 10px 5px 10px; ';
             if ($color_array['schema'] == 'SCHEMA_OWN') {
                 if ($item->getBGImageFilename()) {
                     global $c_single_entry_point;
                     if ($item->issetBGImageRepeat()) {
                         $retour .= 'background: url(' . $c_single_entry_point . '?cid=' . $item->getItemID() . '&mod=picture&fct=getfile&picture=' . $item->getBGImageFilename() . ') repeat; ';
                     } else {
                         $retour .= 'background: url(' . $c_single_entry_point . '?cid=' . $item->getItemID() . '&mod=picture&fct=getfile&picture=' . $item->getBGImageFilename() . ') no-repeat; ';
             } else {
                 if (isset($color_array['repeat_background']) and $color_array['repeat_background'] == 'xy') {
                     $retour .= 'background: url(css/images/bg-' . $color_array['schema'] . '.jpg) repeat; ';
                 } elseif (isset($color_array['repeat_background']) and $color_array['repeat_background'] == 'x') {
                     $retour .= 'background: url(css/images/bg-' . $color_array['schema'] . '.jpg) repeat-x; ';
                 } elseif (isset($color_array['repeat_background']) and $color_array['repeat_background'] == 'y') {
                     $retour .= 'background: url(css/images/bg-' . $color_array['schema'] . '.jpg) repeat-y; ';
                 } else {
                     $retour .= 'background: url(css/images/bg-' . $color_array['schema'] . '.jpg) no-repeat; ';
             $retour .= 'background-color: ' . $color_array['content_background'] . '; }';
             $item = $this->_list->getNext();
         $retour .= '   </style>' . "\n";
         $retour .= '   <!-- END Styles -->' . "\n" . LF;
     $retour .= $this->_initDropDownMenus();
     return $retour;
 function getInfoForHeaderAsHTML()
     $retour = parent::getInfoForHeaderAsHTML();
     $retour .= $this->getStylesForHeaderAsHTML();
     return $retour;