Beispiel #1
 function action_003()
     global $dd, $acao, $bgcor;
     $bb1 = msg('action_rejection');
     $sc .= '<Table width="100%" class="lt1" bgcolor="' . $bgcor . '">' . chr(13);
     $sc .= '<TR><TH><h2><A name="A003">' . msg('action_accept_rejected') . '</h2>';
     $sc .= '<TD width=25 ><img src="img/icone_close.png" width="25" id="A003i" style="cursor: pointer;">';
     $sx .= $sc;
     $sx .= '<TR><TD class="lt0">' . msg('action_accept_rejected_inf');
     $sx .= '<TR><TD><form method="post" action="' . page() . '#A003">';
     $sx .= '<input type="hidden" name="dd3" value="003">';
     $sx .= '<TR><TD><B>' . msg('action_reason_rejected');
     $sx .= '<TR><TD><textarea name="dd15" cols=60 rows=4>' . $dd[15] . '</textarea>';
     if (strlen($acao) > 0 and strlen($dd[15]) == 0) {
         $sx .= '<TR><TD><font class="error_1">' . msg('required_field');
     $sx .= '<TR><TD><input name="acao" type="submit" value="' . $bb1 . '"  class="form_submit">';
     $sx .= '<TR><TD></form>';
     $sx .= '</table>';
     if (strlen($acao) > 0 and strlen($dd[15]) > 0) {
         $comm = new comunication();
         $comm->protocolo = $this->protocolo_submission;
         $comm->email_save($dd[15], msg('accept_rejected'));
         $this->communication_research(msg('email_return_to_submission'), $dd[15]);
         $this->cep_historic_append($ac, msg('return_to_submission'));
     return $sx;