Beispiel #1
  * resize
 static function resize($file, $required_width, $required_height = false, $method = 'extent', $gravity = 'center', $fill = false)
     //first check file exists and is readable
     if (!is_readable(ONXSHOP_PROJECT_DIR . $file)) {
         return false;
     //prepare variables
     if (is_numeric($required_height)) {
         $directory = ONXSHOP_PROJECT_DIR . "var/thumbnails/{$required_width}x{$required_height}";
         $thumb_file = "var/thumbnails/{$required_width}x{$required_height}/" . md5($file);
     } else {
         $directory = ONXSHOP_PROJECT_DIR . "var/thumbnails/{$required_width}";
         $thumb_file = "var/thumbnails/{$required_width}/" . md5($file);
     $file_rp = ONXSHOP_PROJECT_DIR . $file;
     $image_resize_options = "_{$method}_{$gravity}_{$fill}";
     // TODO check valid options
     if ($image_resize_options == "___") {
         $image_resize_options = "";
     if ($image_resize_options) {
         $thumb_file = $thumb_file . $image_resize_options;
     $thumb_file_rp = ONXSHOP_PROJECT_DIR . $thumb_file;
     //check if the destination directory exits
     if (!is_readable($directory)) {
         if (!mkdir($directory)) {
             msg("common_image.resize(): Cannot create folder {$directory}", 'error');
     //determinate real image size
     $size = common_image::getImageSize($file_rp);
     $width = $required_width;
     $height = round($required_width / $size['proportion']);
     msg("Thumbnail will have size {$width} x {$height}", 'ok', 3);
      * resize method option
     if (!in_array(strtolower($method), array('crop', 'extent'))) {
         $method = 'extent';
      * gravity option
      * NorthWest, North, NorthEast, West, Center, East, SouthWest, South, SouthEast
     if (!in_array(strtolower($gravity), array('northwest', 'north', 'northeast', 'west', 'center', 'east', 'southwest', 'south', 'southeast'))) {
         $gravity = 'center';
      * fill option
     if ($fill == true) {
         $fill = '^';
     } else {
         $fill = '';
      * if height is specified align in center and allow to fill the space
      * see
     if (is_numeric($required_height)) {
         $background = common_image::supportsTransparency($file_rp) ? 'none' : 'white';
         $other_im_params = "-background {$background} -alpha background -gravity {$gravity} -{$method} {$width}x{$required_height}";
         $height = $required_height;
     } else {
         $other_im_params = '';
      * return cached file or create with ImageMagick
     if (is_readable($thumb_file_rp)) {
         return $thumb_file;
     } else {
         $image_configuration = common_image::initConfiguration();
         $jpeg_quality = $image_configuration['jpeg_quality'];
         $file_rp_escaped = escapeshellarg($file_rp);
         $width = (int) $width;
         $height = (int) $height;
         $jpeg_quality = (int) $jpeg_quality;
         $thumb_file_rp_escaped = escapeshellarg($thumb_file_rp);
         //usage: resize $filename $width $height $target_filename $quality $other_options
         ///usr/bin/convert "$1" -colorspace RGB -depth 8 -quality $QUALITY -thumbnail $2x$3^ $6 "$4"
         $colorspace = self::isOldImageMagickVersion() ? 'RGB' : 'sRGB';
         $shell_command = "convert {$file_rp_escaped} -colorspace {$colorspace} -depth 8 -quality {$jpeg_quality} -thumbnail {$width}x{$height}{$fill} {$other_im_params} {$thumb_file_rp_escaped}";
         $result = local_exec($shell_command);
         if (is_readable($thumb_file_rp)) {
             return $thumb_file;
         } else {
             return false;