  * Adds some handy properties to program object
  * @param object com_meego_devprogram_program object
  * @return object extended com_meego_devprogram_program object
 private static function extend_program($object = null)
     // q->toggle_readonly(false) does not work so we need a new object
     $program = new com_meego_devprogram_program($object->guid);
     // set some urls, they can come handy
     $program->open_programs_url = com_meego_devprogram_utils::get_url('open_programs', array());
     $program->read_url = com_meego_devprogram_utils::get_url('program_read', array('program_name' => $program->name));
     $program->update_url = com_meego_devprogram_utils::get_url('program_update', array('program_name' => $program->name));
     $program->delete_url = com_meego_devprogram_utils::get_url('program_delete', array('program_name' => $program->name));
     $program->apply_url = com_meego_devprogram_utils::get_url('my_application_create', array('program_name' => $program->name));
     // reformat the duedate value so that templates and controllers don't have to bother
     $program->deadline = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($program->duedate));
     // create a placeholder for applications to this program by the curent user
     $program->myapps = array();
     // if current user is owner then we can add more goodies
     $user = com_meego_devprogram_utils::get_current_user();
     if (is_object($user)) {
         $program->read_my_url = com_meego_devprogram_utils::get_url('my_program_read', array('program_name' => $program->name));
         $program->list_apps_url = com_meego_devprogram_utils::get_url('program_applications', array('program_name' => $program->name));
         // set the number of apps (all but the cancelled ones) under this program
         $program->number_of_applications = com_meego_devprogram_apputils::get_count_applications_by_program($program->id);
         // gather all apps of this user to this program
         //$program->myapps = com_meego_devprogram_apputils::get_applications_of_current_user($object->id);
     // get the provider of the device and set a new property to the program
     $devices = com_meego_devprogram_devutils::get_devices(array('id' => $program->device));
     $providers = com_meego_devprogram_provutils::get_providers(array('guid' => $devices[0]->providerobject->guid));
     $program->provider = $providers[0];
     // by default everybody can apply
     $program->can_apply = true;
     // current date and time
     $now = new DateTime();
     if ($object->duedate < $now) {
         // set the flag so we can show a user friendly status box
         $program->closed = true;
     if (com_meego_devprogram_utils::is_current_user_creator($object) || count($program->myapps) && !$object->multiple || $object->duedate < $now) {
         // owners of a program or admins should not apply for that program
         // or
         // if user applied then we disable further applications
         // unless the program accepts multiple entries from the same person
         $program->can_apply = false;
     return $program;
  * Prepares and shows the list of application for a certain program (cmd-list-application)
  * Access: only owners of the program can list the applications
  * @param array args (not used)
 public function get_applications_for_program(array $args)
     // admin of the program or belongs to the same provider
     if (com_meego_devprogram_utils::is_current_user_creator_or_admin($this->object) || com_meego_devprogram_membutils::is_current_user_member_of_provider($this->object->provider->id)) {
         $this->data['index_url'] = com_meego_devprogram_utils::get_url('index', array());
         $this->data['applications'] = com_meego_devprogram_apputils::get_applications_by_program($this->object->id);
     } else {
         // nice try, redirect to standard read page
  * Prepares the application page
  * @param array args
 public function get_create(array $args)
     if (!strlen($args['program_name'])) {
         $url = com_meego_devprogram_utils::get_url('index', $args);
     // require login
     $redirect = com_meego_devprogram_utils::get_url('my_application_create', $args);
     $user = com_meego_devprogram_utils::require_login($redirect);
     // @todo: sanity check
     $programs = com_meego_devprogram_progutils::get_programs(array('name' => $args['program_name']));
     $program = $programs[0];
     if (!is_object($program)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("Program: {$args['program_name']} con not be found");
     $this->data['program'] = $program;
     // check if the user has applied for the program and
     // display a warning if yes
     // in case of multiple applications we only refer to the 1st
     $this->data['myapps'] = com_meego_devprogram_apputils::get_applications_of_current_user($program->id);
     $now = new DateTime();
     if ($program->duedate >= $now && (!count($this->data['myapps']) || $program->multiple)) {
         // we move on if user has not applied or
         // the program accepts multiple entries from the same person
     // load the text limiter js files
     $this->mvc->head->add_jsfile(MIDGARDMVC_STATIC_URL . '/' . $this->component . '/js/textLimit.js');
     $this->mvc->head->add_jsfile(MIDGARDMVC_STATIC_URL . '/' . $this->component . '/js/limiter_for_applications.js');