Beispiel #1
 function __construct($plugin = '', $action = '')
     //create object from cls_plugin
     $this->obj_plugin = new cls_plugin();
     //set last page that user see
     //get localize
     $obj_localize = new cls_localize();
     $this->localize = $obj_localize->get_localize();
     $this->obj_io = new cls_io();
     if ($plugin == '' || $action == '') {
         if (isset($_REQUEST['plugin'])) {
             $this->plugin = $_REQUEST['plugin'];
             //now we check action
             if (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) {
                 //action set by user
                 $this->action = $_REQUEST['action'];
             } else {
                 //action not set.
                 //now we jump to default action
                 $this->action = 'default';
         } else {
             // plugin not set
             // now jump to Home page
             $obj_localize = new cls_localize();
             $localize = $obj_localize->get_localize();
             $this->jump_page($localize['home'], true);
     } else {
         $this->plugin = $plugin;
         $this->action = $action;
Beispiel #2
 public function simple_send($to_name, $to_email, $subject, $body)
     //get site email and main site name
     $localize = new cls_localize();
     $localize_data = $localize->get_localize();
     //Create a new PHPMailer instance
     $mail = new cls_mail();
     // Set PHPMailer to use the sendmail transport
     //Set who the message is to be sent from
     $mail->setFrom($localize_data['email'], $localize_data['name']);
     //Set an alternative reply-to address
     $mail->addReplyTo($localize_data['email'], $localize_data['name']);
     //Set who the message is to be sent to
     $mail->addAddress($to_email, $to_name);
     //Set the subject line
     $mail->Subject = $subject;
     //Read an HTML message body from an external file, convert referenced images to embedded,
     //convert HTML into a basic plain-text alternative body
     //Replace the plain text body with one created manually
     //$mail->AltBody = 'This is a plain-text message body';
     //Attach an image file
     //send the message, check for errors
     if (!$mail->send()) {
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;
Beispiel #3
 public static function set_page_tittle($tittle = '')
     //get site name in localize selected
     if (is_null(self::$localize_settings)) {
         $obj_localize = new cls_localize();
         self::$localize_settings = $obj_localize->get_localize();
         self::$page_tittle = self::$localize_settings['name'];
     self::$page_tittle = self::$localize_settings['name'] . ' | ' . $tittle;
     return self::$page_tittle;
     //now we want to send title to render function.