Beispiel #1
     $intError = 0;
 if (trim($_POST["mname"]) == "") {
     $strErrormessage .= "Please enter module name.<br>";
     $intError = 0;
 if (trim($_POST["fname"]) == "") {
     $strErrormessage .= "Presenter file should not be empty.<br>";
     $intError = 0;
 /*if($hldGlobal->fnCheckDescription($_POST["mdescription"]) == ""){
       $strErrormessage .= "Please enter module description.<br>";
       $intError = 0;
 if (trim($_POST["mname"]) != "") {
     if ($hldGlobal->fnCheckMoudleName(addslashes(trim($_POST["mname"])), trim($_POST["course_id"]), $_POST["course_id"])) {
         $strErrormessage .= "Module name already added.<br>";
         $intError = 0;
 if ($hldGlobal->fnCheckFname(trim($_POST["fname"]))) {
     $strErrormessage .= "Presenter file name already present.<br>";
     $intError = 0;
 if (is_array($_FILES["img"]) && $_FILES["img"]["error"] == 0) {
     list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($_FILES['img']['tmp_name']);
     $arrPathInfo = pathinfo($_FILES["img"]["name"]);
     $strExtension = $arrPathInfo["extension"];
     list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
     $filename = $arrPathInfo["filename"] . $usec . $sec . "." . $arrPathInfo["extension"];
     $uploaddir = '../images/upload';
Beispiel #2
     $intError = 0;
 if (trim($_POST["mname"]) == "") {
     $strErrormessage .= "Please enter module name.<br>";
     $intError = 0;
 if (trim($_POST["fname"]) == "") {
     $strErrormessage .= "Presenter file should not be empty.<br>";
     $intError = 0;
 /*if($hldGlobal->fnCheckDescription($_POST["mdescription"]) == ""){
       $strErrormessage .= "Please enter module description.<br>";
       $intError = 0;
 if (trim($_POST["mname"]) != "") {
     if ($hldGlobal->fnCheckMoudleName(trim($_POST["mname"]), $_POST["course_id"], $_GET["id"])) {
         $strErrormessage .= "Module name already added.<br>";
         $intError = 0;
 if ($hldGlobal->fnCheckFname(trim($_POST["fname"]), $_GET["id"])) {
     $strErrormessage .= "Presenter file name already present.<br>";
     $intError = 0;
 if (is_array($_FILES["img"]) && $_FILES["img"]["error"] == 0) {
     list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($_FILES['img']['tmp_name']);
     $arrPathInfo = pathinfo($_FILES["img"]["name"]);
     $strExtension = $arrPathInfo["extension"];
     list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
     $filename = $arrPathInfo["filename"] . $usec . $sec . "." . $arrPathInfo["extension"];
     $uploaddir = '../images/upload';