// end check
            <!-- Items Bought with this bought Area End -->
            <!-- Other items you may be intrested in Area -->
if (getSettingsValue('enable_otherinterested') == 'Y') {
    if (!empty($OIArr)) {
            <div id="itemsIntrestedInContent">
                <div class="detailpage_carouselheading">Other items you may be interested in</div>

            <!-- Other items you may be intrested in Area End -->


        <!-- content area Right Coulumn Ends-------------------------------------------------------------- -->
<div class="clear"></div>

/* Product list carousel*/
/*$productListingFee = getSettingsValue('product_listing_fee');
$sql ="SELECT p.product_id,p.product_name,po.image_small,po.image_big FROM ".$tableprefix."products p
                INNER JOIN ".$tableprefix."product_options po ON po.product_id = p.product_id AND po.default_option='YES'
                INNER JOIN ".$tableprefix."artists s ON p.product_artist_id = s.artist_id
                WHERE p.product_artist_id='".$artistid."' AND  p.vapproved = 'Y' AND s.vapproved='Y'
                    AND s.plan_expired='N'";
    if($productListingFee > 0) {
        $sql .= " AND p.payment_status='COMPLETED' ";
    $sql .= " AND p.deleted !='Y'  LIMIT 0,100";

$resOV = DbHelper::execute($sql);
$OVArr = DbHelper::fetchAll($resOV);*/
$sql = "SELECT ap.* FROM " . $tableprefix . "artists a INNER JOIN " . $tableprefix . "mybusiness ap ON a.artist_id = ap.artistid  WHERE ap.artistid = '" . addslashes($artistid) . "' LIMIT 0,100";
$resOV = DbHelper::execute($sql);
$OVArr = DbHelper::fetchAll($resOV);
if (count($OVArr) > 0) {
<div class="txtblue">Click on thumbnail for a virtual tour of our business...</div>
    include_once BASE_URL . '/product_details_page_carousel.php';