echo '<br />';
     require_once PATH_FACEBOOK . "/classes/app.class.php";
     $app = new app(NULL, true);
     $facebook =& $app->loadFacebookLibrary();
     $props = $facebook->api_client->admin_setAppProperties($propList);
     echo 'Completed settings upload. Visit the <a href="' . $init['fbAppId'] . '">Facebook Developer app</a> to review them.<br />';
 case 'populateSubscriptions':
     require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/subscriptions.class.php';
     $subObj = new SubscriptionsManager($db);
 case 'resetDB':
     require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/cleanup.class.php';
     $cObj = new cleanup($db);
         echo 'cleaning up fb tables<br />';
         require_once PATH_FACEBOOK . '/classes/cleanupFacebook.class.php';
         $cleanupObj = new cleanupFacebook($db, '');
         echo 'fb/st Database cleansed<br />';
 case 'resetLog':
     // for debug purposes
 case 'testJob':
     $job = $_GET['job'];
     echo 'Testing job:' . $job . '<br>';

echo 'Beginning database initialization<br />';
// to do - function to look at filemtime("PATH/FILE"); on remaining items
// look up in system status - if not there, insert record
// if file has changed since sysstat tstamp, update
// Set up clouds architecture local database
require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/dbManage.class.php';
$manageObj = new dbManage(false);
echo 'Using database: ' . $init['database'] . '<br />';
if ($action == 'resetDB') {
    echo 'cleaning up tables<br />';
    require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/cleanup.class.php';
    $cleanupObj = new cleanup($db, '');
    echo 'Database cleansed<br />';
} else {
    // set up system status table
    // to do - move this to a dbrowobject model - and replace in facebook initdb too
    $manageObj->addTable("SystemStatus", "id", "INT(4) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment", "MyISAM");
    $manageObj->addColumn("SystemStatus", "name", "VARCHAR(35) default ''");
    $manageObj->addColumn("SystemStatus", "strValue", "TEXT default ''");
    $manageObj->addColumn("SystemStatus", "numValue", "BIGINT(20) default 0");
    // news-specific tables
    if ($manageObj->modifyLibrary(PATH_CORE . '/classes/', 'dynamicTemplate.class.php')) {
        require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/dynamicTemplate.class.php';
    if ($manageObj->modifyLibrary(PATH_CORE . '/classes/', 'user.class.php')) {