Beispiel #1
*   (c) 2004-2006 by MulchProductions,                                                 *
*   (c) 2007-2015 by Kajona,                                                              *
*       Published under the GNU LGPL v2.1, see /system/licence_lgpl.txt                                 *
echo "+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n";
echo "| Kajona Debug Subsystem                                                        |\n";
echo "|                                                                               |\n";
echo "| Delete all tables                                                             |\n";
echo "|                                                                               |\n";
echo "+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n";
if (issetPost("dodelete")) {
    $strUsername = getPost("username");
    $strPassword = getPost("password");
    $objUsersource = new class_module_user_sourcefactory();
    $objUser = $objUsersource->getUserByUsername($strUsername);
    echo "Authenticating user...\n";
    if ($objUsersource->authenticateUser($strUsername, $strPassword)) {
        echo " ... authenticated.\n";
        $arrGroupIds = $objUser->getArrGroupIds();
        if (in_array(class_module_system_setting::getConfigValue("_admins_group_id_"), $arrGroupIds)) {
            echo "User is member of admin-group.\n";
            $arrTables = class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getTables();
            foreach ($arrTables as $strOneTable) {
                $strQuery = "DROP TABLE " . $strOneTable;
                echo " executing " . $strQuery . "\n";
                class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->_pQuery($strQuery, array());
        } else {
            echo "User is not a member of the admin-group!\n";
  * Fetches all available active users with the given username an returns them in an array
  * @param string $strName
  * @return mixed
 public static function getAllUsersByName($strName)
     $objSubsystem = new class_module_user_sourcefactory();
     $objUser = $objSubsystem->getUserByUsername($strName);
     if ($objUser != null) {
         return array($objUser);
     } else {
         return null;
  * Creates a form to enter the username of the account to reset.
  * @return string
 private function resetForm()
     $strReturn = "";
     if ($this->getParam("reset") != "" && getPost("reset") != "") {
         //try to load the user
         $objSubsystem = new class_module_user_sourcefactory();
         $objUser = $objSubsystem->getUserByUsername($this->getParam("portallogin_username"));
         if ($objUser != null) {
             $objValidator = new class_email_validator();
             if ($objUser->getStrEmail() != "" && $objValidator->validate($objUser->getStrEmail()) && $objUser->getIntPortal() == 1 && $objUser->getIntActive() == 1) {
                 //generate an authcode and save it with the user
                 $strAuthcode = generateSystemid();
                 $strMailContent = $this->getLang("resetemailBody");
                 $strTemp = class_link::getLinkPortalHref($this->getPagename(), "", "portalResetPwd", "&authcode=" . $strAuthcode, $objUser->getSystemid());
                 $strMailContent .= html_entity_decode("<a href=\"" . $strTemp . "\">" . $strTemp . "</a>");
                 $objScriptlets = new class_scriptlet_helper();
                 $strMailContent = $objScriptlets->processString($strMailContent);
                 //create a mail confirming the change
                 $objEmail = new class_mail();
                 $strReturn .= $this->getLang("resetMailSuccess");
     } else {
         $strTemplateID = $this->objTemplate->readTemplate("/element_portallogin/" . $this->arrElementData["portallogin_template"], "portallogin_resetform");
         $arrTemplate = array();
         $arrTemplate["portallogin_action"] = "portalLoginReset";
         $arrTemplate["portallogin_resetHint"] = "portalLoginReset";
         $arrTemplate["portallogin_elsystemid"] = $this->arrElementData["content_id"];
         $arrTemplate["action"] = class_link::getLinkPortalHref($this->getPagename());
         $strReturn .= $this->fillTemplate($arrTemplate, $strTemplateID);
     return $strReturn;
Beispiel #4
  * Logs a user into the system if the credentials are correct
  * and the user is active
  * @param string $strName
  * @param string $strPassword
  * @return bool
 public function login($strName, $strPassword)
     $bitReturn = false;
     //How many users are out there with this username and being active?
     $objUsersources = new class_module_user_sourcefactory();
     try {
         if ($objUsersources->authenticateUser($strName, $strPassword)) {
             $objUser = $objUsersources->getUserByUsername($strName);
             $bitReturn = $this->internalLoginHelper($objUser);
     } catch (class_authentication_exception $objEx) {
         $bitReturn = false;
     if ($bitReturn === false) {
         class_logger::getInstance()->addLogRow("Unsuccessful login attempt by user " . $strName, class_logger::$levelInfo);
         class_module_user_log::generateLog(0, $strName);
     return $bitReturn;