$comme = new cep_comment(); /* Project Identifier */ if (strlen($dd[0]) > 0) { if (!(checkpost($dd[0]) == $dd[90])) { echo 'erro de post'; exit; } $_SESSION['proto_cep'] = $dd[0]; redirecina(page()); } else { $dd[0] = $_SESSION['proto_cep']; if (round($dd[0]) <= 0) { redirecina('main.php'); } } $cep->le($dd[0]); $status = $cep->line['cep_status']; //$pcor = $cep->cep_cores(); //$scor = $cep->status_cor($status); /* Pareceres tempor�rios */ require '_class/_class_cep_parecer_avaliation.php'; $parav = new parecer_avaliation(); $parav->protocolo = $cep->protocolo; $comu->protocolo = $cep->codigo; $st = 'Detalhe do Protocolo'; $sh = ''; $sx = 'Projeto'; $protocolo = $cep->protocolo; $comme->codigo = $cep->codigo; echo '<div id="the_files">'; echo '<table width="100%" border=0 class="lt1">';
// // ProEthos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A // PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ProEthos License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the ProEthos License along with the ProEthos // Software. If not, see // https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bireme/proethos/master/LICENSE.txt /** * XML OMS * @author Rene Faustino Gabriel Junior (Analista-Desenvolvedor) * @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 - sisDOC.com.br * @access public * @version v.0.13.46 * @package Proethos * @subpackage XML */ require "db.php"; header("Content-Type:text/xml"); require "_class/_class_cep.php"; $cep = new cep(); $id = round($dd[0]); $dx = $dd[90]; if (checkpost($id) == $dx) { $cep->le($id); require "_class/_class_oms.php"; $oms = new oms(); echo $oms->xml($cep); } else { echo 'post error'; }