  * @param  array       $connections
  * @param  array       $actions
  * @param  int         $total
  * @param  cbTabs      $connMgmtTabs
  * @param  array       $pagingParams
  * @param  int         $perpage
  * @param  array|null  $connecteds
 static function manageConnections($connections, $actions, $total, &$connMgmtTabs, &$pagingParams, $perpage, $connecteds = null)
     global $_CB_framework, $ueConfig, $_PLUGINS, $_REQUEST;
     $results = $_PLUGINS->trigger('onBeforeManageConnectionsFormDisplay', array(&$connections, &$actions, &$total, &$connMgmtTabs, &$pagingParams, &$perpage, &$connecteds));
     if ($_PLUGINS->is_errors()) {
         echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert(\"" . $_PLUGINS->getErrorMSG() . "\"); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
     $js = "if ( typeof confirmSubmit != 'function' ) {" . "function confirmSubmit() {" . "if ( confirm( '" . addslashes(CBTxt::T('UE_CONFIRMREMOVECONNECTION', 'Are you sure you want to remove this connection?')) . "' ) ) {" . "return true;" . "} else {" . "return false;" . "}" . "};" . "}";
     $connectionCategories = explode("\n", $ueConfig['connection_categories']);
     $connectionTypes = array();
     if ($connectionCategories) {
         foreach ($connectionCategories as $connectionCategory) {
             if (trim($connectionCategory) != null && trim($connectionCategory) != "") {
                 $connectionTypes[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption(trim($connectionCategory), CBTxt::T(trim($connectionCategory)));
     $tabs = new cbTabs(0, 1);
     $pageClass = $_CB_framework->getMenuPageClass();
     $return = '<div class="cbManageConnections cb_template cb_template_' . selectTemplate('dir') . ($pageClass ? ' ' . htmlspecialchars($pageClass) : null) . '">';
     if (is_array($results)) {
         $return .= implode('', $results);
     $return .= '<div class="page-header"><h3>' . CBTxt::Th('UE_MANAGECONNECTIONS', 'Manage Connections') . '</h3></div>' . $tabs->startPane('myCon') . $tabs->startTab('myCon', CBTxt::Th('UE_MANAGEACTIONS', 'Manage Actions') . ' <span class="badge">' . count($actions) . '</span>', 'action');
     if (!count($actions) > 0) {
         $return .= '<div class="form-group cb_form_line clearfix tab_description">' . CBTxt::Th('UE_NOACTIONREQUIRED', 'No Pending Actions') . '</div>' . '<div class="form-group cb_form_line clearfix">' . '<input type="button" class="btn btn-default cbMngConnCancel" value="' . htmlspecialchars(CBTxt::Th('UE_CANCEL', 'Cancel')) . '" onclick="window.location=\'' . $_CB_framework->userProfileUrl() . '\'; return false;" />' . '</div>';
     } else {
         $return .= '<form action="' . $_CB_framework->viewUrl('processconnectionactions') . '" method="post" id="adminForm" name="adminForm" class="cb_form form-auto cbValidation">' . '<div class="form-group cb_form_line clearfix tab_description">' . CBTxt::Th('UE_CONNECT_ACTIONREQUIRED', 'Below you see users proposing to connect with you. You have the choice to accept or decline their request.') . '</div>' . '<div class="table">';
         foreach ($actions as $action) {
             $cbUser = CBuser::getInstance((int) $action->id, false);
             $tipField = '<b>' . CBTxt::Th('UE_CONNECTIONREQUIREDON', 'Connection Required on') . '</b>: ' . $_CB_framework->getUTCDate(array($ueConfig['date_format'], 'Y-m-d'), $action->membersince);
             if ($action->reason != null) {
                 $tipField .= '<br /><b>' . CBTxt::Th('UE_CONNECTIONMESSAGE', 'Personal message included') . '</b>: <br />' . htmlspecialchars($action->reason, ENT_QUOTES);
             $tipTitle = CBTxt::Th('UE_CONNECTIONREQUESTDETAIL', 'Connection Request Details');
             $htmlText = $cbUser->getField('avatar', null, 'html', 'none', 'list', 0, true);
             $tooltip = cbTooltip(1, $tipField, $tipTitle, 300, null, $htmlText, null, 'style="display: inline-block; padding: 5px;"');
             $return .= '<div class="containerBox img-thumbnail">' . '<div class="containerBoxInner" style="min-height: 130px; min-width: 90px;">' . $cbUser->getField('onlinestatus', null, 'html', 'none', 'profile', 0, true, array('_imgMode' => 1)) . ' ' . $cbUser->getField('formatname', null, 'html', 'none', 'list', 0, true) . '<br />' . $tooltip . '<br />' . '<span class="fa fa-check" title="' . htmlspecialchars(CBTxt::T('UE_ACCEPTCONNECTION', 'Accept Connection')) . '"></span>' . ' <input type="radio" name="' . (int) $action->id . 'action" value="a" checked="checked" />' . ' <span class="fa fa-times" title="' . htmlspecialchars(CBTxt::T('UE_DECLINECONNECTION', 'Decline Connection')) . '"></span>' . ' <input type="radio" name="' . (int) $action->id . 'action" value="d" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="uid[]" value="' . (int) $action->id . '" />' . '</div>' . '</div>';
         $return .= '</div>' . '<div class="form-group cb_form_line clearfix">' . '<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary cbMngConnSubmit" value="' . htmlspecialchars(CBTxt::Th('UE_UPDATE', 'Update')) . '"' . cbValidator::getSubmitBtnHtmlAttributes() . ' />' . ' <input type="button" class="btn btn-default cbMngConnCancel" value="' . htmlspecialchars(CBTxt::Th('UE_CANCEL', 'Cancel')) . '" onclick="window.location=\'' . $_CB_framework->userProfileUrl() . '\'; return false;" />' . '</div>' . cbGetSpoofInputTag('manageconnections') . '</form>';
     $return .= $tabs->endTab() . $tabs->startTab('myCon', CBTxt::Th('UE_MANAGECONNECTIONS', 'Manage Connections'), 'connections');
     if (!count($connections) > 0) {
         $return .= '<div class="form-group cb_form_line clearfix tab_description">' . CBTxt::Th('UE_NOCONNECTIONS', 'This user has no current connections.') . '</div>' . '<div class="form-group cb_form_line clearfix">' . '<input type="button" class="btn btn-default cbMngConnCancel" value="' . htmlspecialchars(CBTxt::Th('UE_CANCEL', 'Cancel')) . '" onclick="window.location=\'' . $_CB_framework->userProfileUrl() . '\'; return false;" />' . '</div>';
     } else {
         $return .= '<form action="' . $_CB_framework->viewUrl('saveconnections') . '" method="post" id="adminForm" name="adminForm" class="cb_form form-auto cbValidation">' . '<div class="form-group cb_form_line clearfix tab_description">' . CBTxt::Th('UE_CONNECT_MANAGECONNECTIONS', 'Below you see users to whom you are connected directly. ') . '</div>' . '<table class="table table-hover table-responsive">' . '<thead>' . '<tr>' . '<th style="width: 25%;" class="text-center">' . CBTxt::Th('UE_CONNECTION', 'Connections') . '</th>' . '<th style="width: 35%;" class="text-center">' . CBTxt::Th('UE_CONNECTIONTYPE', 'Type') . '</th>' . '<th style="width: 40%;" class="text-center">' . CBTxt::Th('UE_CONNECTIONCOMMENT', 'Comment') . '</th>' . '</tr>' . '</thead>' . '<tbody>';
         $i = 1;
         foreach ($connections as $connection) {
             $cbUser = CBuser::getInstance((int) $connection->id, false);
             $tipField = '<b>' . CBTxt::Th('UE_CONNECTEDSINCE', 'Connected Since') . '</b>: ' . $_CB_framework->getUTCDate(array($ueConfig['date_format'], 'Y-m-d'), $connection->membersince);
             if ($connection->type != null) {
                 $tipField .= '<br /><b>' . CBTxt::Th('UE_CONNECTIONTYPE', 'Type') . '</b>: ' . getConnectionTypes($connection->type);
             if ($connection->description != null) {
                 $tipField .= '<br /><b>' . CBTxt::Th('UE_CONNECTEDCOMMENT', 'Comment') . '</b>: ' . htmlspecialchars($connection->description);
             $tipTitle = CBTxt::Th('UE_CONNECTEDDETAIL', 'Connection Details');
             $htmlText = $cbUser->getField('avatar', null, 'html', 'none', 'list', 0, true);
             $tooltip = cbTooltip(1, $tipField, $tipTitle, 300, null, $htmlText, null, 'style="display: inline-block; padding: 5px;"');
             if ($connection->accepted == 1 && $connection->pending == 1) {
                 $actionImg = '<span class="fa fa-clock-o" title="' . htmlspecialchars(CBTxt::T('UE_CONNECTIONPENDING', 'Connection Pending')) . '"></span>' . ' <a href="' . $_CB_framework->viewUrl('removeconnection', true, array('act' => 'manage', 'connectionid' => (int) $connection->memberid)) . '" onclick="return confirmSubmit();" >' . '<span class="fa fa-times-circle-o" title="' . htmlspecialchars(CBTxt::T('UE_REMOVECONNECTION', 'Remove Connection')) . '"></span>' . '</a>';
             } elseif ($connection->accepted == 1 && $connection->pending == 0) {
                 $actionImg = '<a href="' . $_CB_framework->viewUrl('removeconnection', true, array('act' => 'manage', 'connectionid' => (int) $connection->memberid)) . '" onclick="return confirmSubmit();" >' . '<span class="fa fa-times-circle-o" title="' . htmlspecialchars(CBTxt::T('UE_REMOVECONNECTION', 'Remove Connection')) . '"></span>' . '</a>';
             } elseif ($connection->accepted == 0) {
                 $actionImg = '<a href="' . $_CB_framework->viewUrl('acceptconnection', true, array('act' => 'manage', 'connectionid' => (int) $connection->memberid)) . '" onclick="return confirmSubmit();" >' . '<span class="fa fa-check-circle-o" title="' . htmlspecialchars(CBTxt::T('UE_ACCEPTCONNECTION', 'Accept Connection')) . '"></span>' . '</a>' . ' <a href="' . $_CB_framework->viewUrl('removeconnection', true, array('act' => 'manage', 'connectionid' => (int) $connection->memberid)) . '" onclick="return confirmSubmit();" >' . '<span class="fa fa-times-circle-o" title="' . htmlspecialchars(CBTxt::T('UE_REMOVECONNECTION', 'Remove Connection')) . '"></span>' . '</a>';
             } else {
                 $actionImg = null;
             $return .= '<tr>' . '<td class="text-center">' . $cbUser->getField('onlinestatus', null, 'html', 'none', 'profile', 0, true, array('_imgMode' => 1)) . ' ' . $cbUser->getField('formatname', null, 'html', 'none', 'list', 0, true) . '<br />' . $tooltip . '<br />' . $actionImg . ' <a href="' . $_CB_framework->userProfileUrl((int) $connection->memberid) . '">' . '<span class="fa fa-user" title="' . htmlspecialchars(CBTxt::T('UE_VIEWPROFILE', 'View Profile')) . '"></span>' . '</a>' . ' ' . $cbUser->getField('email', null, 'html', 'none', 'profile', 0, true, array('_imgMode' => 1)) . ' ' . $cbUser->getField('pm', null, 'html', 'none', 'profile', 0, true, array('_imgMode' => 1)) . '</td>' . '<td class="text-center">' . moscomprofilerHTML::selectList($connectionTypes, $connection->id . 'connectiontype[]', 'class="form-control" multiple="multiple" size="5"', 'value', 'text', explode('|*|', trim($connection->type)), 0) . '</td>' . '<td class="text-center">' . '<textarea cols="25" class="form-control"  rows="5" name="' . (int) $connection->id . 'description">' . htmlspecialchars($connection->description) . '</textarea>' . '<input type="hidden" name="uid[]" value="' . (int) $connection->id . '" />' . '</td>' . '</tr>';
             $i = $i == 1 ? 2 : 1;
         $return .= '</tbody>' . '</table>';
         if ($perpage < $total) {
             $return .= '<div class="form-group cb_form_line text-center clearfix">' . $connMgmtTabs->_writePaging($pagingParams, 'connections_', $perpage, $total, 'manageconnections') . '</div>';
         $return .= '<div class="form-group cb_form_line clearfix">' . '<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary cbMngConnSubmit" value="' . htmlspecialchars(CBTxt::Th('UE_UPDATE', 'Update')) . '"' . cbValidator::getSubmitBtnHtmlAttributes() . ' />' . ' <input type="button" class="btn btn-default cbMngConnCancel" value="' . htmlspecialchars(CBTxt::Th('UE_CANCEL', 'Cancel')) . '" onclick="window.location=\'' . $_CB_framework->userProfileUrl() . '\'; return false;" />' . '</div>' . cbGetSpoofInputTag('manageconnections') . '</form>';
     $return .= $tabs->endTab();
     if ($ueConfig['autoAddConnections'] == 0) {
         $return .= $tabs->startTab('myCon', CBTxt::Th('UE_CONNECTEDWITH', 'Manage Connections With Me'), 'connected');
         if (!count($connecteds) > 0) {
             $return .= '<div class="form-group cb_form_line clearfix tab_description">' . CBTxt::Th('UE_NOCONNECTEDWITH', 'There are currently no users connected with you.') . '</div>' . '<div class="form-group cb_form_line clearfix">' . '<input type="button" class="btn btn-default cbMngConnCancel" value="' . htmlspecialchars(CBTxt::Th('UE_CANCEL', 'Cancel')) . '" onclick="window.location=\'' . $_CB_framework->userProfileUrl() . '\'; return false;" />' . '</div>';
         } else {
             $htmlConnectedWidth = CBTxt::Th('UE_CONNECT_CONNECTEDWITH', '');
             $return .= ($htmlConnectedWidth ? '<div class="form-group cb_form_line clearfix tab_description">' . $htmlConnectedWidth . '</div>' : null) . '<div class="table">';
             foreach ($connecteds as $connected) {
                 $cbUser = CBuser::getInstance((int) $connected->id, false);
                 $tipField = '<b>' . CBTxt::Th('UE_CONNECTEDSINCE', 'Connected Since') . '</b>: ' . $_CB_framework->getUTCDate(array($ueConfig['date_format'], 'Y-m-d'), $connected->membersince);
                 if ($connected->type != null) {
                     $tipField .= '<br /><b>' . CBTxt::Th('UE_CONNECTIONTYPE', 'Type') . '</b>: ' . getConnectionTypes($connected->type);
                 if ($connected->description != null) {
                     $tipField .= '<br /><b>' . CBTxt::Th('UE_CONNECTEDCOMMENT', 'Comment') . '</b>: ' . htmlspecialchars($connected->description);
                 $tipTitle = CBTxt::Th('UE_CONNECTEDDETAIL', 'Connection Details');
                 $htmlText = $cbUser->getField('avatar', null, 'html', 'none', 'list', 0, true);
                 $tooltip = cbTooltip(1, $tipField, $tipTitle, 300, null, $htmlText, null, 'style="padding: 5px;"');
                 if ($connected->accepted == 1 && $connected->pending == 1) {
                     $actionImg = '<span class="fa fa-clock-o" title="' . htmlspecialchars(CBTxt::T('UE_CONNECTIONPENDING', 'Connection Pending')) . '"></span>' . ' <a href="' . $_CB_framework->viewUrl('removeconnection', true, array('act' => 'manage', 'connectionid' => (int) $connected->memberid)) . '" >' . '<span class="fa fa-times-circle-o" title="' . htmlspecialchars(CBTxt::T('UE_REMOVECONNECTION', 'Remove Connection')) . '"></span>' . '</a>';
                 } elseif ($connected->accepted == 1 && $connected->pending == 0) {
                     $actionImg = '<a href="' . $_CB_framework->viewUrl('denyconnection', true, array('act' => 'manage', 'connectionid' => (int) $connected->referenceid)) . '" >' . '<span class="fa fa-times-circle-o" title="' . htmlspecialchars(CBTxt::T('UE_REMOVECONNECTION', 'Remove Connection')) . '"></span>' . '</a>';
                 } elseif ($connected->accepted == 0) {
                     $actionImg = '<a href="' . $_CB_framework->viewUrl('acceptconnection', true, array('act' => 'manage', 'connectionid' => (int) $connected->referenceid)) . '" >' . '<span class="fa fa-check-circle-o" title="' . htmlspecialchars(CBTxt::T('UE_ACCEPTCONNECTION', 'Accept Connection')) . '"></span>' . '</a>' . ' <a href="' . $_CB_framework->viewUrl('denyconnection', true, array('act' => 'manage', 'connectionid' => (int) $connected->referenceid)) . '" >' . '<span class="fa fa-times-circle-o" title="' . htmlspecialchars(CBTxt::T('UE_REMOVECONNECTION', 'Remove Connection')) . '"></span>' . '</a>';
                 } else {
                     $actionImg = null;
                 $return .= '<div class="containerBox img-thumbnail">' . '<div class="containerBoxInner" style="min-height: 130px; min-width: 90px;">' . $actionImg . '<br />' . $cbUser->getField('onlinestatus', null, 'html', 'none', 'profile', 0, true, array('_imgMode' => 1)) . ' ' . $cbUser->getField('formatname', null, 'html', 'none', 'list', 0, true) . '<br />' . $tooltip . '<br />' . ' <a href="' . $_CB_framework->userProfileUrl((int) $connected->referenceid) . '">' . '<span class="fa fa-user" title="' . htmlspecialchars(CBTxt::T('UE_VIEWPROFILE', 'View Profile')) . '"></span>' . '</a>' . ' ' . $cbUser->getField('email', null, 'html', 'none', 'profile', 0, true, array('_imgMode' => 1)) . ' ' . $cbUser->getField('pm', null, 'html', 'none', 'profile', 0, true, array('_imgMode' => 1)) . '</div>' . '</div>';
             $return .= '</div>' . '<div class="form-group cb_form_line clearfix">' . '<input type="button" class="btn btn-default cbMngConnCancel" value="' . htmlspecialchars(CBTxt::Th('UE_CANCEL', 'Cancel')) . '" onclick="window.location=\'' . $_CB_framework->userProfileUrl() . '\'; return false;" />' . '</div>';
         $return .= $tabs->endTab();
     $return .= $tabs->endPane() . '</div>' . cbPoweredBy();
     echo $return;