  *  Returns or Creates a list item or list item id matching the parameters and options provided
  * @param string/int $pm_list_code_or_id
  * @param string $ps_item_idno
  * @param string/int $pn_type_id
  * @param int $pn_locale_id
  * @param null/array $pa_values
  * @param array $pa_options An optional array of options. See DataMigrationUtils::_getID() for a list.
  * @return bool|ca_list_items|mixed|null
  * @see DataMigrationUtils::_getID()
 static function getListItemID($pm_list_code_or_id, $ps_item_idno, $pn_type_id, $pn_locale_id, $pa_values = null, $pa_options = null)
     if (!is_array($pa_options)) {
         $pa_options = array();
     $pb_output_errors = caGetOption('outputErrors', $pa_options, false);
     $pa_match_on = caGetOption('matchOn', $pa_options, array('label', 'idno'), array('castTo' => "array"));
     $vn_parent_id = caGetOption('parent_id', $pa_values, false);
     $vs_singular_label = isset($pa_values['preferred_labels']['name_singular']) && $pa_values['preferred_labels']['name_singular'] ? $pa_values['preferred_labels']['name_singular'] : '';
     if (!$vs_singular_label) {
         $vs_singular_label = isset($pa_values['name_singular']) && $pa_values['name_singular'] ? $pa_values['name_singular'] : str_replace("_", " ", $ps_item_idno);
     $vs_plural_label = isset($pa_values['preferred_labels']['name_plural']) && $pa_values['preferred_labels']['name_plural'] ? $pa_values['preferred_labels']['name_plural'] : '';
     if (!$vs_plural_label) {
         $vs_plural_label = isset($pa_values['name_plural']) && $pa_values['name_plural'] ? $pa_values['name_plural'] : str_replace("_", " ", $ps_item_idno);
     if (!$vs_singular_label) {
         $vs_singular_label = $vs_plural_label;
     if (!$vs_plural_label) {
         $vs_plural_label = $vs_singular_label;
     if (!$ps_item_idno) {
         $ps_item_idno = $vs_plural_label;
     if (!isset($pa_options['cache'])) {
         $pa_options['cache'] = true;
     // Create cache key
     $vs_cache_key = md5($pm_list_code_or_id . '/' . $ps_item_idno . '/' . $vn_parent_id . '/' . $vs_singular_label . '/' . $vs_plural_label . '/' . json_encode($pa_match_on));
     $o_event = isset($pa_options['importEvent']) && $pa_options['importEvent'] instanceof ca_data_import_events ? $pa_options['importEvent'] : null;
     $ps_event_source = isset($pa_options['importEventSource']) && $pa_options['importEventSource'] ? $pa_options['importEventSource'] : "?";
     /** @var KLogger $o_log */
     $o_log = isset($pa_options['log']) && $pa_options['log'] instanceof KLogger ? $pa_options['log'] : null;
     if ($pa_options['cache'] && isset(DataMigrationUtils::$s_cached_list_item_ids[$vs_cache_key])) {
         if (isset($pa_options['returnInstance']) && $pa_options['returnInstance']) {
             $t_item = new ca_list_items(DataMigrationUtils::$s_cached_list_item_ids[$vs_cache_key]);
             if (isset($pa_options['transaction']) && $pa_options['transaction'] instanceof Transaction) {
             return $t_item;
         if ($o_event) {
             $o_event->beginItem($ps_event_source, 'ca_list_items', 'U');
             $o_event->endItem(DataMigrationUtils::$s_cached_list_item_ids[$vs_cache_key], __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_SUCCESS__, '');
         if ($o_log) {
             $o_log->logDebug(_t("Found existing list item %1 (member of list %2) in DataMigrationUtils::getListItemID() using idno", $ps_item_idno, $pm_list_code_or_id));
         return DataMigrationUtils::$s_cached_list_item_ids[$vs_cache_key];
     if (!($vn_list_id = ca_lists::getListID($pm_list_code_or_id))) {
         if ($pb_output_errors) {
             print "[Error] " . _t("Could not find list with list code %1", $pm_list_code_or_id) . "\n";
         if ($o_log) {
             $o_log->logError(_t("Could not find list with list code %1", $pm_list_code_or_id));
         return DataMigrationUtils::$s_cached_list_item_ids[$vs_cache_key] = null;
     if (!$vn_parent_id && $vn_parent_id !== false) {
         $vn_parent_id = caGetListRootID($pm_list_code_or_id);
     $t_list = new ca_lists();
     $t_item = new ca_list_items();
     if (isset($pa_options['transaction']) && $pa_options['transaction'] instanceof Transaction) {
         if ($o_event) {
     $vn_item_id = null;
     foreach ($pa_match_on as $vs_match_on) {
         switch (strtolower($vs_match_on)) {
             case 'label':
             case 'labels':
                 if (trim($vs_singular_label) || trim($vs_plural_label)) {
                     $va_criteria = array('preferred_labels' => array('name_singular' => $vs_singular_label), 'list_id' => $vn_list_id);
                     if ($vn_parent_id !== false) {
                         $va_criteria['parent_id'] = $vn_parent_id;
                     if ($vn_item_id = ca_list_items::find($va_criteria, array('returnAs' => 'firstId', 'purifyWithFallback' => true, 'transaction' => $pa_options['transaction']))) {
                         if ($o_log) {
                             $o_log->logDebug(_t("Found existing list item %1 (member of list %2) in DataMigrationUtils::getListItemID() using singular label %3", $ps_item_idno, $pm_list_code_or_id, $vs_singular_label));
                         break 2;
                     } else {
                         $va_criteria['preferred_labels'] = array('name_plural' => $vs_plural_label);
                         if ($vn_item_id = ca_list_items::find($va_criteria, array('returnAs' => 'firstId', 'purifyWithFallback' => true, 'transaction' => $pa_options['transaction']))) {
                             if ($o_log) {
                                 $o_log->logDebug(_t("Found existing list item %1 (member of list %2) in DataMigrationUtils::getListItemID() using plural label %3", $ps_item_idno, $pm_list_code_or_id, $vs_plural_label));
                             break 2;
             case 'idno':
                 if ($ps_item_idno == '%') {
                 // don't try to match on an unreplaced idno placeholder
                 $va_criteria = array('idno' => $ps_item_idno ? $ps_item_idno : $vs_plural_label, 'list_id' => $vn_list_id);
                 if ($vn_parent_id !== false) {
                     $va_criteria['parent_id'] = $vn_parent_id;
                 if ($vn_item_id = ca_list_items::find($va_criteria, array('returnAs' => 'firstId', 'purifyWithFallback' => true, 'transaction' => $pa_options['transaction']))) {
                     if ($o_log) {
                         $o_log->logDebug(_t("Found existing list item %1 (member of list %2) in DataMigrationUtils::getListItemID() using idno with %3", $ps_item_idno, $pm_list_code_or_id, $ps_item_idno));
                     break 2;
     if ($vn_item_id) {
         DataMigrationUtils::$s_cached_list_item_ids[$vs_cache_key] = $vn_item_id;
         if ($o_event) {
             $o_event->beginItem($ps_event_source, 'ca_list_items', 'U');
             $o_event->endItem($vn_item_id, __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_SUCCESS__, '');
         if (($vb_force_update = caGetOption('forceUpdate', $pa_options, false)) || ($vb_return_instance = caGetOption('returnInstance', $pa_options, false))) {
             $vb_has_attr = false;
             if ($vb_force_update) {
                 foreach ($pa_values as $vs_element => $va_values) {
                     if ($t_item->hasElement($vs_element)) {
                         $vb_has_attr = true;
             if ($vb_return_instance || $vb_force_update && $vb_has_attr) {
                 $t_item = new ca_list_items($vn_item_id);
                 if (isset($pa_options['transaction']) && $pa_options['transaction'] instanceof Transaction) {
             $vb_attr_errors = false;
             if ($vb_force_update && $vb_has_attr) {
                 $vb_attr_errors = !DataMigrationUtils::_setAttributes($t_item, $pn_locale_id, $pa_values, $pa_options);
             if ($o_event) {
                 if ($vb_attr_errors) {
                     $o_event->endItem($vn_item_id, __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_PARTIAL_SUCCESS__, _t("Errors setting field values: %1", join('; ', $t_item->getErrors())));
                 } else {
                     $o_event->endItem($vn_item_id, __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_SUCCESS__, '');
             if ($vb_return_instance) {
                 return $t_item;
         return $vn_item_id;
     if (isset($pa_options['dontCreate']) && $pa_options['dontCreate']) {
         return false;
     // Need to create list item
     if (!$t_list->load($vn_list_id)) {
         if ($o_log) {
             $o_log->logError(_t("Could not find list with list id %1", $vn_list_id));
         return null;
     if ($o_event) {
         $o_event->beginItem($ps_event_source, 'ca_list_items', 'I');
     if ($t_item = $t_list->addItem($ps_item_idno, $pa_values['is_enabled'], $pa_values['is_default'], $vn_parent_id, $pn_type_id, $ps_item_idno, '', (int) $pa_values['status'], (int) $pa_values['access'], $pa_values['rank'])) {
         $vb_label_errors = false;
         $t_item->addLabel(array('name_singular' => $vs_singular_label, 'name_plural' => $vs_plural_label), $pn_locale_id, null, true);
         if ($t_item->numErrors()) {
             if ($pb_output_errors) {
                 print "[Error] " . _t("Could not set preferred label for list item %1: %2", "{$vs_singular_label}/{$vs_plural_label}/{$ps_item_idno}", join('; ', $t_item->getErrors())) . "\n";
             if ($o_log) {
                 $o_log->logError(_t("Could not set preferred label for list item %1: %2", "{$vs_singular_label}/{$vs_plural_label}/{$ps_item_idno}", join('; ', $t_item->getErrors())));
             $vb_label_errors = true;
         $vb_attr_errors = !DataMigrationUtils::_setAttributes($t_item, $pn_locale_id, $pa_values, $pa_options);
         DataMigrationUtils::_setNonPreferredLabels($t_item, $pn_locale_id, $pa_options);
         DataMigrationUtils::_setIdno($t_item, $ps_item_idno, $pa_options);
         $vn_item_id = DataMigrationUtils::$s_cached_list_item_ids[$vs_cache_key] = $t_item->getPrimaryKey();
         if ($o_event) {
             if ($vb_attr_errors || $vb_label_errors) {
                 $o_event->endItem($vn_item_id, __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_PARTIAL_SUCCESS__, _t("Errors setting field values: %1", join('; ', $t_item->getErrors())));
             } else {
                 $o_event->endItem($vn_item_id, __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_SUCCESS__, '');
         if ($o_log) {
             $o_log->logInfo(_t("Created new list item %1 in list %2", "{$vs_singular_label}/{$vs_plural_label}/{$ps_item_idno}", $pm_list_code_or_id));
         if (isset($pa_options['returnInstance']) && $pa_options['returnInstance']) {
             return $t_item;
         return $vn_item_id;
     } else {
         if ($o_log) {
             $o_log->logError(_t("Could not find add item to list: %1", join("; ", $t_list->getErrors())));
     return null;
    $pn_nl_locale_id = $t_locale->loadLocaleByCode('nl_BE');
if (!$pn_nl_locale_id) {
    die("ERROR: You can only import the Dutch-language AAT into an installation configured to support the nl_NL (Netherlands) or nl_BE (Vlaams Belgium) locale. Add one of these locales to your system and try again.\n");
// create vocabulary list record (if it doesn't exist already)
$t_list = new ca_lists();
if (!$t_list->load(array('list_code' => 'aat_nl'))) {
    $t_list->set('list_code', 'aat_nl');
    $t_list->set('is_system_list', 0);
    $t_list->set('is_hierarchical', 1);
    $t_list->set('use_as_vocabulary', 1);
    if ($t_list->numErrors()) {
        print "ERROR: couldn't create ca_list row for AAT: " . join('; ', $t_list->getErrors()) . "\n";
    $t_list->addLabel(array('name' => 'Art & Architecture Thesaurus [Nederlands]'), $pn_en_locale_id, null, true);
$vn_list_id = $t_list->getPrimaryKey();
// get list item types (should be defined by base installation profile [base.profile])
// if your installation didn't use a profile inheriting from base.profile then you should make sure
// that a list with code='list_item_types' is defined and the following four item codes are defined.
// If these are not defined then the AAT will still import, but without any distinction between
// terms, facets and guide terms
$vn_list_item_type_concept = $t_list->getItemIDFromList('list_item_types', 'concept');
$vn_list_item_type_facet = $t_list->getItemIDFromList('list_item_types', 'facet');
$vn_list_item_type_guide_term = $t_list->getItemIDFromList('list_item_types', 'guide_term');
$vn_list_item_type_hierarchy_name = $t_list->getItemIDFromList('list_item_types', 'hierarchy_name');
// get list item label types (should be defined by base installation profile [base.profile])
 private function fetchAndImport($pa_item_queue, $po_client, $pa_config, $pa_tables, $ps_code)
     if (!is_array($pa_tables)) {
         $pa_tables = array();
     $t_rel_type = new ca_relationship_types();
     $vs_base_url = $pa_config['baseUrl'];
     $o_dm = Datamodel::load();
     $t_locale = new ca_locales();
     $t_list = new ca_lists();
     $vn_source_id = $t_list->getItemIDFromList('object_sources', $pa_config['code']);
     $pn_rep_type_id = $t_list->getItemIDFromList('object_representation_types', 'front');
     foreach ($pa_item_queue as $vn_i => $va_item) {
         $vs_table = $va_item['table'];
         $va_import_relationships_from = $pa_config['importRelatedFor'][$va_item['table']];
         print "oo";
         $vn_id = $va_item['id'];
         if (!$vn_id) {
             print "[Notice] SKIP CAUSE NO ID ({$ps_code})\n";
         if (isset($this->opa_processed_records[$vs_table . '/' . $vn_id])) {
         $vs_idno = trim((string) $va_item['idno']);
         try {
             $o_xml = $po_client->getItem($vs_table, $vn_id)->get();
         } catch (exception $e) {
             print "[ERROR] While trying to get item information: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
         $o_item = $o_xml->getItem;
         $t_instance = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($vs_table, false);
         $t_instance_label = $t_instance->getLabelTableInstance();
         // Look for existing record
         $vb_skip = false;
         $vb_update = false;
         $vs_label_fld = $t_instance->getLabelDisplayField();
         $vs_label = (string) $o_item->preferred_labels->en_US->{$vs_label_fld};
         print "[Notice] Processing [{$vs_table}] {$vs_label} [{$vs_idno}] ({$ps_code})\n";
         if ($vs_idno && ($vs_table == 'ca_objects' && $t_instance->load(array('idno' => $vs_idno)) || $vs_table != 'ca_objects' && $t_instance->load(array('idno' => $vs_idno)))) {
             if ($t_instance->hasField('deleted') && $t_instance->get('deleted') == 1) {
                 $t_instance->set('deleted', 0);
             //print "[Notice] Update [{$vs_idno}] for {$vs_table} 'cause it already exists ({$ps_code})\n";
             if (!$t_instance->getPrimaryKey()) {
                 $vb_skip = true;
                 print "[ERROR] Could not load instance for [{$vs_idno}]\n";
             $vb_update = true;
             // Clear labels
             if ($t_instance->numErrors()) {
                 print "[ERROR] Could not remove labels for updating: " . join("; ", $t_instance->getErrors()) . "\n";
             // Clear attributes
             $t_instance->removeAttributes(null, array('dontCheckMinMax' => true));
             if ($t_instance->numErrors()) {
                 print "[ERROR] Could not remove attributes for updating: " . join("; ", $t_instance->getErrors()) . "\n";
             // Clear relationships
             if (is_array($va_import_relationships_from)) {
                 foreach ($va_import_relationships_from as $vs_rel_table => $va_table_info) {
                     if ($t_instance->numErrors()) {
                         print "[ERROR] Could not remove {$vs_rel_table} relationships for updating: " . join("; ", $t_instance->getErrors()) . "\n";
             if ($t_instance->tableName() == 'ca_objects') {
                 //$t_instance->set('source_id', $vn_source_id);
             if ($t_instance->numErrors()) {
                 print "[ERROR] Could not clear record for updating: " . join("; ", $t_instance->getErrors()) . "\n";
         // create new one
         if (!$vb_update) {
             if ($t_instance->tableName() == 'ca_objects') {
                 //$t_instance->set('source_id', $vn_source_id);
         // add intrinsics
         switch ($vs_table) {
             case 'ca_collections':
                 $va_intrinsics = array('status', 'access', 'idno');
             case 'ca_occurrences':
                 $va_intrinsics = array('status', 'access', 'idno');
             case 'ca_objects':
                 $va_intrinsics = array('status', 'access', 'idno');
             case 'ca_entities':
                 $va_intrinsics = array('status', 'access', 'lifespan', 'source_id', 'idno');
             case 'ca_object_lots':
                 $va_intrinsics = array('status', 'access', 'idno_stub');
                 $va_intrinsics = array('status', 'access', 'idno');
         // TODO: Need to properly handle foreign-key intrinsics when the item they point to doesn't exist
         // eg. source_id fields, various ca_objects and ca_object_lots intrinsics, etc.
         if ($vs_table == 'ca_list_items') {
             // does list exist?
             $vs_list_code = (string) $o_item->{'list_code'};
             $t_list = new ca_lists();
             if (!$t_list->load(array('list_code' => $vs_list_code))) {
                 // create list
                 // TODO: should we bother to replicate the is_hierarchical, use_as_vocabulary and default_sort settings via a service?
                 // For now just set reasonable values
                 $t_list->set('list_code', $vs_list_code);
                 $t_list->set('is_hierarchical', 1);
                 $t_list->set('use_as_vocabulary', 1);
                 $t_list->set('default_sort', 0);
                 if ($t_list->numErrors()) {
                     print "[ERROR] Could not insert new list '{$vs_list_code}': " . join('; ', $t_list->getErrors()) . "\n";
                 } else {
                     $t_list->addLabel(array('name' => $vs_list_code), $pn_locale_id, null, true);
                     if ($t_list->numErrors()) {
                         print "[ERROR] Could not add label to new list '{$vs_list_code}': " . join('; ', $t_list->getErrors()) . "\n";
             $t_instance->set('list_id', $t_list->getPrimaryKey());
         foreach ($va_intrinsics as $vs_f) {
             $t_instance->set($vs_f, $o_item->{$vs_f});
         if (!$vb_update) {
             $vn_type_id = $t_instance->getTypeIDForCode((string) $o_item->type_id);
             if (!$vn_type_id) {
                 print "NO TYPE FOR {$vs_table}/" . $o_item->type_id . "\n";
             $t_instance->set('type_id', $vn_type_id);
             if ($t_instance->tableName() == 'ca_objects') {
                 //$t_instance->set('source_id', $vn_source_id);
             // TODO: add hook onBeforeInsert()
             // TODO: add hook onInsert()
             if ($t_instance->numErrors()) {
                 print "[ERROR] Could not insert record: " . join('; ', $t_instance->getErrors()) . "\n";
         // add attributes
         // TODO: make this configurable
         $va_codes = $t_instance->getApplicableElementCodes();
         // $va_codes = array(
         // 				'description',
         // 				'georeference', 'geonames', 'internal_notes',
         // 				'oclc_number', 'file_name',
         // 				'digitized_by', 'digitized_date', 'call_number',
         // 				'other_call_number', 'collection_title', 'collection_number',
         // 				'box_number', 'folder_number', 'volume_number', 'page_number', 'shelf',
         // 				'pulled_digitization', 'pulled_name', 'pulled_date', 'returned_digitization',
         // 				'returned_name', 'returned_date', 'needs_redigitization', 'donor', 'copyright_holder',
         // 				'reproduction_restrictions', 'administrative_notes', 'date_view', 'date_item',
         // 				'view_format', 'item_format', 'dimensions', 'map_scale', 'image_description', 'address',
         // 				'lcsh_terms',  'inscription'
         // 			);
         foreach ($va_codes as $vs_code) {
             $t_element = $t_instance->_getElementInstance($vs_code);
             switch ($t_element->get('datatype')) {
                 case 0:
                     // container
                     $va_elements = $t_element->getElementsInSet();
                     $o_attr = $o_item->{'ca_attribute_' . $vs_code};
                     foreach ($o_attr as $va_tag => $o_tags) {
                         foreach ($o_tags as $vs_locale => $o_values) {
                             if (!($vn_locale_id = $t_locale->localeCodeToID($vs_locale))) {
                                 $vn_locale_id = null;
                             $va_container_data = array('locale_id' => $vn_locale_id);
                             foreach ($o_values as $o_value) {
                                 foreach ($va_elements as $vn_i => $va_element_info) {
                                     if ($va_element_info['datatype'] == 0) {
                                     if ($vs_value = trim((string) $o_value->{$va_element_info['element_code']})) {
                                         switch ($va_element_info['datatype']) {
                                             case 3:
                                                 $va_tmp = explode(":", $vs_value);
                                                 //print "CONTAINER LIST CODE=".$va_tmp[1]."/$vs_value/".$va_element_info['list_id']."\n";
                                                 $va_container_data[$va_element_info['element_code']] = $t_list->getItemIDFromList($va_element_info['list_id'], $va_tmp[1]);
                                                 $va_container_data[$va_element_info['element_code']] = $vs_value;
                                 $t_instance->replaceAttribute($va_container_data, $vs_code);
                 case 3:
                     // list
                     $o_attr = $o_item->{'ca_attribute_' . $vs_code};
                     foreach ($o_attr as $va_tag => $o_tags) {
                         foreach ($o_tags as $vs_locale => $o_values) {
                             if (!($vn_locale_id = $t_locale->localeCodeToID($vs_locale))) {
                                 $vn_locale_id = null;
                             foreach ($o_values as $o_value) {
                                 if ($vs_value = trim((string) $o_value->{$vs_code})) {
                                     $va_tmp = explode(":", $vs_value);
                                     // TODO: create lists and list items if they don't already exist
                                     if ($vn_item_id = $t_list->getItemIDFromList($t_element->get('list_id'), $va_tmp[1])) {
                                         $t_instance->replaceAttribute(array($vs_code => $vn_item_id, 'locale_id' => $vn_locale_id), $vs_code);
                 case 15:
                     // File
                 // File
                 case 16:
                     // Media
                     if ($t_instance->numErrors()) {
                         print "[ERROR] Could not update record before media: " . join('; ', $t_instance->getErrors()) . "\n";
                     // TODO: detect if media has changes and only pull if it has
                     $o_attr = $o_item->{'ca_attribute_' . $vs_code};
                     foreach ($o_attr as $va_tag => $o_tags) {
                         foreach ($o_tags as $vs_locale => $o_values) {
                             if (!($vn_locale_id = $t_locale->localeCodeToID($vs_locale))) {
                                 $vn_locale_id = null;
                             foreach ($o_values as $o_value) {
                                 if ($vs_value = trim((string) $o_value->{$vs_code})) {
                                     $t_instance->replaceAttribute(array($vs_code => $vs_value, 'locale_id' => $vn_locale_id), $vs_code);
                     if ($t_instance->numErrors()) {
                         print "[ERROR] Could not update record after media: " . join('; ', $t_instance->getErrors()) . "\n";
                     $o_attr = $o_item->{'ca_attribute_' . $vs_code};
                     foreach ($o_attr as $va_tag => $o_tags) {
                         foreach ($o_tags as $vs_locale => $o_values) {
                             if (!($vn_locale_id = $t_locale->localeCodeToID($vs_locale))) {
                                 $vn_locale_id = null;
                             foreach ($o_values as $o_value) {
                                 if ($vs_value = trim((string) $o_value->{$vs_code})) {
                                     $t_instance->replaceAttribute(array($vs_code => $vs_value, 'locale_id' => $vn_locale_id), $vs_code);
         if ($t_instance->numErrors()) {
             print "[ERROR] Could not update [1] record: " . join('; ', $t_instance->getErrors()) . "\n";
         // TODO: add hook onBeforeUpdate()
         // TODO: add hook onUpdate()
         if ($t_instance->numErrors()) {
             print "[ERROR] Could not update [2] record: " . join('; ', $t_instance->getErrors()) . "\n";
         // get label fields
         $va_label_data = array();
         foreach ($t_instance->getLabelUIFields() as $vs_field) {
             if (!($va_label_data[$vs_field] = $o_item->preferred_labels->en_US->{$vs_field})) {
                 $va_label_data[$vs_field] = $o_item->preferred_labels->en_US->{$vs_field};
         // TODO: add hook onBeforeAddLabel()
         $t_instance->addLabel($va_label_data, 1, null, true);
         // TODO: add hook onAddLabel()
         if ($t_instance->numErrors()) {
             print "ERROR adding label: " . join('; ', $t_instance->getErrors()) . "\n";
         $this->opa_processed_records[$va_item['table'] . '/' . (int) $va_item['id']] = $t_instance->getPrimaryKey();
         if ($vb_skip) {
         if (!is_array($va_import_relationships_from)) {
         $pa_tables[$va_item['table']] = true;
         // Are there relationships?
         $pb_imported_self_relations = false;
         foreach ($va_import_relationships_from as $vs_rel_table => $va_table_info) {
             $vb_is_self_relation = $vs_rel_table == $t_instance->tableName() && !$pb_imported_self_relations ? true : false;
             if (!$pa_tables[$vs_rel_table] || $vb_is_self_relation) {
                 // load related records recursively
                 if ($vs_rel_table == $t_instance->tableName()) {
                     $pb_imported_self_relations = true;
                 if ($o_item->{'related_' . $vs_rel_table}) {
                     $t_rel = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($vs_rel_table, false);
                     // TODO: add hook onBeforeAddRelationships()
                     foreach ($o_item->{'related_' . $vs_rel_table} as $vs_tag => $o_related_items) {
                         foreach ($o_related_items as $vs_i => $o_related_item) {
                             if (is_array($pa_config['importRelatedFor'][$va_item['table']][$vs_rel_table])) {
                                 $va_rel_types = array_keys($pa_config['importRelatedFor'][$va_item['table']][$vs_rel_table]);
                                 if (is_array($va_rel_types) && sizeof($va_rel_types) && !in_array((string) $o_related_item->relationship_type_code, $va_rel_types)) {
                                     print "[INFO] Skipped relationship for {$vs_display_name} because type='" . (string) $o_related_item->relationship_type_code . "' is excluded\n";
                             $vs_pk = $t_rel->primaryKey();
                             $vn_id = (int) $o_related_item->{$vs_pk};
                             $va_queue = array($vs_rel_table . "/" . $vn_id => array('table' => $vs_rel_table, 'id' => $vn_id, 'idno' => (string) $o_related_item->idno));
                             // TODO: Add from/until support
                             $this->fetchAndImport($va_queue, $po_client, $pa_config, $pa_tables, $ps_code);
                             $vn_rel_record_id = $this->opa_processed_records[$vs_rel_table . '/' . (int) $vn_id];
                             $vb_skip = false;
                             if ($vb_is_self_relation) {
                                 if ($this->opa_processed_self_relations[$vs_rel_table][$vn_rel_record_id][$t_instance->getPrimaryKey()][(string) $o_related_item->relationship_type_code] || $this->opa_processed_self_relations[$vs_rel_table][$t_instance->getPrimaryKey()][$vn_rel_record_id][(string) $o_related_item->relationship_type_code]) {
                                     $vb_skip = true;
                                 } else {
                                     $this->opa_processed_self_relations[$vs_rel_table][$t_instance->getPrimaryKey()][$vn_rel_record_id][(string) $o_related_item->relationship_type_code] = $this->opa_processed_self_relations[$vs_rel_table][$vn_rel_record_id][$t_instance->getPrimaryKey()][(string) $o_related_item->relationship_type_code] = true;
                             if (!$vb_skip) {
                                 $t_instance->addRelationship($vs_rel_table, $vn_rel_record_id, (string) $o_related_item->relationship_type_code);
                                 if ($t_instance->numErrors()) {
                                     print "[ERROR] Could not add relationship to {$vs_rel_table} for row_id={$vn_rel_record_id}: " . join('; ', $t_instance->getErrors()) . "\n";
                     // TODO: add hook onAddRelationships()
         // Is there media?
         if ($t_instance->tableName() == 'ca_objects') {
             try {
                 $o_rep_xml = $po_client->getObjectRepresentations((int) $va_item['id'], array('large', 'original'))->get();
             } catch (exception $e) {
                 print "[ERROR] While getting object representations: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
             $va_existing_reps = $t_instance->getRepresentations(array('large', 'original'));
             $va_existing_md5s = array();
             $va_rep_ids = array();
             $va_dupe_reps = array();
             foreach ($va_existing_reps as $va_rep) {
                 if ($va_existing_md5s[$va_rep['info']['original']['MD5']] && $va_existing_md5s[$va_rep['info']['large']['MD5']]) {
                     // dupe
                     $va_dupe_reps[] = $va_rep['representation_id'];
                 $va_existing_md5s[$va_rep['info']['original']['MD5']] = $va_rep['representation_id'];
                 $va_existing_md5s[$va_rep['info']['large']['MD5']] = $va_rep['representation_id'];
                 $va_rep_ids[] = $va_rep['representation_id'];
             if ($o_rep_xml->getObjectRepresentations) {
                 foreach ($o_rep_xml->getObjectRepresentations as $vs_x => $o_reps) {
                     foreach ($o_reps as $vs_key => $o_rep) {
                         if ($vs_url = trim((string) $o_rep->urls->large)) {
                             $vs_remote_original_md5 = (string) $o_rep->info->original->MD5;
                             $vs_remote_large_md5 = (string) $o_rep->info->large->MD5;
                             if (isset($va_existing_md5s[$vs_remote_original_md5]) && $va_existing_md5s[$vs_remote_original_md5] || isset($va_existing_md5s[$vs_remote_large_md5]) && $va_existing_md5s[$vs_remote_large_md5]) {
                                 print "[NOTICE] Skipping representation at {$vs_url} because it already exists (MD5={$vs_remote_original_md5}/{$vs_remote_large_md5}) ({$ps_code})\n";
                                 if (!($vn_kill_rep_id = $va_existing_md5s[$vs_remote_large_md5])) {
                                     $vn_kill_rep_id = $va_existing_md5s[$vs_remote_original_md5];
                                 foreach ($va_existing_md5s as $vs_md5 => $vn_rep_id) {
                                     if ($vn_kill_rep_id == $vn_rep_id) {
                                         $t_existing_rep_link = new ca_objects_x_object_representations();
                                         if ($t_existing_rep_link->load(array('object_id' => $t_instance->getPrimaryKey(), 'representation_id' => $vn_rep_id))) {
                                             //	print "update object_id ".$t_instance->getPrimaryKey()."/rep=$vn_rep_id to rank=".$o_rep->rank."/primary=".$o_rep->is_primary."\n";
                                             $t_existing_rep_link->set('is_primary', (int) $o_rep->is_primary);
                                             $t_existing_rep_link->set('rank', (int) $o_rep->rank);
                                             if ($t_existing_rep_link->numErrors()) {
                             print "[Notice] Importing for [{$vs_idno}] media from {$vs_url}: primary=" . (string) $o_rep->is_primary . " ({$ps_code})\n";
                             print "instance has id=" . $t_instance->getPrimaryKey() . "\n";
                             // TODO: add hook onBeforeAddMedia()
                             $vn_link_id = $t_instance->addRepresentation($vs_url, $pn_rep_type_id, 1, (int) $o_rep->status, (int) $o_rep->access, (int) $o_rep->is_primary);
                             // TODO: add hook onAddMedia()
                             if ($t_instance->numErrors()) {
                                 print "[ERROR] Could not load object representation: " . join("; ", $t_instance->getErrors()) . " ({$ps_code})\n";
                             } else {
                                 $t_link = new ca_objects_x_object_representations($vn_link_id);
                                 $t_new_rep = new ca_object_representations($t_link->get('representation_id'));
                                 //unlink($x=$t_new_rep->getMediaPath('media', 'original'));
             $va_rep_ids = array();
             foreach ($va_existing_md5s as $vs_md5 => $vn_rep_id) {
                 if ($va_rep_ids[$vn_rep_id]) {
                 $t_obj_x_rep = new ca_objects_x_object_representations();
                 while ($t_obj_x_rep->load(array('object_id' => $t_instance->getPrimaryKey(), 'representation_id' => $vn_rep_id))) {
                     if ($t_obj_x_rep->numErrors()) {
                         print "[ERROR] Could not load remove object-to-representation link: " . join("; ", $t_obj_x_rep->getErrors()) . " ({$ps_code})\n";
                     if (!$t_obj_x_rep->load(array('representation_id' => $vn_rep_id))) {
                         $t_rep = new ca_object_representations();
                         if ($t_rep->load($vn_rep_id)) {
                             $t_rep->delete(true, array('hard' => true));
                             if ($t_rep->numErrors()) {
                                 print "[ERROR] Could not remove representation: " . join("; ", $t_rep->getErrors()) . "\n";
                 $va_rep_ids[$vn_rep_id] = true;
             foreach ($va_dupe_reps as $vn_dupe_rep_id) {
                 $t_rep = new ca_object_representations();
                 if ($t_rep->load($vn_dupe_rep_id)) {
                     print "[Notice] DELETE DUPE {$vn_dupe_rep_id}\n";
                     $t_rep->delete(true, array('hard' => true));
                     if ($t_rep->numErrors()) {
                         print "[ERROR] Could not remove dupe representation: " . join("; ", $t_rep->getErrors()) . "\n";
  * @param array $pa_options An optional array of options, which include:
  *				outputErrors - if true, errors will be printed to console [default=false]
  *				dontCreate - if true then new items will not be created [default=false]
  *				matchOnLabel =  if true then list items are looked up exclusively using labels [default=false]
  *				matchOnIdno - try to match on idno if name match fails [default=false]
  *				cache = cache item_ids of previously created/loaded items [default=true]
  *				returnInstance = return ca_occurrences instance rather than occurrence_id. Default is false. 
  *				importEvent = if ca_data_import_events instance is passed then the insert/update of the list item will be logged as part of the import
  *				importEventSource = if importEvent is passed, then the value set for importEventSource is used in the import event log as the data source. If omitted a default value of "?" is used
  *				log = if KLogger instance is passed then actions will be logged
 static function getListItemID($pm_list_code_or_id, $ps_item_idno, $pn_type_id, $pn_locale_id, $pa_values = null, $pa_options = null)
     if (!is_array($pa_options)) {
         $pa_options = array();
     if (!isset($pa_options['outputErrors'])) {
         $pa_options['outputErrors'] = false;
     $pb_match_on_label = caGetOption('matchOnLabel', $pa_options, false);
     $pb_match_on_idno = caGetOption('matchOnIdno', $pa_options, false);
     $vn_parent_id = caGetOption('parent_id', $pa_values, null);
     if (!isset($pa_options['cache'])) {
         $pa_options['cache'] = true;
     $o_event = isset($pa_options['importEvent']) && $pa_options['importEvent'] instanceof ca_data_import_events ? $pa_options['importEvent'] : null;
     $vs_event_source = isset($pa_options['importEventSource']) && $pa_options['importEventSource'] ? $pa_options['importEventSource'] : "?";
     $o_log = isset($pa_options['log']) && $pa_options['log'] instanceof KLogger ? $pa_options['log'] : null;
     if ($pa_options['cache'] && isset(DataMigrationUtils::$s_cached_list_item_ids[$pm_list_code_or_id . '/' . $ps_item_idno . '/' . $vn_parent_id])) {
         if (isset($pa_options['returnInstance']) && $pa_options['returnInstance']) {
             return new ca_list_items(DataMigrationUtils::$s_cached_list_item_ids[$pm_list_code_or_id . '/' . $ps_item_idno . '/' . $vn_parent_id]);
         if ($o_event) {
             $o_event->beginItem($vs_event_source, 'ca_list_items', 'U');
             $o_event->endItem(DataMigrationUtils::$s_cached_list_item_ids[$pm_list_code_or_id . '/' . $ps_item_idno . '/' . $vn_parent_id], __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_SUCCESS__, '');
         if ($o_log) {
             $o_log->logDebug(_t("Found existing list item %1 (member of list %2) in DataMigrationUtils::getListItemID() using idno", $ps_item_idno, $pm_list_code_or_id));
         return DataMigrationUtils::$s_cached_list_item_ids[$pm_list_code_or_id . '/' . $ps_item_idno . '/' . $vn_parent_id];
     if (!($vn_list_id = ca_lists::getListID($pm_list_code_or_id))) {
         if (isset($pa_options['outputErrors']) && $pa_options['outputErrors']) {
             print "[Error] " . _t("Could not find list with list code %1", $pm_list_code_or_id) . "\n";
         if ($o_log) {
             $o_log->logError(_t("Could not find list with list code %1", $pm_list_code_or_id));
         return DataMigrationUtils::$s_cached_list_item_ids[$pm_list_code_or_id . '/' . $ps_item_idno . '/' . $vn_parent_id] = null;
     $t_list = new ca_lists();
     $t_item = new ca_list_items();
     if (isset($pa_options['transaction']) && $pa_options['transaction'] instanceof Transaction) {
     $va_find_arr = array('list_id' => $vn_list_id);
     if ($vn_parent_id) {
         $va_find_arr['parent_id'] = $vn_parent_id;
     $vn_item_id = null;
     if ($pb_match_on_label) {
         if (!($vn_item_id = ca_list_items::find(array_merge(array('preferred_labels' => array('name_singular' => $ps_item_idno)), $va_find_arr), array('returnAs' => 'firstId', 'transaction' => $pa_options['transaction'])))) {
             $vn_item_id = ca_list_items::find(array_merge(array('preferred_labels' => array('name_plural' => $ps_item_idno)), $va_find_arr), array('returnAs' => 'firstId', 'transaction' => $pa_options['transaction']));
         if ($vn_item_id) {
             DataMigrationUtils::$s_cached_list_item_ids[$pm_list_code_or_id . '/' . $ps_item_idno . '/' . $vn_parent_id] = $vn_item_id;
             if ($o_event) {
                 $o_event->beginItem($vs_event_source, 'ca_list_items', 'U');
                 $o_event->endItem($vn_item_id, __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_SUCCESS__, '');
             if (isset($pa_options['returnInstance']) && $pa_options['returnInstance']) {
                 return new ca_list_items($vn_item_id);
             if ($o_log) {
                 $o_log->logDebug(_t("Found existing list item %1 (member of list %2) in DataMigrationUtils::getListItemID() using label %3 and %4", $ps_item_idno, $pm_list_code_or_id, $vs_label, print_R($va_find_arr, true)));
             return DataMigrationUtils::$s_cached_list_item_ids[$pm_list_code_or_id . '/' . $ps_item_idno . '/' . $vn_parent_id];
     if (!$pb_match_on_label || $pb_match_on_idno) {
         if ($vn_item_id = ca_list_items::find(array_merge(array('idno' => $vs_idno), $va_find_arr), array('returnAs' => 'firstId', 'transaction' => $pa_options['transaction']))) {
             DataMigrationUtils::$s_cached_list_item_ids[$pm_list_code_or_id . '/' . $ps_item_idno . '/' . $vn_parent_id] = $vn_item_id;
             if ($o_event) {
                 $o_event->beginItem($vs_event_source, 'ca_list_items', 'U');
                 $o_event->endItem(DataMigrationUtils::$s_cached_list_item_ids[$pm_list_code_or_id . '/' . $ps_item_idno . '/' . $vn_parent_id], __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_SUCCESS__, '');
             if ($o_log) {
                 $o_log->logDebug(_t("Found existing list item %1 (member of list %2) in DataMigrationUtils::getListItemID() using idno with %3", $ps_item_idno, $pm_list_code_or_id, print_R($va_find_arr, true)));
             if (isset($pa_options['returnInstance']) && $pa_options['returnInstance']) {
                 return $t_item;
             return DataMigrationUtils::$s_cached_list_item_ids[$pm_list_code_or_id . '/' . $ps_item_idno . '/' . $vn_parent_id];
     if (isset($pa_options['dontCreate']) && $pa_options['dontCreate']) {
         return false;
     // Need to create list item
     if (!$t_list->load($vn_list_id)) {
         if ($o_log) {
             $o_log->logError(_t("Could not find list with list id %1", $vn_list_id));
         return null;
     if ($o_event) {
         $o_event->beginItem($vs_event_source, 'ca_list_items', 'I');
     if ($t_item = $t_list->addItem($ps_item_idno, $pa_values['is_enabled'], $pa_values['is_default'], $vn_parent_id, $pn_type_id, $ps_item_idno, '', (int) $pa_values['status'], (int) $pa_values['access'], $pa_values['rank'])) {
         $vb_label_errors = false;
         $t_item->addLabel(array('name_singular' => $pa_values['name_singular'] ? $pa_values['name_singular'] : $ps_item_idno, 'name_plural' => $pa_values['name_plural'] ? $pa_values['name_plural'] : $ps_item_idno), $pn_locale_id, null, true);
         if ($t_item->numErrors()) {
             if (isset($pa_options['outputErrors']) && $pa_options['outputErrors']) {
                 print "[Error] " . _t("Could not set preferred label for list item %1: %2", $pa_values['name_singular'] . "/" . $pa_values['name_plural'] . "/{$ps_item_idno}", join('; ', $t_item->getErrors())) . "\n";
             if ($o_log) {
                 $o_log->logError(_t("Could not set preferred label for list item %1: %2", $pa_values['name_singular'] . "/" . $pa_values['name_plural'] . "/{$ps_item_idno}", join('; ', $t_item->getErrors())));
             $vb_label_errors = true;
         $vn_item_id = DataMigrationUtils::$s_cached_list_item_ids[$pm_list_code_or_id . '/' . $ps_item_idno . '/' . $vn_parent_id] = $t_item->getPrimaryKey();
         if ($o_event) {
             if ($vb_label_errors) {
                 $o_event->endItem($vn_item_id, __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_PARTIAL_SUCCESS__, _t("Errors setting preferred labels: %1", join('; ', $t_item->getErrors())));
             } else {
                 $o_event->endItem($vn_item_id, __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_SUCCESS__, '');
         if ($o_log) {
             $o_log->logInfo(_t("Created new list item %1 in list %2", $pa_values['name_singular'] . "/" . $pa_values['name_plural'] . "/{$ps_item_idno}", $pm_list_code_or_id));
         if (isset($pa_options['returnInstance']) && $pa_options['returnInstance']) {
             return $t_item;
         return $vn_item_id;
     } else {
         if ($o_log) {
             $o_log->logError(_t("Could not find add litem to list: %1", join("; ", $t_list->getErrors())));
     return null;
    $t_tgn->addLabel(array('name_singular' => 'Thesaurus of Geographic Names', 'name_plural' => 'Thesaurus of Geographic Names'), $pn_en_locale_id, null, true);
    $vn_tgn_id = $t_tgn->getPrimaryKey();
} else {
    $t_tgn = new ca_list_items($vn_tgn_id);
// Create list for place types (if it doesn't exist already)
$t_place_types = new ca_lists();
if (!$t_place_types->load(array('list_code' => 'tgn_place_types'))) {
    $t_place_types->set('list_code', 'tgn_place_types');
    $t_place_types->set('is_system_list', 1);
    $t_place_types->set('is_hierarchical', 1);
    $t_place_types->set('use_as_vocabulary', 1);
    if ($t_place_types->numErrors()) {
        print "[Error] couldn't create ca_list row for place types: " . join('; ', $t_place_types->getErrors()) . "\n";
    $t_place_types->addLabel(array('name' => 'Getty TGN place types'), $pn_en_locale_id, null, true);
$vn_place_type_list_id = $t_place_types->getPrimaryKey();
// load places
$o_xml = new XMLReader();
print "[Notice] READING TGN TERMS...\n";
$vn_last_message_length = 0;
$vn_term_count = 0;
$t_place = new ca_places();
// Don't log changes to records during import – takes time and we don't need the logs
if (true) {
 public function refine(&$pa_destination_data, $pa_group, $pa_item, $pa_source_data, $pa_options = null)
     global $g_ui_locale_id;
     $vs_delimiter = caGetOption('delimiter', $pa_options, null);
     if (!($pn_locale_id = ca_locales::getDefaultCataloguingLocaleID())) {
         $pn_locale_id = $g_ui_locale_id;
     $o_log = isset($pa_options['log']) && is_object($pa_options['log']) ? $pa_options['log'] : null;
     $t_mapping = caGetOption('mapping', $pa_options, null);
     if ($t_mapping) {
         $o_dm = Datamodel::load();
         if ($t_mapping->get('table_num') != $o_dm->getTableNum('ca_list_items')) {
             if ($o_log) {
                 $o_log->logError(_t("listItemIndentedHierarchyBuilder refinery may only be used in imports to ca_list_items"));
             return null;
     $va_group_dest = explode(".", $pa_group['destination']);
     $vs_terminal = array_pop($va_group_dest);
     $pm_value = $pa_source_data[$pa_item['source']];
     // Get list of fields to insert
     if (!is_array($va_levels = $pa_item['settings']['listItemIndentedHierarchyBuilder_levels'])) {
         if ($o_log) {
             $o_log->logError(_t("listItemIndentedHierarchyBuilder requires levels option be set to a list of data source placeholders"));
         return null;
     } else {
         $va_level_types = $pa_item['settings']['listItemIndentedHierarchyBuilder_levelTypes'];
     // Get list, or create if it doesn't already exist
     if (!($vs_list_code = $pa_item['settings']['listItemIndentedHierarchyBuilder_list'])) {
         if ($o_log) {
             $o_log->logError(_t("listItemIndentedHierarchyBuilder requires list option be set"));
         return null;
     $t_list = new ca_lists();
     if (!$t_list->load(array('list_code' => $vs_list_code))) {
         // create list
         $t_list->set('list_code', $vs_list_code);
         if ($t_list->numErrors()) {
             if ($o_log) {
                 $o_log->logError(_t("listItemIndentedHierarchyBuilder could not create list %1: %2", $vs_list_code, join("; ", $t_list->getErrors())));
             return null;
         $t_list->addLabel(array('name' => caUcFirstUTF8Safe($vs_list_code)), $pn_locale_id, null, true);
         if ($t_list->numErrors()) {
             if ($o_log) {
                 $o_log->logError(_t("listItemIndentedHierarchyBuilder could not create list label %1: %2", $vs_list_code, join("; ", $t_list->getErrors())));
             return null;
     // Handle each level
     if (!is_array($va_level_values = listItemIndentedHierarchyBuilderRefinery::$opa_level_values)) {
         $va_level_values = $va_level_value_ids = array();
     $va_level_value_ids = listItemIndentedHierarchyBuilderRefinery::$opa_level_value_ids;
     $vn_max_level = 0;
     $vn_parent_id = null;
     foreach ($va_levels as $vn_i => $vs_level_placeholder) {
         $vs_level_value = null;
         if (strlen($vs_level_placeholder)) {
             if ($vs_level_value = BaseRefinery::parsePlaceholder($vs_level_placeholder, $pa_source_data, $pa_item, 0, array('reader' => caGetOption('reader', $pa_options, null), 'returnAsString' => true))) {
                 if (!$vn_parent_id && isset(listItemIndentedHierarchyBuilderRefinery::$opa_level_value_ids[$vn_i - 1])) {
                     $vn_parent_id = listItemIndentedHierarchyBuilderRefinery::$opa_level_value_ids[$vn_i - 1];
                 $vs_type = isset($va_level_types[$vn_i]) ? $va_level_types[$vn_i] : null;
                 if ($vn_item_id = DataMigrationUtils::getListItemID($vs_list_code, preg_replace("![^A-Za-z0-9_]+!", "_", $vs_level_value), $vs_type, $pn_locale_id, array('is_enabled' => 1, 'parent_id' => $vn_parent_id, 'preferred_labels' => array('name_singular' => $vs_level_value, 'name_plural' => $vs_level_value)), array('matchOnIdno' => true, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => caGetOption('transaction', $pa_options, null), 'importEvent' => caGetOption('event', $pa_options, null), 'importEventSource' => 'listItemIndentedHierarchyBuilder'))) {
                     $vn_parent_id = $vn_item_id;
                     $va_level_values[$vn_i] = $vs_level_value;
                     $va_level_value_ids[$vn_i] = $vn_item_id;
                     $vn_max_level = $vn_i;
     listItemIndentedHierarchyBuilderRefinery::$opa_level_values = array_slice($va_level_values, 0, $vn_max_level + 1);
     listItemIndentedHierarchyBuilderRefinery::$opa_level_value_ids = array_slice($va_level_value_ids, 0, $vn_max_level + 1);
     if ($pa_item['settings']['listItemIndentedHierarchyBuilder_list'] == 'returnData') {
         return $vn_parent_id;
     return null;
  *  Returns or Creates a list item or list item id matching the parameters and options provided
  * @param string/int $pm_list_code_or_id
  * @param string $ps_item_idno
  * @param string/int $pn_type_id
  * @param int $pn_locale_id
  * @param null/array $pa_values
  * @param array $pa_options An optional array of options, which include:
  *                outputErrors - if true, errors will be printed to console [default=false]
  *                dontCreate - if true then new list items will not be created [default=false]
  *                matchOn = optional list indicating sequence of checks for an existing record; values of array can be "label" and "idno". Ex. array("idno", "label") will first try to match on idno and then label if the first match fails.
  *                cache = cache item_ids of previously created/loaded items [default=true]
  *                returnInstance = return ca_occurrences instance rather than occurrence_id. Default is false.
  *                importEvent = if ca_data_import_events instance is passed then the insert/update of the list item will be logged as part of the import
  *                importEventSource = if importEvent is passed, then the value set for importEventSource is used in the import event log as the data source. If omitted a default value of "?" is used
  *                nonPreferredLabels = an optional array of nonpreferred labels to add to any newly created list items. Each label in the array is an array with required list item label values.
  *                log = if KLogger instance is passed then actions will be logged
  * @return bool|\ca_list_items|mixed|null
 static function getListItemID($pm_list_code_or_id, $ps_item_idno, $pn_type_id, $pn_locale_id, $pa_values = null, $pa_options = null)
     if (!is_array($pa_options)) {
         $pa_options = array();
     if (!isset($pa_options['outputErrors'])) {
         $pa_options['outputErrors'] = false;
     $pa_match_on = caGetOption('matchOn', $pa_options, array('label', 'idno'), array('castTo' => "array"));
     $vn_parent_id = caGetOption('parent_id', $pa_values, null);
     $vs_singular_label = isset($pa_values['preferred_labels']['name_singular']) && $pa_values['preferred_labels']['name_singular'] ? $pa_values['preferred_labels']['name_singular'] : '';
     if (!$vs_singular_label) {
         $vs_singular_label = isset($pa_values['name_singular']) && $pa_values['name_singular'] ? $pa_values['name_singular'] : str_replace("_", " ", $ps_item_idno);
     $vs_plural_label = isset($pa_values['preferred_labels']['name_plural']) && $pa_values['preferred_labels']['name_plural'] ? $pa_values['preferred_labels']['name_plural'] : '';
     if (!$vs_plural_label) {
         $vs_plural_label = isset($pa_values['name_plural']) && $pa_values['name_plural'] ? $pa_values['name_plural'] : str_replace("_", " ", $ps_item_idno);
     if (!$vs_singular_label) {
         $vs_singular_label = $vs_plural_label;
     if (!$vs_plural_label) {
         $vs_plural_label = $vs_singular_label;
     if (!$ps_item_idno) {
         $ps_item_idno = $vs_plural_label;
     if (!isset($pa_options['cache'])) {
         $pa_options['cache'] = true;
     // Create a cache key and compress it to save memory
     $vs_cache_key = md5($pm_list_code_or_id . '/' . $ps_item_idno . '/' . $vn_parent_id . '/' . $vs_singular_label . '/' . $vs_plural_label . '/' . json_encode($pa_match_on));
     $o_event = isset($pa_options['importEvent']) && $pa_options['importEvent'] instanceof ca_data_import_events ? $pa_options['importEvent'] : null;
     $vs_event_source = isset($pa_options['importEventSource']) && $pa_options['importEventSource'] ? $pa_options['importEventSource'] : "?";
     /** @var KLogger $o_log */
     $o_log = isset($pa_options['log']) && $pa_options['log'] instanceof KLogger ? $pa_options['log'] : null;
     if ($pa_options['cache'] && isset(DataMigrationUtils::$s_cached_list_item_ids[$vs_cache_key])) {
         if (isset($pa_options['returnInstance']) && $pa_options['returnInstance']) {
             $t_item = new ca_list_items(DataMigrationUtils::$s_cached_list_item_ids[$vs_cache_key]);
             if (isset($pa_options['transaction']) && $pa_options['transaction'] instanceof Transaction) {
             return $t_item;
         if ($o_event) {
             $o_event->beginItem($vs_event_source, 'ca_list_items', 'U');
             $o_event->endItem(DataMigrationUtils::$s_cached_list_item_ids[$vs_cache_key], __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_SUCCESS__, '');
         if ($o_log) {
             $o_log->logDebug(_t("Found existing list item %1 (member of list %2) in DataMigrationUtils::getListItemID() using idno", $ps_item_idno, $pm_list_code_or_id));
         return DataMigrationUtils::$s_cached_list_item_ids[$vs_cache_key];
     if (!($vn_list_id = ca_lists::getListID($pm_list_code_or_id))) {
         if (isset($pa_options['outputErrors']) && $pa_options['outputErrors']) {
             print "[Error] " . _t("Could not find list with list code %1", $pm_list_code_or_id) . "\n";
         if ($o_log) {
             $o_log->logError(_t("Could not find list with list code %1", $pm_list_code_or_id));
         return DataMigrationUtils::$s_cached_list_item_ids[$vs_cache_key] = null;
     if (!$vn_parent_id) {
         $vn_parent_id = caGetListRootID($pm_list_code_or_id);
     $t_list = new ca_lists();
     $t_item = new ca_list_items();
     if (isset($pa_options['transaction']) && $pa_options['transaction'] instanceof Transaction) {
         if ($o_event) {
     $vn_item_id = null;
     foreach ($pa_match_on as $vs_match_on) {
         switch (strtolower($vs_match_on)) {
             case 'label':
             case 'labels':
                 if (trim($vs_singular_label) || trim($vs_plural_label)) {
                     if ($vn_item_id = ca_list_items::find(array('preferred_labels' => array('name_singular' => $vs_singular_label), 'parent_id' => $vn_parent_id, 'list_id' => $vn_list_id), array('returnAs' => 'firstId', 'transaction' => $pa_options['transaction']))) {
                         if ($o_log) {
                             $o_log->logDebug(_t("Found existing list item %1 (member of list %2) in DataMigrationUtils::getListItemID() using singular label %3", $ps_item_idno, $pm_list_code_or_id, $vs_singular_label));
                         break 2;
                     } else {
                         if ($vn_item_id = ca_list_items::find(array('preferred_labels' => array('name_plural' => $vs_plural_label), 'parent_id' => $vn_parent_id, 'list_id' => $vn_list_id), array('returnAs' => 'firstId', 'transaction' => $pa_options['transaction']))) {
                             if ($o_log) {
                                 $o_log->logDebug(_t("Found existing list item %1 (member of list %2) in DataMigrationUtils::getListItemID() using plural label %3", $ps_item_idno, $pm_list_code_or_id, $vs_plural_label));
                             break 2;
             case 'idno':
                 if ($ps_item_idno == '%') {
                 // don't try to match on an unreplaced idno placeholder
                 if ($vn_item_id = ca_list_items::find(array('idno' => $ps_item_idno ? $ps_item_idno : $vs_plural_label, 'list_id' => $vn_list_id, 'parent_id' => $vn_parent_id), array('returnAs' => 'firstId', 'transaction' => $pa_options['transaction']))) {
                     if ($o_log) {
                         $o_log->logDebug(_t("Found existing list item %1 (member of list %2) in DataMigrationUtils::getListItemID() using idno with %3", $ps_item_idno, $pm_list_code_or_id, $ps_item_idno));
                     break 2;
     if ($vn_item_id) {
         DataMigrationUtils::$s_cached_list_item_ids[$vs_cache_key] = $vn_item_id;
         if ($o_event) {
             $o_event->beginItem($vs_event_source, 'ca_list_items', 'U');
             $o_event->endItem($vn_item_id, __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_SUCCESS__, '');
         if (isset($pa_options['returnInstance']) && $pa_options['returnInstance']) {
             $t_item = new ca_list_items($vn_item_id);
             if (isset($pa_options['transaction']) && $pa_options['transaction'] instanceof Transaction) {
             return $t_item;
         return $vn_item_id;
     if (isset($pa_options['dontCreate']) && $pa_options['dontCreate']) {
         return false;
     // Need to create list item
     if (!$t_list->load($vn_list_id)) {
         if ($o_log) {
             $o_log->logError(_t("Could not find list with list id %1", $vn_list_id));
         return null;
     if ($o_event) {
         $o_event->beginItem($vs_event_source, 'ca_list_items', 'I');
     if ($t_item = $t_list->addItem($ps_item_idno, $pa_values['is_enabled'], $pa_values['is_default'], $vn_parent_id, $pn_type_id, $ps_item_idno, '', (int) $pa_values['status'], (int) $pa_values['access'], $pa_values['rank'])) {
         $vb_label_errors = false;
         $t_item->addLabel(array('name_singular' => $vs_singular_label, 'name_plural' => $vs_plural_label), $pn_locale_id, null, true);
         if ($t_item->numErrors()) {
             if (isset($pa_options['outputErrors']) && $pa_options['outputErrors']) {
                 print "[Error] " . _t("Could not set preferred label for list item %1: %2", "{$vs_singular_label}/{$vs_plural_label}/{$ps_item_idno}", join('; ', $t_item->getErrors())) . "\n";
             if ($o_log) {
                 $o_log->logError(_t("Could not set preferred label for list item %1: %2", "{$vs_singular_label}/{$vs_plural_label}/{$ps_item_idno}", join('; ', $t_item->getErrors())));
             $vb_label_errors = true;
         if (is_array($va_nonpreferred_labels = caGetOption("nonPreferredLabels", $pa_options, null))) {
             if (caIsAssociativeArray($va_nonpreferred_labels)) {
                 // single non-preferred label
                 $va_labels = array($va_nonpreferred_labels);
             } else {
                 // list of non-preferred labels
                 $va_labels = $va_nonpreferred_labels;
             foreach ($va_labels as $va_label) {
                 $t_item->addLabel($va_label, $pn_locale_id, null, false);
                 if ($t_item->numErrors()) {
                     if (isset($pa_options['outputErrors']) && $pa_options['outputErrors']) {
                         print "[Error] " . _t("Could not set non-preferred label for list item %1: %2", "{$vs_singular_label}/{$vs_plural_label}/{$ps_item_idno}", join('; ', $t_item->getErrors())) . "\n";
                     if ($o_log) {
                         $o_log->logError(_t("Could not set non-preferred label for list item %1: %2", "{$vs_singular_label}/{$vs_plural_label}/{$ps_item_idno}", join('; ', $t_item->getErrors())));
         /** @var IIDNumbering $o_idno */
         if ($o_idno = $t_item->getIDNoPlugInInstance()) {
             $va_values = $o_idno->htmlFormValuesAsArray('idno', $ps_item_idno);
             if (!is_array($va_values)) {
                 $va_values = array($va_values);
             if (!($vs_sep = $o_idno->getSeparator())) {
                 $vs_sep = '';
             if (($vs_proc_idno = join($vs_sep, $va_values)) && $vs_proc_idno != $ps_item_idno) {
                 $t_item->set('idno', $vs_proc_idno);
                 if ($t_item->numErrors()) {
                     if (isset($pa_options['outputErrors']) && $pa_options['outputErrors']) {
                         print "[Error] " . _t("Could not update idno for %1: %2", $vs_plural_label, join('; ', $t_item->getErrors())) . "\n";
                     if ($o_log) {
                         $o_log->logError(_t("Could not idno for %1: %2", $vs_plural_label, join('; ', $t_item->getErrors())));
                     return null;
         $vn_item_id = DataMigrationUtils::$s_cached_list_item_ids[$vs_cache_key] = $t_item->getPrimaryKey();
         if ($o_event) {
             if ($vb_label_errors) {
                 $o_event->endItem($vn_item_id, __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_PARTIAL_SUCCESS__, _t("Errors setting preferred labels: %1", join('; ', $t_item->getErrors())));
             } else {
                 $o_event->endItem($vn_item_id, __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_SUCCESS__, '');
         if ($o_log) {
             $o_log->logInfo(_t("Created new list item %1 in list %2", "{$vs_singular_label}/{$vs_plural_label}/{$ps_item_idno}", $pm_list_code_or_id));
         if (isset($pa_options['returnInstance']) && $pa_options['returnInstance']) {
             return $t_item;
         return $vn_item_id;
     } else {
         if ($o_log) {
             $o_log->logError(_t("Could not find add item to list: %1", join("; ", $t_list->getErrors())));
     return null;
require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_list_items_x_list_items.php';
require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_relationship_types.php';
$_ = new Zend_Translate('gettext', __CA_APP_DIR__ . '/locale/en_US/messages.mo', 'en_US');
$t_locale = new ca_locales();
$pn_en_locale_id = $t_locale->loadLocaleByCode('en_US');
// create vocabulary list record (if it doesn't exist already)
$t_list = new ca_lists();
if (!$t_list->load(array('list_code' => 'aat'))) {
    $t_list->set('list_code', 'aat');
    $t_list->set('is_system_list', 0);
    $t_list->set('is_hierarchical', 1);
    $t_list->set('use_as_vocabulary', 1);
    if ($t_list->numErrors()) {
        print "ERROR: couldn't create ca_list row for AAT: " . join('; ', $t_list->getErrors()) . "\n";
    $t_list->addLabel(array('name' => 'Art & Architecture Thesaurus'), $pn_en_locale_id, null, true);
$vn_list_id = $t_list->getPrimaryKey();
// get list item types (should be defined by base installation profile [base.profile])
// if your installation didn't use a profile inheriting from base.profile then you should make sure
// that a list with code='list_item_types' is defined and the following four item codes are defined.
// If these are not defined then the AAT will still import, but without any distinction between
// terms, facets and guide terms
$vn_list_item_type_concept = $t_list->getItemIDFromList('list_item_types', 'concept');
$vn_list_item_type_facet = $t_list->getItemIDFromList('list_item_types', 'facet');
$vn_list_item_type_guide_term = $t_list->getItemIDFromList('list_item_types', 'guide_term');
$vn_list_item_type_hierarchy_name = $t_list->getItemIDFromList('list_item_types', 'hierarchy_name');
// get list item label types (should be defined by base installation profile [base.profile])
 * @return string 
function caLoadULAN($ps_path_to_ulan_data = null, $ps_path_to_ulan_config = null, $pa_options = null)
    require_once __CA_LIB_DIR__ . '/core/Db.php';
    require_once __CA_LIB_DIR__ . '/core/Configuration.php';
    require_once __CA_LIB_DIR__ . '/ca/Utils/DataMigrationUtils.php';
    require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_locales.php';
    require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_entities.php';
    require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_entities_x_entities.php';
    require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_lists.php';
    require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_list_items.php';
    require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_list_items_x_list_items.php';
    require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_relationship_types.php';
    $t = new Timer();
    $o_log = new KLogger(__CA_APP_DIR__ . '/log', KLogger::INFO);
    $va_parent_child_links = array();
    $va_item_item_links = array();
    $va_ulan_id_to_item_id = array();
    $o_log->logInfo("Starting import of Getty ULAN");
    define('__CA_DONT_DO_SEARCH_INDEXING__', true);
    $_ = new Zend_Translate('gettext', __CA_APP_DIR__ . '/locale/en_US/messages.mo', 'en_US');
    $t_locale = new ca_locales();
    $pn_en_locale_id = $t_locale->loadLocaleByCode('en_US');
    if (!($o_config = Configuration::load($ps_path_to_ulan_config))) {
        $o_log->logError("Could not load ULAN import configuration file");
        die("ERROR: Could not load ULAN import configuration\n");
    $vs_ulan_import_mode = $o_config->get('ulan_import_target');
    $t_list = null;
    if ($vs_ulan_import_mode == 'ca_entities') {
        $va_ulan_types = $o_config->getAssoc('ulan_entity_types');
        $va_mapping = $o_config->getAssoc('ulan_entity_mapping');
    } elseif ($vs_ulan_import_mode == 'ca_list_items') {
        $va_ulan_types = $o_config->getAssoc('ulan_list_item_types');
        if (!($vs_ulan_list_code = $o_config->get('ulan_import_list'))) {
            $vs_ulan_list_code = 'ULAN';
        // create vocabulary list record (if it doesn't exist already)
        $t_list = new ca_lists();
        if (!$t_list->load(array('list_code' => $vs_ulan_list_code))) {
            $t_list->set('list_code', $vs_ulan_list_code);
            $t_list->set('is_system_list', 0);
            $t_list->set('is_hierarchical', 1);
            $t_list->set('use_as_vocabulary', 1);
            if ($t_list->numErrors()) {
                $o_log->logError("Could not create list record for ULAN: " . join('; ', $t_list->getErrors()));
                die("ERROR: couldn't create ca_list row for ULAN: " . join('; ', $t_list->getErrors()) . "\n");
            $t_list->addLabel(array('name' => 'Union List of Artist Names'), $pn_en_locale_id, null, true);
        $vn_list_id = $t_list->getPrimaryKey();
        $va_mapping = $o_config->getAssoc('ulan_list_item_mapping');
    } else {
        $o_log->logError("Invalid ULAN import mode {$vs_ulan_import_mode}");
        die("ERROR: invalid ULAN import mode {$vs_ulan_import_mode}\n");
    $vn_last_message_length = 0;
    $vn_term_count = 0;
    $va_subject = array();
    foreach (array('ULAN1.xml', 'ULAN2.xml', 'ULAN3.xml') as $vs_file) {
        if (!$ps_path_to_ulan_data) {
            $ps_path_to_ulan_data = ".";
        if (!file_exists($ps_path_to_ulan_data . "/{$vs_file}")) {
            $o_log->logError("Could not find ULAN data file {$vs_file}");
            print "[ERROR] cannot find ULAN data.\n";
        $o_log->logInfo("Processing ULAN file {$vs_file}");
        print "[Notice] Processing ULAN file {$vs_file}\n";
        // load
        $o_xml = new XMLReader();
        $o_xml->open($ps_path_to_ulan_data . '/' . $vs_file);
        while ($o_xml->read()) {
            switch ($o_xml->name) {
                # ---------------------------
                case 'Subject':
                    if ($o_xml->nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT) {
                        if (in_array($va_subject['subject_id'], array('500000000', '500000001'))) {
                        // skip top-level root
                        $vs_preferred_term = $va_subject['preferred_term'];
                        $pb_is_enabled = false;
                        switch ($va_subject['record_type']) {
                            case 'Person':
                                $vn_type_id = $va_ulan_types['Person'];
                                $pb_is_enabled = true;
                            case 'Corporate Body':
                                $vn_type_id = $va_ulan_types['Corporate Body'];
                                $pb_is_enabled = true;
                        print str_repeat(chr(8), $vn_last_message_length);
                        $vs_message = "\tIMPORTING #" . ($vn_term_count + 1) . " [" . $va_subject['subject_id'] . "] " . $vs_preferred_term;
                        if (($vn_l = 100 - strlen($vs_message)) < 1) {
                            $vn_l = 1;
                        $vs_message .= str_repeat(' ', $vn_l);
                        $vn_last_message_length = strlen($vs_message);
                        print $vs_message;
                        if ($vs_ulan_import_mode == 'ca_entities') {
                            $va_np_labels = array();
                            if (is_array($va_subject['non_preferred_terms'])) {
                                for ($vn_i = 0; $vn_i < sizeof($va_subject['non_preferred_terms']); $vn_i++) {
                                    $va_np_labels[] = DataMigrationUtils::splitEntityName(trim(htmlentities($va_subject['non_preferred_terms'][$vn_i])));
                            $t_item = DataMigrationUtils::getEntityID(DataMigrationUtils::splitEntityName(trim(htmlentities($vs_preferred_term, ENT_NOQUOTES))), $vn_type_id, $pn_en_locale_id, array('idno' => $va_subject['subject_id']), array('nonPreferredLabels' => $va_np_labels, 'returnInstance' => true));
                            if (!$t_item) {
                                $o_log->logError("Failed to create entity for ULAN artist {$vs_preferred_term}");
                            $va_ulan_id_to_item_id[$va_subject['subject_id']] = $t_item->getPrimaryKey();
                        } else {
                            if ($t_item = $t_list->addItem($va_subject['subject_id'], $pb_is_enabled, false, null, $vn_type_id, $va_subject['subject_id'], '', 4, 1)) {
                                $va_ulan_id_to_item_id[$va_subject['subject_id']] = $t_item->getPrimaryKey();
                                if ($va_subject['preferred_parent_subject_id'] != 500000000) {
                                    $va_parent_child_links[$va_subject['subject_id']] = $va_subject['preferred_parent_subject_id'];
                                // add preferred labels
                                if (!$t_item->addLabel(array('name_singular' => trim(htmlentities($vs_preferred_term, ENT_NOQUOTES)), 'name_plural' => trim(htmlentities($vs_preferred_term, ENT_NOQUOTES)), 'description' => $va_subject['description']), $pn_en_locale_id, null, true)) {
                                    $o_log->logError("Could not add preferred label to ULAN term [" . $va_subject['subject_id'] . "] " . $vs_preferred_term . ": " . join("; ", $t_item->getErrors()));
                                // add alternate labels
                                if (is_array($va_subject['non_preferred_terms'])) {
                                    for ($vn_i = 0; $vn_i < sizeof($va_subject['non_preferred_terms']); $vn_i++) {
                                        $vs_np_label = $va_subject['non_preferred_terms'][$vn_i];
                                        $vs_np_term_type = $va_subject['non_preferred_term_types'][$vn_i];
                                        switch ($vs_np_term_type) {
                                            case 'Used For Term':
                                                $vn_np_term_type_id = $vn_list_item_label_type_uf;
                                            case 'Alternate Descriptor':
                                                $vn_np_term_type_id = $vn_list_item_label_type_alt;
                                                $vn_np_term_type_id = null;
                                        if (!$t_item->addLabel(array('name_singular' => trim(htmlentities($vs_np_label, ENT_NOQUOTES)), 'name_plural' => trim(htmlentities($vs_np_label, ENT_NOQUOTES)), 'description' => ''), $pn_en_locale_id, $vn_np_term_type_id, false)) {
                                            $o_log->logError("Could not add non-preferred label to ULAN term [" . $va_subject['subject_id'] . "] " . $vs_np_label);
                            } else {
                                $o_log->logError("Could not import ULAN term [" . $va_subject['subject_id'] . "] " . $vs_preferred_term . ": " . join("; ", $t_list->getErrors()));
                        // Map content fields
                        foreach ($va_mapping as $vs_dest => $vs_source) {
                            $va_values = array();
                            switch ($vs_source) {
                                case 'biography':
                                    if (!is_array($va_subject['biographies'])) {
                                    foreach ($va_subject['biographies'] as $va_bio) {
                                        $va_values[] = $va_bio['text'];
                                case 'biography_dates':
                                    if (!is_array($va_subject['biographies'])) {
                                    foreach ($va_subject['biographies'] as $va_bio) {
                                        if ($va_bio['birth_date'] == 1000 || $va_bio['birth_date'] < -5000) {
                                            if ($va_bio['death_date'] >= 2050) {
                                                break 2;
                                            } else {
                                                $va_values[] = "before " . $va_bio['death_date'];
                                        } elseif ($va_bio['death_date'] >= 2050) {
                                            $va_values[] = "after " . $va_bio['birth_date'];
                                        } else {
                                            $va_values[] = $va_bio['birth_date'] . " - " . $va_bio['death_date'];
                                case 'sex':
                                    if (!is_array($va_subject['biographies'])) {
                                    foreach ($va_subject['biographies'] as $va_bio) {
                                        $va_values[] = $va_bio['sex'];
                                case 'nationality_name':
                                    if (!is_array($va_subject['nationalities'])) {
                                    foreach ($va_subject['nationalities'] as $va_nationality) {
                                        $va_values[] = $va_nationality['name'];
                                case 'nationality_code':
                                    if (!is_array($va_subject['nationalities'])) {
                                    foreach ($va_subject['nationalities'] as $va_nationality) {
                                        $va_values[] = $va_nationality['code'];
                                case 'role_name':
                                    if (!is_array($va_subject['roles'])) {
                                    foreach ($va_subject['roles'] as $va_role) {
                                        $va_values[] = $va_role['name'];
                                case 'role_code':
                                    if (!is_array($va_subject['roles'])) {
                                    foreach ($va_subject['roles'] as $va_role) {
                                        $va_values[] = $va_role['code'];
                            if (sizeof($va_values)) {
                                $va_dest = explode('.', $vs_dest);
                                $vs_fld = array_pop($va_dest);
                                if ($t_item->hasField($vs_fld)) {
                                    $t_item->set($vs_fld, join("\n", $va_values));
                                } else {
                                    foreach ($va_values as $vs_value) {
                                        $t_item->addAttribute(array('locale_id' => $pn_en_locale_id, $vs_fld => $vs_value), $vs_fld);
                                $t_item->update(array('dontCheckCircularReferences' => true, 'dontSetHierarchicalIndexing' => true));
                                if ($t_item->numErrors()) {
                                    $o_log->logError("Could not update ULAN list item with content values: " . join("; ", $t_item->getErrors()));
                        // record item-item relations
                        if (is_array($va_subject['related_subjects'])) {
                            foreach ($va_subject['related_subjects'] as $vs_rel_subject_id) {
                                $va_item_item_links[$va_subject['subject_id']] = $vs_rel_subject_id;
                    } else {
                        $va_subject = array('subject_id' => $o_xml->getAttribute('Subject_ID'));
                    # ---------------------------
                # ---------------------------
                case 'Biographies':
                    while ($o_xml->read()) {
                        switch ($o_xml->name) {
                            case 'Preferred_Biography':
                                $va_bio = array();
                                while ($o_xml->read()) {
                                    switch ($o_xml->name) {
                                        case 'Biography_Text':
                                            switch ($o_xml->nodeType) {
                                                case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                                                    $va_bio['text'] = $o_xml->value;
                                        case 'Birth_Date':
                                            switch ($o_xml->nodeType) {
                                                case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                                                    $va_bio['birth_date'] = $o_xml->value;
                                                    if ($va_bio['birth_date'] < 0) {
                                                        $va_bio['birth_date'] = abs($va_bio['birth_date']) . " BCE";
                                        case 'Death_Date':
                                            switch ($o_xml->nodeType) {
                                                case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                                                    $va_bio['death_date'] = $o_xml->value;
                                                    if ($va_bio['death_date'] < 0) {
                                                        $va_bio['death_date'] = abs($va_bio['death_date']) . " BCE";
                                        case 'Sex':
                                            switch ($o_xml->nodeType) {
                                                case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                                                    $va_bio['sex'] = $o_xml->value;
                                        case 'Preferred_Biography':
                                            break 2;
                                $va_subject['biographies'][] = $va_bio;
                            case 'Biographies':
                                break 2;
                    # ---------------------------
                # ---------------------------
                case 'Nationalities':
                    while ($o_xml->read()) {
                        switch ($o_xml->name) {
                            case 'Preferred_Nationality':
                                $va_nationality = array();
                                while ($o_xml->read()) {
                                    switch ($o_xml->name) {
                                        case 'Nationality_Code':
                                            switch ($o_xml->nodeType) {
                                                case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                                                    $va_nationality['code'] = $o_xml->value;
                                                    $va_nationality['name'] = array_pop(explode('/', $o_xml->value));
                                        case 'Preferred_Nationality':
                                            break 2;
                                $va_subject['nationalities'][] = $va_nationality;
                            case 'Nationalities':
                                break 2;
                    # ---------------------------
                # ---------------------------
                case 'Roles':
                    while ($o_xml->read()) {
                        switch ($o_xml->name) {
                            case 'Preferred_Role':
                                $va_role = array();
                                while ($o_xml->read()) {
                                    switch ($o_xml->name) {
                                        case 'Role_ID':
                                            switch ($o_xml->nodeType) {
                                                case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                                                    $va_role['code'] = $o_xml->value;
                                                    $va_role['name'] = array_pop(explode('/', $o_xml->value));
                                        case 'Preferred_Role':
                                            break 2;
                                $va_subject['roles'][] = $va_role;
                            case 'Roles':
                                break 2;
                    # ---------------------------
                # ---------------------------
                case 'Record_Type':
                    switch ($o_xml->nodeType) {
                        case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                            $va_subject['record_type'] = $o_xml->value;
                    # ---------------------------
                # ---------------------------
                case 'Hierarchy':
                    switch ($o_xml->nodeType) {
                        case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                            $va_subject['hierarchy'] = $o_xml->value;
                    # ---------------------------
                # ---------------------------
                case 'Parent_Relationships':
                    $vn_parent_id = $vs_historic_flag = null;
                    while ($o_xml->read()) {
                        switch ($o_xml->name) {
                            case 'Preferred_Parent':
                                while ($o_xml->read()) {
                                    switch ($o_xml->name) {
                                        case 'Parent_Subject_ID':
                                            switch ($o_xml->nodeType) {
                                                case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                                                    $vn_parent_id = $o_xml->value;
                                        case 'Historic_Flag':
                                            switch ($o_xml->nodeType) {
                                                case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                                                    $vs_historic_flag = $o_xml->value;
                                        case 'Preferred_Parent':
                                            $va_subject['preferred_parent_subject_id'] = $vn_parent_id;
                                            break 2;
                            case 'Parent_Relationships':
                                break 2;
                    # ---------------------------
                # ---------------------------
                case 'Preferred_Term':
                    while ($o_xml->read()) {
                        switch ($o_xml->name) {
                            case 'Term_Type':
                                switch ($o_xml->nodeType) {
                                    case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                                        $va_subject['preferred_term_type'] = $o_xml->value;
                            case 'Term_Text':
                                switch ($o_xml->nodeType) {
                                    case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                                        $va_subject['preferred_term'] = $o_xml->value;
                            case 'Term_ID':
                                switch ($o_xml->nodeType) {
                                    case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                                        $va_subject['preferred_term_id'] = $o_xml->value;
                            case 'Preferred_Term':
                                break 2;
                    # ---------------------------
                # ---------------------------
                case 'Non-Preferred_Term':
                    while ($o_xml->read()) {
                        switch ($o_xml->name) {
                            case 'Term_Type':
                                switch ($o_xml->nodeType) {
                                    case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                                        $va_subject['non_preferred_term_types'][] = $o_xml->value;
                            case 'Term_Text':
                                switch ($o_xml->nodeType) {
                                    case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                                        $va_subject['non_preferred_terms'][] = $o_xml->value;
                            case 'Term_ID':
                                switch ($o_xml->nodeType) {
                                    case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                                        $va_subject['non_preferred_term_ids'][] = $o_xml->value;
                            case 'Non-Preferred_Term':
                                break 2;
                    # ---------------------------
                # ---------------------------
                case 'VP_Subject_ID':
                    switch ($o_xml->nodeType) {
                        case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                            $va_subject['related_subjects'][] = $o_xml->value;
                    # ---------------------------
    $o_log->logInfo("Begin linking ULAN terms in hierarchy");
    print "\n\nLINKING TERMS IN HIERARCHY...\n";
    $vn_last_message_length = 0;
    $t_list = new ca_lists();
    $t_item = new ca_list_items();
    $vn_list_root_id = $t_list->getRootListItemID($vn_list_id);
    foreach ($va_parent_child_links as $vs_child_id => $vs_parent_id) {
        print str_repeat(chr(8), $vn_last_message_length);
        $vs_message = "\tLINKING {$vs_child_id} to parent {$vs_parent_id}";
        if (($vn_l = 100 - strlen($vs_message)) < 1) {
            $vn_l = 1;
        $vs_message .= str_repeat(' ', $vn_l);
        $vn_last_message_length = strlen($vs_message);
        print $vs_message;
        if (in_array($vs_parent_id, array('500000000', '500000001'))) {
            if (!$t_item->load($vn_child_item_id)) {
                $o_log->logError("Could not load item for {$vs_child_id} (was translated to item_id={$vn_child_item_id})");
            $t_item->set('parent_id', $vn_list_root_id);
            $t_item->update(array('dontCheckCircularReferences' => true, 'dontSetHierarchicalIndexing' => true));
            if ($t_item->numErrors()) {
                $o_log->logError("Could not set parent_id for {$vs_child_id} to root): " . join('; ', $t_item->getErrors()));
            $va_ulan_id_to_item_id[$vs_parent_id] = $vn_list_root_id;
        if (!($vn_child_item_id = $va_ulan_id_to_item_id[$vs_child_id])) {
            $o_log->logError("No list item id for child_id {$vs_child_id} (were there previous errors?)");
        if (!($vn_parent_item_id = $va_ulan_id_to_item_id[$vs_parent_id])) {
            $o_log->logError("No list item id for parent_id {$vs_parent_id} (were there previous errors?)");
        if (!$t_item->load($vn_child_item_id)) {
            $o_log->logError("Could not load item for {$vs_child_id} (was translated to item_id={$vn_child_item_id})");
        $t_item->set('parent_id', $vn_parent_item_id);
        $t_item->update(array('dontCheckCircularReferences' => true, 'dontSetHierarchicalIndexing' => true));
        if ($t_item->numErrors()) {
            $o_log->logError("Could not set parent_id for {$vs_child_id} (was translated to item_id={$vn_child_item_id}): " . join('; ', $t_item->getErrors()));
    if ($vn_list_item_relation_type_id_related > 0) {
        $o_log->logInfo("Begin adding ULAN related term links");
        $vn_last_message_length = 0;
        $t_item = new ca_list_items();
        $t_link = new ca_list_items_x_list_items();
        foreach ($va_item_item_links as $vs_left_id => $vs_right_id) {
            print str_repeat(chr(8), $vn_last_message_length);
            $vs_message = "\tLINKING {$vs_left_id} to {$vs_right_id}";
            if (($vn_l = 100 - strlen($vs_message)) < 1) {
                $vn_l = 1;
            $vs_message .= str_repeat(' ', $vn_l);
            $vn_last_message_length = strlen($vs_message);
            print $vs_message;
            if (!($vn_left_item_id = $va_ulan_id_to_item_id[$vs_left_id])) {
                $o_log->logError("No list item id for left_id {$vs_left_id} (were there previous errors?)");
            if (!($vn_right_item_id = $va_ulan_id_to_item_id[$vs_right_id])) {
                $o_log->logError("No list item id for right_id {$vs_right_id} (were there previous errors?)");
            $t_link->set('term_left_id', $vn_left_item_id);
            $t_link->set('term_right_id', $vn_right_item_id);
            $t_link->set('type_id', $vn_list_item_relation_type_id_related);
            if ($t_link->numErrors()) {
                $o_log->logError("Could not set link between {$vs_left_id} (was translated to item_id={$vn_left_item_id}) and {$vs_right_id} (was translated to item_id={$vn_right_item_id}): " . join('; ', $t_link->getErrors()));
    } else {
        $o_log->logWarn("Skipped import of term-term relationships because the ca_list_items_x_list_items 'related' relationship type is not defined for your installation");
    $vn_duration = $t->getTime(1);
    $vs_time = caFormatInterval($vn_duration);
    $o_log->logInfo("Rebuilding hierarchical indices...");
    $o_log->logInfo("ULAN import complete. Took {$vs_time} ({$vn_duration})");
    print "\n\nIMPORT COMPLETE. Took {$vs_time} ({$vn_duration})\n";
Beispiel #10
 * @return string 
function caLoadAAT($ps_path_to_aat_data = null, $pa_options = null)
    if (!$ps_path_to_aat_data) {
        $ps_path_to_aat_data = "./AAT.xml";
    if (!file_exists($ps_path_to_aat_data)) {
        die("ERROR: cannot find AAT data.\n");
    require_once __CA_LIB_DIR__ . '/core/Db.php';
    require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_locales.php';
    require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_lists.php';
    require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_list_items.php';
    require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_list_items_x_list_items.php';
    require_once __CA_MODELS_DIR__ . '/ca_relationship_types.php';
    $_ = new Zend_Translate('gettext', __CA_APP_DIR__ . '/locale/en_US/messages.mo', 'en_US');
    $t_locale = new ca_locales();
    $pn_en_locale_id = $t_locale->loadLocaleByCode('en_US');
    // create vocabulary list record (if it doesn't exist already)
    $t_list = new ca_lists();
    if (!$t_list->load(array('list_code' => 'aat'))) {
        $t_list->set('list_code', 'aat');
        $t_list->set('is_system_list', 0);
        $t_list->set('is_hierarchical', 1);
        $t_list->set('use_as_vocabulary', 1);
        if ($t_list->numErrors()) {
            print "ERROR: couldn't create ca_list row for AAT: " . join('; ', $t_list->getErrors()) . "\n";
        $t_list->addLabel(array('name' => 'Art & Architecture Thesaurus'), $pn_en_locale_id, null, true);
    $vn_list_id = $t_list->getPrimaryKey();
    // get list item types (should be defined by base installation profile [base.profile])
    // if your installation didn't use a profile inheriting from base.profile then you should make sure
    // that a list with code='list_item_types' is defined and the following four item codes are defined.
    // If these are not defined then the AAT will still import, but without any distinction between
    // terms, facets and guide terms
    $vn_list_item_type_concept = $t_list->getItemIDFromList('list_item_types', 'concept');
    $vn_list_item_type_facet = $t_list->getItemIDFromList('list_item_types', 'facet');
    $vn_list_item_type_guide_term = $t_list->getItemIDFromList('list_item_types', 'guide_term');
    $vn_list_item_type_hierarchy_name = $t_list->getItemIDFromList('list_item_types', 'hierarchy_name');
    // get list item label types (should be defined by base installation profile [base.profile])
    // if your installation didn't use a profile inheriting from base.profile then you should make sure
    // that a list with code='list_item_label_types' is defined and the following four item codes are defined.
    // If these are not defined then the AAT will still import, but without any distinction between
    // terms, facets and guide terms
    $vn_list_item_label_type_uf = $t_list->getItemIDFromList('list_item_label_types', 'uf');
    $vn_list_item_label_type_alt = $t_list->getItemIDFromList('list_item_label_types', 'alt');
    // get list item-to-item relationship type (should be defined by base installation profile [base.profile])
    // if your installation didn't use a profile inheriting from base.profile then you should make sure
    // that a ca_list_items_x_list_items relationship type with code='related' is defined. Otherwise import of term-to-term
    // relationships will fail.
    $t_rel_types = new ca_relationship_types();
    $vn_list_item_relation_type_id_related = $t_rel_types->getRelationshipTypeID('ca_list_items_x_list_items', 'related');
    // load voc_terms
    $o_xml = new XMLReader();
    print "READING AAT TERMS...\n";
    $va_parent_child_links = array();
    $va_item_item_links = array();
    $va_aat_id_to_item_id = array();
    $vn_last_message_length = 0;
    $va_subject = array();
    $vn_term_count = 0;
    while ($o_xml->read()) {
        switch ($o_xml->name) {
            # ---------------------------
            case 'Subject':
                if ($o_xml->nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT) {
                    if ($va_subject['subject_id'] == '300000000') {
                    // skip top-level root
                    $vs_preferred_term = $va_subject['preferred_term'];
                    switch ($va_subject['record_type']) {
                        case 'Concept':
                            $vn_type_id = $vn_list_item_type_hierarchy_name;
                            $pb_is_enabled = true;
                        case 'Facet':
                            $vn_type_id = $vn_list_item_type_facet;
                            $vs_preferred_term = '<' . $vs_preferred_term . '>';
                            $pb_is_enabled = false;
                        case 'Guide Term':
                            $vn_type_id = $vn_list_item_type_guide_term;
                            $vs_preferred_term = '<' . $vs_preferred_term . '>';
                            $pb_is_enabled = false;
                        case 'Hierarchy Name':
                            $vn_type_id = $vn_list_item_type_hierarchy_name;
                            $pb_is_enabled = false;
                            $vn_type_id = null;
                            $pb_is_enabled = true;
                    print str_repeat(chr(8), $vn_last_message_length);
                    $vs_message = "\tIMPORTING #" . ($vn_term_count + 1) . " [" . $va_subject['subject_id'] . "] " . $vs_preferred_term;
                    if (($vn_l = 100 - strlen($vs_message)) < 1) {
                        $vn_l = 1;
                    $vs_message .= str_repeat(' ', $vn_l);
                    $vn_last_message_length = strlen($vs_message);
                    print $vs_message;
                    if ($t_item = $t_list->addItem($va_subject['subject_id'], $pb_is_enabled, false, null, $vn_type_id, $va_subject['subject_id'], '', 4, 1)) {
                        $va_aat_id_to_item_id[$va_subject['subject_id']] = $t_item->getPrimaryKey();
                        if ($va_subject['preferred_parent_subject_id'] != 300000000) {
                            $va_parent_child_links[$va_subject['subject_id']] = $va_subject['preferred_parent_subject_id'];
                        // add preferred labels
                        if (!$t_item->addLabel(array('name_singular' => trim(htmlentities($vs_preferred_term, ENT_NOQUOTES)), 'name_plural' => trim(htmlentities($vs_preferred_term, ENT_NOQUOTES)), 'description' => $va_subject['description']), $pn_en_locale_id, null, true)) {
                            print "ERROR: Could not add preferred label to AAT term [" . $va_subject['subject_id'] . "] " . $vs_preferred_term . ": " . join("; ", $t_item->getErrors()) . "\n";
                        // add alternate labels
                        if (is_array($va_subject['non_preferred_terms'])) {
                            for ($vn_i = 0; $vn_i < sizeof($va_subject['non_preferred_terms']); $vn_i++) {
                                $vs_np_label = $va_subject['non_preferred_terms'][$vn_i];
                                $vs_np_term_type = $va_subject['non_preferred_term_types'][$vn_i];
                                switch ($vs_np_term_type) {
                                    case 'Used For Term':
                                        $vn_np_term_type_id = $vn_list_item_label_type_uf;
                                    case 'Alternate Descriptor':
                                        $vn_np_term_type_id = $vn_list_item_label_type_alt;
                                        $vn_np_term_type_id = null;
                                if (!$t_item->addLabel(array('name_singular' => trim(htmlentities($vs_np_label, ENT_NOQUOTES)), 'name_plural' => trim(htmlentities($vs_np_label, ENT_NOQUOTES)), 'description' => ''), $pn_en_locale_id, $vn_np_term_type_id, false)) {
                                    print "ERROR: Could not add non-preferred label to AAT term [" . $va_subject['subject_id'] . "] " . $vs_np_label . "\n";
                                    //: ".join("; ", $t_item->getErrors())."\n";
                        // record item-item relations
                        if (is_array($va_subject['related_subjects'])) {
                            foreach ($va_subject['related_subjects'] as $vs_rel_subject_id) {
                                $va_item_item_links[$va_subject['subject_id']] = $vs_rel_subject_id;
                    } else {
                        print "ERROR: Could not import AAT term [" . $va_subject['subject_id'] . "] " . $vs_preferred_term . ": " . join("; ", $t_list->getErrors()) . "\n";
                } else {
                    $va_subject = array('subject_id' => $o_xml->getAttribute('Subject_ID'));
                # ---------------------------
            # ---------------------------
            case 'Descriptive_Note':
                while ($o_xml->read()) {
                    switch ($o_xml->name) {
                        case 'Note_Text':
                            switch ($o_xml->nodeType) {
                                case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                                    $va_subject['description'] = $o_xml->value;
                        case 'Descriptive_Note':
                            break 2;
                # ---------------------------
            # ---------------------------
            case 'Record_Type':
                switch ($o_xml->nodeType) {
                    case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                        $va_subject['record_type'] = $o_xml->value;
                # ---------------------------
            # ---------------------------
            case 'Facet_Code':
                switch ($o_xml->nodeType) {
                    case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                        $va_subject['facet_code'] = $o_xml->value;
                # ---------------------------
            # ---------------------------
            case 'Parent_Relationships':
                $vn_parent_id = $vs_historic_flag = null;
                while ($o_xml->read()) {
                    switch ($o_xml->name) {
                        case 'Preferred_Parent':
                            while ($o_xml->read()) {
                                switch ($o_xml->name) {
                                    case 'Parent_Subject_ID':
                                        switch ($o_xml->nodeType) {
                                            case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                                                $vn_parent_id = $o_xml->value;
                                    case 'Historic_Flag':
                                        switch ($o_xml->nodeType) {
                                            case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                                                $vs_historic_flag = $o_xml->value;
                                    case 'Preferred_Parent':
                                        $va_subject['preferred_parent_subject_id'] = $vn_parent_id;
                                        break 2;
                        case 'Parent_Relationships':
                            break 2;
                # ---------------------------
            # ---------------------------
            case 'Preferred_Term':
                while ($o_xml->read()) {
                    switch ($o_xml->name) {
                        case 'Term_Type':
                            switch ($o_xml->nodeType) {
                                case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                                    $va_subject['preferred_term_type'] = $o_xml->value;
                        case 'Term_Text':
                            switch ($o_xml->nodeType) {
                                case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                                    $va_subject['preferred_term'] = $o_xml->value;
                        case 'Term_ID':
                            switch ($o_xml->nodeType) {
                                case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                                    $va_subject['preferred_term_id'] = $o_xml->value;
                        case 'Preferred_Term':
                            break 2;
                # ---------------------------
            # ---------------------------
            case 'Non-Preferred_Term':
                while ($o_xml->read()) {
                    switch ($o_xml->name) {
                        case 'Term_Type':
                            switch ($o_xml->nodeType) {
                                case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                                    $va_subject['non_preferred_term_types'][] = $o_xml->value;
                        case 'Term_Text':
                            switch ($o_xml->nodeType) {
                                case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                                    $va_subject['non_preferred_terms'][] = $o_xml->value;
                        case 'Term_ID':
                            switch ($o_xml->nodeType) {
                                case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                                    $va_subject['non_preferred_term_ids'][] = $o_xml->value;
                        case 'Non-Preferred_Term':
                            break 2;
                # ---------------------------
            # ---------------------------
            case 'VP_Subject_ID':
                switch ($o_xml->nodeType) {
                    case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                        $va_subject['related_subjects'][] = $o_xml->value;
                # ---------------------------
    print "\n\nLINKING TERMS IN HIERARCHY...\n";
    $vn_last_message_length = 0;
    $t_item = new ca_list_items();
    foreach ($va_parent_child_links as $vs_child_id => $vs_parent_id) {
        print str_repeat(chr(8), $vn_last_message_length);
        $vs_message = "\tLINKING {$vs_child_id} to parent {$vs_parent_id}";
        if (($vn_l = 100 - strlen($vs_message)) < 1) {
            $vn_l = 1;
        $vs_message .= str_repeat(' ', $vn_l);
        $vn_last_message_length = strlen($vs_message);
        print $vs_message;
        if (!($vn_child_item_id = $va_aat_id_to_item_id[$vs_child_id])) {
            print "ERROR: no list item id for child_id {$vs_child_id} (were there previous errors?)\n";
        if (!($vn_parent_item_id = $va_aat_id_to_item_id[$vs_parent_id])) {
            print "ERROR: no list item id for parent_id {$vs_child_id} (were there previous errors?)\n";
        if (!$t_item->load($vn_child_item_id)) {
            print "ERROR: could not load item for {$vs_child_id} (was translated to item_id={$vn_child_item_id})\n";
        $t_item->set('parent_id', $vn_parent_item_id);
        if ($t_item->numErrors()) {
            print "ERROR: could not set parent_id for {$vs_child_id} (was translated to item_id={$vn_child_item_id}): " . join('; ', $t_item->getErrors()) . "\n";
    if ($vn_list_item_relation_type_id_related > 0) {
        print "\n\nADDING RELATED TERM LINKS...\n";
        $vn_last_message_length = 0;
        $t_item = new ca_list_items();
        $t_link = new ca_list_items_x_list_items();
        foreach ($va_item_item_links as $vs_left_id => $vs_right_id) {
            print str_repeat(chr(8), $vn_last_message_length);
            $vs_message = "\tLINKING {$vs_left_id} to {$vs_right_id}";
            if (($vn_l = 100 - strlen($vs_message)) < 1) {
                $vn_l = 1;
            $vs_message .= str_repeat(' ', $vn_l);
            $vn_last_message_length = strlen($vs_message);
            print $vs_message;
            if (!($vn_left_item_id = $va_aat_id_to_item_id[$vs_left_id])) {
                print "ERROR: no list item id for left_id {$vs_left_id} (were there previous errors?)\n";
            if (!($vn_right_item_id = $va_aat_id_to_item_id[$vs_right_id])) {
                print "ERROR: no list item id for right_id {$vs_right_id} (were there previous errors?)\n";
            $t_link->set('term_left_id', $vn_left_item_id);
            $t_link->set('term_right_id', $vn_right_item_id);
            $t_link->set('type_id', $vn_list_item_relation_type_id_related);
            if ($t_link->numErrors()) {
                print "ERROR: could not set link between {$vs_left_id} (was translated to item_id={$vn_left_item_id}) and {$vs_right_id} (was translated to item_id={$vn_right_item_id}): " . join('; ', $t_link->getErrors()) . "\n";
    } else {
        print "WARNING: Skipped import of term-term relationships because the ca_list_items_x_list_items 'related' relationship type is not defined for your installation\n";
    print "\n\nIMPORT COMPLETE.\n";