Beispiel #1
  * Handles Download Access permissions.
  * @package optimizeMember\Files
  * @since 110524RC
  * @attaches-to ``add_action("init");``
  * @also-called-by API Function {@link optimizeMember\API_Functions\optimizemember_file_download_url()}, w/ ``$create_file_download_url`` param.
  * @param array $create_file_download_url Optional. If this function is called directly, we can pass arguments through this array.
  * 	Possible array elements: `file_download` *(required)*, `file_download_key`, `file_stream`, `file_inline`, `file_storage`, `file_remote`, `file_ssl`, `file_rewrite`, `file_rewrite_base`, `skip_confirmation`, `url_to_storage_source`, `count_against_user`, `check_user`.
  * @return null|str If called directly with ``$create_file_download_url``, returns a string with the URL, based on configuration.
  * 	Else, this function may exit script execution after serving a File Download.
 public static function check_file_download_access($create_file_download_url = FALSE)
     if (is_array($create_file_download_url) || !empty($_GET["optimizemember_file_download"])) {
         return c_ws_plugin__optimizemember_files_in::check_file_download_access($create_file_download_url);
Beispiel #2
  * Generates a File Download URL for access to a file protected by optimizeMember.
  * @package optimizeMember\Files
  * @since 110926
  * @param array $config Required. This is an array of configuration options associated with permissions being checked against the current User/Member; and also the actual URL generated by this routine.
  * 	Possible ``$config`` array elements: `file_download` *(required)*, `file_download_key`, `file_stream`, `file_inline`, `file_storage`, `file_remote`, `file_ssl`, `file_rewrite`, `file_rewrite_base`, `skip_confirmation`, `url_to_storage_source`, `count_against_user`, `check_user`.
  * @param bool $get_streamer_array Optional. Defaults to `false`. If `true`, this function will return an array with the following elements: `streamer`, `file`, `url`. For further details, please review this section in your Dashboard: `optimizeMember -> Download Options -> JW Player & RTMP Protocol Examples`.
  * @return str A File Download URL string on success; or an array on success, with elements `streamer`, `file`, `url` when/if ``$get_streamer_array`` is true; else false on any type of failure.
  * @see optimizeMember\API_Functions\optimizemember_file_download_url()
 public static function create_file_download_url($config = FALSE, $get_streamer_array = FALSE)
     do_action("ws_plugin__optimizemember_before_create_file_download_url", get_defined_vars());
     unset($__refs, $__v);
     /* Unset defined __refs, __v. */
     $config = is_array($config) ? $config : array();
     $config["file_download"] = isset($config["file_download"]) && is_string($config["file_download"]) ? trim($config["file_download"], "/") : @$config["file_download"];
     $config["file_download_key"] = isset($config["file_download"]) && is_string($config["file_download"]) && !empty($config["file_download_key"]) ? c_ws_plugin__optimizemember_files::file_download_key($config["file_download"], in_array($config["file_download_key"], array("ip-forever", "universal", "cache-compatible")) ? $config["file_download_key"] : false) : @$config["file_download_key"];
     $config["url_to_storage_source"] = $get_streamer_array ? true : @$config["url_to_storage_source"];
     $config["file_stream"] = $get_streamer_array ? true : @$config["file_stream"];
     if ($_url = c_ws_plugin__optimizemember_files_in::check_file_download_access($create_file_download_url = $config)) {
         do_action("ws_plugin__optimizemember_during_create_file_download_url", get_defined_vars());
         unset($__refs, $__v);
         /* Unset defined __refs, __v. */
         $extension = strtolower(substr($config["file_download"], strrpos($config["file_download"], ".") + 1));
         $streaming = isset($config["file_stream"]) ? filter_var($config["file_stream"], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN) : (in_array($extension, preg_split("/[\r\n\t\\s;,]+/", $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["optimizemember"]["o"]["file_download_stream_extensions"])) ? true : false);
         $ssl = isset($config["file_ssl"]) ? filter_var($config["file_ssl"], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN) : (is_ssl() ? true : false);
         if ($get_streamer_array && $streaming && ($cfx = "/cfx/st") && ($cfx_pos = strpos($_url, $cfx)) !== false && ($streamer = substr($_url, 0, $cfx_pos + strlen($cfx))) && ($url = c_ws_plugin__optimizemember_files_in::check_file_download_access(array_merge($config, array("file_stream" => false, "check_user" => false, "count_against_user" => false))))) {
             $return = array("streamer" => $streamer, "prefix" => $extension . ":", "file" => preg_replace("/^" . preg_quote($streamer, "/") . "\\//", "", $_url), "url" => preg_replace("/^.+?\\:/", $ssl ? "https:" : "http:", $url));
         } else {
             if ($get_streamer_array && $streaming && is_array($ups = c_ws_plugin__optimizemember_utils_urls::parse_url($_url)) && isset($ups["scheme"], $ups["host"]) && ($streamer = $ups["scheme"] . "://" . $ups["host"] . (!empty($ups["port"]) ? ":" . $ups["port"] : "")) && ($url = c_ws_plugin__optimizemember_files_in::check_file_download_access(array_merge($config, array("file_stream" => false, "check_user" => false, "count_against_user" => false))))) {
                 $return = array("streamer" => $streamer, "prefix" => $extension . ":", "file" => preg_replace("/^" . preg_quote($streamer, "/") . "\\//", "", $_url), "url" => preg_replace("/^.+?\\:/", $ssl ? "https:" : "http:", $url));
             } else {
                 if ($get_streamer_array) {
                     $return = false;
                 } else {
                     /* Else return URL string ( ``$get_streamer_array`` is false ). */
                     $return = $_url;
     return apply_filters("ws_plugin__optimizemember_create_file_download_url", isset($return) ? $return : false, get_defined_vars());