function blc_unlink($params) { if ($this->_checkBLC()) { $link = new blcLink(intval($params['linkID'])); if (!$link->valid()) { return "Oops, I can't find the link " . intval($params['linkID']); } $rez = $link->unlink(); $rez['old_link_id'] = $params['linkID']; $rez['linkType'] = $params['linkType']; return $rez; } else { return array('error' => "Broken Link Checker plugin is not activated", 'error_code' => 'blc_plugin_not_activated_blc_unlink'); } }
/** * AJAX hook for the "Unlink" action links in Tools -> Broken Links. * Removes the specified link from all posts and other supported items. * * @return void */ function ajax_unlink() { if (!current_user_can('edit_others_posts') || !check_ajax_referer('blc_unlink', false, false)) { die(json_encode(array('error' => __("You're not allowed to do that!", 'broken-link-checker')))); } if (isset($_POST['link_id'])) { //Load the link $link = new blcLink(intval($_POST['link_id'])); if (!$link->valid()) { die(json_encode(array('error' => sprintf(__("Oops, I can't find the link %d", 'broken-link-checker'), intval($_POST['link_id']))))); } //Try and unlink it $rez = $link->unlink(); if ($rez === false) { die(json_encode(array('error' => __("An unexpected error occured!", 'broken-link-checker')))); } else { $response = array('cnt_okay' => $rez['cnt_okay'], 'cnt_error' => $rez['cnt_error'], 'errors' => array()); foreach ($rez['errors'] as $error) { /** @var WP_Error $error */ array_push($response['errors'], implode(', ', $error->get_error_messages())); } die(json_encode($response)); } } else { die(json_encode(array('error' => __("Error : link_id not specified", 'broken-link-checker')))); } }
function unlink() { $information = array(); if (!current_user_can('edit_others_posts')) { $information['error'] = 'NOTALLOW'; return $information; } if (isset($_POST['link_id'])) { //Load the link $link = new blcLink(intval($_POST['link_id'])); if (!$link->valid()) { $information['error'] = 'NOTFOUNDLINK'; // Oops, I can't find the link return $information; } //Try and unlink it $rez = $link->unlink(); if ($rez === false) { $information['error'] = 'UNDEFINEDERROR'; // An unexpected error occured! return $information; } else { $response = array('cnt_okay' => $rez['cnt_okay'], 'cnt_error' => $rez['cnt_error'], 'errors' => array()); foreach ($rez['errors'] as $error) { /** @var WP_Error $error */ array_push($response['errors'], implode(', ', $error->get_error_messages())); } return $response; } } else { $information['error'] = __("Error : link_id not specified"); return $information; } }