function Changeblacklist($phones, $reason) { $user_id = $_SESSION['USERID']; foreach ($phones as $phone) { $asterisk = new asterisk("", "5038", "admin", "amp111", 300); $result = $asterisk->blackListAdd($phone); if ($result == 1) { $req = mysql_query("SELECT \r\n FROM incomming_call\r\n WHERE incomming_call.actived=1 \r\n AND incomming_call.call_status_id = 3 \r\n AND = '{$phone}'"); while ($aRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($req)) { mysql_query("UPDATE `incomming_call` \r\n \tSET \r\n `fan_status` = '2'\r\n WHERE `id` = '{$aRow['id']}'"); } mysql_query("INSERT INTO `blacklis`\r\n (`user_id`, `date`, `phone`, `reason`)\r\n VALUES\r\n ('{$user_id}', NOW(), '{$phone}', '{$reason}');"); } else { global $error; $error = 'დაბლოკვა არ მოხდა'; } } }
/** * function to verify user data * * @param $aFormValues (array) login form data $aFormValues['username'] $aFormValues['password'] $aFormValues['locate'] * @return $objResponse * @session $_SESSION['curuser']['username'] $_SESSION['curuser']['extension'] $_SESSION['curuser']['extensions'] $_SESSION['curuser']['country'] $_SESSION['curuser']['language'] $_SESSION['curuser']['channel'] $_SESSION['curuser']['accountcode'] */ function processAccountData($aFormValues) { global $db, $config; list($_SESSION['curuser']['country'], $_SESSION['curuser']['language']) = split("_", $aFormValues['locate']); //get locate parameter $locate = new Localization($_SESSION['curuser']['country'], $_SESSION['curuser']['language'], 'login'); $objResponse = new xajaxResponse(); /* check whether the pear had been installed */ $pear_exists_result = class_exists('PEAR'); if (empty($pear_exists_result)) { $objResponse->addAlert($locate->Translate("Please install php pear")); $objResponse->addAssign("loginButton", "value", $locate->Translate("submit")); $objResponse->addAssign("loginButton", "disabled", false); return $objResponse; } if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"])) { if ($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"]) { $proxy = $_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"]; } else { $proxy = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; } } else { if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"])) { $ip = $_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"]; } else { $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; } } $query = "SELECT * FROM account_log WHERE ip='" . $ip . "' AND action='login' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1"; $res = $db->query($query); if ($res->fetchInto($this_ip_log)) { $failedtimes = $this_ip_log['failedtimes']; } $log = array(); $log['action'] = 'login'; $log['ip'] = $ip; $log['username'] = $aFormValues['username']; if ($failedtimes >= $config['system']['max_incorrect_login'] && $config['system']['max_incorrect_login'] > 0) { $objResponse->addAlert($locate->Translate("login failed,your ip is locked for login")); $objResponse->addAssign("loginButton", "value", $locate->Translate("submit")); $objResponse->addAssign("loginButton", "disabled", false); return $objResponse; } $bError = false; $loginError = false; if (!$bError) { $query = "SELECT account.*, accountgroup.accountcode,accountgroup.allowcallback as allowcallbackgroup,resellergroup.allowcallback as allowcallbackreseller,accountgroup.limittype FROM account LEFT JOIN accountgroup ON = account.groupid LEFT JOIN resellergroup ON = account.resellerid WHERE username='******'username'] . "'"; $res = $db->query($query); if ($res->fetchInto($list)) { $log['account_id'] = $list['id']; $log['usertype'] = $list['usertype']; if ($list['password'] == $aFormValues['password']) { $log['status'] = 'success'; $log['failedtimes'] = 0; if ($aFormValues['rememberme'] == "forever") { // set cookies for three years setcookie("username", $aFormValues['username'], time() + 94608000); setcookie("password", $aFormValues['password'], time() + 94608000); setcookie("language", $aFormValues['locate'], time() + 94608000); setcookie("pagestyle", $aFormValues['pagestyle'], time() + 94608000); } else { // destroy cookies setcookie("username", "", time() - 3600); setcookie("password", "", time() - 3600); setcookie("language", "", time() - 3600); setcookie("pagestyle", $aFormValues['pagestyle'], time() + 94608000); $username = ''; $password = ''; $language = 'en_US'; $checked = false; } $_SESSION = array(); $_SESSION['curuser']['username'] = trim($aFormValues['username']); $_SESSION['curuser']['usertype'] = $list['usertype']; $_SESSION['curuser']['ipaddress'] = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $_SESSION['curuser']['userid'] = $list['id']; $_SESSION['curuser']['groupid'] = $list['groupid']; $_SESSION['curuser']['resellerid'] = $list['resellerid']; $_SESSION['curuser']['limittype'] = $list['limittype']; $configstatus = common::read_ini_file($config['system']['astercc_path'] . '/astercc.conf', $asterccConfig); if ($configstatus == -2) { $html = "(fail to read " . $config['system']['astercc_path'] . "/astercc.conf)"; return $html; } else { $billingfield = trim($asterccConfig['system']['billingfield']); if ($billingfield == 'accountcode') { $_SESSION['curuser']['billingfield'] = $billingfield; } } $res = astercrm::getCalleridListByID($list['groupid']); while ($res->fetchInto($row)) { $_SESSION['curuser']['extensions'][] = $row['clid']; } if (!is_array($_SESSION['curuser']['extensions'])) { $_SESSION['curuser']['extensions'] = array(); } if ($list['usertype'] == 'reseller') { $_SESSION['curuser']['allowcallback'] = $list['allowcallbackreseller']; } else { $_SESSION['curuser']['allowcallback'] = $list['allowcallbackgroup']; } $_SESSION['curuser']['accountcode'] = $list['accountcode']; // if ($list['extensions'] != ''){ // $_SESSION['curuser']['extensions'] = split(',',$list['extensions']); // } // else{ // } list($_SESSION['curuser']['country'], $_SESSION['curuser']['language']) = split("_", $aFormValues['locate']); /* if you dont want check manager status and show device status when user login please uncomment these three line */ // $objResponse->addAlert($locate->Translate("login_success")); if ($_SESSION['curuser']['usertype'] == 'groupadmin' || $_SESSION['curuser']['usertype'] == 'operator') { if ($aFormValues['pagestyle'] == 'classic') { $objResponse->addScript('window.location.href="systemstatus.php";'); } else { $objResponse->addScript('window.location.href="systemstatus_simple.php";'); } } else { $objResponse->addScript('window.location.href="account.php";'); } astercrm::insertAccountLog($log); return $objResponse; //check AMI connection $myAsterisk = new Asterisk(); $myAsterisk->config['asmanager'] = $config['asterisk']; $res = $myAsterisk->connect(); $html .= $locate->Translate("server_connection_test"); if ($res) { $html .= '<font color=green>' . $locate->Translate("pass") . '</font><br>'; $html .= '<b>' . $_SESSION['curuser']['extension'] . ' ' . $locate->Translate("device_status") . '</b><br>'; $html .= asterisk::getPeerIP($_SESSION['curuser']['extension']) . '<br>'; $html .= asterisk::getPeerStatus($_SESSION['curuser']['extension']) . '<br>'; } else { $html .= '<font color=red>' . $locate->Translate("no_pass") . '</font>'; } if ($aFormValues['pagestyle'] == 'classic') { $html .= '<input type="button" value="' . $locate->Translate("continue") . '" id="btnContinue" name="btnContinue" onclick="window.location.href=\'systemstatus.php\';">'; } else { $html .= '<input type="button" value="' . $locate->Translate("continue") . '" id="btnContinue" name="btnContinue" onclick="window.location.href=\'systemstatus_simple.php\';">'; } $objResponse->addAssign("formDiv", "innerHTML", $html); $objResponse->addClear("titleDiv", "innerHTML"); $objResponse->addScript("xajax.\$('btnContinue').focus();"); } else { //$log['account_id'] = 0; $log['failedtimes'] = $failedtimes + 1; $log['status'] = 'failed'; $log['failedcause'] = 'incorrect password'; $loginError = true; } } else { $log['failedtimes'] = $failedtimes + 1; $log['account_id'] = 0; $log['usertype'] = 'manager_login'; $log['status'] = 'failed'; $log['failedcause'] = 'notexistent user'; $loginError = true; } astercrm::insertAccountLog($log); if (!$loginError) { return $objResponse; } else { $objResponse->addAlert($locate->Translate("login failed")); $objResponse->addAssign("loginButton", "value", $locate->Translate("submit")); $objResponse->addAssign("loginButton", "disabled", false); return $objResponse; } } else { $objResponse->addAssign("loginButton", "value", $locate->Translate("submit")); $objResponse->addAssign("loginButton", "disabled", false); } return $objResponse; }
function Addblacklist($user_id, $phone, $reason) { $check_phone = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT 1 AS check_phone\r\n FROM blacklis\r\n WHERE phone='{$phone}' \r\n AND actived=1 \r\n LIMIT 1")); if ($check_phone[check_phone] != 1) { $asterisk = new asterisk("", "5038", "admin", "amp111", 300); $result = $asterisk->blackListAdd($phone); if ($result == 1) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO `blacklis`\r\n (`user_id`, `date`, `phone`, `reason`)\r\n VALUES\r\n ('{$user_id}', NOW(), '{$phone}', '{$reason}');"); } else { global $error; $error = 'ნომერი არ დაიბლოკა'; } } else { global $error; $error = 'ნომერი უკვე დაბლოკილია'; } }
/** * initialize page elements * @return objResponse object xajax response object */ function showChannelsInfo() { global $locate, $config, $db; $aDyadicArray[] = array($locate->Translate("src"), $locate->Translate("dst"), $locate->Translate("srcchan"), $locate->Translate("dstchan"), $locate->Translate("starttime"), $locate->Translate("answertime"), $locate->Translate("disposition")); $objResponse = new xajaxResponse(); if ($config['system']['eventtype'] == 'curcdr') { if ($_SESSION['curuser']['usertype'] == 'admin') { $curcdr = astercrm::getAll("curcdr"); } else { //print_r($_SESSION['curuser']['memberExtens']);exit; $curcdr = astercrm::getGroupCurcdr(); } while ($curcdr->fetchInto($row)) { $systemCDR[] = array($row["src"], $row["dst"], $row["srcchan"], $row["dstchan"], $row["starttime"], $row["answertime"], $row["disposition"]); } $activeCalls = " " . count($systemCDR) . " " . $locate->Translate("active calls"); $objResponse->addAssign("divActiveCalls", "innerHTML", $activeCalls); $systemChannels = common::generateTabelHtml(array_merge($aDyadicArray, $systemCDR)); $objResponse->addAssign("channels", "innerHTML", nl2br(trim($systemChannels))); return $objResponse; } $channels = split(chr(13), asterisk::getCommandData('show channels verbose')); /* if ($channels == null){ $objResponse->addAssign("channels", "innerHTML", "can not connect to AMI, please check config.php"); return $objResponse; } */ $channels = split(chr(10), $channels[1]); //trim the first two records and the last three records // array_pop($channels); array_pop($channels); $activeCalls = array_pop($channels); $activeChannels = array_pop($channels); array_shift($channels); $title = array_shift($channels); $title = split("_", implode("_", array_filter(split(" ", $title)))); $myInfo[] = $title; foreach ($channels as $channel) { if (strstr($channel, " Dial")) { $myItem = split("_", implode("_", array_filter(split(" ", $channel)))); $myInfo[] = $myItem; } } $myChannels = common::generateTabelHtml($myInfo); $objResponse->addAssign("divActiveCalls", "innerHTML", $activeCalls); $objResponse->addAssign("channels", "innerHTML", nl2br(trim($myChannels))); return $objResponse; }
<?php set_time_limit(0); require_once 'asterisk.class.php'; mysql_connect('', 'root', 'Gl-1114'); mysql_selectdb('test'); $ast = new asterisk('', 5038, 'admin', 'elastixsudo', 480); global $status; $status = 0; while (true) { sleep(1); foreach ($ast->getExtensions() as $key => $value) { $array = $ast->getExtension($key); foreach ($array as $key => $val) { if ($status != $val) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO `test` (`date`, `ext`, `status`) VALUES (NOW(), '{$key}', '{$val}')"); } $status = $val; } } } // foreach ($ast->getExtensions() as $key => $value) { // print_r($ast->getExtension($key)); // }
<?php require_once '../../includes/classes/asterisk.class.php'; $asterisk = new asterisk("", "5038", "admin", "sudobash", 300); $data = ''; $action = $_REQUEST['act']; switch ($action) { case 'black_list_add': $phone = $_REQUEST['phone']; $data['error'] = "ნომერი დაემატა შავ სიას"; echo json_encode($data); $asterisk->blackListAdd($phone); break; case 'black_list_remove': $phone = $_REQUEST['phone']; $data['error'] = "ნომერი ამოიშალა შავი სიიდან"; echo json_encode($data); $asterisk->blackListRemove($phone); break; default: break; }