Beispiel #1
 * Serves assignment submissions and other files.
 * @param mixed $course course or id of the course
 * @param mixed $cm course module or id of the course module
 * @param context $context
 * @param string $filearea
 * @param array $args
 * @param bool $forcedownload
 * @return bool false if file not found, does not return if found - just send the file
function assignsubmission_onenote_pluginfile($course, $cm, context $context, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload)
    global $DB, $CFG;
    if ($context->contextlevel != CONTEXT_MODULE) {
        return false;
    require_login($course, false, $cm);
    $itemid = (int) array_shift($args);
    $record = $DB->get_record('assign_submission', array('id' => $itemid), 'userid, assignment, groupid', MUST_EXIST);
    $userid = $record->userid;
    $groupid = $record->groupid;
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assign/locallib.php';
    $assign = new assign($context, $cm, $course);
    if ($assign->get_instance()->id != $record->assignment) {
        return false;
    if ($assign->get_instance()->teamsubmission && !$assign->can_view_group_submission($groupid)) {
        return false;
    if (!$assign->get_instance()->teamsubmission && !$assign->can_view_submission($userid)) {
        return false;
    $relativepath = implode('/', $args);
    $fullpath = "/{$context->id}/assignsubmission_onenote/{$filearea}/{$itemid}/{$relativepath}";
    $fs = get_file_storage();
    if (!($file = $fs->get_file_by_hash(sha1($fullpath))) || $file->is_directory()) {
        return false;
    // Download MUST be forced - security!
    send_stored_file($file, 0, 0, true);
Beispiel #2
 public function test_grade_edit_tree_column_range_get_item_cell()
     global $DB, $CFG;
     // Make some things we need.
     $scale = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_scale();
     $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
     $assign = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('assign', array('course' => $course->id));
     $modulecontext = context_module::instance($assign->id);
     // The generator returns a dummy object, lets get the real assign object.
     $assign = new assign($modulecontext, false, false);
     $cm = $assign->get_course_module();
     // Get range column.
     $column = grade_edit_tree_column::factory('range');
     $gradeitemparams = array('itemtype' => 'mod', 'itemmodule' => $cm->modname, 'iteminstance' => $cm->instance, 'courseid' => $cm->course, 'itemnumber' => 0);
     // Lets set the grade to something we know.
     $instance = $assign->get_instance();
     $instance->grade = 70;
     $instance->instance = $instance->id;
     $gradeitem = grade_item::fetch($gradeitemparams);
     $cell = $column->get_item_cell($gradeitem, array());
     $this->assertEquals(GRADE_TYPE_VALUE, $gradeitem->gradetype);
     $this->assertEquals(null, $gradeitem->scaleid);
     $this->assertEquals(70.0, (double) $cell->text, "Grade text is 70", 0.01);
     // Now change it to a scale.
     $instance = $assign->get_instance();
     $instance->grade = -$scale->id;
     $instance->instance = $instance->id;
     $gradeitem = grade_item::fetch($gradeitemparams);
     $cell = $column->get_item_cell($gradeitem, array());
     // Make the expected scale text.
     $scaleitems = null;
     $scaleitems = explode(',', $scale->scale);
     $scalestring = end($scaleitems) . ' (' . count($scaleitems) . ')';
     $this->assertEquals(GRADE_TYPE_SCALE, $gradeitem->gradetype);
     $this->assertEquals($scale->id, $gradeitem->scaleid);
     $this->assertEquals($scalestring, $cell->text, "Grade text matches scale");
     // Now change it to no grade.
     $instance = $assign->get_instance();
     $instance->grade = 0;
     $instance->instance = $instance->id;
     $gradeitem = grade_item::fetch($gradeitemparams);
     $cell = $column->get_item_cell($gradeitem, array());
     $this->assertEquals(GRADE_TYPE_TEXT, $gradeitem->gradetype);
     $this->assertEquals(null, $gradeitem->scaleid);
     $this->assertEquals(' - ', $cell->text, 'Grade text matches empty value of " - "');
Beispiel #3
 * Permission control method for submission plugin ---- required method for AJAXmoodle based comment API
 * @param stdClass $options
 * @return array
function assignsubmission_comments_comment_permissions(stdClass $options) {
    global $USER, $CFG, $DB;

    if ($options->commentarea != 'submission_comments' &&
            $options->commentarea != 'submission_comments_upgrade') {
        throw new comment_exception('invalidcommentarea');
    if (!$submission = $DB->get_record('assign_submission', array('id'=>$options->itemid))) {
        throw new comment_exception('invalidcommentitemid');
    $context = $options->context;

    require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assign/locallib.php');
    $assignment = new assign($context, null, null);

    if ($assignment->get_instance()->id != $submission->assignment) {
        throw new comment_exception('invalidcontext');
    if (!has_capability('mod/assign:grade', $context)) {
        if (!has_capability('mod/assign:submit', $context)) {
            return array('post' => false, 'view' => false);
        } else if ($submission->userid != $USER->id) {
            return array('post' => false, 'view' => false);

    return array('post' => true, 'view' => true);
  * Get a configuration value for this plugin
  * @param mixed $setting The config key (string) or null
  * @return mixed string | false
 public final function get_config($setting = null)
     global $DB;
     if ($setting) {
         if (!$this->assignment->has_instance()) {
             return false;
         $assignment = $this->assignment->get_instance();
         if ($assignment) {
             $dbparams = array('assignment' => $assignment->id, 'subtype' => $this->get_subtype(), 'plugin' => $this->get_type(), 'name' => $setting);
             $result = $DB->get_record('assign_plugin_config', $dbparams, '*', IGNORE_MISSING);
             if ($result) {
                 return $result->value;
         return false;
     $dbparams = array('assignment' => $this->assignment->get_instance()->id, 'subtype' => $this->get_subtype(), 'plugin' => $this->get_type());
     $results = $DB->get_records('assign_plugin_config', $dbparams);
     $config = new stdClass();
     if (is_array($results)) {
         foreach ($results as $setting) {
             $name = $setting->name;
             $config->{$name} = $setting->value;
     return $config;
  * Create instance of event.
  * @param \assign $assign
  * @param \stdClass $submission
  * @return submission_viewed
 public static function create_from_submission(\assign $assign, \stdClass $submission)
     $data = array('objectid' => $submission->id, 'relateduserid' => $submission->userid, 'context' => $assign->get_context(), 'other' => array('assignid' => $assign->get_instance()->id));
     /** @var submission_viewed $event */
     $event = self::create($data);
     $event->add_record_snapshot('assign_submission', $submission);
     return $event;
  * Create instance of event.
  * @param \assign $assign
  * @return batch_set_marker_allocation_viewed
 public static function create_from_assign(\assign $assign)
     $data = array('context' => $assign->get_context(), 'other' => array('assignid' => $assign->get_instance()->id));
     self::$preventcreatecall = false;
     /** @var batch_set_marker_allocation_viewed $event */
     $event = self::create($data);
     self::$preventcreatecall = true;
     return $event;
  * Create instance of event.
  * @since Moodle 2.7
  * @param \assign $assign
  * @return all_submissions_downloaded
 public static function create_from_assign(\assign $assign)
     $data = array('context' => $assign->get_context(), 'objectid' => $assign->get_instance()->id);
     self::$preventcreatecall = false;
     /** @var submission_graded $event */
     $event = self::create($data);
     self::$preventcreatecall = true;
     return $event;
Beispiel #8
  * Always return a valid sort - even if the userid column is missing.
  * @return array column name => SORT_... constant.
 public function get_sort_columns()
     $result = parent::get_sort_columns();
     $assignment = $this->assignment->get_instance();
     if (empty($assignment->blindmarking)) {
         $result = array_merge($result, array('userid' => SORT_ASC));
     } else {
         $result = array_merge($result, ['COALESCE(s.timecreated, ' . time() . ')' => SORT_ASC, 'COALESCE(, ' . PHP_INT_MAX . ')' => SORT_ASC, '' => SORT_ASC]);
     return $result;
  * Create instance of event.
  * @since Moodle 2.7
  * @param \assign $assign
  * @param \stdClass $user
  * @return submission_locked
 public static function create_from_user(\assign $assign, \stdClass $user)
     $data = array('context' => $assign->get_context(), 'objectid' => $assign->get_instance()->id, 'relateduserid' => $user->id);
     self::$preventcreatecall = false;
     /** @var submission_locked $event */
     $event = self::create($data);
     self::$preventcreatecall = true;
     $event->add_record_snapshot('user', $user);
     return $event;
 static function unplag_reset_file($id)
     global $DB, $CFG;
     $plagiarismfile = $DB->get_record('plagiarism_unplag_files', array('id' => $id), '*', MUST_EXIST);
     if ($plagiarismfile->statuscode == UNPLAG_STATUSCODE_PROCESSED || $plagiarismfile->statuscode == UNPLAG_STATUSCODE_ACCEPTED) {
         // Sanity Check.
         return true;
     // Set some new values.
     $plagiarismfile->statuscode = 'pending';
     $plagiarismfile->attempt = 0;
     $plagiarismfile->timesubmitted = time();
     $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('', $plagiarismfile->cm);
     $modulecontext = context_module::instance($plagiarismfile->cm);
     $fs = get_file_storage();
     if ($cm->modname == 'assignment') {
         $submission = $DB->get_record('assignment_submissions', array('assignment' => $cm->instance, 'userid' => $plagiarismfile->userid));
         $files = $fs->get_area_files($modulecontext->id, 'mod_assignment', 'submission', $submission->id);
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             if ($file->get_contenthash() == $plagiarismfile->identifier) {
                 $DB->update_record('plagiarism_unplag_files', $plagiarismfile);
                 // Update before trying to send again.
                 return self::unplag_send_file($plagiarismfile->cm, $plagiarismfile->userid, $file, self::get_settings());
     } else {
         if ($cm->modname == 'assign') {
             require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assign/locallib.php';
             $assign = new assign($modulecontext, null, null);
             $submissionplugins = $assign->get_submission_plugins();
             $dbparams = array('assignment' => $assign->get_instance()->id, 'userid' => $plagiarismfile->userid);
             $submissions = $DB->get_records('assign_submission', $dbparams);
             foreach ($submissions as $submission) {
                 foreach ($submissionplugins as $submissionplugin) {
                     $component = $submissionplugin->get_subtype() . '_' . $submissionplugin->get_type();
                     $fileareas = $submissionplugin->get_file_areas();
                     foreach ($fileareas as $filearea => $name) {
                         $files = $fs->get_area_files($assign->get_context()->id, $component, $filearea, $submission->id, "timemodified", false);
                         foreach ($files as $file) {
                             if ($file->get_contenthash() == $plagiarismfile->identifier) {
                                 $DB->update_record('plagiarism_unplag_files', $plagiarismfile);
                                 // Update before trying to send again.
                                 return self::unplag_send_file($plagiarismfile->cm, $plagiarismfile->userid, $file, plagiarism_plugin_unplag::get_settings());
         } else {
             if ($cm->modname == 'workshop') {
                 require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/workshop/locallib.php';
                 $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('workshop', $plagiarismfile->cm, 0, false, MUST_EXIST);
                 $workshop = $DB->get_record('workshop', array('id' => $cm->instance), '*', MUST_EXIST);
                 $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $cm->course), '*', MUST_EXIST);
                 $workshop = new workshop($workshop, $cm, $course);
                 $submissions = $workshop->get_submissions($plagiarismfile->userid);
                 foreach ($submissions as $submission) {
                     $files = $fs->get_area_files($workshop->context->id, 'mod_workshop', 'submission_attachment', $submission->id);
                     foreach ($files as $file) {
                         if ($file->get_contenthash() == $plagiarismfile->identifier) {
                             $DB->update_record('plagiarism_unplag_files', $plagiarismfile);
                             // Update before trying to send again.
                             return self::unplag_send_file($plagiarismfile->cm, $plagiarismfile->userid, $file, plagiarism_plugin_unplag::get_settings());
             } else {
                 if ($cm->modname == 'forum') {
                     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/forum/lib.php';
                     $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('forum', $plagiarismfile->cm, 0, false, MUST_EXIST);
                     $posts = forum_get_user_posts($cm->instance, $plagiarismfile->userid);
                     foreach ($posts as $post) {
                         $files = $fs->get_area_files($modulecontext->id, 'mod_forum', 'attachment', $post->id, "timemodified", false);
                         foreach ($files as $file) {
                             if ($file->get_contenthash() == $plagiarismfile->identifier) {
                                 $DB->update_record('plagiarism_unplag_files', $plagiarismfile);
                                 // Update before trying to send again.
                                 return self::unplag_send_file($plagiarismfile->cm, $plagiarismfile->userid, $file, plagiarism_plugin_unplag::get_settings());
 public function test_list_participants_blind_marking()
     global $DB;
     $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
     $roles = $DB->get_records('role', null, '', 'shortname, id');
     $teacher = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
     $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($teacher->id, $course->id, $roles['teacher']->id);
     // Enrol two students.
     $students = [];
     for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) {
         $student = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
         $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($student->id, $course->id, $roles['student']->id);
         $students[$student->id] = $student;
     $generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_assign');
     $instance = $generator->create_instance(['course' => $course->id, 'blindmarking' => 1]);
     $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('assign', $instance->id);
     $context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
     $assign = new assign($context, $cm, $course);
     // Allocate IDs now.
     // We're testing whether the IDs are correct after allocation.
     $participants = $assign->list_participants(null, false);
     // There should be exactly two participants and they should be the students.
     $this->assertCount(2, $participants);
     foreach ($participants as $participant) {
         $this->assertArrayHasKey($participant->id, $students);
     $keys = array_keys($participants);
     // Create a grading table, and query the DB This should have the same order.
     $table = new assign_grading_table($assign, 10, '', 0, false);
     $this->assertEquals($keys, array_keys($table->rawdata));
     // Submit a file for the second student.
     $data = new stdClass();
     $data->onlinetext_editor = array('itemid' => file_get_unused_draft_itemid(), 'text' => 'Submission text', 'format' => FORMAT_MOODLE);
     static::helper_add_submission($assign, $participants[$keys[1]], $data, 'onlinetext');
     // Assign has a private cache. The easiest way to clear this is to create a new instance.
     $assign = new assign($context, $cm, $course);
     $newparticipants = $assign->list_participants(null, false);
     // There should be exactly two participants and they should be the students.
     $this->assertCount(2, $newparticipants);
     foreach ($newparticipants as $participant) {
         $this->assertArrayHasKey($participant->id, $students);
     $newkeys = array_keys($newparticipants);
     // The user who submitted first should now be listed first.
     $this->assertEquals($participants[$keys[1]]->id, $newparticipants[$newkeys[0]]->id);
     $this->assertEquals($participants[$keys[0]]->id, $newparticipants[$newkeys[1]]->id);
     // Submit for the other student.
     static::helper_add_submission($assign, $participants[$keys[0]], $data, 'onlinetext');
     $assign = new assign($context, $cm, $course);
     $newparticipants = $assign->list_participants(null, false);
     // The users should still be listed in order of the first submission
     $this->assertEquals($participants[$keys[1]]->id, $newparticipants[$newkeys[0]]->id);
     $this->assertEquals($participants[$keys[0]]->id, $newparticipants[$newkeys[1]]->id);
     // The updated grading table should have the same order as the updated participant list.
     $this->assertEquals($newkeys, array_keys($table->rawdata));
Beispiel #12
     * View a summary listing of all assignments in the current course.
     * @return string
    private function view_course_index() {
        global $USER;

        $o = '';

        $course = $this->get_course();
        $strplural = get_string('modulenameplural', 'assign');

        if (!$cms = get_coursemodules_in_course('assign', $course->id, 'm.duedate')) {
            $o .= $this->get_renderer()->notification(get_string('thereareno', 'moodle', $strplural));
            $o .= $this->get_renderer()->continue_button(new moodle_url('/course/view.php', array('id' => $course->id)));
            return $o;

        $strsectionname = '';
        $usesections = course_format_uses_sections($course->format);
        $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($course);

        if ($usesections) {
            $strsectionname = get_string('sectionname', 'format_'.$course->format);
            $sections = $modinfo->get_section_info_all();
        $courseindexsummary = new assign_course_index_summary($usesections, $strsectionname);

        $timenow = time();

        $currentsection = '';
        foreach ($modinfo->instances['assign'] as $cm) {
            if (!$cm->uservisible) {

            $timedue = $cms[$cm->id]->duedate;

            $sectionname = '';
            if ($usesections && $cm->sectionnum) {
                $sectionname = get_section_name($course, $sections[$cm->sectionnum]);

            $submitted = '';
            $context = context_module::instance($cm->id);

            $assignment = new assign($context, $cm, $course);

            // Apply overrides.
            $timedue = $assignment->get_instance()->duedate;

            if (has_capability('mod/assign:grade', $context)) {
                $submitted = $assignment->count_submissions_with_status(ASSIGN_SUBMISSION_STATUS_SUBMITTED);

            } else if (has_capability('mod/assign:submit', $context)) {
                $usersubmission = $assignment->get_user_submission($USER->id, false);

                if (!empty($usersubmission->status)) {
                    $submitted = get_string('submissionstatus_' . $usersubmission->status, 'assign');
                } else {
                    $submitted = get_string('submissionstatus_', 'assign');
            $gradinginfo = grade_get_grades($course->id, 'mod', 'assign', $cm->instance, $USER->id);
            if (isset($gradinginfo->items[0]->grades[$USER->id]) &&
                    !$gradinginfo->items[0]->grades[$USER->id]->hidden ) {
                $grade = $gradinginfo->items[0]->grades[$USER->id]->str_grade;
            } else {
                $grade = '-';

            $courseindexsummary->add_assign_info($cm->id, $cm->get_formatted_name(), $sectionname, $timedue, $submitted, $grade);


        $o .= $this->get_renderer()->render($courseindexsummary);
        $o .= $this->view_footer();

        return $o;
Beispiel #13
 * Callback called by comment::get_comments() and comment::add(). Gives an opportunity to enforce blind-marking.
 * @param array $comments
 * @param stdClass $options
 * @return array
 * @throws comment_exception
function assignsubmission_comments_comment_display($comments, $options)
    global $CFG, $DB, $USER;
    if ($options->commentarea != 'submission_comments' && $options->commentarea != 'submission_comments_upgrade') {
        throw new comment_exception('invalidcommentarea');
    if (!($submission = $DB->get_record('assign_submission', array('id' => $options->itemid)))) {
        throw new comment_exception('invalidcommentitemid');
    $context = $options->context;
    $cm = $options->cm;
    $course = $options->courseid;
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assign/locallib.php';
    $assignment = new assign($context, $cm, $course);
    if ($assignment->get_instance()->id != $submission->assignment) {
        throw new comment_exception('invalidcontext');
    if ($assignment->is_blind_marking() && !empty($comments)) {
        // Blind marking is being used, may need to map unique anonymous ids to the comments.
        $usermappings = array();
        $hiddenuserstr = trim(get_string('hiddenuser', 'assign'));
        $guestuser = guest_user();
        foreach ($comments as $comment) {
            // Anonymize the comments.
            if (empty($usermappings[$comment->userid])) {
                // The blind-marking information for this commenter has not been generated; do so now.
                $anonid = $assignment->get_uniqueid_for_user($comment->userid);
                $commenter = new stdClass();
                $commenter->firstname = $hiddenuserstr;
                $commenter->lastname = $anonid;
                $commenter->picture = 0;
                $commenter->id = $guestuser->id;
                $commenter->email = $guestuser->email;
                $commenter->imagealt = $guestuser->imagealt;
                // Temporarily store blind-marking information for use in later comments if necessary.
                $usermappings[$comment->userid]->fullname = fullname($commenter);
                $usermappings[$comment->userid]->avatar = $assignment->get_renderer()->user_picture($commenter, array('size' => 18, 'link' => false));
            // Set blind-marking information for this comment.
            $comment->fullname = $usermappings[$comment->userid]->fullname;
            $comment->avatar = $usermappings[$comment->userid]->avatar;
            $comment->profileurl = null;
    return $comments;
  * Generic handler function for all events - triggers sending of files.
  * @return boolean
 public function event_handler($eventdata)
     global $DB, $CFG;
     $supportedevents = urkund_supported_events();
     if (!in_array($eventdata->eventtype, $supportedevents)) {
         return true;
         // Don't need to handle this event.
     $plagiarismsettings = $this->get_settings();
     if (!$plagiarismsettings) {
         return true;
     $cmid = !empty($eventdata->cm->id) ? $eventdata->cm->id : $eventdata->cmid;
     $plagiarismvalues = $DB->get_records_menu('plagiarism_urkund_config', array('cm' => $cmid), '', 'name, value');
     if (empty($plagiarismvalues['use_urkund'])) {
         // Urkund not in use for this cm - return.
         return true;
     // Check if the module associated with this event still exists.
     if (!$DB->record_exists('course_modules', array('id' => $eventdata->cmid))) {
         return true;
     if ($eventdata->eventtype == 'files_done' || $eventdata->eventtype == 'content_done' || $eventdata->eventtype == 'assessable_submitted' && $eventdata->params['submission_editable'] == false) {
         // Assignment-specific functionality:
         // This is a 'finalize' event. No files from this event itself,
         // but need to check if files from previous events need to be submitted for processing.
         $result = true;
         if (isset($plagiarismvalues['urkund_draft_submit']) && $plagiarismvalues['urkund_draft_submit'] == PLAGIARISM_URKUND_DRAFTSUBMIT_FINAL) {
             // Any files attached to previous events were not submitted.
             // These files are now finalized, and should be submitted for processing.
             if ($eventdata->modulename == 'assignment') {
                 // Hack to include filelib so that file_storage class is available.
                 require_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/assignment/lib.php";
                 // We need to get a list of files attached to this assignment and put them in an array, so that
                 // we can submit each of them for processing.
                 $assignmentbase = new assignment_base($cmid);
                 $submission = $assignmentbase->get_submission($eventdata->userid);
                 $modulecontext = context_module::instance($eventdata->cmid);
                 $fs = get_file_storage();
                 if ($files = $fs->get_area_files($modulecontext->id, 'mod_assignment', 'submission', $submission->id, "timemodified", false)) {
                     foreach ($files as $file) {
                         $sendresult = urkund_send_file($cmid, $eventdata->userid, $file, $plagiarismsettings);
                         $result = $result && $sendresult;
             } else {
                 if ($eventdata->modulename == 'assign') {
                     require_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/assign/locallib.php";
                     require_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/assign/submission/file/locallib.php";
                     $modulecontext = context_module::instance($eventdata->cmid);
                     $fs = get_file_storage();
                     if ($files = $fs->get_area_files($modulecontext->id, 'assignsubmission_file', ASSIGNSUBMISSION_FILE_FILEAREA, $eventdata->itemid, "id", false)) {
                         foreach ($files as $file) {
                             $sendresult = urkund_send_file($cmid, $eventdata->userid, $file, $plagiarismsettings);
                             $result = $result && $sendresult;
                     $submission = $DB->get_record('assignsubmission_onlinetext', array('submission' => $eventdata->itemid));
                     if (!empty($submission)) {
                         $eventdata->content = trim(format_text($submission->onlinetext, $submission->onlineformat, array('context' => $modulecontext)));
                         $file = urkund_create_temp_file($cmid, $eventdata);
                         $sendresult = urkund_send_file($cmid, $eventdata->userid, $file, $plagiarismsettings);
                         $result = $result && $sendresult;
                         // Delete temp file.
         return $result;
     if (isset($plagiarismvalues['urkund_draft_submit']) && $plagiarismvalues['urkund_draft_submit'] == PLAGIARISM_URKUND_DRAFTSUBMIT_FINAL) {
         // Assignment-specific functionality:
         // Files should only be sent for checking once "finalized".
         return true;
     // Text is attached.
     $result = true;
     if (!empty($eventdata->content)) {
         $file = urkund_create_temp_file($cmid, $eventdata);
         $sendresult = urkund_send_file($cmid, $eventdata->userid, $file, $plagiarismsettings);
         $result = $result && $sendresult;
         // Delete temp file.
     // Normal situation: 1 or more assessable files attached to event, ready to be checked.
     if (!empty($eventdata->pathnamehashes)) {
         foreach ($eventdata->pathnamehashes as $hash) {
             $fs = get_file_storage();
             $efile = $fs->get_file_by_hash($hash);
             if (empty($efile)) {
             } else {
                 if ($efile->get_filename() === '.') {
                     // This 'file' is actually a directory - nothing to submit.
             // Check if assign group submission is being used.
             if ($eventdata->modulename == 'assign') {
                 require_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/assign/locallib.php";
                 $modulecontext = context_module::instance($eventdata->cmid);
                 $assign = new assign($modulecontext, false, false);
                 if (!empty($assign->get_instance()->teamsubmission)) {
                     $mygroups = groups_get_user_groups($assign->get_course()->id, $eventdata->userid);
                     if (count($mygroups) == 1) {
                         $groupid = reset($mygroups)[0];
                         // Only users with single groups are supported - otherwise just use the normal userid on this record.
                         // Get all users from this group.
                         $userids = array();
                         $users = groups_get_members($groupid, '');
                         foreach ($users as $u) {
                             $userids[] = $u->id;
                         // Find the earliest plagiarism record for this cm with any of these users.
                         $sql = 'cm = ? AND userid IN (' . implode(',', $userids) . ')';
                         $previousfiles = $DB->get_records_select('plagiarism_urkund_files', $sql, array($eventdata->cmid), 'id');
                         $sanitycheckusers = 10;
                         // Search through this number of users to find a valid previous submission.
                         $i = 0;
                         foreach ($previousfiles as $pf) {
                             if ($pf->userid == $eventdata->userid) {
                                 // The submission comes from this user so break.
                             // Sanity Check to make sure the user isn't in multiple groups.
                             $pfgroups = groups_get_user_groups($assign->get_course()->id, $pf->userid);
                             if (count($pfgroups) == 1) {
                                 // This user made the first valid submission so use their id when sending the file.
                                 $eventdata->userid = $pf->userid;
                             if ($i >= $sanitycheckusers) {
                                 // don't cause a massive loop here and break at a sensible limit.
             $sendresult = urkund_send_file($cmid, $eventdata->userid, $efile, $plagiarismsettings);
             $result = $result && $sendresult;
     return $result;
function plagiarism_urkund_check_group($plagiarismfile)
    global $DB, $CFG;
    require_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/assign/locallib.php";
    $modulecontext = context_module::instance($plagiarismfile->cm);
    $assign = new assign($modulecontext, false, false);
    if (!empty($assign->get_instance()->teamsubmission)) {
        mtrace("URKUND fileid:" . $plagiarismfile->id . " Group submission detected.");
        $mygroups = groups_get_user_groups($assign->get_course()->id, $plagiarismfile->userid);
        if (count($mygroups) == 1) {
            $groupid = reset($mygroups)[0];
            // Only users with single groups are supported - otherwise just use the normal userid on this record.
            // Get all users from this group.
            $userids = array();
            $users = groups_get_members($groupid, '');
            foreach ($users as $u) {
                $userids[] = $u->id;
            if (!empty($userids)) {
                // Find the earliest plagiarism record for this cm with any of these users.
                $sql = 'cm = ? AND userid IN (' . implode(',', $userids) . ')';
                $previousfiles = $DB->get_records_select('plagiarism_urkund_files', $sql, array($plagiarismfile->cm), 'id');
                $sanitycheckusers = 10;
                // Search through this number of users to find a valid previous submission.
                $i = 0;
                foreach ($previousfiles as $pf) {
                    if ($pf->userid == $plagiarismfile->userid) {
                        return $plagiarismfile;
                    // Sanity Check to make sure the user isn't in multiple groups.
                    $pfgroups = groups_get_user_groups($assign->get_course()->id, $pf->userid);
                    if (count($pfgroups) == 1) {
                        // This user made the first valid submission so use their id when sending the file.
                        $plagiarismfile->userid = $pf->userid;
                        mtrace("URKUND: Group submission by newuser, modify to use original userid:" . $pf->userid . " id:" . $plagiarismfile->id);
                        return $plagiarismfile;
                    if ($i >= $sanitycheckusers) {
                        // Don't cause a massive loop here and break at a sensible limit.
                        return $plagiarismfile;
    return $plagiarismfile;
  * This function converts all of the base settings for an instance of
  * the old assignment to the new format. Then it calls each of the plugins
  * to see if they can help upgrade this assignment.
  * @param int $oldassignmentid (don't rely on the old assignment type even being installed)
  * @param string $log This string gets appended to during the conversion process
  * @return bool true or false
 public function upgrade_assignment($oldassignmentid, &$log)
     // steps to upgrade an assignment
     global $DB, $CFG, $USER;
     // steps to upgrade an assignment
     // is the user the admin? admin check goes here
     if (!is_siteadmin($USER->id)) {
         return false;
     // should we use a shutdown handler to rollback on timeout?
     // get the module details
     $oldmodule = $DB->get_record('modules', array('name' => 'assignment'), '*', MUST_EXIST);
     $oldcoursemodule = $DB->get_record('course_modules', array('module' => $oldmodule->id, 'instance' => $oldassignmentid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
     $oldcontext = context_module::instance($oldcoursemodule->id);
     // first insert an assign instance to get the id
     $oldassignment = $DB->get_record('assignment', array('id' => $oldassignmentid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
     $oldversion = get_config('assignment_' . $oldassignment->assignmenttype, 'version');
     $data = new stdClass();
     $data->course = $oldassignment->course;
     $data->name = $oldassignment->name;
     $data->intro = $oldassignment->intro;
     $data->introformat = $oldassignment->introformat;
     $data->alwaysshowdescription = 1;
     $data->sendnotifications = $oldassignment->emailteachers;
     $data->sendlatenotifications = $oldassignment->emailteachers;
     $data->duedate = $oldassignment->timedue;
     $data->allowsubmissionsfromdate = $oldassignment->timeavailable;
     $data->grade = $oldassignment->grade;
     $data->submissiondrafts = $oldassignment->resubmit;
     $data->preventlatesubmissions = $oldassignment->preventlate;
     $newassignment = new assign(null, null, null);
     if (!$newassignment->add_instance($data, false)) {
         $log = get_string('couldnotcreatenewassignmentinstance', 'mod_assign');
         return false;
     // now create a new coursemodule from the old one
     $newmodule = $DB->get_record('modules', array('name' => 'assign'), '*', MUST_EXIST);
     $newcoursemodule = $this->duplicate_course_module($oldcoursemodule, $newmodule->id, $newassignment->get_instance()->id);
     if (!$newcoursemodule) {
         $log = get_string('couldnotcreatenewcoursemodule', 'mod_assign');
         return false;
     // convert the base database tables (assignment, submission, grade)
     // these are used to store information in case a rollback is required
     $gradingarea = null;
     $gradingdefinitions = null;
     $gradeidmap = array();
     $completiondone = false;
     $gradesdone = false;
     // from this point we want to rollback on failure
     $rollback = false;
     try {
         // the course module has now been created - time to update the core tables
         // copy intro files
         $newassignment->copy_area_files_for_upgrade($oldcontext->id, 'mod_assignment', 'intro', 0, $newassignment->get_context()->id, 'mod_assign', 'intro', 0);
         // get the plugins to do their bit
         foreach ($newassignment->get_submission_plugins() as $plugin) {
             if ($plugin->can_upgrade($oldassignment->assignmenttype, $oldversion)) {
                 if (!$plugin->upgrade_settings($oldcontext, $oldassignment, $log)) {
                     $rollback = true;
             } else {
         foreach ($newassignment->get_feedback_plugins() as $plugin) {
             if ($plugin->can_upgrade($oldassignment->assignmenttype, $oldversion)) {
                 if (!$plugin->upgrade_settings($oldcontext, $oldassignment, $log)) {
                     $rollback = true;
             } else {
         // see if there is advanced grading upgrades required
         $gradingarea = $DB->get_record('grading_areas', array('contextid' => $oldcontext->id, 'areaname' => 'submission'), '*', IGNORE_MISSING);
         if ($gradingarea) {
             $DB->update_record('grading_areas', array('id' => $gradingarea->id, 'contextid' => $newassignment->get_context()->id, 'component' => 'mod_assign', 'areaname' => 'submissions'));
             $gradingdefinitions = $DB->get_records('grading_definitions', array('areaid' => $gradingarea->id));
         // upgrade completion data
         $DB->set_field('course_modules_completion', 'coursemoduleid', $newcoursemodule->id, array('coursemoduleid' => $oldcoursemodule->id));
         $allcriteria = $DB->get_records('course_completion_criteria', array('moduleinstance' => $oldcoursemodule->id));
         foreach ($allcriteria as $criteria) {
             $criteria->module = 'assign';
             $criteria->moduleinstance = $newcoursemodule->id;
             $DB->update_record('course_completion_criteria', $criteria);
         $completiondone = true;
         // Migrate log entries so we don't lose them.
         $logparams = array('cmid' => $oldcoursemodule->id, 'course' => $oldcoursemodule->course);
         $DB->set_field('log', 'module', 'assign', $logparams);
         $DB->set_field('log', 'cmid', $newcoursemodule->id, $logparams);
         // copy all the submission data (and get plugins to do their bit)
         $oldsubmissions = $DB->get_records('assignment_submissions', array('assignment' => $oldassignmentid));
         foreach ($oldsubmissions as $oldsubmission) {
             $submission = new stdClass();
             $submission->assignment = $newassignment->get_instance()->id;
             $submission->userid = $oldsubmission->userid;
             $submission->timecreated = $oldsubmission->timecreated;
             $submission->timemodified = $oldsubmission->timemodified;
             $submission->status = ASSIGN_SUBMISSION_STATUS_SUBMITTED;
             $submission->id = $DB->insert_record('assign_submission', $submission);
             if (!$submission->id) {
                 $log .= get_string('couldnotinsertsubmission', 'mod_assign', $submission->userid);
                 $rollback = true;
             foreach ($newassignment->get_submission_plugins() as $plugin) {
                 if ($plugin->can_upgrade($oldassignment->assignmenttype, $oldversion)) {
                     if (!$plugin->upgrade($oldcontext, $oldassignment, $oldsubmission, $submission, $log)) {
                         $rollback = true;
             if ($oldsubmission->timemarked) {
                 // submission has been graded - create a grade record
                 $grade = new stdClass();
                 $grade->assignment = $newassignment->get_instance()->id;
                 $grade->userid = $oldsubmission->userid;
                 $grade->grader = $oldsubmission->teacher;
                 $grade->timemodified = $oldsubmission->timemarked;
                 $grade->timecreated = $oldsubmission->timecreated;
                 // $grade->locked = $oldsubmission->locked;
                 $grade->grade = $oldsubmission->grade;
                 $grade->mailed = $oldsubmission->mailed;
                 $grade->id = $DB->insert_record('assign_grades', $grade);
                 if (!$grade->id) {
                     $log .= get_string('couldnotinsertgrade', 'mod_assign', $grade->userid);
                     $rollback = true;
                 // copy any grading instances
                 if ($gradingarea) {
                     $gradeidmap[$grade->id] = $oldsubmission->id;
                     foreach ($gradingdefinitions as $definition) {
                         $DB->set_field('grading_instances', 'itemid', $grade->id, array('definitionid' => $definition->id, 'itemid' => $oldsubmission->id));
                 foreach ($newassignment->get_feedback_plugins() as $plugin) {
                     if ($plugin->can_upgrade($oldassignment->assignmenttype, $oldversion)) {
                         if (!$plugin->upgrade($oldcontext, $oldassignment, $oldsubmission, $grade, $log)) {
                             $rollback = true;
         // Reassociate grade_items from the old assignment instance to the new assign instance.
         // This includes outcome linked grade_items.
         $params = array('assign', $newassignment->get_instance()->id, 'assignment', $oldassignment->id);
         $sql = 'UPDATE {grade_items} SET itemmodule = ?, iteminstance = ? WHERE itemmodule = ? AND iteminstance = ?';
         $DB->execute($sql, $params);
         $gradesdone = true;
     } catch (Exception $exception) {
         $rollback = true;
         $log .= get_string('conversionexception', 'mod_assign', $exception->error);
     if ($rollback) {
         // roll back the grades changes
         if ($gradesdone) {
             // Reassociate grade_items from the new assign instance to the old assignment instance.
             $params = array('assignment', $oldassignment->id, 'assign', $newassignment->get_instance()->id);
             $sql = 'UPDATE {grade_items} SET itemmodule = ?, iteminstance = ? WHERE itemmodule = ? AND iteminstance = ?';
             $DB->execute($sql, $params);
         // roll back the completion changes
         if ($completiondone) {
             $DB->set_field('course_modules_completion', 'coursemoduleid', $oldcoursemodule->id, array('coursemoduleid' => $newcoursemodule->id));
             $allcriteria = $DB->get_records('course_completion_criteria', array('moduleinstance' => $newcoursemodule->id));
             foreach ($allcriteria as $criteria) {
                 $criteria->module = 'assignment';
                 $criteria->moduleinstance = $oldcoursemodule->id;
                 $DB->update_record('course_completion_criteria', $criteria);
         // Roll back the log changes
         $logparams = array('cmid' => $newcoursemodule->id, 'course' => $newcoursemodule->course);
         $DB->set_field('log', 'module', 'assignment', $logparams);
         $DB->set_field('log', 'cmid', $oldcoursemodule->id, $logparams);
         // roll back the advanced grading update
         if ($gradingarea) {
             foreach ($gradeidmap as $newgradeid => $oldsubmissionid) {
                 foreach ($gradingdefinitions as $definition) {
                     $DB->set_field('grading_instances', 'itemid', $oldsubmissionid, array('definitionid' => $definition->id, 'itemid' => $newgradeid));
             $DB->update_record('grading_areas', array('id' => $gradingarea->id, 'contextid' => $oldcontext->id, 'component' => 'mod_assignment', 'areaname' => 'submission'));
         return false;
     // all is well,
     // delete the old assignment (use object delete)
     $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('', $oldcoursemodule->id, $oldcoursemodule->course);
     if ($cm) {
     return true;
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../config.php';
global $CFG, $DB, $PAGE, $USER;
require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assign/locallib.php';
require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assign/submission/pdf/lib.php';
$id = required_param('id', PARAM_INT);
$submissionid = optional_param('submissionid', 0, PARAM_INT);
$pageno = optional_param('pageno', 1, PARAM_INT);
$url = new moodle_url('/mod/assign/feedback/pdf/viewcomment.php', array('submissionid' => $submissionid, 'pageno' => $pageno, 'id' => $id));
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('assign', $id, 0, false, MUST_EXIST);
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $cm->course), '*', MUST_EXIST);
require_login($course, false, $cm);
$context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
$assignment = new assign($context, $cm, $course);
$feedbackpdf = new assign_feedback_pdf($assignment, 'feedback_pdf');
// Check the user has the relevant capability to access this assignment submission.
if ($submissionid) {
    $submission = $DB->get_record('assign_submission', array('id' => $submissionid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
} else {
    if ($assignment->get_instance()->teamsubmission) {
        $submission = $assignment->get_group_submission($USER->id, 0, false);
    } else {
        $submission = $assignment->get_user_submission($USER->id, false);
if (!$submission) {
    print_error('nosubmission', 'assignfeedback_pdf');
$feedbackpdf->edit_comment_page($submission->id, $pageno, false);
  * The constructor
  * @param context $context
  * @param int $sid
  * @param string $filearea
  * @param string $component
 public function __construct(context $context, $sid, $filearea, $component)
     global $CFG;
     $this->context = $context;
     list($context, $course, $cm) = get_context_info_array($context->id);
     $this->cm = $cm;
     $this->course = $course;
     $fs = get_file_storage();
     $this->dir = $fs->get_area_tree($this->context->id, $component, $filearea, $sid);
     $files = $fs->get_area_files($this->context->id, $component, $filearea, $sid, "timemodified", false);
     if (!empty($CFG->enableportfolios)) {
         require_once $CFG->libdir . '/portfoliolib.php';
         if (count($files) >= 1 && has_capability('mod/assign:exportownsubmission', $this->context)) {
             $button = new portfolio_add_button();
             $button->set_callback_options('assign_portfolio_caller', array('cmid' => $this->cm->id, 'sid' => $sid, 'area' => $filearea, 'component' => $component), '/mod/assign/portfolio_callback.php');
             $this->portfolioform = $button->to_html(PORTFOLIO_ADD_TEXT_LINK);
     // plagiarism check if it is enabled
     $output = '';
     if (!empty($CFG->enableplagiarism)) {
         require_once $CFG->libdir . '/plagiarismlib.php';
         // for plagiarism_get_links
         $assignment = new assign($this->context, null, null);
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             $output .= plagiarism_get_links(array('userid' => $sid, 'file' => $file, 'cmid' => $this->cm->id, 'course' => $this->course, 'assignment' => $assignment->get_instance()));
             $output .= '<br />';
     $this->preprocess($this->dir, $filearea, $component);
Beispiel #19
 * Obtains the automatic completion state for this module based on any conditions
 * in assign settings.
 * @param object $course Course
 * @param object $cm Course-module
 * @param int $userid User ID
 * @param bool $type Type of comparison (or/and; can be used as return value if no conditions)
 * @return bool True if completed, false if not, $type if conditions not set.
function assign_get_completion_state($course, $cm, $userid, $type)
    global $CFG, $DB;
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assign/locallib.php';
    $assign = new assign(null, $cm, $course);
    // If completion option is enabled, evaluate it and return true/false.
    if ($assign->get_instance()->completionsubmit) {
        $submission = $DB->get_record('assign_submission', array('assignment' => $assign->get_instance()->id, 'userid' => $userid), '*', IGNORE_MISSING);
        return $submission && $submission->status == ASSIGN_SUBMISSION_STATUS_SUBMITTED;
    } else {
        // Completion option is not enabled so just return $type.
        return $type;
Beispiel #20
  * Save multiple student grades for a single assignment.
  * @param int $assignmentid The id of the assignment
  * @param boolean $applytoall If set to true and this is a team assignment,
  * apply the grade to all members of the group
  * @param array $grades grade data for one or more students that includes
  *                  userid - The id of the student being graded
  *                  grade - The grade (ignored if the assignment uses advanced grading)
  *                  attemptnumber - The attempt number
  *                  addattempt - Allow another attempt
  *                  workflowstate - New workflow state
  *                  plugindata - Custom data used by plugins
  *                  advancedgradingdata - Optional Advanced grading data
  * @throws invalid_parameter_exception if multiple grades are supplied for
  * a team assignment that has $applytoall set to true
  * @return null
  * @since Moodle 2.7
 public static function save_grades($assignmentid, $applytoall = false, $grades)
     global $CFG, $USER;
     require_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/assign/locallib.php";
     $params = self::validate_parameters(self::save_grades_parameters(), array('assignmentid' => $assignmentid, 'applytoall' => $applytoall, 'grades' => $grades));
     $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('assign', $params['assignmentid'], 0, false, MUST_EXIST);
     $context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
     $assignment = new assign($context, $cm, null);
     if ($assignment->get_instance()->teamsubmission && $params['applytoall']) {
         // Check that only 1 user per submission group is provided.
         $groupids = array();
         foreach ($params['grades'] as $gradeinfo) {
             $group = $assignment->get_submission_group($gradeinfo['userid']);
             if (in_array($group->id, $groupids)) {
                 throw new invalid_parameter_exception('Multiple grades for the same team have been supplied ' . ' this is not permitted when the applytoall flag is set');
             } else {
                 $groupids[] = $group->id;
     foreach ($params['grades'] as $gradeinfo) {
         $gradedata = (object) $gradeinfo['plugindata'];
         $gradedata->addattempt = $gradeinfo['addattempt'];
         $gradedata->attemptnumber = $gradeinfo['attemptnumber'];
         $gradedata->workflowstate = $gradeinfo['workflowstate'];
         $gradedata->applytoall = $params['applytoall'];
         $gradedata->grade = $gradeinfo['grade'];
         if (!empty($gradeinfo['advancedgradingdata'])) {
             $advancedgrading = array();
             $criteria = reset($gradeinfo['advancedgradingdata']);
             foreach ($criteria as $key => $criterion) {
                 $details = array();
                 foreach ($criterion as $value) {
                     foreach ($value['fillings'] as $filling) {
                         $details[$value['criterionid']] = $filling;
                 $advancedgrading[$key] = $details;
             $gradedata->advancedgrading = $advancedgrading;
         $assignment->save_grade($gradeinfo['userid'], $gradedata);
     return null;
Beispiel #21
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.
 * Delete the response from the teacher + all comments
 * @package   assignfeedback_pdf
 * @copyright 2014 Davo Smith
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../config.php';
global $DB, $PAGE, $CFG;
require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assign/locallib.php';
require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assign/submission/pdf/lib.php';
$id = required_param('id', PARAM_INT);
$submissionid = required_param('submissionid', PARAM_INT);
$returnparams = required_param('returnparams', PARAM_TEXT);
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('assign', $id, 0, false, MUST_EXIST);
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $cm->course), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$url = new moodle_url('/mod/assign/feedback/pdf/delete.php', array('id' => $id, 'submissionid' => $submissionid, 'returnparams' => $returnparams));
require_login($course, false, $cm);
$context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
$assignment = new assign($context, $cm, $course);
$feedbackpdf = new assign_feedback_pdf($assignment, 'feedback_pdf');
$submission = $DB->get_record('assign_submission', array('id' => $submissionid, 'assignment' => $assignment->get_instance()->id), '*', MUST_EXIST);
Beispiel #22
 * Obtains the automatic completion state for this module based on any conditions
 * in assign settings.
 * @param object $course Course
 * @param object $cm Course-module
 * @param int $userid User ID
 * @param bool $type Type of comparison (or/and; can be used as return value if no conditions)
 * @return bool True if completed, false if not, $type if conditions not set.
function assign_get_completion_state($course, $cm, $userid, $type)
    global $CFG, $DB;
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assign/locallib.php';
    $assign = new assign(null, $cm, $course);
    // If completion option is enabled, evaluate it and return true/false.
    if ($assign->get_instance()->completionsubmit) {
        if ($assign->get_instance()->teamsubmission) {
            $submission = $assign->get_group_submission($userid, 0, false);
        } else {
            $submission = $assign->get_user_submission($userid, false);
        return $submission && $submission->status == ASSIGN_SUBMISSION_STATUS_SUBMITTED;
    } else {
        // Completion option is not enabled so just return $type.
        return $type;
Beispiel #23
  * This function converts all of the base settings for an instance of
  * the old assignment to the new format. Then it calls each of the plugins
  * to see if they can help upgrade this assignment.
  * @param int $oldassignmentid (don't rely on the old assignment type even being installed)
  * @param string $log This string gets appended to during the conversion process
  * @return bool true or false
 public function upgrade_assignment($oldassignmentid, &$log)
     global $DB, $CFG, $USER;
     // Steps to upgrade an assignment.
     // Is the user the admin? admin check goes here.
     if (!is_siteadmin($USER->id)) {
         return false;
     // Get the module details.
     $oldmodule = $DB->get_record('modules', array('name' => 'assignment'), '*', MUST_EXIST);
     $params = array('module' => $oldmodule->id, 'instance' => $oldassignmentid);
     $oldcoursemodule = $DB->get_record('course_modules', $params, '*', MUST_EXIST);
     $oldcontext = context_module::instance($oldcoursemodule->id);
     // First insert an assign instance to get the id.
     $oldassignment = $DB->get_record('assignment', array('id' => $oldassignmentid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
     $oldversion = get_config('assignment_' . $oldassignment->assignmenttype, 'version');
     $data = new stdClass();
     $data->course = $oldassignment->course;
     $data->name = $oldassignment->name;
     $data->intro = $oldassignment->intro;
     $data->introformat = $oldassignment->introformat;
     $data->alwaysshowdescription = 1;
     $data->sendnotifications = $oldassignment->emailteachers;
     $data->sendlatenotifications = $oldassignment->emailteachers;
     $data->duedate = $oldassignment->timedue;
     $data->allowsubmissionsfromdate = $oldassignment->timeavailable;
     $data->grade = $oldassignment->grade;
     $data->submissiondrafts = $oldassignment->resubmit;
     $data->requiresubmissionstatement = 0;
     $data->markingworkflow = 0;
     $data->markingallocation = 0;
     $data->cutoffdate = 0;
     // New way to specify no late submissions.
     if ($oldassignment->preventlate) {
         $data->cutoffdate = $data->duedate;
     $data->teamsubmission = 0;
     $data->requireallteammemberssubmit = 0;
     $data->teamsubmissiongroupingid = 0;
     $data->blindmarking = 0;
     $data->attemptreopenmethod = 'none';
     $data->maxattempts = ASSIGN_UNLIMITED_ATTEMPTS;
     $newassignment = new assign(null, null, null);
     if (!$newassignment->add_instance($data, false)) {
         $log = get_string('couldnotcreatenewassignmentinstance', 'mod_assign');
         return false;
     // Now create a new coursemodule from the old one.
     $newmodule = $DB->get_record('modules', array('name' => 'assign'), '*', MUST_EXIST);
     $newcoursemodule = $this->duplicate_course_module($oldcoursemodule, $newmodule->id, $newassignment->get_instance()->id);
     if (!$newcoursemodule) {
         $log = get_string('couldnotcreatenewcoursemodule', 'mod_assign');
         return false;
     // Convert the base database tables (assignment, submission, grade).
     // These are used to store information in case a rollback is required.
     $gradingarea = null;
     $gradingdefinitions = null;
     $gradeidmap = array();
     $completiondone = false;
     $gradesdone = false;
     // From this point we want to rollback on failure.
     $rollback = false;
     try {
         // The course module has now been created - time to update the core tables.
         // Copy intro files.
         $newassignment->copy_area_files_for_upgrade($oldcontext->id, 'mod_assignment', 'intro', 0, $newassignment->get_context()->id, 'mod_assign', 'intro', 0);
         // Get the plugins to do their bit.
         foreach ($newassignment->get_submission_plugins() as $plugin) {
             if ($plugin->can_upgrade($oldassignment->assignmenttype, $oldversion)) {
                 if (!$plugin->upgrade_settings($oldcontext, $oldassignment, $log)) {
                     $rollback = true;
             } else {
         foreach ($newassignment->get_feedback_plugins() as $plugin) {
             if ($plugin->can_upgrade($oldassignment->assignmenttype, $oldversion)) {
                 if (!$plugin->upgrade_settings($oldcontext, $oldassignment, $log)) {
                     $rollback = true;
             } else {
         // See if there is advanced grading upgrades required.
         $gradingarea = $DB->get_record('grading_areas', array('contextid' => $oldcontext->id, 'areaname' => 'submission'), '*', IGNORE_MISSING);
         if ($gradingarea) {
             $params = array('id' => $gradingarea->id, 'contextid' => $newassignment->get_context()->id, 'component' => 'mod_assign', 'areaname' => 'submissions');
             $DB->update_record('grading_areas', $params);
             $gradingdefinitions = $DB->get_records('grading_definitions', array('areaid' => $gradingarea->id));
         // Upgrade availability data.
         \core_availability\info::update_dependency_id_across_course($newcoursemodule->course, 'course_modules', $oldcoursemodule->id, $newcoursemodule->id);
         // Upgrade completion data.
         $DB->set_field('course_modules_completion', 'coursemoduleid', $newcoursemodule->id, array('coursemoduleid' => $oldcoursemodule->id));
         $allcriteria = $DB->get_records('course_completion_criteria', array('moduleinstance' => $oldcoursemodule->id));
         foreach ($allcriteria as $criteria) {
             $criteria->module = 'assign';
             $criteria->moduleinstance = $newcoursemodule->id;
             $DB->update_record('course_completion_criteria', $criteria);
         $completiondone = true;
         // Migrate log entries so we don't lose them.
         $logparams = array('cmid' => $oldcoursemodule->id, 'course' => $oldcoursemodule->course);
         $DB->set_field('log', 'module', 'assign', $logparams);
         $DB->set_field('log', 'cmid', $newcoursemodule->id, $logparams);
         // Copy all the submission data (and get plugins to do their bit).
         $oldsubmissions = $DB->get_records('assignment_submissions', array('assignment' => $oldassignmentid));
         foreach ($oldsubmissions as $oldsubmission) {
             $submission = new stdClass();
             $submission->assignment = $newassignment->get_instance()->id;
             $submission->userid = $oldsubmission->userid;
             $submission->timecreated = $oldsubmission->timecreated;
             $submission->timemodified = $oldsubmission->timemodified;
             $submission->status = ASSIGN_SUBMISSION_STATUS_SUBMITTED;
             $submission->id = $DB->insert_record('assign_submission', $submission);
             if (!$submission->id) {
                 $log .= get_string('couldnotinsertsubmission', 'mod_assign', $submission->userid);
                 $rollback = true;
             foreach ($newassignment->get_submission_plugins() as $plugin) {
                 if ($plugin->can_upgrade($oldassignment->assignmenttype, $oldversion)) {
                     if (!$plugin->upgrade($oldcontext, $oldassignment, $oldsubmission, $submission, $log)) {
                         $rollback = true;
             if ($oldsubmission->timemarked) {
                 // Submission has been graded - create a grade record.
                 $grade = new stdClass();
                 $grade->assignment = $newassignment->get_instance()->id;
                 $grade->userid = $oldsubmission->userid;
                 $grade->grader = $oldsubmission->teacher;
                 $grade->timemodified = $oldsubmission->timemarked;
                 $grade->timecreated = $oldsubmission->timecreated;
                 $grade->grade = $oldsubmission->grade;
                 if ($oldsubmission->mailed) {
                     // The mailed flag goes in the flags table.
                     $flags = new stdClass();
                     $flags->userid = $oldsubmission->userid;
                     $flags->assignment = $newassignment->get_instance()->id;
                     $flags->mailed = 1;
                     $DB->insert_record('assign_user_flags', $flags);
                 $grade->id = $DB->insert_record('assign_grades', $grade);
                 if (!$grade->id) {
                     $log .= get_string('couldnotinsertgrade', 'mod_assign', $grade->userid);
                     $rollback = true;
                 // Copy any grading instances.
                 if ($gradingarea) {
                     $gradeidmap[$grade->id] = $oldsubmission->id;
                     foreach ($gradingdefinitions as $definition) {
                         $params = array('definitionid' => $definition->id, 'itemid' => $oldsubmission->id);
                         $DB->set_field('grading_instances', 'itemid', $grade->id, $params);
                 foreach ($newassignment->get_feedback_plugins() as $plugin) {
                     if ($plugin->can_upgrade($oldassignment->assignmenttype, $oldversion)) {
                         if (!$plugin->upgrade($oldcontext, $oldassignment, $oldsubmission, $grade, $log)) {
                             $rollback = true;
         // Reassociate grade_items from the old assignment instance to the new assign instance.
         // This includes outcome linked grade_items.
         $params = array('assign', $newassignment->get_instance()->id, 'assignment', $oldassignment->id);
         $sql = 'UPDATE {grade_items} SET itemmodule = ?, iteminstance = ? WHERE itemmodule = ? AND iteminstance = ?';
         $DB->execute($sql, $params);
         // Create a mapping record to map urls from the old to the new assignment.
         $mapping = new stdClass();
         $mapping->oldcmid = $oldcoursemodule->id;
         $mapping->oldinstance = $oldassignment->id;
         $mapping->newcmid = $newcoursemodule->id;
         $mapping->newinstance = $newassignment->get_instance()->id;
         $mapping->timecreated = time();
         $DB->insert_record('assignment_upgrade', $mapping);
         $gradesdone = true;
     } catch (Exception $exception) {
         $rollback = true;
         $log .= get_string('conversionexception', 'mod_assign', $exception->getMessage());
     if ($rollback) {
         // Roll back the grades changes.
         if ($gradesdone) {
             // Reassociate grade_items from the new assign instance to the old assignment instance.
             $params = array('assignment', $oldassignment->id, 'assign', $newassignment->get_instance()->id);
             $sql = 'UPDATE {grade_items} SET itemmodule = ?, iteminstance = ? WHERE itemmodule = ? AND iteminstance = ?';
             $DB->execute($sql, $params);
         // Roll back the completion changes.
         if ($completiondone) {
             $DB->set_field('course_modules_completion', 'coursemoduleid', $oldcoursemodule->id, array('coursemoduleid' => $newcoursemodule->id));
             $allcriteria = $DB->get_records('course_completion_criteria', array('moduleinstance' => $newcoursemodule->id));
             foreach ($allcriteria as $criteria) {
                 $criteria->module = 'assignment';
                 $criteria->moduleinstance = $oldcoursemodule->id;
                 $DB->update_record('course_completion_criteria', $criteria);
         // Roll back the log changes.
         $logparams = array('cmid' => $newcoursemodule->id, 'course' => $newcoursemodule->course);
         $DB->set_field('log', 'module', 'assignment', $logparams);
         $DB->set_field('log', 'cmid', $oldcoursemodule->id, $logparams);
         // Roll back the advanced grading update.
         if ($gradingarea) {
             foreach ($gradeidmap as $newgradeid => $oldsubmissionid) {
                 foreach ($gradingdefinitions as $definition) {
                     $DB->set_field('grading_instances', 'itemid', $oldsubmissionid, array('definitionid' => $definition->id, 'itemid' => $newgradeid));
             $params = array('id' => $gradingarea->id, 'contextid' => $oldcontext->id, 'component' => 'mod_assignment', 'areaname' => 'submission');
             $DB->update_record('grading_areas', $params);
         return false;
     // Delete the old assignment (use object delete).
     $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('', $oldcoursemodule->id, $oldcoursemodule->course);
     if ($cm) {
     return true;
Beispiel #24
  * Returns submissions for the requested assignment ids
  * @param int[] $assignmentids
  * @param string $status only return submissions with this status
  * @param int $since only return submissions with timemodified >= since
  * @param int $before only return submissions with timemodified <= before
  * @return array of submissions for each requested assignment
  * @since Moodle 2.5
 public static function get_submissions($assignmentids, $status = '', $since = 0, $before = 0)
     global $DB, $CFG;
     $params = self::validate_parameters(self::get_submissions_parameters(), array('assignmentids' => $assignmentids, 'status' => $status, 'since' => $since, 'before' => $before));
     $warnings = array();
     $assignments = array();
     // Check the user is allowed to get the submissions for the assignments requested.
     $placeholders = array();
     list($inorequalsql, $placeholders) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($params['assignmentids'], SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
     $sql = "SELECT, cm.instance FROM {course_modules} cm JOIN {modules} md ON = cm.module " . "WHERE = :modname AND cm.instance " . $inorequalsql;
     $placeholders['modname'] = 'assign';
     $cms = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $placeholders);
     $assigns = array();
     foreach ($cms as $cm) {
         try {
             $context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
             require_capability('mod/assign:grade', $context);
             $assign = new assign($context, null, null);
             $assigns[] = $assign;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $warnings[] = array('item' => 'assignment', 'itemid' => $cm->instance, 'warningcode' => '1', 'message' => 'No access rights in module context');
     foreach ($assigns as $assign) {
         $submissions = array();
         $placeholders = array('assignid1' => $assign->get_instance()->id, 'assignid2' => $assign->get_instance()->id);
         $submissionmaxattempt = 'SELECT mxs.userid, MAX(mxs.attemptnumber) AS maxattempt
                                  FROM {assign_submission} mxs
                                  WHERE mxs.assignment = :assignid1 GROUP BY mxs.userid';
         $sql = "SELECT, mas.assignment,mas.userid," . "mas.timecreated,mas.timemodified,mas.status,mas.groupid,mas.attemptnumber " . "FROM {assign_submission} mas " . "JOIN ( " . $submissionmaxattempt . " ) smx ON mas.userid = smx.userid " . "WHERE mas.assignment = :assignid2 AND mas.attemptnumber = smx.maxattempt";
         if (!empty($params['status'])) {
             $placeholders['status'] = $params['status'];
             $sql = $sql . " AND mas.status = :status";
         if (!empty($params['before'])) {
             $placeholders['since'] = $params['since'];
             $placeholders['before'] = $params['before'];
             $sql = $sql . " AND mas.timemodified BETWEEN :since AND :before";
         } else {
             $placeholders['since'] = $params['since'];
             $sql = $sql . " AND mas.timemodified >= :since";
         $submissionrecords = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $placeholders);
         if (!empty($submissionrecords)) {
             $submissionplugins = $assign->get_submission_plugins();
             foreach ($submissionrecords as $submissionrecord) {
                 $submission = array('id' => $submissionrecord->id, 'userid' => $submissionrecord->userid, 'timecreated' => $submissionrecord->timecreated, 'timemodified' => $submissionrecord->timemodified, 'status' => $submissionrecord->status, 'attemptnumber' => $submissionrecord->attemptnumber, 'groupid' => $submissionrecord->groupid, 'plugins' => self::get_plugins_data($assign, $submissionplugins, $submissionrecord));
                 $submissions[] = $submission;
         } else {
             $warnings[] = array('item' => 'module', 'itemid' => $assign->get_instance()->id, 'warningcode' => '3', 'message' => 'No submissions found');
         $assignments[] = array('assignmentid' => $assign->get_instance()->id, 'submissions' => $submissions);
     $result = array('assignments' => $assignments, 'warnings' => $warnings);
     return $result;
Beispiel #25
     * Returns submissions for the requested assignment ids
     * @param array of ints $assignmentids
     * @param string $status only return submissions with this status
     * @param int $since only return submissions with timemodified >= since
     * @param int $before only return submissions with timemodified <= before
     * @return array of submissions for each requested assignment
     * @since Moodle 2.5
    public static function get_submissions($assignmentids, $status = '', $since = 0, $before = 0) {
        global $DB, $CFG;
        $params = self::validate_parameters(self::get_submissions_parameters(),
                        array('assignmentids' => $assignmentids,
                              'status' => $status,
                              'since' => $since,
                              'before' => $before));

        $warnings = array();
        $assignments = array();

        // Check the user is allowed to get the submissions for the assignments requested.
        $placeholders = array();
        list($inorequalsql, $placeholders) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($params['assignmentids'], SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
        $sql = "SELECT, cm.instance FROM {course_modules} cm JOIN {modules} md ON = cm.module ".
               "WHERE = :modname AND cm.instance ".$inorequalsql;
        $placeholders['modname'] = 'assign';
        $cms = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $placeholders);
        $assigns = array();
        foreach ($cms as $cm) {
            try {
                $context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
                require_capability('mod/assign:grade', $context);
                $assign = new assign($context, null, null);
                $assigns[] = $assign;
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                $warnings[] = array(
                    'item' => 'assignment',
                    'itemid' => $cm->instance,
                    'warningcode' => '1',
                    'message' => 'No access rights in module context'

        foreach ($assigns as $assign) {
            $submissions = array();
            $submissionplugins = $assign->get_submission_plugins();
            $placeholders = array('assignid1' => $assign->get_instance()->id,
                                  'assignid2' => $assign->get_instance()->id);

            $submissionmaxattempt = 'SELECT mxs.userid, MAX(mxs.attemptnumber) AS maxattempt
                                     FROM {assign_submission} mxs
                                     WHERE mxs.assignment = :assignid1 GROUP BY mxs.userid';

            $sql = "SELECT, mas.assignment,mas.userid,".
                   "mas.timecreated,mas.timemodified,mas.status,mas.groupid ".
                   "FROM {assign_submission} mas ".
                   "JOIN ( " . $submissionmaxattempt . " ) smx ON mas.userid = smx.userid ".
                   "WHERE mas.assignment = :assignid2 AND mas.attemptnumber = smx.maxattempt";

            if (!empty($params['status'])) {
                $placeholders['status'] = $params['status'];
                $sql = $sql." AND mas.status = :status";
            if (!empty($params['before'])) {
                $placeholders['since'] = $params['since'];
                $placeholders['before'] = $params['before'];
                $sql = $sql." AND mas.timemodified BETWEEN :since AND :before";
            } else {
                $placeholders['since'] = $params['since'];
                $sql = $sql." AND mas.timemodified >= :since";

            $submissionrecords = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $placeholders);

            if (!empty($submissionrecords)) {
                $fs = get_file_storage();
                foreach ($submissionrecords as $submissionrecord) {
                    $submission = array(
                        'id' => $submissionrecord->id,
                        'userid' => $submissionrecord->userid,
                        'timecreated' => $submissionrecord->timecreated,
                        'timemodified' => $submissionrecord->timemodified,
                        'status' => $submissionrecord->status,
                        'groupid' => $submissionrecord->groupid
                    foreach ($submissionplugins as $submissionplugin) {
                        $plugin = array(
                            'name' => $submissionplugin->get_name(),
                            'type' => $submissionplugin->get_type()
                        // Subtype is 'assignsubmission', type is currently 'file' or 'onlinetext'.
                        $component = $submissionplugin->get_subtype().'_'.$submissionplugin->get_type();

                        $fileareas = $submissionplugin->get_file_areas();
                        foreach ($fileareas as $filearea => $name) {
                            $fileareainfo = array('area' => $filearea);
                            $files = $fs->get_area_files(
                            foreach ($files as $file) {
                                $filepath = array('filepath' => $file->get_filepath().$file->get_filename());
                                $fileareainfo['files'][] = $filepath;
                            $plugin['fileareas'][] = $fileareainfo;

                        $editorfields = $submissionplugin->get_editor_fields();
                        foreach ($editorfields as $name => $description) {
                            $editorfieldinfo = array(
                                'name' => $name,
                                'description' => $description,
                                'text' => $submissionplugin->get_editor_text($name, $submissionrecord->id),
                                'format' => $submissionplugin->get_editor_format($name, $submissionrecord->id)
                            $plugin['editorfields'][] = $editorfieldinfo;

                        $submission['plugins'][] = $plugin;
                    $submissions[] = $submission;
            } else {
                $warnings[] = array(
                    'item' => 'module',
                    'itemid' => $assign->get_instance()->id,
                    'warningcode' => '3',
                    'message' => 'No submissions found'

            $assignments[] = array(
                'assignmentid' => $assign->get_instance()->id,
                'submissions' => $submissions


        $result = array(
            'assignments' => $assignments,
            'warnings' => $warnings
        return $result;
  * Return things to the renderer.
  * @return string the assignment name
 public function get_assignment_name()
     return $this->assignment->get_instance()->name;
  * Makes the grading interface for the pop up. Robbed from /mod/assign/locallib.php
  * line 1583ish - view_single_grade_page().
  * @param array $params From $_GET
  * @param object $coursemodule The coursemodule object that the user has been authenticated
  * against
  * @param bool $data
  * @throws coding_exception
  * @global $PAGE
  * @global stdClass $CFG
  * @global moodle_database $DB
  * @global $OUTPUT
  * @global stdClass $USER
  * @return string
 public function grading_popup($params, $coursemodule, $data = false)
     global $PAGE, $CFG, $DB;
     $modulecontext = context_module::instance($coursemodule->id);
     $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $coursemodule->course));
     $coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id);
     $assign = new assign($modulecontext, $coursemodule, $course);
     /* @var mod_assign_renderer $renderer */
     $renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('mod_assign');
     $output = '';
     // Include grade form.
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assign/gradeform.php';
     // Need submit permission to submit an assignment.
     require_capability('mod/assign:grade', $modulecontext);
     /* Pinched from private method assign::get_grading_userid_list() */
     $filter = get_user_preferences('assign_filter', '');
     $table = new assign_grading_table($assign, 0, $filter, 0, false);
     $useridlist = $table->get_column_data('userid');
     $userid = $params['userid'];
     $rownum = 0;
     foreach ($useridlist as $key => $useridinlist) {
         if ($useridinlist == $userid) {
             $rownum = $key;
             // Just in case.
     $last = false;
     if ($rownum == count($useridlist) - 1) {
         $last = true;
     $user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $userid));
     if ($user) {
         $output .= $renderer->render(new assign_user_summary($user, $course->id, has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $coursecontext)));
     $submission = $DB->get_record('assign_submission', array('assignment' => $assign->get_instance()->id, 'userid' => $userid));
     // Get the current grade. Pinched from assign::get_user_grade().
     $grade = $DB->get_record('assign_grades', array('assignment' => $assign->get_instance()->id, 'userid' => $userid));
     // Pinched from assign::is_graded().
     $isgraded = !empty($grade) && $grade->grade !== null && $grade->grade >= 0;
     if ($assign->can_view_submission($userid)) {
         $gradelocked = $grade && $grade->locked || $assign->grading_disabled($userid);
         $widget = new assign_submission_status($assign->get_instance()->allowsubmissionsfromdate, $assign->get_instance()->alwaysshowdescription, $submission, $assign->is_any_submission_plugin_enabled(), $gradelocked, $isgraded, $assign->get_instance()->duedate, $assign->get_submission_plugins(), $assign->get_return_action(), $assign->get_return_params(), $assign->get_course_module()->id, assign_submission_status::GRADER_VIEW, false, false);
         $output .= $renderer->render($widget);
     if ($grade) {
         $data = new stdClass();
         if ($grade->grade !== null && $grade->grade >= 0) {
             $data->grade = format_float($grade->grade, 2);
     } else {
         $data = new stdClass();
         $data->grade = '';
     // Now show the grading form.
     $customdata = array('useridlist' => $useridlist, 'rownum' => $rownum, 'last' => $last);
     $mform = new mod_assign_grade_form(block_ajax_marking_form_url($params), array($assign, $data, $customdata), 'post', '', array('class' => 'gradeform'));
     $output .= $renderer->render(new assign_form('gradingform', $mform));
     $assign->add_to_log('view grading form', get_string('viewgradingformforstudent', 'assign', array('id' => $user->id, 'fullname' => fullname($user))));
     return $output;