require_once 'config.php';
require_once 'classes/DataService.php';
require_once 'classes/Apns.php';
echo "<br/>Started processing Feedback";
//get the certificates
$certificates = DataService::singleton()->getCertificates();
foreach ($certificates as $certificate) {
    //only process apps that have a certificate associated to it.
    if ($certificate->KeyCertFile == '') {
        echo "<br/>Certfile not set for App: [{$certificate->CertificateName}]";
    //connect to feedback server
    $certificatePath = $certificateFolder . '/' . $certificate->KeyCertFile;
    $server = DataService::singleton()->getCertificateServer($certificate->CertificateId, 2);
    $apns = new apns($server->ServerUrl, $certificatePath, $certificate->Passphrase);
    //get tokens
    $feedbackTokens = $apns->getFeedbackTokens();
    //close connection
    //print the number of tokens to check for
    $countTotal = count($feedbackTokens);
    echo "<br/>There are [{$countTotal}] tokens notified by feedback";
    //loop trough the tokens
    foreach ($feedbackTokens as $feedbackToken) {
        //only DeActivate devices that where updated before they where removed. Otherwise the user could of installed the app again.
        DataService::singleton()->setDeviceInactive($feedbackToken['devtoken'], $app->AppId, $feedbackToken['timestamp']);
echo "<br/>Completed processing Feedback";