* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
// Include the Google API Client library, and the Buzz Service wrapper
require_once "../../src/apiClient.php";
require_once "../../src/contrib/apiBuzzService.php";
// Include the utility function to display a buzz post- This is only intended to be a demo and a developer should create the UI that works for their app
require_once 'includes/displayBuzzPost.php';
// Setup the API Client, and create the Buzz client using it
$apiClient = new apiClient();
$buzz = new apiBuzzService($apiClient);
// If a oauth token was stored in the session, use that- and otherwise go through the oauth dance
if (isset($_SESSION['auth_token'])) {
} else {
    // In a real application this would be stored in a database, and not in the session!
    $_SESSION['auth_token'] = $apiClient->authenticate();
// Include the common header UI
require_once "includes/header.php";
// Get the consumption stream (the activities from the people you're following) for @me, which means 'the authenticated user', using $buzz->listActivities()
$activities = $buzz->listActivities('@public', '@me', 50, 50, null, 50);
//echo "<pre>".print_r($activities, true)."</pre>";
foreach ($activities['items'] as $buzzPost) {
// Include the common footer UI
require_once "includes/footer.php";
  echo "Activity id: $activityId<br>";
$comments = $buzz->listComments('@self', '@me', $activityId, 20);
echo "<pre>" . print_r($comments, true) . "</pre>";
//$related = $buzz->listRelated('@self', '@me', 'tag:google.com,2010:buzz:z122xx25xsazeroqe04cdpjqtv3lznixdd0', 20);
//echo "<pre>".print_r($related, true)."</pre>";
$people = $buzz->listPeople('@following', '@me', 10);
if (isset($people['entry']) && count($people['entry'])) {
  $personId = $people['entry'][0]['id'];
$ret = $buzz->updatePeople('@following', '@me', $personId, '');
echo "<pre>Result:" . print_r($ret, true) . "</pre>";
$activities = $buzz->listActivities('@consumption', '@me', 50, 50, null, 50);
echo "<pre>Activities:\n" . print_r($activities, true) . "</pre>";
//$groups = $buzz->listGroups('@me', 20);
//echo "<pre>Groups:\n" . print_r($groups, true) . "</pre>";
/*// Batch 2 functions
$results = apiBatch::execute(
  $apiClient->buzz->activities->list(array('userId' => 'chabotc', 'scope' => '@public'), 'listActivities')
  //$apiClient->buzz->people->get(array('userId' => '@me'), 'getPeople')
echo "<pre>Batch Results:\n". print_r($results, true)."</pre>";
// Old style call
//$activities = $apiClient->buzz->activities->list(array('userId' => '@me', 'scope' => '@consumption'));
// New style using the apiBuzzService wrapper
$activities = $buzz->listActivities('@consumption', '@me');
  * @depends testGetPublicStream
 public function testUnauthenticatedStream()
     global $apiConfig;
     // test unauthenticated public stream fetching
     $apiConfig['authClass'] = 'apiAuthNone';
     $apiClient = new apiClient();
     $buzz = new apiBuzzService($apiClient);
     // fetch the unauthenticated, public activity streamn
     $activities = $buzz->listActivities('@public', $apiConfig['oauth_test_user']);
     // and evaluate it
     // restore the default Auth class & clean up
     $apiConfig['authClass'] = 'apiOAuth';