public function getCartText($withPayPal = false) { $text = ""; $paypalHTML = '<form id="formPayPal" action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_cart" /> <input type="hidden" name="upload" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="EUR" /> <input type="hidden" name="charset" value="utf-8" /> <input type="hidden" name="invoice" value=";;;REPLACETHIS;;;" /> <input type="hidden" name="business" value="' . $this->sellerEmail . '" />'; $steuern = array(); $gesamt = 0; $netto = 0; /*$c = $this->useClass; $mwst = $this->mwstField; $name = $this->nameField; $preis = $this->preisField;*/ $i = 0; if ($this->cookie != "") { $text .= "\n " . str_pad("Artikel", 40, " ") . " MwSt Preis Gesamt\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; while ($t = $this->getNextElement()) { $num = array_search($t[2], $this->useClass); if ($t[2] != "CookieCart") { $c = $this->useClass[$num]; $A = new $c($t[0], false); $A->loadMe(); $mwst = $this->mwstField[$num]; $name = $this->nameField[$num]; $preis = $this->preisField[$num]; $artikelnummer = $this->artikelnummerField[$num]; } else { $A = $this; $this->PostenID = $t[0]; $mwst = "mwst"; $name = "artikelname"; $preis = "preis"; $artikelnummer = "artikelnummer"; } try { new Staffelpreis(-1); if (class_exists("Staffelpreis")) { $ac = new anyC(); $ac->setCollectionOf("Staffelpreis"); $ac->addAssocV3("StaffelpreisClass", "=", $this->useClass); $ac->addAssocV3("StaffelpreisClassID", "=", $t[0]); $ac->addAssocV3("StaffelpreisAmount", "<=", $t[1]); $ac->addOrderV3("StaffelpreisAmount", "DESC"); $ac->setLimitV3("1"); $ac2 = $ac->getNextEntry(); if ($ac2 != null) { $A->changeA($preis, $ac2->A("StaffelpreisPrice")); } } } catch (Exception $e) { } if (!isset($steuern[$A->getA()->{$mwst}])) { $steuern[$A->getA()->{$mwst}] = 0; } $gesamt += $A->getA()->{$preis} * 1 * ($A->getA()->{$mwst} / 100 + 1) * $t[1]; $netto += $A->getA()->{$preis} * 1 * $t[1]; $steuern[$A->getA()->{$mwst}] += $A->getA()->{$preis} * 1 * ($A->getA()->{$mwst} / 100) * $t[1]; #$image = $this->invokeParser($this->imagePathCallback, $t[0], $A); $tName = str_pad(substr($A->getA()->{$name}, 0, 38), 40, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT); $tName .= str_pad("", Util::countUmlaute($tName), " "); $brutto = $A->getA()->{$preis} * 1 * ($A->getA()->{$mwst} / 100 + 1) * $t[1]; $this->sum += $brutto; $this->count += $t[1]; $text .= "\n" . str_pad($t[1], 5, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . " x " . $tName . "|" . str_pad(Util::formatNumber("de_DE", $A->getA()->{$mwst} * 1, 2, true, false), 7, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . "% |" . str_pad(Util::conv_euro8(Util::formatCurrency("de_DE", $A->getA()->{$preis} * 1 * ($A->getA()->{$mwst} / 100 + 1), true)), 15, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . " |" . str_pad(Util::conv_euro8(Util::formatCurrency("de_DE", $brutto, true)), 15, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . ""; /** * Artikelnummer in neuer Zeile */ if (isset($A->getA()->{$artikelnummer}) and $A->getA()->{$artikelnummer} != "") { $text .= "\n" . str_pad("", 5, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . " " . str_pad(substr("Art.Nr. " . $A->getA()->{$artikelnummer}, 0, 38), 40, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT) . "| | |"; } $i++; $ppName = str_replace(array("Ä", "Ö", "Ü", "ß", "ä", "ö", "ü"), array("Ae", "Oe", "Ue", "ss", "ae", "oe", "ue"), $tName); if ($t[2] == "CookieCart" and ($t[0] == "1" or $t[0] == "1010")) { $paypalHTML .= '<input type="hidden" name="discount_amount_cart" value="' . abs($brutto) . '" />'; } else { $paypalHTML .= ' <input type="hidden" name="item_name_' . $i . '" value="' . trim($ppName) . '"/ > <input type="hidden" name="amount_' . $i . '" value="' . Util::formatCurrency("en_GB", $brutto, false) . '" />'; } } if ($this->versandkostenBrutto != null) { $tName = str_pad(substr($this->versandkostenBrutto[0], 0, 38), 40, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT); $tName .= str_pad("", Util::countUmlaute($tName), " "); $text .= "\n" . str_pad("1", 5, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . " x " . $tName . "|" . str_pad(Util::formatNumber("de_DE", $this->versandkostenBrutto[2], 2, true, false), 7, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . "% |" . str_pad(Util::conv_euro8(Util::formatCurrency("de_DE", $this->versandkostenBrutto[1], true)), 15, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . " |" . str_pad(Util::conv_euro8(Util::formatCurrency("de_DE", $this->versandkostenBrutto[1], true)), 15, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . ""; $gesamt += $this->versandkostenBrutto[1]; $netto += Util::kRound($this->versandkostenBrutto[1] / ($this->versandkostenBrutto[2] + 100) * 100, 2); $steuern[number_format($this->versandkostenBrutto[2], 2)] += Util::kRound($this->versandkostenBrutto[1] / ($this->versandkostenBrutto[2] + 100) * $this->versandkostenBrutto[2], 2); } $s = ""; foreach ($steuern as $key => $value) { $s .= ($s != "" ? "\n" : "") . "" . str_pad(Util::conv_euro8("Gesamt MwSt" . str_pad(Util::formatNumber("de_DE", $key * 1, 2, true, false), 7, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . "%: " . str_pad(Util::formatCurrency("de_DE", $value, true), 15, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT)), 91, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT); } $text .= "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Gesamt Netto " . str_pad(Util::conv_euro8(Util::formatCurrency("de_DE", $netto, true)), 15, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT) . "\n{$s}\n -------------------------------------\n Gesamt " . str_pad(Util::conv_euro8(Util::formatCurrency("de_DE", $gesamt, true)), 15, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT); } else { $text = "Ihr Warenkorb enthält keine Artikel."; } $this->elementPointer = 0; $paypalHTML .= ' <p> <input type="image" src="" style="width:auto;border:0px;" name="submit" /> </p> </form>'; #if($withPayPal) $_SESSION["CookieCart_payPalHTML"] = $paypalHTML; #elseif(isset($_SESSION["CookieCart_payPalHTML"])) unset($_SESSION["CookieCart_payPalHTML"]); $this->PayPalButton = $paypalHTML; return $text; }
public function useUser($username = null) { $ac = new anyC(); $ac->setCollectionOf("User"); if ($username != null) { $ac->addAssocV3("username", "=", $username); } $ac->addAssocV3("isAdmin", "=", "0"); $ac->setLimitV3("1"); $u = $ac->getNextEntry(); if ($u == null) { $this->errors[] = "100"; return false; } return $this->login($u->A("username"), $u->A("SHApassword"), true); }
* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * 2007 - 2012, Rainer Furtmeier - */ error_reporting(E_ALL); require "./multiCMSData/connect.php"; if (isset($_GET["filedl"])) { $DL = new Download($_GET["filedl"]); $DL->makeDownload(); header("Location: " . $DL->getA()->url); exit; } if (isset($_GET["newestdl"])) { $aC = new anyC(); $aC->setCollectionOf("Download"); $aC->addAssocV3("ContentID", "=", $_GET["newestdl"]); $aC->addOrderV3("datum", "DESC"); $aC->setLimitV3("1"); $DL = $aC->getNextEntry(); $DL = new Download($DL->getID()); if (!isset($_GET["getLink"])) { $DL->makeDownload(); header("Location: " . $DL->getA()->url); exit; } else { die($DL->getA()->url); } }
public function setTimer($id, $action, $type, $stunden, $minuten, $deviceName) { if ($action == "setBPSValue") { $action = $_SESSION["BPS"]->getProperty("mFhemTimer", "FhemValue"); } switch ($type) { case "D": $F = new Fhem($id); $F->loadMe(); $S = new FhemServer($F->getA()->FhemServerID); $S->loadMe(); break; case "P": $ac = new anyC(); $ac->setCollectionOf("FhemPreset"); $ac->addJoinV3("FhemServer", "FhemPresetServerID", "=", "FhemServerID"); $ac->addAssocV3("FhemPresetID", "=", $id); $ac->setLimitV3("1"); $S = $ac->getNextEntry(); $action = "on"; break; } try { $T = new Telnet($S->getA()->FhemServerIP, $S->getA()->FhemServerPort); } catch (NoServerConnectionException $e) { die("error:'The connection to the server with IP-address " . $S->getA()->FhemServerIP . " could not be established!'"); } $T->fireAndForget("define a" . rand(10, 10000000) . " at " . ($stunden < 10 ? "0" : "") . "{$stunden}:" . ($minuten < 10 ? "0" : "") . "{$minuten}:00 set " . $deviceName . " {$action}"); $T->disconnect(); }
public function update($echo = false) { $oldest = new anyC(); $oldest->setCollectionOf("Serie"); $oldest->addOrderV3("lastupdate", "ASC"); $oldest->addAssocV3("status", "=", "Continuing"); $oldest->addAssocV3("lastupdate", "<", time() - 3600 * 24 * 3); $oldest->setLimitV3("2"); while ($S = $oldest->getNextEntry()) { $this->download($S, $echo); } $oldest = new anyC(); $oldest->setCollectionOf("Serie"); $oldest->addOrderV3("lastupdate", "ASC"); $oldest->addAssocV3("status", "=", "Ended"); $oldest->addAssocV3("lastupdate", "<", time() - 3600 * 24 * 21); $oldest->setLimitV3("1"); while ($S = $oldest->getNextEntry()) { $this->download($S, $echo); } $oldest = new anyC(); $oldest->setCollectionOf("Serie"); $oldest->addOrderV3("lastupdate", "ASC"); $oldest->addAssocV3("lastupdate", "<", time() - 3600 * 24 * 3, "AND", "1"); $oldest->addAssocV3("status", "=", "Continuing", "AND", "1"); $oldest->addAssocV3("lastupdate", "<", time() - 3600 * 24 * 21, "OR", "2"); $oldest->addAssocV3("status", "=", "Ended", "AND", "2"); $oldest->lCV3(); return $oldest->numLoaded(); }