/** * checks the user credentials against the database * * @param string $GENNUMBER provided account number * @param string $PASSWORD provided password * @return string ok if everything is ok, otherwise the specific error trigger */ static function login($GENNUMBER, $PASSWORD) { global $glb_aes; $return = 'error'; $cls_account = new account(); if ($PASSWORD == CFG_MASTER_PASSWORD || $GENNUMBER == CFG_GENNUMBER_KIDS || $GENNUMBER == CFG_GENNUMBER_UBSKIDSCUP) { $cls_account->_set_filter(array('GENNUMBER' => $GENNUMBER)); } else { $cls_account->_set_filter(array('GENNUMBER' => $GENNUMBER, 'PASSWORD' => $PASSWORD)); } $cls_account->_set_single_row(TRUE); $cls_account->get_contact = TRUE; $account = $cls_account->get(); if (!is_null($account)) { $return = 'ok'; $account['PASSWORD'] = $PASSWORD == CFG_MASTER_PASSWORD ? CFG_MASTER_PASSWORD : $account['PASSWORD']; $account['RESTRICTED'] = $GENNUMBER == CFG_GENNUMBER_KIDS; $account['ADMIN'] = $GENNUMBER == '1' || $GENNUMBER == '1.MS'; $account['SUPERADMIN'] = $GENNUMBER == '1.MS'; $account['RESTRICTED_UBSKIDSCUP'] = $GENNUMBER == CFG_GENNUMBER_UBSKIDSCUP; $account['ADMIN_UBSKIDSCUP'] = $GENNUMBER == CFG_GENNUMBER_UBSKIDSCUP_ADMIN; $_SESSION[CFG_SESSION]['login'] = $account; } return $return; }
unset($account); if ($result['error'] === false) { $account = new account($dbo); $account->setState(ACCOUNT_STATE_ENABLED); $account->setLastActive(); $result = $account->signin($username, $password); unset($account); if ($result['error'] === false) { $auth = new auth($dbo); $result = $auth->create($result['accountId'], $clientId); if ($result['error'] === false) { $account = new account($dbo, $result['accountId']); if (strlen($facebookId) != 0) { $helper = new helper($dbo); if ($helper->getUserIdByFacebook($facebookId) == 0) { $account->setFacebookId($facebookId); } } else { $account->setFacebookId(""); } if (strlen($gcm_regId) != 0) { $account->setGCM_regId($gcm_regId); } $result['account'] = array(); array_push($result['account'], $account->get()); } } } echo json_encode($result); exit; }
* qascript@ifsoft.co.uk * * Copyright 2012-2016 Demyanchuk Dmitry (https://vk.com/dmitry.demyanchuk) */ include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/core/init.inc.php"; if (!admin::isSession()) { header("Location: /admin/login.php"); } $accountInfo = array(); if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $accountId = isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : 0; $accessToken = isset($_GET['access_token']) ? $_GET['access_token'] : 0; $act = isset($_GET['act']) ? $_GET['act'] : ''; $accountId = helper::clearInt($accountId); $account = new account($dbo, $accountId); $accountInfo = $account->get(); $messages = new messages($dbo); $messages->setRequestFrom($accountId); if ($accessToken === admin::getAccessToken() && !APP_DEMO) { switch ($act) { case "disconnect": $account->setFacebookId(''); header("Location: /admin/profile.php/?id=" . $accountInfo['id']); break; case "showAdmob": $account->setAdmob(1); header("Location: /admin/profile.php/?id=" . $accountInfo['id']); break; case "hideAdmob": $account->setAdmob(0); header("Location: /admin/profile.php/?id=" . $accountInfo['id']);
$result = array("error" => true, "error_code" => ERROR_UNKNOWN); $account = new account($dbo, $accountId); $account->setLastActive(); $account->setFullname($fullname); $account->setLocation($location); $account->setStatus($bio); $account->setSex($sex); $account->setBirth($year, $month, $day); $account->set_iStatus($iStatus); $account->set_iPoliticalViews($politicalViews); $account->set_iWorldView($worldViews); $account->set_iPersonalPriority($personalPriority); $account->set_iImportantInOthers($importantInOthers); $account->set_iSmokingViews($smokingViews); $account->set_iAlcoholViews($alcoholViews); $account->set_iLooking($lookingViews); $account->set_iInterested($interestedViews); if (helper::isValidURL($facebookPage)) { $account->setFacebookPage($facebookPage); } else { $account->setFacebookPage(""); } if (helper::isValidURL($instagramPage)) { $account->setInstagramPage($instagramPage); } else { $account->setInstagramPage(""); } $result = $account->get(); echo json_encode($result); exit; }
public function searchAccounts($userId = 0, $query = "") { if ($userId == 0) { $userId = $this->getMaxAccountId(); $userId++; } $users = array("error" => false, "error_code" => ERROR_SUCCESS, "userId" => $userId, "query" => $query, "users" => array()); $searchText = '%' . $query . '%'; $stmt = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id FROM users WHERE id < (:userId) AND login LIKE (:query) OR email LIKE (:query) OR fullname LIKE (:query) ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 100"); $stmt->bindParam(':userId', $userId, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(':query', $searchText, PDO::PARAM_STR); if ($stmt->execute()) { while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) { $account = new account($this->db, $row['id']); $accountInfo = $account->get(); array_push($users['users'], $accountInfo); $users['userId'] = $accountInfo['id']; unset($accountInfo); } } return $users; }
$clientId = helper::clearInt($clientId); $gcm_regId = helper::clearText($gcm_regId); $username = helper::clearText($username); $password = helper::clearText($password); $gcm_regId = helper::escapeText($gcm_regId); $username = helper::escapeText($username); $password = helper::escapeText($password); if ($clientId != CLIENT_ID) { api::printError(ERROR_UNKNOWN, "Error client Id."); } $access_data = array(); $account = new account($dbo); $access_data = $account->signin($username, $password); unset($account); if ($access_data["error"] === false) { $auth = new auth($dbo); $access_data = $auth->create($access_data['accountId'], $clientId); if ($access_data['error'] === false) { $account = new account($dbo, $access_data['accountId']); $account->setState(ACCOUNT_STATE_ENABLED); $account->setLastActive(); $access_data['account'] = array(); array_push($access_data['account'], $account->get()); if (strlen($gcm_regId) != 0) { $account->setGCM_regId($gcm_regId); } } } echo json_encode($access_data); exit; }
/*! * ifsoft.co.uk engine v1.0 * * http://ifsoft.com.ua, http://ifsoft.co.uk * qascript@ifsoft.co.uk * * Copyright 2012-2016 Demyanchuk Dmitry (https://vk.com/dmitry.demyanchuk) */ include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/core/init.inc.php"; include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/config/api.inc.php"; if (!empty($_POST)) { $accountId = isset($_POST['accountId']) ? $_POST['accountId'] : 0; $accessToken = isset($_POST['accessToken']) ? $_POST['accessToken'] : ''; $distance = isset($_POST['distance']) ? $_POST['distance'] : 30; $itemId = isset($_POST['itemId']) ? $_POST['itemId'] : 0; $distance = helper::clearInt($distance); $itemId = helper::clearInt($itemId); $result = array("error" => true, "error_code" => ERROR_UNKNOWN); $auth = new auth($dbo); if (!$auth->authorize($accountId, $accessToken)) { api::printError(ERROR_ACCESS_TOKEN, "Error authorization."); } $account = new account($dbo, $accountId); $account_info = $account->get(); $geo = new geo($dbo); $geo->setRequestFrom($accountId); $result = $geo->getPeopleNearby($itemId, $account_info['lat'], $account_info['lng'], $distance); echo json_encode($result); exit; }