Beispiel #1
  * Returns the portion of the URL after the engine page slug, or false if there
  * is no engine page matching the URL. As a special case, if the URL exactly matches the slug,
  * / is returned.
  * @param  string  $url     The URL
  * @return string The remainder of the URL
 public static function removePageFromUrl(sfRoute $route, $url)
     $remainder = false;
     try {
         $page = aPageTable::getMatchingEnginePageInfo($url, $remainder);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         error_log("WARNING: database error in aRouteTools::removePageFromUrl, catching exception to allow things like apostrophe:migrate to work. Exception error message is: " . $e);
         $page = null;
     if (!$page) {
         return false;
     // Engine pages can't have subpages, so if the longest matching path for any engine page
     // has the wrong engine type for this route, this route definitely doesn't match
     $defaults = $route->getDefaults();
     if ($page['engine'] !== $defaults['module']) {
         return false;
     if (substr($remainder, 0, 1) !== '/') {
         // For an engine installed at the homepage, or an exact match for
         // the URL of any engine, the remainder starts out as an empty string.
         // But all routes must begin by matching /.
         $remainder = '/' . $remainder;
     return $remainder;
Beispiel #2
  * Poor man's multiple inheritance. This allows us to subclass an existing
  * actions class in order to create an engine version of it. See aEngineActions
  * for the call to add to your own preExecute method
  * @param mixed $actions
 public static function preExecute($actions)
     $request = $actions->getRequest();
     // Figure out where we are all over again, because there seems to be no clean way
     // to get the same controller-free URL that the routing engine gets. TODO:
     // ask Fabien how we can do that.
     $uri = urldecode($actions->getRequest()->getUri());
     $rr = preg_quote(sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getRelativeUrlRoot(), '/');
     if (preg_match("/^(?:https?:\\/\\/[^\\/]+)?{$rr}(?:\\/[^\\/]+\\.php)?(.*)\$/", $uri, $matches)) {
         $uri = $matches[1];
     } else {
         throw new sfException("Unable to parse engine URL {$uri}");
     // This will quickly fetch a result that was already cached when we
     // ran through the routing table (unless we hit the routing table cache,
     // in which case we're looking it up for the first time, also OK)
     $page = aPageTable::getMatchingEnginePageInfo($uri, $remainder);
     if (!$page) {
         throw new sfException('Attempt to access engine action without a page');
     $page = aPageTable::retrieveByIdWithSlots($page['id']);
     // We want to do these things the same way executeShow would
     aTools::validatePageAccess($actions, $page);
     aTools::setPageEnvironment($actions, $page);
     // Convenient access to the current page for the subclass
     $actions->page = $page;
     // If your engine supports allowing the user to choose from several page types
     // to distinguish different ways of using your engine, then you'll need to
     // return the template name from your show and index actions (and perhaps
     // others as appropriate). You can pull that information straight from
     // $this->page->template, or you can take advantage of $this->pageTemplate which
     // is ready to return as the result of an action (default has been changed
     // to Success, other values have their first letter capitalized)
     $templates = aTools::getTemplates();
     // originalTemplate is what's in the template field of the page, except that
     // nulls and empty strings from pre-1.5 Apostrophe have been converted to 'default'
     // for consistency
     $actions->originalTemplate = $page->template;
     if (!strlen($actions->originalTemplate)) {
         // Compatibility with 1.4 templates and reasonable Symfony expectations
         $actions->originalTemplate = 'default';
     // pageTemplate is suitable to return from an action. 'default' becomes 'Success'
     // (the Symfony standard for a "normal" template's suffix) and other values have
     // their first letter capitalized
     if ($actions->originalTemplate === 'default') {
         $actions->pageTemplate = 'Success';
     } else {
         $actions->pageTemplate = ucfirst($actions->originalTemplate);
Beispiel #3
  * DEPRECATED. Never returned a fully populated page anyway, and yet
  * it wasted time and memory on object hydration. I doubt anyone used
  * this directly but us, so I'm not wrapping an entirely new cache around it
  * @param mixed $url
  * @param mixed $remainder
  * @return mixed
 public static function getMatchingEnginePage($url, &$remainder)
     $info = aPageTable::getMatchingEnginePageInfo($url, $remainder);
     if ($info) {
         return Doctrine::getTable('aPageTable')->find($info['id']);
     return null;