public static function _getLink($sRootModule, $tRootParams, $sModuleName, $sAction, $tParam = null) { $sPrefix = $sModuleName; $tNewParam = array(); if ($tRootParams) { $tNewParam = $tRootParams; } $tNewParam[$sPrefix . 'Action'] = $sAction; if ($tParam) { foreach ($tParam as $sKey => $sVal) { $tNewParam[$sPrefix . $sKey] = $sVal; } } return _root::getLink($sRootModule, $tNewParam); }
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="fr"> <head> <title>chart</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/main.css" media="screen" /> <script src="js/main.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="<?php echo _root::getLink('article::newsrss'); ?> "/> <meta charset="utf-8"> </head> <body> <div class="main"> <div class="menu"><?php echo $this->load('menu'); ?> </div> <div class="content"> <?php echo $this->load('main'); ?> </div> </div> </body> </html>
> <span><?php echo $sProjet; ?> </span> <a href="<?php echo _root::getLink('builder::edit', array('id' => $sProjet)); ?> #createon"><?php echo tr('menuNavProject_link_edit'); ?> </a> <a href="<?php echo _root::getLink('code::index', array('project' => $sProjet)); ?> "><?php echo tr('menuNavProject_link_explore'); ?> </a> <a target="_blank" href="<?php echo _root::getConfigVar('path.generation'); echo $sProjet; ?> "><?php echo tr('menuNavProject_link_gotoSite'); ?> </a>
if ($this->tMethod) { } foreach ($this->tMethod as $sMethod) { ?> <?php if (_root::getParam('method') == $sMethod) { ?> <li class="selectionne"><?php echo $sMethod; ?> </li> <?php } else { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo _root::getLink(_root::getRequest()->getParamNav(), array('id' => _root::getParam('id'), 'action' => _root::getParam('action'), 'model' => _root::getParam('model'), 'method' => $sMethod)); ?> #editcrud"><?php echo $sMethod; ?> </a></li> <?php } } ?> </ul> </div> <?php } ?>
public static function getInstallLink($sId, $sVersion) { return _root::getLink('builder::marketBuilder', array('action' => 'installExtBuilder', 'id' => $sId, 'version' => $sVersion)); }
<?php $src = null; if (_root::getParam('file') != '') { $src = _root::getLink('code::editcode', array('project' => _root::getParam('project'), 'file' => 'data/genere/' . _root::getParam('project') . '/' . _root::getParam('file'))); } ?> <div id="title"></div> <iframe name="codeFrame" id="codeFrame" style="width:840px;height:600px;border:0px" src="<?php echo $src; ?> "></iframe>
private function process() { if (_root::getRequest()->isPost() == false or _root::getParam('formu') != 'generate') { return null; } $oPluginValid = new plugin_valid(_root::getRequest()->getParams()); $oPluginValid->isNotEmpty('modulename', 'Le champ doit être rempli'); $oPluginValid->isNotEmpty('classmodel', 'Le champ doit être rempli'); $oPluginValid->isNotEmpty('redirect', 'Le champ doit être rempli'); if (!$oPluginValid->isValid()) { return $oPluginValid->getListError(); } $sModuleName = _root::getParam('modulename'); $sClassModuleName = 'module_' . $sModuleName; $sRedirectModuleAction = _root::getParam('redirect'); $sModelName = _root::getParam('classmodel'); $sViewName = $sModuleName . '::login'; $sViewInscriptionName = $sModuleName . '::inscription'; $sRowName = preg_replace('/model_/', 'row_', $sModelName); $sLoginField = _root::getParam('loginField'); $sPassField = _root::getParam('passField'); $oExample = 'o' . ucfirst(preg_replace('/model_/', '', $sModelName)); $this->projectMkdir('module/' . $sModuleName); /*SOURCE*/ $oSourceMain = $this->getObjectSource('example/main.php'); /*SOURCE*/ $oSourceMain->setPattern('#MODULE#', $sModuleName); /*SOURCE*/ $oSourceMain->setPattern('#privatemodule_action#', $sRedirectModuleAction); /*SOURCE*/ $oSourceMain->setPattern('#model_example#', $sModelName); /*SOURCE*/ $oSourceMain->setPattern('#row_example#', $sRowName); /*SOURCE*/ $oSourceMain->setPattern('#oExample#', $oExample); /*SOURCE*/ $oSourceMain->setPattern('#auth_login#', $sViewName); /*SOURCE*/ $oSourceMain->setPattern('#auth_inscription#', $sViewInscriptionName); /*SOURCE*/ $oSourceMain->setPattern('#loginField#', $sLoginField); /*SOURCE*/ $oSourceMain->setPattern('#passField#', $sPassField); /*SOURCE*/ $oSourceMain->save(); $this->projectMkdir('module/' . $sModuleName . '/view'); /*SOURCE*/ $oSourceViewLogin = $this->getObjectSource('example/view/login.php'); /*SOURCE*/ $oSourceViewLogin->setPattern('#MODULE#', $sModuleName); /*SOURCE*/ $oSourceViewLogin->save(); /*SOURCE*/ $oSourceViewLogin = $this->getObjectSource('example/view/inscription.php'); /*SOURCE*/ $oSourceViewLogin->setPattern('#MODULE#', $sModuleName); /*SOURCE*/ $oSourceViewLogin->setPattern('#loginField#', $sLoginField); /*SOURCE*/ $oSourceViewLogin->save(); $sModuleName = _root::getParam('modulename'); $this->msg = 'Création du module ' . $sModuleName; $this->detail = trR('creationRepertoire', array('#REPERTOIRE#' => 'module/' . $sModuleName)); $this->detail .= '<br/>' . trR('CreationDuFichierVAR', array('#FICHIER#' => 'module/' . $sModuleName . '/main.php')); $this->detail .= '<br/>' . trR('creationRepertoire', array('#REPERTOIRE#' => 'module/' . $sModuleName)); $this->detail .= '<br/>' . trR('CreationDuFichierVAR', array('#FICHIER#' => 'module/' . $sModuleName . '/view/login.php')); $this->detail .= '<br/>' . trR('CreationDuFichierVAR', array('#FICHIER#' => 'module/' . $sModuleName . '/view/inscription.php')); $this->detail .= '<br/>'; $this->detail .= '<br/>' . trR('editezVotreFichier', array('#link#' => '<a target="_blank" href="' . _root::getLink('code::index', array('project' => _root::getParam('id'), 'file' => 'conf/site.ini.php')) . '">conf/site.ini.php</a>')); $this->detail .= '<br/> <div style="padding:8px;border:2px dotted gray"> [auth]<br/> enabled=1<br/> ' . tr('et') . '<br/> module=' . $sModuleName . '::login </div> '; }
?> </a> <a style="margin-left:30px;color:white;" class="buttons" target="_blank" href="<?php echo _root::getConfigVar('path.generation'); echo _root::getParam('id'); ?> "><?php echo tr('menuNavProject_link_gotoSite'); ?> </a> <a style="margin-left:30px;color:white;" class="buttons" href="<?php echo _root::getLink('builder::export', array('id' => _root::getParam('id'))); ?> "><?php echo tr('menuNavProject_link_export'); ?> </a> </h1> <ul> <?php foreach ($this->tLink as $sLibelle => $sLink) { ?> <?php if ($sLink == 'title') { ?> <h2 style="background:white"><?php
public static function getInstallLinkPlugin($sId, $sVersion) { return _root::getLink('builder::edit', array('id' => _root::getParam('id'), 'action' => 'mods_all_market::index', 'saction' => 'installExtPlugin', 'sid' => $sId, 'version' => $sVersion)); }
?> <?php } else { ?> <td></td> <?php } ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php if ($jour <= $dernierJour) { ?> <td><a href="<?php echo _root::getLink($sModuleAction, $tParamTmp); ?> "><?php echo $jour; ?> </a></td> <?php $jour += 1; ?> <?php } else { ?> <td></td> <?php } ?>
Fichier inexistant :( <p> <a href="<?php echo _root::getLink('code::createfile', array('project' => _root::getParam('project'), 'file' => _root::getParam('file'), 'type' => _root::getParam('type'))); ?> ">Créer le fichier ?</a></p>
<p style="margin:0px;margin-bottom:10px"><a style="display:block;border:1px dotted gray;text-decoration:none;background:#ddd;text-align:center" href="<?php echo _root::getLink('builder::edit', array('id' => _root::getParam('project'))); ?> "><?php echo tr('retour'); ?> </a></p> <?php foreach ($this->tFileDir as $sDir => $tContent) { ?> <p class="dir" id="linkarbo<?php echo $sDir; ?> "><a href="#" onclick="openclose('arbo<?php echo $sDir; ?> ');return false;"><?php echo $sDir; ?> </a> <?php if ($sDir == 'module') { ?> <a style="margin-left:10px;color:darkgreen" href="#" onclick="openCrossPopup('addModule');return false">[ <?php echo tr('explorerAjouterUnModule'); ?> ]</a> <?php } elseif ($sDir == 'model') { ?> <a style="margin-left:10px;color:darkgreen" href="#" onclick="openCrossPopup('genModel');return false">[ <?php
public function _index() { $tMessage = $this->generate(); module_builder::getTools()->rootAddConf('conf/connexion.ini.php'); $msg = null; $detail = null; if (isset($tMessage['success']) and $tMessage['success'] == 1) { $sModuleName = _root::getParam('modulename'); $msg = 'Création du module ' . $sModuleName; $detail = ' Création du repertoire module/' . $sModuleName . '<br/> Création du fichier module/' . $sModuleName . '/main.php<br/> Création du repertoire module/' . $sModuleName . '/view<br/> Création du fichier module/' . $sModuleName . '/view/login.php<br/> <br/> Editez votre fichier <a target="_blank" href="' . _root::getLink('code::index', array('project' => _root::getParam('id'), 'file' => 'conf/site.ini.php')) . '">conf/site.ini.php</a> et indiquez <br/> <div style="padding:8px;border:2px dotted gray"> [auth]<br/> enabled=1<br/> et<br/> module=' . $sModuleName . '::login </div> '; } $oDir = new _dir(_root::getConfigVar('path.generation') . _root::getParam('id') . '/model/'); $tFile = array(); $tRowMethodes = array(); foreach ($oDir->getListFile() as $oFile) { if (preg_match('/.sample.php/', $oFile->getName()) or !preg_match('/.php$/', $oFile->getName())) { continue; } $tFile[] = $oFile->getName(); require_once $oFile->getAdresse(); $sClassFoo = substr($oFile->getName(), 0, -4); $oModelFoo = new $sClassFoo(); if (method_exists($oModelFoo, 'getListAccount') and method_exists($oModelFoo, 'hashPassword')) { $tRowMethodes[substr($oFile->getName(), 0, -4)] = substr($oFile->getName(), 0, -4) . '::getInstance()->getListAccount() et hashPassword()'; } } $tModule = module_builder::getTools()->getListModule(); $tModuleAndMethod = array(); foreach ($tModule as $oModule) { $sModuleName = $oModule->getName(); if (in_array($sModuleName, array('menu', 'builder', 'example', 'exampleembedded'))) { continue; } include module_builder::getTools()->getRootWebsite() . 'module/' . $sModuleName . '/main.php'; if (get_parent_class('module_' . $sModuleName) != 'abstract_module') { continue; } $tMethods = get_class_methods('module_' . $sModuleName); foreach ($tMethods as $i => $sMethod) { if ($sMethod[0] != '_' or substr($sMethod, 0, 2) == '__') { unset($tMethods[$i]); } } if (empty($tMethods)) { continue; } $tModuleAndMethod[$sModuleName] = $tMethods; } $tColumnAccount = null; $sClassAccount = _root::getParam('model'); if ($sClassAccount) { $sClassAccount = substr($sClassAccount, 0, -4); $tColumnAccount = module_builder::getTools()->getListColumnFromClass($sClassAccount); } $oTpl = new _Tpl('moduleAuth::index'); $oTpl->tRowMethodes = $tRowMethodes; $oTpl->tModuleAndMethod = $tModuleAndMethod; $oTpl->tMessage = $tMessage; $oTpl->msg = $msg; $oTpl->detail = $detail; $oTpl->tFile = $tFile; $oTpl->tColumnAccount = $tColumnAccount; return $oTpl; }
<?php if (!$this->tRowMethodes and (_root::getParam('model') and _root::getParam('loginField') and _root::getParam('passField'))) { ?> <table> <tr> <td colspan="2" style="padding:10px"> <h2 style="border:2px solid red;padding:4px"><?php echo sprintf(tr('Builder::edit_authmodule_ilVousFautModifierLaClasse'), _root::getParam('model')); ?> </h2> <strong><?php echo tr('Builder::edit_authmodule_ilVousFautAjouterCesMethodes'); ?> "<a target="_blank" href="<?php echo _root::getLink('code::index', array('project' => _root::getParam('id'), 'file' => 'model/' . _root::getParam('model'))); ?> "><?php echo substr(_root::getParam('model'), 0, -4); ?> "</a> <?php echo tr('Builder::edit_authmodule_deVosComptesDeConnexion'); ?> </strong><br/> <?php echo tr('Builder::edit_authmodule_uneMethode'); ?> "getListAccount()"<br /> <i><?php echo tr('Builder::edit_authmodule_quiRetourneraUntableauIndexe'); ?>
/** * retourne un lien framework * @access public * @return string */ public function getLink($sLink, $tParam = null, $bAmp = true) { return _root::getLink($sLink, $tParam, $bAmp); }
echo $sPath; ?> </h2> <div class="smenu"> <ul> <h3>Sélectionnez le répertoire où copier le projet:</h3> <li><a href="<?php echo _root::getLink('builder::export', array('id' => _root::getParam('id'), 'path' => $sParent)); ?> #createon">..</a></li> <?php foreach ($tDir as $oDir) { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo _root::getLink('builder::export', array('id' => _root::getParam('id'), 'path' => $sPath . '/' . $oDir->getName())); ?> #createon"><?php echo $oDir->getName(); ?> </a></li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> <form action="" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="from" value="<?php echo _root::getParam('id'); ?> " />
<div class="page-header"> <h1><?php echo $this->oPosts->name; ?> </h1> <p><small> Category : <a href="<?php echo _root::getLink('default::category', array('id' => $this->oPosts->category_id)); ?> "><?php if (isset($this->tJoinmodel_categories[$this->oPosts->category_id])) { echo $this->tJoinmodel_categories[$this->oPosts->category_id]; } ?> </a>, by <a href="index.html"><?php if (isset($this->tJoinmodel_users[$this->oPosts->user_id])) { echo $this->tJoinmodel_users[$this->oPosts->user_id]; } ?> </a> on <em><?php $oDate = new plugin_datetime($this->oPosts->created); echo $oDate->toString('D dS Y'); ?> </em> </small></p> </div> <article> <?php echo plugin_markdown::tr($this->oPosts->content);
if (isset($this->tJoinmodel_categories[$oPosts->category_id])) { echo $this->tJoinmodel_categories[$oPosts->category_id]; } ?> </td> <td><?php echo $oPosts->created; ?> </td> <td> <a href="<?php echo _root::getLink('privatePosts::edit', array('id' => $oPosts->getId())); ?> " class="btn btn-primary">Edit</a> <a href="<?php echo _root::getLink('privatePosts::delete', array('id' => $oPosts->getId())); ?> " class="btn btn-danger" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure ?')">Delete</a> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <?php
<?php } else { ?> <p>Model <?php echo $this->class; ?> 3/4: <span style="color:green">ok</span></p> <?php if (!$this->bModelFilterPaginationExist) { ?> <p class="error"><?php echo trR('ilNousFautUneMethode', array('#method#' => 'findListFilteredAndLimitOrderBy()', '#class#' => $this->class)); ?> <a target="_blank" href="<?php echo _root::getLink('code::index', array('project' => _root::getParam('id'), 'file' => 'model/' . $this->class . '.php')); ?> ">model/<?php echo $this->class; ?> .php</a></p> <ul> <li><?php echo tr('ajoutezUneMethode'); ?> findListFilteredAndLimitOrderBy()</li> <li><?php echo tr('exempleDePaginationAdaptezSelonVotreSgbd'); ?> <div class="code"> <?php
<h3><?php echo tr('utilisation'); ?> </h3> <p><?php echo module_mods_all_market::formate($this->utilisation); ?> </p> <?php } ?> <br/> <form action="<?php echo module_mods_all_market::getInstallLinkModule($this->id, $this->version); ?> " method="POST"> <a href="<?php echo _root::getLink('builder::edit', array('id' => _root::getParam('id'), 'action' => 'mods_all_market::index', 'saction' => 'install', 'market' => 'normal_list_1')); ?> #createon"><?php echo tr('retour'); ?> </a> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo tr('install'); ?> "/> </form> </div>
if ($this->tFile) { } foreach ($this->tFile as $sFile) { ?> <?php if (_root::getParam('class') == $sFile) { ?> <li class="selectionne"><?php echo $sFile; ?> </li> <?php } else { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo _root::getLink(_root::getRequest()->getParamNav(), array('id' => _root::getParam('id'), 'action' => _root::getParam('action'), 'class' => $sFile)); ?> #editcrud"><?php echo $sFile; ?> </a></li> <?php } } ?> </ul> </div> <br /> <?php if (_root::getParam('class') != '') {
if ($this->tFile) { } foreach ($this->tFile as $sFile) { ?> <?php if (_root::getParam('class') == $sFile) { ?> <li class="selectionne"><?php echo $sFile; ?> </li> <?php } else { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo _root::getLink(_root::getRequest()->getParamNav(), array('id' => _root::getParam('id'), 'action' => 'crudembeddedreadonly', 'class' => $sFile)); ?> #editcrud"><?php echo $sFile; ?> </a></li> <?php } } ?> </ul> </div> <br /> <?php if (_root::getParam('class') != '') {
PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ); CREATE TABLE `Actions` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) );</textarea></div> <p> </p> <h2><?php echo tr('coucheModel'); ?> </h2> <p><?php echo trR('genererLaCoucheModel', array('#LINK#' => _root::getLink('builder::edit', array('id' => _root::getParam('id'), 'action' => 'mods_all_model::index')) . '#createon')); ?> </p> <p> </p> <a id="formulaire" name="formulaire"></a> <h2><?php echo tr('miseEnPlace'); ?> </h2> <p><?php echo tr('vousNetesPasObligerDutiliserLesmemes'); ?> </p> <p class="center"><img src="site/css/images/rightsManagerMultiMcd.png"/></p>
<form action="" method="POST"> <table> <tr> <th>Nom d'utilisateur</th> <td><input type="text" name="login" autocomplete="off"/></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Mot de passe</th> <td><input type="password" name="password" /></td> </tr> </table> <p><input type="submit" value="Se connecter" /> <a href="<?php echo _root::getLink('#MODULE#::inscription'); ?> ">S'inscrire</a></p> <?php if ($this->sError != '') { ?> <p style="color:red"><?php echo $this->sError; ?> </p> <?php } ?> </form>
"leaf_field": "<?php echo $this->sLeafField; ?> ", "expanded_field": "<?php echo $this->sExpandedField; ?> " }, <?php } ?> "gridview":true, "viewrecords": true, "url":"<?php echo _root::getLink($this->sJsonLink); ?> ", "rowNum":<?php echo $this->iLimit; ?> , "sortname":"<?php echo $this->defaultSortField; ?> ", "sortorder":"<?php echo $this->sDefaultSide; ?> ", "height":<?php
<h1><?php echo tr('menuProject_link_createDatabaseJsonIndex'); ?> </h1> <h2><?php echo tr('label_choisissezLeProfilAutiliser'); ?> </h2> <div class="smenu"> <ul><?php foreach ($this->tConnexion as $sKey => $sgbd) { ?> <?php if (substr($sKey, -5) == '.sgbd' and $sgbd == 'json') { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo _root::getLink('builder::edit', array('id' => _root::getParam('id'), 'action' => 'jsonindex', 'config' => substr($sKey, 0, -5))); ?> #createon"><?php echo substr($sKey, 0, -5); ?> </a></li> <?php } } ?> </ul> </div>
<form action="" method="POST"> <table> <tr> <th>Nom d'utilisateur</th> <td><input type="text" name="login" autocomplete="off"/></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Mot de passe</th> <td><input type="password" name="password" /></td> </tr> </table> <p><input type="submit" value="Se connecter" /> <a href="<?php echo _root::getLink('exampleauth::inscription'); ?> ">S'inscrire</a></p> <?php if ($this->sError != '') { ?> <p style="color:red"><?php echo $this->sError; ?> </p> <?php } ?> </form>
?> </a></h2> <p><small> Category : <a href="<?php echo _root::getLink('default::category', array('id' => $oPosts->category_id)); ?> "><?php if (isset($this->tJoinmodel_categories[$oPosts->category_id])) { echo $this->tJoinmodel_categories[$oPosts->category_id]; } else { echo $oPosts->category_id; } ?> </a>, by <a href="<?php echo _root::getLink('default::index'); ?> "><?php echo $this->tJoinmodel_users[$oPosts->user_id]; ?> </a> on <em><?php $oDate = new plugin_datetime($oPosts->created); echo $oDate->toString('D dS Y'); ?> </em> </small></p> <p><?php echo substr(trim(plugin_markdown::tr($oPosts->content)), 0, 190); ?> ...</p> <p class="text-right"><a href="<?php
<?php if (_root::getParam('hideInstalled')) { ?> <a href="<?php echo _root::getLink('builder::edit', array('id' => _root::getParam('id'), 'action' => 'mods_all_market::index', 'saction' => 'install', 'market' => _root::getParam('market'), 'hideInstalled' => 0)); ?> #createon"><?php echo tr('afficherLesExtensionsInstalles'); ?> </a> <?php } else { ?> <a href="<?php echo _root::getLink('builder::edit', array('id' => _root::getParam('id'), 'action' => 'mods_all_market::index', 'saction' => 'install', 'market' => _root::getParam('market'), 'hideInstalled' => 1)); ?> #createon"><?php echo tr('cacherLesExtensionsInstalles'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> </p> <p><?php echo $this->content; ?> </p>
<p style="background:#ddd"><?php echo $this->detail; ?> </p> <br /> <?php echo tr('ouRegenererUnDesIndexSuivants'); ?> : <ul> <?php foreach ($this->tFileIndex as $sIndex) { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo _root::getLink('builder::edit', array('id' => _root::getParam('id'), 'action' => _root::getParam('action'), 'sTable' => $sTableSelected, 'regenerateIndexXml' => $sIndex, 'config' => _root::getParam('config'))); ?> "><?php echo $sIndex; ?> </a></li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php } ?>