Beispiel #1
function format_and_send_email($sender, $xchan, $item)
    $title = $item['title'];
    $body = $item['body'];
    $textversion = strip_tags(html_entity_decode(bbcode(str_replace(array("\\r", "\\n"), array("", "\n"), $body)), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'));
    $htmlversion = bbcode(str_replace(array("\\r", "\\n"), array("", "<br />\n"), $body));
    $banner = t('$Projectname Notification');
    $product = t('$projectname');
    $siteurl = z_root();
    $thanks = t('Thank You,');
    $sitename = get_config('system', 'sitename');
    $site_admin = sprintf(t('%s Administrator'), $sitename);
    // load the template for private message notifications
    $tpl = get_markup_template('email_notify_html.tpl');
    $email_html_body = replace_macros($tpl, array('$banner' => $banner, '$notify_icon' => Zotlabs\Lib\System::get_notify_icon(), '$product' => $product, '$preamble' => '', '$sitename' => $sitename, '$siteurl' => $siteurl, '$source_name' => $sender['xchan_name'], '$source_link' => $sender['xchan_url'], '$source_photo' => $sender['xchan_photo_m'], '$username' => $xchan['xchan_name'], '$hsitelink' => $datarray['hsitelink'], '$hitemlink' => $datarray['hitemlink'], '$thanks' => $thanks, '$site_admin' => $site_admin, '$title' => $title, '$htmlversion' => $htmlversion));
    // load the template for private message notifications
    $tpl = get_markup_template('email_notify_text.tpl');
    $email_text_body = replace_macros($tpl, array('$banner' => $banner, '$product' => $product, '$preamble' => '', '$sitename' => $sitename, '$siteurl' => $siteurl, '$source_name' => $sender['xchan_name'], '$source_link' => $sender['xchan_url'], '$source_photo' => $sender['xchan_photo_m'], '$username' => $xchan['xchan_name'], '$hsitelink' => $datarray['hsitelink'], '$hitemlink' => $datarray['hitemlink'], '$thanks' => $thanks, '$site_admin' => $site_admin, '$title' => $title, '$textversion' => $textversion));
    $sender_name = t('Administrator');
    $hostname = App::get_hostname();
    if (strpos($hostname, ':')) {
        $hostname = substr($hostname, 0, strpos($hostname, ':'));
    $sender_email = 'noreply' . '@' . $hostname;
    // use the EmailNotification library to send the message
    Zotlabs\Lib\Enotify::send(array('fromName' => $product, 'fromEmail' => $sender_email, 'replyTo' => $sender_email, 'toEmail' => str_replace('mailto:', '', $xchan['xchan_addr']), 'messageSubject' => $title ? $title : t('No Subject'), 'htmlVersion' => $email_html_body, 'textVersion' => $email_text_body, 'additionalMailHeader' => ''));