 * The reviewsFormFrame plugin adds styling <div> elements and a validation summary.
 * Available parameters:
 *   - assign:   If set, the results are assigned to the corresponding variable instead of printed out.
 * @param array            $params  All attributes passed to this function from the template.
 * @param string           $content The content of the block.
 * @param Zikula_Form_View $view    Reference to the view object.
 * @return string The output of the plugin.
function smarty_block_reviewsFormFrame($params, $content, $view)
    // As with all Forms plugins, we must remember to register our plugin.
    // In this case we also register a validation summary so we don't have to
    // do that explicitively in the templates.
    // We need to concatenate the output of boths plugins.
    $result = $view->registerPlugin('\\Zikula_Form_Plugin_ValidationSummary', $params);
    $result .= $view->registerBlock('Reviews_Form_Plugin_FormFrame', $params, $content);
    return $result;
 * Context menu plugin
 * This plugin creates a popup menu to be used as a right-click context menu. To use it you must do three things:
 * - Create a menu
 * - Add menu items (as sub-pugins of the menu)
 * - Add a reference to the menu (there can be more than one of these)
 * Example usage with two menu items:
 * <code>
 * {formcontextmenu id='MyMenu' width='150px'}
 *   {formcontextmenuitem commandName='edit' __title='Edit'}
 *   {formcontextmenuitem commandName='new' __title='New'}
 * {/formcontextmenu}
 * {foreach from=items item=item}
 *   {$item.title} {formcontextmenureference menuId='MyMenu' commandArgument=$item.id}
 * {/foreach}
 * </code>
 * As you can see it is possible to reuse the same menu more than once on a page - in the example above it is
 * used as a context menu for each of the "items" (for instance articles or webshop goods). Where ever you
 * insert a "formcontextmenureference" you will get a small clickable arrow indicating the menu. Clicking
 * on the reference will bring op the menu.
 * In your event handler (which defaults to "handleCommand") you should check for both commandName and
 * commandArgument:
 * <code>
 * function handleCommand($view, &$args)
 * {
 *   echo "Command: $args[commandName], $args[commandArgument]. ";
 * }
 * </code>
 * The commandName value indicates the menu item which was clicked and the commandArgument is the value set
 * at the menu reference. The use of commandArgument makes it easy to identify which $item the menu was
 * activated for.
 * @param array            $params  Parameters passed in the block tag.
 * @param string           $content Content of the block.
 * @param Zikula_Form_View $view    Reference to Zikula_Form_View object.
 * @return string The rendered output.
function smarty_block_formcontextmenu($params, $content, $view)
    return $view->registerBlock('Zikula_Form_Block_ContextMenu', $params, $content);
 * Tabbed panel set.
 * This plugin is used to create a set of panels with their own tabs for selection.
 * The actual visibility management is handled in JavaScript by setting the CSS styling
 * attribute "display" to "hidden" or not hidden. Default styling of the tabs is rather rudimentary
 * but can be improved a lot with the techniques found at www.alistapart.com.
 * Usage:
 * <code>
 * {formtabbedpanelset}
 *   {formtabbedpanel title='Tab A'}
 *     ... content of first tab ...
 *   {/formtabbedpanel}
 *   {formtabbedpanel title='Tab B'}
 *     ... content of second tab ...
 *   {/formtabbedpanel}
 * {/formtabbedpanelset}
 * </code>
 * You can place any Zikula_Form_View plugins inside the individual panels. The tabs
 * require some special styling which is handled by the styles in system/Zikula/Module/ThemeModule/Resources/public/css/form/style.css.
 * If you want to override this styling then either copy the styles to another stylesheet in the
 * templates directory or change the cssClass attribute to something different than the default
 * class name.
 * @param array            $params  Parameters passed in the block tag.
 * @param string           $content Content of the block.
 * @param Zikula_Form_View $view    Reference to Zikula_Form_View object.
 * @return string The rendered output.
function smarty_block_formtabbedpanelset($params, $content, $view)
    return $view->registerBlock('Zikula_Form_Block_TabbedPanelSet', $params, $content);
 * Smarty function to create a tabbed panel.
 * @param array            $params  Parameters passed in the block tag.
 * @param string           $content Content of the block.
 * @param Zikula_Form_View $render  Reference to Form render object.
 * @return string The rendered output.
function smarty_block_formtabbedpanel($params, $content, $render)
    return $render->registerBlock('Zikula_Form_Block_TabbedPanel', $params, $content);
Beispiel #5
 * Volatile block container
 * This block is a hack, a not so elegant solution, to situations where you need to put
 * Zikula_Form_View plugins inside conditional smarty tags like if-then-else and foreach. You can
 * get into problems if you make templates like this:
 * <code>
 *  {foreach from=... item=...}
 *    {formtextinput ...}
 *    {formbutton ...}
 *  {/foreach}
 * </code>
 * This is because the number of plugins on the page may change from one page to another
 * due to changing conditions or amount of items in the foreach loop: on the first page
 * you might have 5 iterations, whereas on postback you suddenly have 6. What should then
 * be done to the missing (or excess) persisted plugin data on postback? The answer is:
 * Zikula_Form_View cannot handle this - your code will break!
 * So you need to tell Zikula_Form_View that the block inside the foreach tags is volatile - Zikula_Form_View
 * should not try to save the state of the plugins inside the foreach loop. This is done
 * with the volatile block:
 * <code>
 *  {formvolatile}
 *  {foreach from=... item=...}
 *    {formtextinput ...}
 *    {formbutton ...}
 *  {/foreach}
 *  {/formvolatile}
 * </code>
 * This disables the ability to persist data in the Zikula_Form_View plugins, but does save you
 * from trouble in some situations.
 * You don't need the volatile block if you can guarantee that the number of elements will
 * be the same always.
 * @param array            $params  Parameters passed in the block tag.
 * @param string           $content Content of the block.
 * @param Zikula_Form_View $view    Reference to Zikula_Form_View object.
 * @return string The rendered output.
function smarty_block_formvolatile($params, $content, $view)
    return $view->registerBlock('Zikula_Form_Block_Volatile', $params, $content);