public static function get_instance()
     if (is_null(self::$instance)) {
         self::$instance = new self();
     return self::$instance;
 public function _ajax_get_view()
     global $zendesk_support;
     $agents = Zendesk_Wordpress_Agents::get_instance();
     if (isset($_REQUEST['view_id']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['view_id']) && $agents->_is_agent()) {
         $requested_view = $_REQUEST['view_id'];
         // Is somebody trying to cheat?
         $dashboard_widget = Zendesk_Wordpress_Dashboard_Widget::get_instance();
         if ($dashboard_widget->_get_current_user_dashboard_widget() != 'tickets-widget') {
         $views = $zendesk_support->api->get_views();
         if (!is_wp_error($views)) {
             foreach ($views as $view) {
                 if ($view->id == $requested_view) {
                     $zendesk_support->zendesk_user['default_view'] = array('id' => $view->id, 'title' => $view->title);
                     update_user_meta($zendesk_support->user->ID, 'zendesk_user_options', $zendesk_support->zendesk_user);
         // API requests based on the Zendesk role.
         $tickets = $zendesk_support->api->get_tickets_from_view((int) $zendesk_support->zendesk_user['default_view']['id']);
         // Empty the arrays if they are errors.
         if (is_wp_error($tickets)) {
             $tickets = array();
         $response = array('status' => 200, 'html' => Zendesk_Wordpress_Tickets::_get_tickets_widget_html($tickets));
     } else {
         $response = array('status' => 403, 'error' => __('Access denied', 'zendesk'));
     echo json_encode($response);
 public function _process_forms()
     // Logout
     if (isset($_REQUEST['zendesk-logout']) && $this->zendesk_user) {
         $this->zendesk_user = false;
         delete_user_meta($this->user->ID, 'zendesk_user_options');
     // Display a logout success message
     if (isset($_REQUEST['zendesk-logout-success'])) {
         $notices = Zendesk_Wordpress_Notices::get_instance();
         $notices->_add_notice('zendesk_login', __('You have successfully logged out of your Zendesk account.', 'zendesk'), 'confirm');
     // Change tickets view, probably never reached since an AJAX call
     // is more likely to respond to such a request. Lave this just in case.
     if (isset($_REQUEST['zendesk-tickets-change-view']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['zendesk-tickets-change-view']) && $this->zendesk_user) {
         // Is somebody trying to cheat?
         $dashboard_widget = Zendesk_Wordpress_Dashboard_Widget::get_instance();
         if ($dashboard_widget->_get_current_user_dashboard_widget() != 'tickets-widget') {
             $notices = Zendesk_Wordpress_Notices::get_instance();
             $notices->_add_notice('zendesk_login', __('You are not allowed to view the tickets widget', 'zendesk'), 'alert');
         // Fire a request to catch all available views.
         $requested_view = (int) $_REQUEST['zendesk-tickets-change-view'];
         $views = $this->api->get_views();
         if (!is_wp_error($views)) {
             // Loop through the views and update the user meta.
             foreach ($views as $view) {
                 if ($view->id == $requested_view) {
                     $this->zendesk_user['default_view'] = array('id' => $view->id, 'title' => $view->title);
                     // Update and redirect.
                     update_user_meta($this->user->ID, 'zendesk_user_options', $this->zendesk_user);
         } else {
             // Views could not be fetched
             $notices = Zendesk_Wordpress_Notices::get_instance();
             $notices->_add_notice('zendesk_tickets_widget', $views->get_error_message(), 'alert');
     // Gather and validate some form data
     if (!isset($_POST['zendesk-form-submit'], $_POST['zendesk-form-context'], $_POST['zendesk-form-data'])) {
     $context = $_POST['zendesk-form-context'];
     $form_data = $_POST['zendesk-form-data'];
     // Pick the right form processor
     switch ($context) {
         case 'login':
             if ($this->has_empty_fields($form_data)) {
                 $notices = Zendesk_Wordpress_Notices::get_instance();
                 $notices->_add_notice('zendesk_login', __('All fields are required. Please try again.', 'zendesk'), 'alert');
             $username = $form_data['username'];
             $password = $form_data['password'];
             $auth = $this->api->authenticate($username, $password);
             if (!is_wp_error($auth)) {
                 // Get the user views
                 $views = $this->api->get_views();
                 if (!is_wp_error($views)) {
                     $default_view = array_shift($views);
                 } else {
                     $default_view = new stdClass();
                     $default_view->id = 0;
                     $default_view->title = __('My open requests', 'zendesk');
                 // Since this is not a remote auth set remote_auth to
                 // false.
                 $this->zendesk_user = array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'role' => $auth->role, 'default_view' => array('id' => $default_view->id, 'title' => $default_view->title));
                 $notices = Zendesk_Wordpress_Notices::get_instance();
                 $notices->_add_notice('zendesk_login', sprintf(__('Howdy, <strong>%s</strong>! You are now logged in to Zendesk.', 'zendesk'), $auth->name), 'confirm');
                 update_user_meta($this->user->ID, 'zendesk_user_options', $this->zendesk_user);
             } else {
                 $notices = Zendesk_Wordpress_Notices::get_instance();
                 $notices->_add_notice('zendesk_login', $auth->get_error_message(), 'alert');
         case 'create-ticket':
             $notices = Zendesk_Wordpress_Notices::get_instance();
             $agents = Zendesk_Wordpress_Agents::get_instance();
             // Is somebody trying to cheat?
             $dashboard_widget = Zendesk_Wordpress_Dashboard_Widget::get_instance();
             if ($dashboard_widget->_get_current_user_dashboard_widget() != 'contact-form') {
                 $notices->_add_notice('zendesk_login', __('You are not allowed to view the contact form.', 'zendesk'), 'alert');
             if (!isset($form_data['summary'], $form_data['details'])) {
                 $notices->_add_notice('zendesk_contact_form', __('All fields are required. Please try again.', 'zendesk'), 'alert');
             $summary = strip_tags(stripslashes(trim($form_data['summary'])));
             $details = strip_tags(stripslashes(trim($form_data['details'])));
             // Quick validation
             if (empty($summary) || empty($details)) {
                 $notices->_add_notice('zendesk_contact_form', __('All fields are required. Please try again.', 'zendesk'), 'alert');
             // Either tickets.json or requests.json based on user role.
             if ($agents->_is_agent()) {
                 // Agent requests
                 $response = $this->api->create_ticket($summary, $details);
             } elseif (!$agents->_is_agent() && $this->zendesk_user) {
                 // End-users request (logged in)
                 $response = $this->api->create_request($summary, $details);
             } else {
                 // Anonymous requests (if allowed in plugin settings)
                 if ($this->settings['contact_form_anonymous'] && $agents->_is_agent($this->settings['contact_form_anonymous_user'])) {
                     // Find the agent to fire anonymous requests
                     $agent = $agents->_get_agent($this->settings['contact_form_anonymous_user']);
                     // Make sure the agent is there and is an agent (again)
                     if (!$agent) {
                         $notices->_add_notice('zendesk_contact_form', __('Something went wrong. We could not use the agent to fire this request.', 'zendesk'), 'alert');
                     // Awkwward!
                     if ($agent['username'] == $this->user->user_email) {
                         $notices->_add_notice('zendesk_contact_form', sprintf(__('Wow, you managed to fire a request "on behalf of" yourself! Why don\'t you <a href="%s">login first</a>?', 'zendesk'), admin_url('?zendesk-login-form=true')), 'alert');
                     // Clone the current API settings and change the authentication pair
                     $api = clone $this->api;
                     $api->authenticate($agent['username'], $agent['password'], false);
                     // Fire a new ticket using the current user's name and email, similar to comments to tickets thing.
                     $response = $api->create_ticket($summary, $details, $this->user->display_name, $this->user->user_email);
                     // Get rid of the cloned object
             // Error handling
             if (!is_wp_error($response)) {
                 $notices->_add_notice('zendesk_contact_form', __('Your request has been created successfully!', 'zendesk'), 'confirm');
             } else {
                 $notices->_add_notice('zendesk_contact_form', $response->get_error_message(), 'alert');