  * Retrieves the view renderer object
  * @return Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer|null
  * @throws Glitch_Application_Resource_Exception
 public function getViewRenderer()
     if (null === $this->_viewRenderer) {
         // Pull in the front controller; bootstrap first if necessary
         $front = $this->_bootstrap->getResource('FrontController');
         // Ignore if no view renderer is to be used
         if ($front->getParam('noViewRenderer')) {
             return null;
         // Get existing renderer, if any, or create a new one
         $this->_viewRenderer = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::hasHelper('viewRenderer') ? Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('viewRenderer') : new $this->_className(null, $this->getOptions());
         // Dynamic class loading; perform sanity check
         if (!$this->_viewRenderer instanceof Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer) {
             throw new Glitch_Application_Resource_Exception('Class is not a valid view renderer instance');
         // Register the view as the default view for handling view scripts
         $view = $this->_bootstrap->getResource('View');
         // It is paramount to set this base path spec: ZF otherwise uses its own
         // spec, causing it to create a path to a conventional ZF-style directory
         $this->_viewRenderer->setViewBasePathSpec(':module/' . Glitch_View::PATH_VIEW);
         // Set empty inflector settings: all path translations are handled by the custom dispatcher
         $inflector = new Zend_Filter_Inflector();
         $inflector->addRules(array(':module' => array(), ':controller' => array(), ':action' => array()));
         $this->_viewRenderer->setInflector($inflector, true);
         if (!Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::hasHelper('viewRenderer')) {
     return $this->_viewRenderer;
Beispiel #2
  * Construct view script path
  * Used by render() to determine the path to the view script.
  * @param  string $action Defaults to action registered in request object
  * @param  bool $noController  Defaults to false; i.e. use controller name as subdir in which to search for view script
  * @return string
  * @throws Zend_Controller_Exception with bad $action
 public function getViewScript($action = null, $noController = null)
     if (!$this->getInvokeArg('noViewRenderer') && $this->_helper->hasHelper('viewRenderer')) {
         $viewRenderer = $this->_helper->getHelper('viewRenderer');
         if (null !== $noController) {
         return $viewRenderer->getViewScript($action);
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     if (null === $action) {
         $action = $request->getActionName();
     } elseif (!is_string($action)) {
         throw new Zend_Controller_Exception('Invalid action specifier for view render');
     if (null === $this->_delimiters) {
         $dispatcher = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getDispatcher();
         $wordDelimiters = $dispatcher->getWordDelimiter();
         $pathDelimiters = $dispatcher->getPathDelimiter();
         $this->_delimiters = array_unique(array_merge($wordDelimiters, (array) $pathDelimiters));
     $action = str_replace($this->_delimiters, '-', $action);
     $script = $action . '.' . $this->viewSuffix;
     if (!$noController) {
         $controller = $request->getControllerName();
         $controller = str_replace($this->_delimiters, '-', $controller);
         $script = $controller . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $script;
     return $script;
Beispiel #3
  * @param \Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request
  * @throws mixed
 protected function _handleError(\Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
     // remove zend error handler
     $front = \Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
     $response = $this->getResponse();
     if ($response->isException() && !$this->_isInsideErrorHandlerLoop) {
         // get errorpage
         try {
             // enable error handler
             $front->setParam('noErrorHandler', false);
             $errorPath = Config::getSystemConfig()->documents->error_pages->default;
             if (Site::isSiteRequest()) {
                 $site = Site::getCurrentSite();
                 $errorPath = $site->getErrorDocument();
             if (empty($errorPath)) {
                 $errorPath = "/";
             $document = Document::getByPath($errorPath);
             if (!$document instanceof Document\Page) {
                 // default is home
                 $document = Document::getById(1);
             if ($document instanceof Document\Page) {
                 $params = Tool::getRoutingDefaults();
                 if ($module = $document->getModule()) {
                     $params["module"] = $module;
                 if ($controller = $document->getController()) {
                     $params["controller"] = $controller;
                     $params["action"] = "index";
                 if ($action = $document->getAction()) {
                     $params["action"] = $action;
                 $request->setParam("document", $document);
                 \Zend_Registry::set("pimcore_error_document", $document);
                 // ensure that a viewRenderer exists, and is enabled
                 if (!\Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::hasHelper("viewRenderer")) {
                     $viewRenderer = new \Pimcore\Controller\Action\Helper\ViewRenderer();
                 $viewRenderer = \Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getExistingHelper("viewRenderer");
                 if ($viewRenderer->view === null) {
                     $viewRenderer->initView(PIMCORE_WEBSITE_PATH . "/views");
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             \Logger::emergency("error page not found");
     // call default ZF error handler
Beispiel #4
  * Sets up the fixture, for example, open a network connection.
  * This method is called before a test is executed.
  * @return void
 public function setUp()
     Zend_Layout_PluginTest_Layout::$_mvcInstance = null;
     if (Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::hasHelper('Layout')) {
     if (Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::hasHelper('viewRenderer')) {
Beispiel #5
  * Sets up the fixture, for example, open a network connection.
  * This method is called before a test is executed.
  * @return void
 public function setUp()
     if (Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::hasHelper('Layout')) {
     if (Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::hasHelper('viewRenderer')) {
Beispiel #6
 public function viewAction()
     if (Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::hasHelper('redirector')) {
         $redirector = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getExistingHelper('redirector');
     $hometargeturl = $this->_urlHelper->url(array('controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index', 'language' => $this->view->language), 'lang_default', true);
     // Get user identity
     $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
     // Disable edit profile by default
     $userEdit = false;
     // Get params
     $params = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
     if (isset($params['user'])) {
         // Get username from params
         $username = $params['user'];
     } else {
     // Get content types
     $contentTypes = new Default_Model_ContentTypes();
     $this->view->content_types = $contentTypes->getAllNamesAndIds();
     // Get user data from User Model
     $user = new Default_Model_User();
     $data = $user->getUserByName($username);
     if ($data == null) {
     $this->view->user = $data;
     $id = $data['id_usr'];
     // Get public user data from UserProfiles Model
     $userProfile = new Default_Model_UserProfiles();
     $dataa = $userProfile->getPublicData($id);
     // $dataa is an array with key=>val like firstname => "Joel Peeloten"
     // This was replaced with get public data and the foreach above
     // Kept here just in case for the future
     $dataa['gender'] 		= $userprofile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'gender');
     		$dataa['surname'] 		= $userprofile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'surname');
     		$dataa['firstname'] 	= $userprofile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'firstname');
     		$dataa['category'] 		= $userprofile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'user category');
     		$dataa['profession']	= $userprofile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'profession');
     		$dataa['company'] 		= $userprofile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'company');
     		$dataa['biography'] 	= $userprofile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'biography');
     		$dataa['city'] 			= $userprofile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'city');
     		$dataa['phone'] 		= $userprofile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'phone');
     		$dataa['birthday'] 		= $userprofile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'birthday');
     // No countries in countries_ctr and not very good table at all?
     // This would be better: http://snipplr.com/view/6636/mysql-table--iso-country-list-with-abbreviations/
     		$dataa['country'] = $userProfile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'country');
     $userCountry = new Default_Model_UserCountry();
     		$dataa['country'] = $userCountry->getCountryNameById(
     // Get content user has released
     $type = isset($params['type']) ? $params['type'] : 0;
     $contentList = $user->getUserContent($data['id_usr']);
     $temp = array();
     // Initialize content counts
     $dataa['contentCounts']['all'] = 0;
     $dataa['contentCounts']['user_edit'] = 0;
     $dataa['contentCounts']['problem'] = 0;
     $dataa['contentCounts']['finfo'] = 0;
     $dataa['contentCounts']['idea'] = 0;
     // Count amount of content user has published
     // and check unpublished so only owner can see it.
     foreach ($contentList as $k => $c) {
         // If user not logged in and content not published,
         // remove content from list
         if (!$auth->hasIdentity() && $c['published_cnt'] == 0) {
             // Else if user logged in and not owner of unpublished content,
             // remove content from list
         } else {
             if ($auth->hasIdentity() && $c['id_usr'] != $auth->getIdentity()->user_id && $c['published_cnt'] == 0) {
                 // Else increase content counts and sort content by content type
             } else {
                 if (isset($c['key_cty'])) {
                     // Set content to array by its content type
                     //$temp[$c['key_cty']][] = $c;
                     //$temp[] = $c;
                     // Increase total count
                     // Set content type count to 0 if count is not set
                     if (!isset($dataa['contentCounts'][$c['key_cty']])) {
                         $dataa['contentCounts'][$c['key_cty']] = 0;
                     // Increase content type count
         if ($c['published_cnt'] == 0) {
     // end foreach
     // If user is logged in, and viewing self; allow edit
     if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
         $identity = $auth->getIdentity();
         if ($data['id_usr'] == $identity->user_id) {
             $userEdit = true;
     if ($auth->hasIdentity() && $data['id_usr'] == $auth->getIdentity()->user_id) {
         $favouriteModel = new Default_Model_UserHasFavourites();
         $favouriteType = isset($params['favourite']) ? $params['favourite'] : 0;
         $favouriteList = $user->getUserFavouriteContent($data['id_usr']);
         // Initialize Favourite counts
         $dataa['favouriteCounts']['totalCount'] = 0;
         $dataa['favouriteCounts']['problem'] = 0;
         $dataa['favouriteCounts']['finfo'] = 0;
         $dataa['favouriteCounts']['idea'] = 0;
         foreach ($favouriteList as $k => $favourite) {
              * If content Id doesn't exist anymore:
              * unset from Favouritelist and remove all lines from user_has_favourites table that
              * refers to this content id
             if ($favourite['id_cnt'] == '') {
             if (isset($favourite['key_cty'])) {
                 // Increase total count
                 // Set content type count to 0 if count is not set
                 if (!isset($dataa['favouriteCounts'][$favourite['key_cty']])) {
                     $dataa['favouriteCounts'][$favourite['key_cty']] = 0;
                 // Increase content type count
     //Zend_Debug::dump("" === null);
     //Zend_Debug::dump($dataa['contentCounts']['idea'] == "");
     //	My Posts box data
     $box = new Oibs_Controller_Plugin_AccountViewBox();
     $box->setHeader("My Posts")->setClass("right")->setName("my-posts")->addTab("All", "all", "all selected", $dataa['contentCounts']['all'])->addTab("Challenges", "problem", "challenges", $dataa['contentCounts']['problem'])->addTab("Ideas", "idea", "ideas", $dataa['contentCounts']['idea'])->addTab("Visions", "finfo", "visions", $dataa['contentCounts']['finfo']);
     if ($dataa['contentCounts']['user_edit'] && $userEdit) {
         $box->addTab("Saved", "user_edit", "saved", $dataa['contentCounts']['user_edit']);
     $boxes[] = $box;
     $views = new Default_Model_ContentViews();
     $myViews = $views->getUserViewedContents($data['id_usr']);
     $box = new Oibs_Controller_Plugin_AccountViewBox();
     $box->setHeader("My Views")->setName("my-views")->setClass("right")->addTab("Views", "views", "all selected");
     //$boxes[] = $box;
     $myReaders = $user->getUsersViewers($data['id_usr']);
     $box = new Oibs_Controller_Plugin_AccountViewBox();
     $box->setHeader("My Reads")->setClass("right")->setName("my-reads")->addTab("Readers", "readers", "all selected");
     //$boxes[] = $box;
     // Set to view
     $this->view->user_has_image = $user->userHasProfileImage($data['id_usr']);
     $this->view->userprofile = $dataa;
     $this->view->authorContents = $contentList;
     $this->view->boxes = $boxes;
     $this->view->myViews = $myViews;
     $this->view->myReaders = $myReaders;
     //$this->view->authorFavourites = $favouriteList;
     $this->view->user_edit = $userEdit;
     $this->view->type = $type;
     /* Waiting for layout that is maybe coming 
        // MyViews
        $viewsModel = new Default_Model_ContentViews();
        // MyReaders
     $group_model = new Default_Model_UserHasGroup();
     $usergroups = $group_model->getGroupsByUserId($id);
     $this->view->usergroups = $usergroups;
Beispiel #7
 public function testResettingMvcInstanceUnregistersHelperAndPlugin()
     $front = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
     $this->assertFalse($front->hasPlugin('Zend_Layout_Controller_Plugin_Layout'), 'Plugin not unregistered');
     $this->assertFalse(Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::hasHelper('Layout'), 'Helper not unregistered');
Beispiel #8
  * Initialize action helper
  * @return void
 protected function _initHelper()
     $helperClass = $this->getHelperClass();
     if (!Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::hasHelper('layout')) {
         if (!class_exists($helperClass)) {
         Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStack()->offsetSet(-90, new $helperClass($this));
Beispiel #9
 public function testViewRendererHelperRegisteredByDefault()
Beispiel #10
  * Dispatch an HTTP request to a controller/action.
  * @param Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract|null $request
  * @param Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract|null $response
  * @return void|Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract Returns response object if returnResponse() is true
 public function dispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request = null, Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract $response = null)
     if (!$this->getParam('noErrorHandler') && !$this->_plugins->hasPlugin('Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler')) {
         // Register with stack index of 100
         #require_once 'Zend/Controller/Plugin/ErrorHandler.php';
         $this->_plugins->registerPlugin(new Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler(), 100);
     if (!$this->getParam('noViewRenderer') && !Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::hasHelper('viewRenderer')) {
         #require_once 'Zend/Controller/Action/Helper/ViewRenderer.php';
         Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStack()->offsetSet(-80, new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer());
      * Instantiate default request object (HTTP version) if none provided
     if (null !== $request) {
     } elseif (null === $request && null === ($request = $this->getRequest())) {
         #require_once 'Zend/Controller/Request/Http.php';
         $request = new Zend_Controller_Request_Http();
      * Set base URL of request object, if available
     if (is_callable(array($this->_request, 'setBaseUrl'))) {
         if (null !== $this->_baseUrl) {
      * Instantiate default response object (HTTP version) if none provided
     if (null !== $response) {
     } elseif (null === $this->_response && null === ($this->_response = $this->getResponse())) {
         #require_once 'Zend/Controller/Response/Http.php';
         $response = new Zend_Controller_Response_Http();
      * Register request and response objects with plugin broker
      * Initialize router
     $router = $this->getRouter();
      * Initialize dispatcher
     $dispatcher = $this->getDispatcher();
     // Begin dispatch
     try {
          * Route request to controller/action, if a router is provided
          * Notify plugins of router startup
          * Notify plugins of router completion
          * Notify plugins of dispatch loop startup
          *  Attempt to dispatch the controller/action. If the $this->_request
          *  indicates that it needs to be dispatched, move to the next
          *  action in the request.
         do {
              * Notify plugins of dispatch startup
              * Skip requested action if preDispatch() has reset it
             if (!$this->_request->isDispatched()) {
              * Dispatch request
             try {
                 $dispatcher->dispatch($this->_request, $this->_response);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 if ($this->throwExceptions()) {
                     throw $e;
              * Notify plugins of dispatch completion
         } while (!$this->_request->isDispatched());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if ($this->throwExceptions()) {
             throw $e;
      * Notify plugins of dispatch loop completion
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if ($this->throwExceptions()) {
             throw $e;
     if ($this->returnResponse()) {
         return $this->_response;
Beispiel #11
  * @return void
 public function testHelperClassPassedToStartMvcIsUsed()
     $layout = Zend_Layout::startMvc(array('helperClass' => 'Zend_Layout_LayoutTest_Controller_Action_Helper_Layout'));
     $helper = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('layout');
     $this->assertTrue($helper instanceof Zend_Layout_LayoutTest_Controller_Action_Helper_Layout);
Beispiel #12
  * setActionController()
  * @param Zend_Controller_Action $oActionController
  * @return Zend_Controller_ActionHelper_Abstract
 public function setActionController(Zend_Controller_Action $oActionController = null)
     static $bSmartyInitialized;
     foreach ($this->_aTranslationsPaths as $sName => $sPath) {
         $this->_aTranslationsPaths[$sName] = Volcano_Tools::fixPath($sPath);
     $aProposedLocales = array();
     if ($this->_sRequestParamName && ($sParam = $oActionController->getRequest()->getParam($this->_sRequestParamName))) {
         $aProposedLocales[] = $sParam;
     $sCookieLocale = false;
     if ($this->_sCookieName && ($sCookieLocale = $oActionController->getRequest()->getCookie($this->_sCookieName))) {
         $aProposedLocales[] = $sCookieLocale;
     $oLocalizer = new Volcano_Localizer($aProposedLocales, $this->_sTranslationAdapterName, $this->_aTranslationsPaths, $this->_bParseRequestHeaders);
     if ($sCookieLocale != $oLocalizer->getLocale()->getLanguage()) {
         setcookie($this->_sCookieName, $oLocalizer->getLocale()->getLanguage(), time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, "/");
     $oActionController->localizer = $oLocalizer;
     //add localizer to smarty
     if (Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::hasHelper('Smarty') && !$bSmartyInitialized) {
         $oSmartyHelper = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getExistingHelper('Smarty');
         $oSmartyHelper->addCustomFunction('modifier', array($oLocalizer, 'translate'), 'translate');
         $oSmartyHelper->locale = array('language' => $oLocalizer->getLocale()->getLanguage(), 'region' => $oLocalizer->getLocale()->getRegion());
         $bSmartyInitialized = TRUE;
     return $this;
  * Adds the given action  helper to the broker.
  * @param Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Abstract $helper
 protected function addActionHelper(Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Abstract $helper)
     $this->helpersToRemove[] = $helper->getName();
     $message = 'Helper "' . $helper->getName() . '" was not added.';
     $this->assertTrue(Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::hasHelper($helper->getName()), $message);
  * Hook 12: Called after an action is dispatched by \Zend_Controller_Dispatcher.
  * This callback allows for proxy or filter behavior. By altering the
  * request and resetting its dispatched flag (via {@link
  * \Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract::setDispatched() setDispatched(false)}),
  * a new action may be specified for dispatching.
  * \Zend_Layout_Controller_Plugin_Layout uses this event to change the output
  * of the $response with the rendering of the layout. As the Layout plugin
  * has a priority of 99, this Escort event will take place before the layout
  * is rendered, unless $this->run() was called with a stackIndex lower than zero.
  * Previous hook: controllerAfterAction()
  * Actions since: ob_get_clean(); $response->appendBody()
  * Actions after: while (! Request->isDispatched()) or back to Hook 8 preDispatch()
  * Next hook: dispatchLoopShutdown()
  * @param  \Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request
  * @return void
 public function postDispatch(\Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
     if ($request->isDispatched()) {
         $response = \Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getResponse();
         $response->setHeader('X-UA-Compatible', 'IE=edge,chrome=1', true);
         if ($this->project->offsetExists('x-frame')) {
             $response->setHeader('X-Frame-Options', $this->project->offsetGet('x-frame'), true);
         // Only when we need to render the layout, we run the layout prepare
         if (\Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::hasHelper('layout') && \Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getExistingHelper('layout')->isEnabled()) {
             // Per project layout preparation
             if (isset($this->project->layoutPrepare)) {
                 foreach ($this->project->layoutPrepare as $prepare => $type) {
                     if ($type) {
                         $function = '_layout' . ucfirst($prepare);
                         if (isset($this->project->layoutPrepareArgs, $this->project->layoutPrepareArgs[$prepare])) {
                             $args = $this->project->layoutPrepareArgs[$prepare];
                         } else {
                             $args = array();
                         $result = $this->{$function}($args);
                         // When a result is returned, add it to the view,
                         // according to the type method
                         if (null !== $result) {
                             if (is_numeric($type)) {
                                 $this->view->{$prepare} = $result;
                             } else {
                                 if (!isset($this->view->{$type})) {
                                     $this->view->{$type} = new \MUtil_Html_Sequence();
                                 $sequence = $this->view->{$type};
                                 $sequence[$prepare] = $result;
         // For AJAX calls we sometimes need to add JQuery onload scripts since otherwise they won't get rendered:
         // We expect JQuery to be loaded in the master page, since the call is probably made using JQuery
         if ($request instanceof \Zend_Controller_Request_Http && $request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
             $scripts = $this->view->jQuery()->getOnLoadActions();
             $content = '';
             foreach ($scripts as $script) {
                 $content .= "<script type='text/javascript'>{$script}</script>\n";
             $content .= $this->view->inlineScript();
             // Now cleanup the rendered content (just to make sure)
             if (!empty($content)) {
Beispiel #15
 public function testViewRendererHelperNotRegisteredIfNoViewRendererSet()
     $this->_controller->setParam('noViewRenderer', true);
     $request = new Zend_Controller_Request_Http('http://example.com/index/index');
     $this->_controller->setResponse(new Zend_Controller_Response_Cli());
     $response = $this->_controller->dispatch($request);
  * RouteShutdown is the earliest event in the dispatch cycle, where a
  * fully routed request object is available
 public function routeShutdown(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
     if (isset($request->noListRedirect)) {
     $ontoWiki = OntoWiki::getInstance();
     // TODO: Refactor! The list helper is from an extension! Do not access extensions
     // from core code!
     if (!Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::hasHelper('List')) {
     $listHelper = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('List');
     // only once and only when possible
     if (!$this->_isSetup && $ontoWiki->selectedModel != null && (isset($request->init) || isset($request->instancesconfig) || isset($request->s) || isset($request->class) || isset($request->p) || isset($request->limit))) {
         $frontController = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
         $store = $ontoWiki->erfurt->getStore();
         $resource = $ontoWiki->selectedResource;
         $session = $ontoWiki->session;
         // when switching to another class:
         // reset session vars (regarding the list)
         if (isset($request->init)) {
             //echo 'kill list session';
             // reset the instances object
             //reset config from tag explorer
         //react on m parameter to set the selected model
         if (isset($request->m)) {
             try {
                 $model = $store->getModel($request->getParam('m', null, false));
                 $ontoWiki->selectedModel = $model;
             } catch (Erfurt_Store_Exception $e) {
                 $model = null;
                 $ontoWiki->selectedModel = null;
         $list = $listHelper->getLastList();
         if (!isset($request->list) && $list == null || isset($request->init)) {
             // instantiate model, that selects all resources
             $list = new OntoWiki_Model_Instances($store, $ontoWiki->selectedModel, array());
         } else {
             // use the object from the session
             if (isset($request->list) && $request->list != $listHelper->getLastListName()) {
                 if ($listHelper->listExists($request->list)) {
                     $list = $listHelper->getList($request->list);
                     $ontoWiki->appendMessage(new OntoWiki_Message('reuse list'));
                 } else {
                     throw new OntoWiki_Exception('your trying to configure a list, but there is no list name specified');
             // store is not serialized in session! reset it
         //local function :)
         function _json_decode($string)
             /* PHP 5.3 DEPRECATED ; REMOVE IN PHP 6.0 */
             if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
                 // add slashes for unicode chars in json
                 $string = str_replace('\\u', '\\\\u', $string);
                 //$string = str_replace('\\u000a','', $string);
                 $string = stripslashes($string);
             /* ---- */
             return json_decode($string, true);
         //a shortcut for search param
         if (isset($request->s)) {
             if (isset($request->instancesconfig)) {
                 $config = _json_decode($request->instancesconfig);
                 if (null === $config) {
                     throw new OntoWiki_Exception('Invalid parameter instancesconfig (json_decode failed): ' . $this->_request->setup);
             } else {
                 $config = array();
             if (!isset($config['filter'])) {
                 $config['filter'] = array();
             $config['filter'][] = array('action' => 'add', 'mode' => 'search', 'searchText' => $request->s);
             $request->setParam('instancesconfig', json_encode($config));
         //a shortcut for class param
         if (isset($request->class)) {
             if (isset($request->instancesconfig)) {
                 $config = _json_decode($request->instancesconfig);
                 if (null === $config) {
                     throw new OntoWiki_Exception('Invalid parameter instancesconfig (json_decode failed): ' . $this->_request->setup);
             } else {
                 $config = array();
             if (!isset($config['filter'])) {
                 $config['filter'] = array();
             $config['filter'][] = array('action' => 'add', 'mode' => 'rdfsclass', 'rdfsclass' => $request->class);
             $request->setParam('instancesconfig', json_encode($config));
         //check for change-requests
         if (isset($request->instancesconfig)) {
             $config = _json_decode($request->instancesconfig);
             if (null === $config) {
                 throw new OntoWiki_Exception('Invalid parameter instancesconfig (json_decode failed)');
             // TODO is this a bug? why access sort->asc when it is null?
             if (isset($config['sort'])) {
                 if ($config['sort'] == null) {
                 } else {
                     $list->setOrderProperty($config['sort']['uri'], $config['sort']['asc']);
             if (isset($config['shownProperties'])) {
                 foreach ($config['shownProperties'] as $prop) {
                     if ($prop['action'] == 'add') {
                         $list->addShownProperty($prop['uri'], $prop['label'], $prop['inverse']);
                     } else {
                         $list->removeShownProperty($prop['uri'], $prop['inverse']);
             if (isset($config['filter'])) {
                 foreach ($config['filter'] as $filter) {
                     // set default value for action and mode if they're not assigned
                     if (!isset($filter['action'])) {
                         $filter['action'] = 'add';
                     if (!isset($filter['mode'])) {
                         $filter['mode'] = 'box';
                     if ($filter['action'] == 'add') {
                         if ($filter['mode'] == 'box') {
                             $list->addFilter($filter['property'], isset($filter['isInverse']) ? $filter['isInverse'] : false, isset($filter['propertyLabel']) ? $filter['propertyLabel'] : 'defaultLabel', $filter['filter'], isset($filter['value1']) ? $filter['value1'] : null, isset($filter['value2']) ? $filter['value2'] : null, isset($filter['valuetype']) ? $filter['valuetype'] : 'literal', isset($filter['literaltype']) ? $filter['literaltype'] : null, isset($filter['hidden']) ? $filter['hidden'] : false, isset($filter['id']) ? $filter['id'] : null, isset($filter['negate']) ? $filter['negate'] : false);
                         } else {
                             if ($filter['mode'] == 'search') {
                                 $list->addSearchFilter($filter['searchText'], isset($filter['id']) ? $filter['id'] : null);
                             } else {
                                 if ($filter['mode'] == 'rdfsclass') {
                                     $list->addTypeFilter($filter['rdfsclass'], isset($filter['id']) ? $filter['id'] : null);
                                 } else {
                                     if ($filter['mode'] == 'cnav') {
                                         $list->addTripleFilter(NavigationHelper::getInstancesTriples($filter['uri'], $filter['cnav']), isset($filter['id']) ? $filter['id'] : null);
                                     } else {
                                         if ($filter['mode'] == 'query') {
                                             try {
                                                 //echo $filter->query."   ";
                                                 $query = Erfurt_Sparql_Query2::initFromString($filter['query']);
                                                 // TODO what the hell is this?!
                                                 if (!$query instanceof Exception) {
                                                     $list->addTripleFilter($query->getWhere()->getElements(), isset($filter['id']) ? $filter['id'] : null);
                                                 //echo $query->getSparql();
                                             } catch (Erfurt_Sparql_ParserException $e) {
                                                 $ontoWiki->appendMessage('the query could not be parsed');
                     } else {
             if (isset($config['order'])) {
                 foreach ($config['order'] as $prop) {
                     if ($prop['action'] == 'set') {
                         if ($prop['mode'] == 'var') {
                         } else {
         if (isset($request->limit)) {
             // how many results per page
         } else {
         if (isset($request->p)) {
             // p is the page number
             $list->setOffset($request->p * $list->getLimit() - $list->getLimit());
         } else {
         //save to session
         $name = isset($request->list) ? $request->list : 'instances';
         $listHelper->updateList($name, $list, true);
         // avoid setting up twice
         $this->_isSetup = true;
         // redirect normal requests if config-params are given to a param-free uri
         // (so a browser reload by user does nothing unwanted)
         if (!$request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
             //strip of url parameters that modify the list
             $url = new OntoWiki_Url(array(), null, array('init', 'instancesconfig', 's', 'p', 'limit', 'class', 'list'));
             $redirector = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('redirector');
Beispiel #17
 public function testInitAddsHelperToBroker()
Beispiel #18
 public function testLoadingAndRemovingHelpersStatically()
     $helper = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector();
Beispiel #19
  * static function to render a document outside of a view
  * @static
  * @param Document $document
  * @param array $params
  * @param bool $useLayout
  * @return string
 public static function render(Document $document, $params = array(), $useLayout = false)
     $layout = null;
     $existingActionHelper = null;
     if (\Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::hasHelper("layout")) {
         $existingActionHelper = \Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getExistingHelper("layout");
     $layoutInCurrentAction = \Zend_Layout::getMvcInstance() instanceof \Zend_Layout ? \Zend_Layout::getMvcInstance()->getLayout() : false;
     $viewHelper = \Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getExistingHelper("ViewRenderer");
     if ($viewHelper) {
         if ($viewHelper->view === null) {
             $viewHelper->initView(PIMCORE_WEBSITE_PATH . "/views");
         $view = $viewHelper->view;
     } else {
         $view = new \Pimcore\View();
     // add the view script path from the website module to the view, because otherwise it's not possible to call
     // this method out of other modules to render documents, eg. sending e-mails out of an plugin with Pimcore_Mail
     $moduleDirectory = \Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getModuleDirectory($document->getModule());
     if (!empty($moduleDirectory)) {
         $view->addScriptPath($moduleDirectory . "/views/layouts");
         $view->addScriptPath($moduleDirectory . "/views/scripts");
     } else {
         $view->addScriptPath(PIMCORE_FRONTEND_MODULE . "/views/layouts");
         $view->addScriptPath(PIMCORE_FRONTEND_MODULE . "/views/scripts");
     $documentBackup = null;
     if ($view->document) {
         $documentBackup = $view->document;
     $view->document = $document;
     if ($useLayout) {
         if (!($layout = \Zend_Layout::getMvcInstance())) {
             $layout = \Zend_Layout::startMvc();
             if ($layoutHelper = $view->getHelper("layout")) {
     $params["document"] = $document;
     foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
         if (!$view->{$key}) {
             $view->{$key} = $value;
     $content = $view->action($document->getAction(), $document->getController(), $document->getModule(), $params);
     //has to be called after $view->action so we can determine if a layout is enabled in $view->action()
     if ($useLayout) {
         if ($layout instanceof \Zend_Layout) {
             $layout->{$layout->getContentKey()} = $content;
             if (is_array($params)) {
                 foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
                     $layout->getView()->{$key} = $value;
             // when using Document\Service::render() you have to set a layout in the view ($this->layout()->setLayout("mylayout"))
             if ($layout->getLayout() != "--modification-indicator--") {
                 $content = $layout->render();
             //deactivate the layout if it was not activated in the called action
             //otherwise we would activate the layout in the called action
             if (!$layoutInCurrentAction) {
             } else {
                 $layout = \Zend_Layout::startMvc();
                 // set pimcore specifiy view suffix
                 if ($existingActionHelper) {
                     $pluginClass = $layout->getPluginClass();
                     $front = $existingActionHelper->getFrontController();
                     if ($front->hasPlugin($pluginClass)) {
                         $plugin = $front->getPlugin($pluginClass);
             $layout->{$layout->getContentKey()} = null;
             //reset content
     if ($documentBackup) {
         $view->document = $documentBackup;
     if (\Pimcore\Config::getSystemConfig()->outputfilters->less) {
         $content = \Pimcore\Tool\Less::processHtml($content);
     return $content;
  * Initialize action helper
  * @return void
 protected function _initHelper()
     $helperClass = $this->getHelperClass();
     require_once 'Zend/Controller/Action/HelperBroker.php';
     if (!Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::hasHelper('layout')) {
         require_once 'Zend/Loader.php';
         Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStack()->offsetSet(-90, new $helperClass($this));
Beispiel #21
 public function viewAction()
     if (Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::hasHelper('redirector')) {
         $redirector = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getExistingHelper('redirector');
     $hometargeturl = $this->_urlHelper->url(array('controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index', 'language' => $this->view->language), 'lang_default', true);
     // Get user identity
     $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
     // Disable edit profile by default
     $userEdit = false;
     // Get params
     $params = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
     if (isset($params['user'])) {
         // Get username from params
         $username = $params['user'];
     } else {
     // Get content types
     $contentTypes = new Default_Model_ContentTypes();
     $this->view->content_types = $contentTypes->getAllNamesAndIds();
     // Get user data from User Model
     $user = new Default_Model_User();
     $data = $user->getUserByName($username);
     if ($data == null) {
     $this->view->user = $data;
     $id = $data['id_usr'];
     $topListClasses = $user->getUserTopList();
     $topListUsers = $topListClasses['Users'];
     if ($id != 0) {
     $topList = $topListUsers->getTopList();
     // Get public user data from UserProfiles Model
     $userProfile = new Default_Model_UserProfiles();
     $dataa = $userProfile->getPublicData($id);
     if (isset($dataa['biography'])) {
         $dataa['biography'] = str_replace("\n", '<br>', $dataa['biography']);
     // User weblinks
     $userWeblinksModel = new Default_Model_UserWeblinks();
     $dataa['userWeblinks'] = $userWeblinksModel->getUserWeblinks($id);
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($dataa['userWeblinks'] as $weblink) {
         if (strlen($weblink['name_uwl']) == 0 || strlen($weblink['url_uwl']) == 0) {
     // $dataa is an array with key=>val like firstname => "Joel Peeloten"
     // This was replaced with get public data and the foreach above
     // Kept here just in case for the future
     $dataa['gender'] 		= $userprofile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'gender');
     		$dataa['surname'] 		= $userprofile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'surname');
     		$dataa['firstname'] 	= $userprofile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'firstname');
     		$dataa['category'] 		= $userprofile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'user category');
     		$dataa['profession']	= $userprofile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'profession');
     		$dataa['company'] 		= $userprofile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'company');
     		$dataa['biography'] 	= $userprofile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'biography');
     		$dataa['city'] 			= $userprofile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'city');
     		$dataa['phone'] 		= $userprofile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'phone');
     		$dataa['birthday'] 		= $userprofile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'birthday');
     // No countries in countries_ctr and not very good table at all?
     // This would be better: http://snipplr.com/view/6636/mysql-table--iso-country-list-with-abbreviations/
     		$dataa['country'] = $userProfile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'country');
     $userCountry = new Default_Model_UserCountry();
     		$dataa['country'] = $userCountry->getCountryNameById(
     // Get content user has released
     $type = isset($params['type']) ? $params['type'] : 0;
     $temp = array();
     // Initialize content counts
     $dataa['contentCounts']['all'] = 0;
     $dataa['contentCounts']['user_edit'] = 0;
     $dataa['contentCounts']['problem'] = 0;
     $dataa['contentCounts']['finfo'] = 0;
     $dataa['contentCounts']['idea'] = 0;
     // Count amount of content user has published
     // and check unpublished so only owner can see it.
     $cntModel = new Default_Model_Content();
     $contentList = array();
     foreach ($user->getUserContent($data['id_usr'], array('order' => 'DESC')) as $k => $c) {
         // If user not logged in and content not published,
         // remove content from list
         if (!$auth->hasIdentity() && $c['published_cnt'] == 0) {
             // Else if user logged in and not owner of unpublished content,
             // remove content from list
         } else {
             if (isset($c['id_usr']) && $auth->hasIdentity() && $c['id_usr'] != $auth->getIdentity()->user_id && $c['published_cnt'] == 0) {
                 // Else increase content counts and sort content by content type
             } else {
                 if (isset($c['key_cty'])) {
                     // Set content to array by its content type
                     //$temp[$c['key_cty']][] = $c;
                     //$temp[] = $c;
                     // Increase total count
                     // Set content type count to 0 if count is not set
                     if (!isset($dataa['contentCounts'][$c['key_cty']])) {
                         $dataa['contentCounts'][$c['key_cty']] = 0;
                     // Increase content type count
                 if ($c['published_cnt'] == 0) {
                 $c['hasCntLinks'] = $cntModel->hasCntLinks($c['id_cnt']);
                 $c['hasCmpLinks'] = $cntModel->hasCmpLinks($c['id_cnt']);
                 $contentList[] = $c;
     // end foreach
     // If user is logged in, and viewing self; allow edit
     if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
         $identity = $auth->getIdentity();
         if ($data['id_usr'] == $identity->user_id) {
             $userEdit = true;
     // if ($auth->hasIdentity() && $data['id_usr'] == $auth->getIdentity()->user_id) {
     $myFavourites = $this->getFavouriteRows($data['id_usr']);
     //Zend_Debug::dump("" === null);
     //Zend_Debug::dump($dataa['contentCounts']['idea'] == "");
     //	My Posts box data
     $box = new Oibs_Controller_Plugin_AccountViewBox();
     $box->setHeader("My Posts")->setClass("right")->setName("my-posts")->addTab("All", "all", "all selected", $dataa['contentCounts']['all'])->addTab("Challenges", "problem", "challenges", $dataa['contentCounts']['problem'])->addTab("Ideas", "idea", "ideas", $dataa['contentCounts']['idea'])->addTab("Visions", "finfo", "visions", $dataa['contentCounts']['finfo']);
     //Zend_Debug::dump($dataa); die;
     if ($dataa['contentCounts']['user_edit'] && $userEdit) {
         $box->addTab("Saved", "user_edit", "saved", $dataa['contentCounts']['user_edit']);
     $boxes[] = $box;
     $box = new Oibs_Controller_Plugin_AccountViewBox();
     $box->setHeader("My Groups")->setClass("left")->setName("my_groups")->addTab("All", "all", "all selected");
     $boxes[] = $box;
     $views = new Default_Model_ContentViews();
     $myViews = $this->getViewRows($data['id_usr']);
     $myViews = array_merge($myViews, $myFavourites['contents']);
     $box = new Oibs_Controller_Plugin_AccountViewBox();
     $box->setHeader("My Views & Favourites")->setName("my-views")->setClass("right")->addTab("Views", "views", "views selected")->addTab("Updated", "updated", "fvr_updated", $myFavourites['counts']['updated'])->addTab("Challenges", "problem", "fvr_problem", $myFavourites['counts']['problem'])->addTab("Ideas", "idea", "fvr_idea", $myFavourites['counts']['idea'])->addTab("Visions", "finfo", "fvr_finfo", $myFavourites['counts']['finfo']);
     //$boxes[] = $box;
     $myReaders = $user->getUsersViewers($data['id_usr']);
     $box = new Oibs_Controller_Plugin_AccountViewBox();
     $box->setHeader("My Readers")->setClass("left")->setName("my-reads")->addTab("Readers", "readers", "all selected");
     //$boxes[] = $box;
     /*Box for user profile custom layout settings*/
     $box = new Oibs_Controller_Plugin_AccountViewBox();
     $box->setHeader("Custom Layout")->setClass("wide")->setName("my-custom-layout")->addTab("Customize", "fonts", "all selected");
     //$boxes[] = $box;
     $customLayoutForm = new Default_Form_AccountCustomLayoutSettingsForm();
     // Set to view
     // Comment module
     $comments = new Oibs_Controller_Plugin_Comments("account", $id);
     $this->view->jsmetabox->append('commentUrls', $comments->getUrls());
     // enable comment form
     if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
     $this->view->user_has_image = $user->userHasProfileImage($data['id_usr']);
     $this->view->userprofile = $dataa;
     $this->view->comments = $comments;
     $this->view->authorContents = $contentList;
     $this->view->boxes = $boxes;
     $this->view->myViews = $myViews;
     $this->view->myReaders = $myReaders;
     $this->view->user_edit = $userEdit;
     $this->view->topList = $topList;
     $this->view->type = $type;
     $this->view->customLayoutSettingsForm = $customLayoutForm;
     $group_model = new Default_Model_UserHasGroup();
     $usergroups = $group_model->getGroupsByUserId($id);
     $this->view->usergroups = $usergroups;
Beispiel #22
  * Send file to browser from file on the filesystem
  * @param string $file        Path to file
  * @param string $type        MIME type
  * @param string $disposition Content disposition
 public function sendFromFile($file, $type = 'application/octet-stream', $disposition = self::CONTENT_DISPOSITION_ATTACHMENT)
     if (!file_exists($file)) {
          * @see Zym_Controller_Action_Helper_Exception
         require_once 'Zym/Controller/Action/Helper/Exception.php';
         throw new Zym_Controller_Action_Helper_Exception(sprintf('File helper could not find file "%s"', $file));
     $response = $this->getRequest();
     $response->setHeader('Content-Disposition', sprintf('%s, filename="%s"', $disposition, pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_BASENAME)), true)->setHeader('Content-Type', $type, true);
     // Required for IE, otherwise Content-disposition is ignored
     if (ini_get('zlib.output_compression')) {
         ini_set('zlib.output_compression', false);
     if (self::isXSendFile()) {
         $response->setHeader('X-SendFile', $file, true);
     } else {
         $request = $this->getRequest();
         $filesize = filesize($file);
         $time = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', filemtime($file)) . ' GMT';
         $begin = 0;
         $end = $filesize - 1;
         $httpRange = $request->getServer('HTTP_RANGE');
         $matches = null;
         if ($httpRange) {
             if (preg_match('/bytes=\\h*(\\d+)-(\\d*)[\\D.*]?/i', $httpRange, $matches)) {
                 $begin = (int) $matches[1];
                 $end = !empty($matches[2]) ? (int) $matches[2] : $filesize;
                 if ($begin > 0 || $end < $filesize - 1) {
                     // Partial Content
         // Only set last-modified time if none have been set
         foreach ($response->getHeaders() as $header) {
             if (strcasecmp($header['name'], 'Last-Modified')) {
                 $lastModifiedExists = true;
         if (!isset($lastModifiedExists)) {
             $response->setHeader('Last-Modified', $time);
         // Normal file headers
         $response->setHeader('Content-Length', $end - $begin, true)->setHeader(sprintf('Content-Range: bytes %s/%s', $begin - $end, $filesize), true)->setHeader('Accept-Ranges', 'bytes', true)->setHeader('Connection', 'close', true);
         if ($response->getHttpResponseCode() == 206) {
             // Handle partial response
             $pos = $begin;
             $fp = fopen($file, 'rb');
             fseek($fp, $begin, 0);
             while (!feof($fp) && $pos < $end && connection_status() == 0) {
                 print fread($fp, min(1024 * 16, $end + 1 - $pos));
                 $pos += 1024 * 16;
         } else {
     // Disable layout
     if (Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::hasHelper('Layout')) {
     // Disable ViewRenderer
     if (Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::hasHelper('ViewRenderer')) {
Beispiel #23
  * Resets all object properties of the singleton instance
  * Primarily used for testing; could be used to chain front controllers.
  * @return void
 public function resetInstance()
     $reflection = new ReflectionObject($this);
     foreach ($reflection->getProperties() as $property) {
         $name = $property->getName();
         switch ($name) {
             case '_instance':
             case '_controllerDir':
             case '_invokeParams':
                 $this->{$name} = array();
             case '_plugins':
                 $this->{$name} = new Zend_Controller_Plugin_Broker();
                 $this->{$name}->registerPlugin(new Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler());
             case '_throwExceptions':
             case '_returnResponse':
                 $this->{$name} = false;
             case '_moduleControllerDirectoryName':
                 $this->{$name} = 'controllers';
                 $this->{$name} = null;
     if (!Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::hasHelper('viewRenderer')) {
         Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::addHelper(new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer());