Beispiel #1

include_once '../bootstrap.php';
$logger = Yadda_Log::getInstance();
// get all images that need to be fetched
$imageDb = Yadda_Db_Table::getInstance('image');
$select = $imageDb->select()->from('image')->where('status = ?', 'new')->where('source LIKE ?', 'http%')->where('created >= ?', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('-1 day')));
$images = $imageDb->fetchAll($select);
foreach ($images as $image) {
    // mark the image as 'fetching' -- if the update doesn't return > 0 then
    // either the row has been deleted or it is already being fetched by
    // another process
    $rows = $imageDb->update(array('status' => 'fetching', 'modified' => Yadda_Db::now()), array('id = ?' => $image->id));
    // we need to process this image
    if ($rows > 0) {
        $logger->log('Fetching image #' . $image->id, Zend_Log::INFO);
        $logger->log('Source: ' . $image->source, Zend_log::DEBUG);
        try {
            // mark the image as 'active'
            $image->getTable()->update(array('status' => 'active', 'modified' => Yadda_Db::now()), array('id = ?' => $image->id));
        } catch (Zend_Exception $e) {
            $logger->log('Exception: ' . (string) $e, Zend_Log::ERR);
            // reset the image to 'new' so that it can be fetched next time
            $image->getTable()->update(array('status' => 'new', 'modified' => Yadda_Db::now()), array('id = ?' => $image->id));
        sleep(rand(0, 10));